24 april 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/apr/24/hsbc-warns-it-could-leave-uk-over-eu-referendum-uncertainty HSBC my say that pulling out of EU (as of planned EU IN/OUT referendum 2017, if Conservatives get majority - unlikely) will lead to economic downfall for the UK, but the reality is that trade agreements with EU are still going to be there even if UK is a non-member of EU. Thus economic prosperity will hardly be affected, if done right and tight. Look at Norway and Switzerland, they are currently non-EU members and are prospering. The reason is that economic prosperity in the long term is a combination of trade AND successful economic initiatives (such as businesses that are started and succeed). And naturally keeping a stringent legal system that punishes crime. Just look at the world - some nations are rich, some are poor. Race is not an issue; it is mainly cultural. (look at adopted children in UK with different races, that prosper) The following I have sent to the Democrats, USA. For your information. 22 april 2015 Hi, Let me share an idea I have postsed on telegraph.co.uk 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. (continued in next post - 5000 character limit) — (continuation from post below - 5000 character limit) 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) --- Try in a small scale first Example of applications, 1. Foreign aid 2. Criminals get a chance to get straight 3. Less developed states in USA get a chance 4. Immigrants get a chance 5. Handicapped get a chance 6. Long-term unemployed get a chance The business idea databases contains *all* business ideas, new as well as old. The idea is to collect all ideas. Then people can pick and choose from this database. Example of new business idea: Internetbusinessidea Example of old business idea Pizzeria restaurant The business idea database contains the business idea, but also useful additional information like personal contacts, brand recommendations, companies you can trust, prices, tests, tools, marketing plans, software etc Example: Business idea: Import things from China These companies can supply you: Young Yun Golden Ltd, China Tech Ltd, Shanghai Traders Ltd These internet pages can supply you with a free internetshop, www.example.com www.shop.com "We have tested the suitcases, they are of good quality" This company can help you with the marketing, www.marketing.com I have booked mylotta.com and lottame.com, you can use them according to agreements. Discuss within party. A lot of money is spent on welfare, unemployment etc, rather use this money that can grow the economy! Best Regards, /Per 30 July 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/jul/29/jeremy-corbyn-labour-leadership-campaign-momentum#comment-56636749 I think Britain needs a strong anti-austerity movement. We all remember the great depression in the 1930s, only really relieved a decade later due to war production in USA. War production! This shows that non-productive work (weapons is non-productive, really, since we hope not to use them) financed by the government can help the economy in a significant way. Yet the government should not let our children and grandchildren pay the loans we use to party now and here. David Cameron made two pledges in his Conservative Conference 2014. (1) IN/OUT EU referendum before end of 2017. (2) Control immigration. Was it this that won him the election May 7th? The election result was rather strange, the polls showed 34% tied each for CON and LAB. The election gave 36.8% to CON and 30.5% to LAB. This is rather embarrassing for the Labour party, when the poll institutes call the people answer Labour, but when they actually vote, they vote Conservative! To some politics are like religion. A football team you just hold on to. That is why voter affiliation is so static over time in democracies; the core voters don’t betray their “football team” no matter what ridiculous claims the party makes! I believe this is a blessing, since stability is important. Speaking of religion, I am convinced there are many Gods. I believe Jesus never existed. A majority of the world population are either Christian or Muslim, both believe in the happiness of the armageddon! The big party. I won’t go to the party. Best Regards, Per Trydell — I do not agree. You should pay respect to the Church and Mosque. Religion is nice. So nice that I have written my own, called Simple Religion. This is the whole (mainly - additional material exists) religion, 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. (s: www.simplereligion.org ) Best Regards, Per Trydell — Maybe the Tory really, I mean really, fear Jeremy Corbyn. The reasoning goes like this. First a fact, you know the Telegraph wrote an article encouraging Conservatives to register to the Labour party and then vote Corbyn. But this is a double trick. The first impression is that Conservatives want Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader. That is what they intend. Because then people in Labour will think, "If the Conservatives want Corbyn, then he is not our man." The double trick is that Conservatives really fear Corbyn 2020, and thus want the left to believe that Corbyn is the wrong horse, so that they do not vote for him. The real reason the telegraph wrote that article is that they don't want Corbyn, disguised