The Card Game Peer 52 Regular Cards 0-3 Jokers The deck is shuffled. All cards are placed on the table face down. You are allowed to talk as much as you want. A Joker is a bad card. If you are left with a Joker in your hand at the end of the game you automatically lose. The object of the game is to left with a hand of 5 cards with the highest straight (highest straight counts higher than lower straight flush) or straight flush (always higher valued than just straight of the same sequence). The flush (if there are many same straight flushes) are scored according to, 1. Hearts 2. Clubs 3. Diamonds 4. Spades If there are no straights of all 5 cards at the end, the one with the longest sequence wins, if there is a tie between number of cards in sequence, then the highest sequence wins, if there is a tie of highest sequence, then the the one with the highest flush (same colour of the sequence) wins, otherwise the highest colour of the top card of sequence wins. (sequence counts as a sequence of 1-5 cards) Cards are valued according to 14 Ace (highest) 13 King 12 Queen 11 Jack 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 Ace (lowest) In the beginning all players pick five cards from the table. Then a first player is chosen. The first player can now replace a card (but does not have to, he or she can always choose to keep the cards he or she has without replacing when it is his or her turn; he or she can resume replacing of cards at any moment when it is his or her turn, until the game ends), face down, lay one card from his/her hand on the table face down and then pick another card up. He can say (truth or bluff) what the card is, but not show. Any player can say (truth or bluff) what cards they have on hand, but not show. This continues to the next player clockwise. The game is a little like the game of memory, you have to remember what other people have said their cards are that lay on the table. Some people want to build up confidence of honesty, others want to fool others. At the end of each turn, as the card has been placed face down and a new one picked up, the player can choose to trade once with any other player. The trade is showing what the card laying on the table actually is. The card just laid down can be shown to any other person (only) and this person can in return point to any card on the table to be shown (only) to the current player. At 10, 20, 30, 40th turn every player have the option to steal one card from anyone other player, once, instead of picking up a card on the table (first place card, then steal, the steal victim pics a card from the table after the steal), that does not show that they have a joker on hand (then that one is immune from being a stealing victim). The game is over when each player has had 52 turns, or if all players pass once in turn. Keep a note on paper to keep track. Variants. If you are many players you can agree on a less number of cards on each hand, e.g. 3 cards. Further you can before hand limit the number of rounds, e.g. 26. (Invented 10 Nov 2014, modified 11 Nov 2014, 6 Dec 2014, 7 Dec 2014, 8 Dec 2014, 30 Jan 2015 by Per)