19 September 2016 The problem with today's market of things, is information of which product to buy that are easy and cheap to repair. Imagine repairdesigned.com telling which cars have cheap service, with cheap parts, giving an estimate of the cost of the car for say 20 years of its life. Surely, if the information is trusted, that would have an effect on purchases of cars. Information and trust, keywords of the successful business on the internet. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/19/waste-not-want-not-sweden-tax-breaks-repairs#comment-83614100 --- Imagine an internet service that certifies things as easy and cheap to repair by design. The site would list and rate products that have a design that make the things easy and cheap to repair. It is all about the name and trust of the site. This site would cause manufacturers to have an incitement to design goods that way, given that the site is popular and widespread and has an effect on the market. A good name is repairdesigned.com (still available for booking by any eager entrepreneur). Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/19/waste-not-want-not-sweden-tax-breaks-repairs#comment-83611889 --- True. But the word "kista" also means treasure chest. ;-) Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/19/waste-not-want-not-sweden-tax-breaks-repairs --- quote "Waste not, want not". Well I agree to "Waste not" but I think people should still want goods and services. For example, wanting internet services helps the economy in a sustainable way. If we can move away from a society where dangerous physical entities, such as dangerous chemicals, are reduced and regulated, we have much to gain for a safer future. The more we want, albeit safe things and services, the more the economy thrives, and the more we can distribute from a large GDP. As automation continues, we will have to work less and less from the same living standard, on the condition that law and order is there in the society. Technological advances provide thus a way for us to work less. Many promises but many perils. For example, gene technology is very dangerous. Imagine in the future kits being sold, like "the little chemist" but for gene manipulation, complete with computer software and USB devices to create any viable gene. The most important thing to remember is not waste the world. Called Armageddon. We must show the living Gods that we want the world to continue forever. If Armageddon is possible with magic, then surely a world that continues forever is possible with magic. The following I wrote to the living Gods earlier today. "The date it (9/20) is the date of end of world is 20 September 2016. This date has been planned for 1000's of years. 20 16 TP Tipping Point. 264 is the count of the day in this year. 2*2*2*3*11. Prime 1,1,1,2,5. AAABE. 3A BE, CA BE. 102 days left of the year. Elise and Lisa is the names in the Swedish calendar. The Angels and Devils will vote yes to save the refugees. Shock and awe and the fact that this is the actual date something like this can be done. After that this world will live on forever. What they do not understand is that the evil God will be brought back to life. Resurrection with the time machine. The we all will be at the mercy of the very evil God. But I have faith in the 4 living Gods. Bright Cop. Bright Snut. BS. They will have to cooperate on this matter. Self-defense is a valid reason to do something and not be charged by any higher Gods. I, Per Trydell, will take full responsibility and accountability for what BS do in this matter. To save the world from annihilation. Never lose faith. Signed, Per Trydell Kista, Sweden, 19 September 2016" Pray that the world does not end 20th September 2016. The safest way to spread a good message, is word of mouth. If you give a note 4 friends and tell them to read, copy and pass on to 4 friends and they do it, then after 16 steps over 4 billion will have read the note. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/19/waste-not-want-not-sweden-tax-breaks-repairs --- 17 September 2016 You cannot consider drastic every year. Best Regards, /Per www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/sep/16/theresa-may-likely-trigger-article-50-brexit-talks-early-2017 --- 12 September 2016 Eurovision 2015 was in Vienna, Austria. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/12/china-worlds-highest-bridge-nears-completion-in-guizhou --- Well the political power tries always to build bridges to gain even more power, or retain their power. Such as corrupting the court system. Building bridges to the judge and jury. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/12/china-worlds-highest-bridge-nears-completion-in-guizhou --- The symbolism of building bridges is pretty clear. Remember Eurovision in Austria 2014. Look the slogan up. The institutions that civilized countries have built up, builds upon public confidence in the system. This the political power naturally uses. Remember, USA may become a rogue state. The following text is a vaccine for the public of the USA and others, to keep the court system (the ultimate power in any society) clean. "Power is everything. Politics is the art of power. If a popular rich individual is threatening the traditional political power, then the political power will use the traditional system to strip this individual of power. For example by taking him to court, corrupt judges and jury sentence him to death and strip him of all his wealth. Well that is cheating, and most people recognize that. If that principle is established, none is safe anymore, anyone can be an innocent victim of the traditional power structure. The solution is to wage war." Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/12/china-worlds-highest-bridge-nears-completion-in-guizhou --- 11 September 2016 A football team. ;-) Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/sep/11/amber-rudd-britons-might-need-to-pay-for-permission-to-visit-eu --- In the short term, after Brexit, there might be a visa charge to EU for Britons. However, once the tourist destinations, e.g. Spain, Greece, Italy, France, tourist industry notices a decline in earnings due to reduced number of Britons, they will put an enormous amount of pressure on EU for wavering the visa charge. Thus in the long term, Brexit looks like a success. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/sep/11/amber-rudd-britons-might-need-to-pay-for-permission-to-visit-eu --- 9 September 2016 What is true or not? Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/09/north-korea-nuclear-test-earthquake#comment-82937881 --- Atomic bombs are terrible. Death has always been the centre of fear since the dawn of humanity. Enter the solution. Eternal life. How nice. Only problem, along with this invention, Hell is invented too. Revelation 20:14-15 King James Version (KJV) 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Does it matter who inherits my wealth when I die? You can view the chance of God and next life as 50% probability. Worrying high, I would say. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/09/north-korea-nuclear-test-earthquake --- 5 September 2016 I am sorry I overreacted a bit. I do not mean to be disrespectful. I am just as upset by that horrible war that Blair is responsible for, producing all those refugees, terrorists. I agree with you sir, wolfbi, after second thoughts. :-) Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- Are you the crazy American? You are obviously not an ignorant American, you know about Tony Blair, Brexit, and possibly about the Iraq war started by Bush and Blair. Yet you think Sweden has any part in that war. You must thus be crazy. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- France had 3268 deaths 2013, (s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate ) from 6 September 2015 to 5 september 2016 France have had at least 130 (Paris 13 november) + 50 (Nice this summer) = 180 terrorists deaths. That is hardly a factor millions, is it? If you include fatal crime in France, you'll see even higher figures. Further we can see a trend here, terrorism is increasing in Europe. What will the figure be in 10, 20 years? Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- It is all about organizing yourself and your country. Technology evolution now let us produce all our needs (food, clothes, houses, medicines etc) with less effort than ever before. We need less and less people to produce what we need. Thus it all is about organizing and distribution within a nation. Don't you think UK would survive should it be the only land in the world? The rest sea, no other people. With a good living standard. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- Brexit is the right choice for Britain in the long term. What is the point in driving Mercedeses when you get robbed by crime and bombed by terrorists. Never lose faith. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- [hard delete by guardian] Are you sure? It is a gold mine of arguments. ;-) Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- [hard delelte by guardian] Yes it did. I now refer to it as the "Domenique" argument of the Brexit debate. If you want to refer to this argument, please google "Per_in_Sweden" to go to all my history of posts at the guardian. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- 4 September 2016 Two beautiful French foxy young women discuss at a café in Paris. - Oh look at those two men over there. We should invite them to our table. The two men gladly accepts the invitation and sits down. - Where are you from? - We are both English. - Really. I hear you had a referendum in late June this year. How did you vote? - I voted leave, and my colleague voted remain. - Oh la la. I here people can become enemies because of the referendum. Is that true? - Well, I suppose. But we are still colleagues. - Domenique, what is most sexy? Brexit or remain? Who of these are most sexy? - Well I like independent capable strong men. - Oh la la. Capable. Well that depends on how the economy goes when you exit. - I am sure the economy will thrive after Brexit. - What is your name, sir. - George. - George, why do you think that? - Well simple, really, the economy is basically down to economic initiatives, financing of those initiatives and law and order. Economic initiatives is basically down to motivation to work and study well. Financing solves itself when there is confidence. Confidence is there when there is law and order. Law and order is there when you have control over immigration. - George, do you want to it dinner with me, and then we could go home to me. - Certainly, Domenique. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/sep/04/brexit-truly-daunting-biggest-crisis-i-have-known-eu-referendum --- Regarding the name TTIP, I made an invention more than 10 years ago, that one could call TTIP. T is God, from Theism. Thus a tip from God. It worked by analyzing quantum randomness. You see God could very well control the quantum randomness to control fate. It was an electronic device with a hardware random generator, and a microcontroller. I actually got a message out from it. It was "BRIEF666". With a more sophisticated device, TTIP could tip law enforcement of criminals, look into their heads and find out their thoughts, locate them anywhere on earth and then torture and kill them. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/g20-theresa-may-warns-of-tough-times-for-uk-economy-after-brexit --- Interesting. In Sweden, people believe in "the good government" and actually believes the politicians are good (except Sweden Democrats, because they are branded the bad guys and racist by the other politicians, that are "good"). Funny really. Naive minions, that is what Swedes are. I consider myself British since I have English values and education (Cambridge O- and A-levels, from Africa) Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/g20-theresa-may-warns-of-tough-times-for-uk-economy-after-brexit 39 oldest --- Yes. I thought I posted it in the Obama China visit. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/g20-theresa-may-warns-of-tough-times-for-uk-economy-after-brexit --- I am currently writing this in a Stockholm, Sweden suburb. Let me tell you one of the most important cultural differences between Swedish culture and English culture. In England, who says something matters most. In Sweden, what is said matters most. I believe in the English culture more, though it has dangers. For example, once the power has identified a trustworthy source, they may try to corrupt it, to say things that suit their purpose. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/g20-theresa-may-warns-of-tough-times-for-uk-economy-after-brexit --- Of course, it is only a surface matter. Speaking of surface, do you know the biggest inherent lie? Just because things look look good on the surface means that things are good. Do you know the biggest explicit lie? God is good. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/g20-theresa-may-warns-of-tough-times-for-uk-economy-after-brexit --- The guardian is a trustworthy source. Who speak the truth. Nobody lies. Except God; lies if you believe Jesus is God, just read the Bible and conclude for yourself. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/barack-obama-deliberately-snubbed-by-chinese-in-chaotic-arrival-at-g20 --- Maybe China feels sympathy for the suffering of Vietnam. In the war, that USA lost, 7M tons of bombs were dropped by the Americans. The Allies dropped 3.4 M tons of bombs in WW2, including TNT equivalent of atomic bombs. Good guys...? Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/barack-obama-deliberately-snubbed-by-chinese-in-chaotic-arrival-at-g20 --- I think China thinks USA stands for United States of Assholes. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/barack-obama-deliberately-snubbed-by-chinese-in-chaotic-arrival-at-g20 --- One of the most popular, if not the most popular, song is, "the moon represents my heart" Zhao Peng. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/barack-obama-deliberately-snubbed-by-chinese-in-chaotic-arrival-at-g20 --- 3 September 2016 Untrue. Best Regards, /Per [same link as below] --- quote "that means the three stooges have to make magic" Please remember that Hell requires magic; magic is not always good... Best Regards, /Per [same link as below] --- quote "Brexit has weakened Europe, Russia’s deputy prime minister has warned, and insisted he would rather the EU had remained stronger." There will be a huge budget hole in the EU budget when UK exists, sure, thus weakening the EU. However there is a difference between the Russian leadership and the Russians in general; "If that is what the leadership, I guess we'll have to accept..." (with a smile, the Russians in general know "Pravda") Best Regards, /Per [same link as below] --- A fitting song is, youtube "don't fear the reaper" Best Regards, /Per [same link as below] --- Oh the humanity! Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/sep/03/europe-weaker-because-of-brexit-says-russian-deputy-prime-minister --- 29 August 2016 I, Per, believe in reincarnation. I have actually seen people here in Sweden appearing out of nowhere. Very strange. Maybe Brexit can reincarnate to a good trade deal. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/29/uk-must-pay-for-brexit-or-eu-is-in-deep-trouble-says-german-minister#comment-82100579 --- 28 August 2016 Well, propaganda is so much easier when you have the truth on your side. ;-) Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/27/cecilia-malmstrom-swedish-politician-play-hardball-with-uk-on-brexit#comment-82069744 --- I am the Swedish politician playing hardball, if you haven't figured out that yet... First post was 15 - love Second post 30 - love Third post was 40 - love This fourth post is game, set, match. Thank you for playing... Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/27/cecilia-malmstrom-swedish-politician-play-hardball-with-uk-on-brexit#comment-82055098 --- [hard delete by the guardian, not a trace, as well as the responder, hard delete - a short sentence with word reason and "to belief".] Did you know that all people are going to Hell, eventually, given time. "War between reason and belief" "If for all there is a minute chance of eternal exit, in a reality of eternal existance, then all will eternally exit, since infinity multiplied by a non-zero chance, is a 100 percent chance for all." (s: taxharm.org) What this quote means that all people go Hell, since going to Hell could very well be non-zero chance, and a non-zero number multiplied by infinity time is infinity. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/27/cecilia-malmstrom-swedish-politician-play-hardball-with-uk-on-brexit#comment-82054399 --- What do you think of people that want sympathy for their suffering now, but is themselves partly cause of their own suffering due to an evil mindset and an evil plan that went not as planned. Well, there are losers. And there are winners. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/27/cecilia-malmstrom-swedish-politician-play-hardball-with-uk-on-brexit#comment-82053598 People's stupidity know no bounds. Brexit was about migrants. The refugees got a Christmas present that would solve easily all their problems. But they gambled and went for all or nothing. People need not be so ignorant, and do some research instead. Right here at the guardian. Best Regards, /Per https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/27/cecilia-malmstrom-swedish-politician-play-hardball-with-uk-on-brexit#comment-82052386 --- 22 August 2016 Everything I write, I vote "yes" for, naturally. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- I am going to say something very important, so pay attention. There is a simple test, that I call "The proof is in the pudding test". If you say you like pudding, then you should not refuse to eat it. If you say you like pudding very very very much, then you should eat it every day. Similarily, if you say Brexit and controlling borders is good, then you should do it. For real. Just the same with religion. If you say Heaven is a nice place, then you should go there. If you, on the other hand, say that Hell is the best world, then you should go there. If you say that Africa is a nice place, then you should go there. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- Please read the following comment section http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3750448/UK-falling-short-pledge-20-000-Syrian-refugees-2020-welcomes-just-61-one-month.html Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- Please read the http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- It seems the EU wants to make a bad example of UK, i.e. they want to say "Look what happens to the economy of the countries that leave the EU", in 10 years time. The reason they want to make a bad example of UK is that they want to motivate the remaining EU countries to not to leave. The USA has saved UK in the 1st, 2nd, and cold war. Will they save the UK a fourth time, regarding the economy? After all much of the economy does not require shipping, and that which does, only takes 2 weeks time by boat across the Atlantic. The UK should concentrate on what it is good at. That is capitalising on a good name. Business segments that capitalise on a good name are the future in a competitive world, for example, clearing houses, tests of goods and services, recruitment (the British are good at judging characters and are good at psychology), media. Worldwide dominance of these 4 business segments, with a good name, probably means a good sustainable income for the operators of these business segments for a long time. David Cameron, PM, promised two things in the May 7th 2015 GE, namely, 1. EU referendum before 2017. 2. Control immigration. With the leave vote the 23rd June, it seems Mr Cameron will deliver on both these promises. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- But, while inventive, that would be damaging to credibility if found out. A little bit like the church promoting Heaven as a nice place. None can find out, so they haven't lost any credibility, yet. But if there is a next life, you'll know, but then it may be too late. You can figure out with your little finger by reading the Bible that Heaven must be a horrible horrible place. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- The whole establishment, including BBC, bet on remain. They failed. A lot of credibility has been lost. That's why it is embarrassing for the establishment. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question --- The timetable is invoke article 50 beginning of 2017. Then negotiations in 2 years. Hence UK would leave beginning of 2019. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/aug/22/brexit-means-brexit-when-is-big-question