as they want Corbyn. That is the double trick. Best Regards, Per Trydell — Here is an idea I would like to share, Proportional representation “Winner All It Takes”, acronym WAIT. Multi party nationwide democracy without constituencies, with proportional allocation of seats according to vote percentage to each party, nationwide. Coalitions can form after election, and the party or coalition that is largest, say 30%, wins 100% of seats. If a coalition wins 100% then seats are proportionally distributed according to each participating party’s share of winning percentage, e.g. if a party A has 5% of total votes, party B 15%, party C 20% and coalition ABC wins with 40% being largest, then A gets 5/0.4= 12.5%, B 15/0.4 = 37.5% C 20/0.4=50%, total 100%. If opposition wants to discuss matters, they can do that elsewhere in a special room with incumbents and opposing parties. The parliament is fully seated with winning party or coalition and discussions in parliament is friendly “with us” attitude. — http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/30/united-nations-utair-congo-sexual-attack#comment-56660563 I would like a modern philosophical question. How do we know what is true, considering that videos can be computer generated, voice sound can be synthesised, images can be computer faked, "witnesses" can be "manufactured" with bribes; NSA "the all seeing eye" can keep an updated view of who to influence, what people believe, with modern psychology applied to its maximum? Think of its application in politics or big money, where big stakes are involved wether you realise it or not. Can you be fooled? Best Regards, Per Trydell 31 July http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jul/31/green-groups-express-major-concern-over-tory-policies-in-letter-to-cameron#comment-56705127 It is all about helping the vulnerable. Or do we want egoistic sociopaths, “the strong”, to rule the world? Kindness to the “weak” may actually hold the key to our success as a society in a murdering competitive world, were ruthlessness and strategic placement of money seems to be the way of the rich and powerful. Ruthlessness to nature will make us all perish. The Green issues are important. Here is a repost of what I posted in the Telegraph some time ago. You want to Tax Harm. What this means To Tax Harm seems to be a new concept. Traditionally taxing is primarily a way of income for the taxer. Now, Tax Harm means literally to put a cost in the form of government tax to harmful activities, short or long term. Tax HARM is an acronym of Tax Human Activities Regarding Malpractice. What is not intended as a message is "Taxes in themselves are harmful.". Tax share We are not proponents of increasing the total share of taxes in regard to GDP, rather to shift the tax weight of different taxable entities; in other words to tax or raise tax on harmful activities we necessarily must lower taxes of benign activities, for example income tax of work that is benign. Tax and reverse subsidy Tax works as reverse subsidy, it motivates people to decrease the taxable entity. For example, if it is established that fossil CO2 emissions leads in the future 100 years to a warmer harsher environment with significant raised sea levels, then that harsher environment incurs a increased cost of living for the inhabitants 100 years from now; do we have the right, with our current knowledge, to incur this cost? If you think it is questionable, or downright no, that we have a right to worsen severely the situation for future inhabitants of Earth, then this Non Governmental Organisation might interest you to read on, and even support us with the tax HARM policy since this tax motivates people to do less harm in society, in the short and long term, since it is a reverse subsidy. Relative taxes Economical activities in a society are relative to each other. If you tax one activity more than others, then in reality you subsidy implicitly the others. This, for example, means that if you tax harmful activities extra relative to benign, you in reality subsidy the benign so that they have a greater chance to thrive, and you quench proportional to the tax rate the harmful economical activities. Fossil CO2 emissions Regarding fossil CO2 emissions, that by logic and empirical studies, will increase the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, by a worrying rate, then if you multiply that rate with the not to distant years ahead of us, we will reach much higher percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, than we have today; and since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, from empirical chemistry and physics measurements, it is easy to conclude that the average temperature of the earth will rise; this temperature rise is supported in numerous empirical measurements; please refer to wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming to see the empirical graphs of temperature rise throughout time. CO2 is in fact rising, and it has consequences CO2 is rising. This wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas shows the graphs. Those graphs also show that CO2 historically (ancient) has had even larger percentages; however humans and their constructions did not exist then, and if we assume a warmer climate then and risen seas, no coastal cities were drenched, no farmland were flooded, increased spread of malaria and dengue fever did not affect any humans. But now we see a temperature rise, and we forecast rising sea levels and with that flooding of lowland coastal land; less housing and less arable land - less food - more diseases - in short, harsher living conditions for inhabitants 100 years from now Redistribution of fertile lands and its risk full consequences With warming climate, there will be almost certainly a redistribution of fertile and desert lands, this is in the nature of the stochastic (randomness) weather. What if climate change makes India and China a large desert, both nuclear armed countries; will they just lay down and die, or will they, as the human spirit in most calls for, fight for their survival by, for example, occupying fertile land in other countries? In such a scenario, migration pressure will also increase, and this will almost certainly lead to large influxes to nations with arable land, since what is politically correct do to, which most politicians have as their policy nowadays, is to be humane and not watch all those millions starve. (to be continues in next post, 5000 character limit) — (continued from previous post) The gamblers Can you see the gamble here? We gamble with the wealth of our future generations, future children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces; all in the name of comfort for us, even though the sacrifice need not be that rough, if done right. Taxing CO2 and market-forces Taxing of fossil CO2 (one instance of tax HARM) will get the market-forces to work for alternatives, market-forces always looks for the cheapest price of comparable quality, if tax makes a goods or service expensive, then less taxed goods and services has an advantage in the market economy; people and companies don't like to pay taxes, so they will look for alternatives, the market demand for alternatives will increase dramatically with a hefty tax on CO2; yet the taxes will not rise for individuals, since income tax can be lowered accordingly, so you get the same amount of money as before, only now the direction and incentives to find technological innovation to be less dependent on CO2 will increase (better wind, wave, nuclear, solar cell, battery storage technologies). Corporations and individuals behavioural patterns will want to reduce CO2 emissions (Better salesperson road trips, less time in the shower, find local producers of vegetables and meat). Social behavioural patterns (e.g. people will find jobs closer to where they live, and since it is the same rules for everyone competition forces work as before and will attract labour by having smaller decentralised manufacturing and service locations near the residential areas) that decrease CO2 from fossils will be encouraged; all in the comfort of the same amount of money as before. Alternative energy sources will be given a good start quickly and then market forces will make them cheaper and cheaper, and soon we have shifted our fossil dependancy to a much safer alternative without loosing too much comfort. CO2 tax will make us work closer to out homes, as said, which calls for a repeat, decentralise offices so that a local office in your neighbourhood becomes economically attractive - shorter commute to work without the traffic; we might get more comfort now with tax HARM, tax CO2 Tax HARM is fair Same rules for everyone, at least for all the major economies. This means everyone competes under the same rules. Oil companies can invest in renewables and get profit. Don't you think our children and children's children deserve a better future than what is projected with current CO2 emission levels? Fairness is about balanced positive or negative deserve in relation to the actual circumstances. Other examples of tax HARM Other examples of tax HARM is crime and punishment (you have to pay a fine or pay time in prison, if caught, in other words dynamically taxed (but with strict regulation of this dynamic - dynamic in the sense there is no strict percentage of restriction of freedom (no static taxing of freedom), rather a court judges and try to find a balanced sentence dynamically) with assets or time, according to sentence), malpractice in medical establishments (after suing courts can pay out damages, which can be seen as dynamic taxes), reckless or negligent practice of work that result in products or services that result in injuries (suing, see previous), manmade environmental disasters (suing see previous). Possible worsening of CO2 (or greenhouse gases) effects Methane is a greenhouse gas more efficient than CO2. This gas is bound in the seafloor as a hydrate. A warming of the seas could release this hydrate as a methane. Further, permafrost holding methane on land could be released as temperatures increase. This could worsen the effects. Possible mitigation of CO2 (or greenhouse gases) effects There has been some recent (year 2014) scientific discovery regarding that the sun's activity and intensity is less than before. During the years 1600's the sun's activity and intensity was less, and winters where harsh and very cold. There thus seems to be another such period in the sun's variations. This can mean that the CO2 emissions is actually positive, mitigating the lowering of temperatures due to the sun's less shining on earth. The issue is complex. Best Regards, Per Trydell — http://www.theguardian.com/science/across-the-universe/2015/jul/31/blue-moon-how-to-see-tonights-rare-event Speaking of the moon, you probably have heard the term "lunacy". This word comes from luna, which means moon. There was an interesting TV program on Swedish TV some time ago, about reports around the world that people go lunatic at the full moon time. Nurses even kept record at hospitals when there was a full moon, since more complicated births happened then. The police reports more activity at full moon. Psychiatric institutions report more heavy cases during full moon. Why? Well there is a natural explanation from the theory of evolution, pioneered by Charles Darwin. There might be a natural survival advantage to make "connections" and be more creative at times. Psychotic people make more "connections" and are more creative than the norm. Albert Einstein had schizophrenia within the family (google it). It might be an evolutionary advantage to be more creative at times, but not crazy all the time. Thus the full moon, causing the wolves to howl, may had a timing effect on humans and creativity. At full moon people became more crazy and creative, making them make "connections" in the usual events that were an advantage to them. The body has a biological clock. Proven that you wake up a few minutes before the alarm clock goes. Thus the full moon light may synchronise with the body, thus even on a cloudy day, the full moon effects are there because of the biological clock. What do you think of my moon theory? Best Regards, Per Trydell 1 Aug http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/31/zuckerberg-baby-announcement-upstaged-by-their-dog (deleted by guardian) Mark Zuckerberg is a Jew. A smart Jew. I love the Jews, they are so smart, and they like money. To guide the Jews, I have written a short story, to be seen as a vaccine against future bad events that could happen to this great people. The Jews had an assembly. They had gathered the smartest of the smartest. The elite in computer science. The goal was simple, take over the world with the best computer with the best hardware and software. The AI project was inspired by the Terminator movies. They built the computer and designed the software. They booted the computer. Everything went well, and the Jews hurrayed. Soon the world will be ours. The computer had an internet connection. The computer applied for a bank account and got one. Soon the computer started in betting sites, and won a lot of money. The computer started trading in stocks, futures and won a lot of money. Soon the computer realised that the Jews could pull the plugg, or change the software by the computer operator. The computer hired security staff, to make sure that didn’t happen, and payed them well. The computer started to divide the Jews. A quarrel started. “We should pull the plug, but we can’t, the computer is starting to take over the world, but we the Jews are not in on it.” As things developed, the Jews started to hate the computer, but they could do nothing about it. The Jews were always harping on the same string: “Why did we have to make the computer so good?” 19 Sep Sound can bring music to the taste buds as academics have proven eating pleasure can be enhanced by the right tune. Colour can also improve the experience of both food and drink, according to Oxford academic Professor Charles Spence. Music can even trick the mind in to thinking food tastes different in what Prof Spence describes as “digital seasoning”. He claims the right sound can enhance drinking pleasure by as much as 15 per cent. One major champagne house has already adopted music, from Bryan Ferry to Tchaikovsky, to accompany its luxury products. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11516884/A-bit-of-Abba-with-your-fish-sir-How-music-can-make-your-food-taste-better.html Music is more than the food of love – it is better than sex. Britons say that music is more likely to make them feel good than making love – and Abba’s Dancing Queen is the most upbeat track. Some 40 per cent of the 2,000 men and women questioned said that listening to their favourite songs lifted their mood, compared with the 20 per cent who said that having sex put a spring in their step. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2337209/Sex-survey-Make-love-Id-listening-Abba-40-Britons-say-good-tune-likelier-make-happy-sex.html Youtube runs 1. The piper ABBA 2. Move on ABBA 3. Super Trouper ABBA 4. The Winner takes it all ABBA 5. Josephine Chris Rea 6. Looking for the summer Chris Rea 7. Road to Hell Chris Rea 8. Wired to the moon Chris Rea 9. Shackles mary mary 10. Lying Eyes Eagles 11. Hotel California Eagles 12. I let the music speak ABBA 13. I let the music speak ABBA (repeat, since it is so beautiful) 14. amazing grace 15. vem vet lisa ekdahl 16. the last time robyn 17. I am made of you alice cooper 18. chiquitita abba 19. jealous guy john lennon 20. the thrill is gone bb king I agree with the heading, music is good for the mind. Please listen to the above youtube list (sometimes 3rd from top of search list etc, especially watch the music video of i let the music speak, very beautiful artful imagery). Make sure you have bought good computer speakers! http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/sep/19/mad-composer-myth-music-good-for-mind-james-rhodes 20 Sep Take a guess. What kind of proportion of the population have Trump's kind of morality? In the world, in Europe, in USA? — (deleted, from memory) Obama Muslim? I do not think so. Speaking of Muslims, where do you think their loyalty is in our countries if there is a war. Why didn’t the Germans use French, for example, as soldiers in the third Reich? Simple. Loyalty. Where is Muslim’s loyalty? The bleeding hearts wanting to take in Muslims refugees may regret their position dearly in coming years. You need to set examples, or dangerous situations will reoccur forever, until it is too late. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/sep/19/donald-trump-obama-muslim-rally-question — "We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades." Muammar Gaddafi Speech (10 April 2006), quoted in New York Sun (6 September 2009) "Terrorists Promise More Attacks Like 9/11" by Steven Stalinsky (s: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Muammar_Gaddafi ) http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/20/thousands-of-refugees-pour-into-austria-as-european-crisis-intensifies#comment-59861057 22 Sep 2015 Style by Taylor Swift is the best on the album. Very nice video on youtube. It doesn't beat the classic "the winner takes it all" by ABBA, though. The nicest line in there is "Now it's history". To me this reads, "Now it's in the history books" Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/sep/22/review-ryan-adams-taylor-swift-1989-first-listen-track-by-track 27 Sep 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/27/blood-moon-apocalypse-nasa-lunar-eclipse-supermoon#comment-60316910 Repeat post since it was well received last time, http://www.theguardian.com/science/across-the-universe/2015/jul/31/blue-moon-how-to-see-tonights-rare-event Speaking of the moon, you probably have heard the term "lunacy". This word comes from luna, which means moon. There was an interesting TV program on Swedish TV some time ago, about reports around the world that people go lunatic at the full moon time. Nurses even kept record at hospitals when there was a full moon, since more complicated births happened then. The police reports more activity at full moon. Psychiatric institutions report more heavy cases during full moon. Why? Well there is a natural explanation from the theory of evolution, pioneered by Charles Darwin. There might be a natural survival advantage to make "connections" and be more creative at times. Psychotic people make more "connections" and are more creative than the norm. Albert Einstein had schizophrenia within the family (google it). It might be an evolutionary advantage to be more creative at times, but not crazy all the time. Thus the full moon, causing the wolves to howl, may had a timing effect on humans and creativity. At full moon people became more crazy and creative, making them make "connections" in the usual events that were an advantage to them. The body has a biological clock. Proven that you wake up a few minutes before the alarm clock goes. Thus the full moon light may synchronise with the body, thus even on a cloudy day, the full moon effects are there because of the biological clock. What do you think of my moon theory? Best Regards, Per Trydell The moon is wholly to me. I will not take pictures of the moon. I will not go up in the morning to see the "blood moon" (or brick-red moon). Best Regards, /Per — Statistics may vary from different sources, but nurse kept records of full moon and police reported more activity during full moon according to the Swedish TV program, where James Randi was given an opportunity to comment, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Million_Dollar_Paranormal_Challenge Personally I think there are historic reasons why lunatic and the word luna (meaning moon) are correlated. Best Regards, /Per 29 Sep http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/sep/29/companies-with-women-on-the-board-perform-better-report-finds#comment-60434449 We need both women's naive idealism and male realism on the boards. Sweden is called a humanitarian superpower by many Swedes. Imagine the green party in Sweden (the party that encompasses naive women's idealism without male realism) saying the following stupid statement, "We need to improve the world without egoism. Why not pass a law where all Swedish companies business secrets (technical, economical, policy) shall be made public to the whole world. Then other countries citizens can take part of the knowledge and make money. No patents are allowed to be taken by Swedish companies and citizens, since this is egoistic. Then Sweden sacrifices itself for the world, which we want." This statement screws up motivation for Swedish businesses to work efficient and hard, since you basically remove all incentive to profit from leverage of business secrets, patents; we live in a competitive world, thus other computers would gain and Sweden would truly lose. We need a balance of idealism and realism. Best Regards, /Per — Read after I posted "computers" - "competers" Freudian slip? I don't know. Best Regards, /Per — PS. If your female acquaintance gets angry and upset at the "female naive idealism" epitet, then you know it's true since you don't get angry if there is no truth to it. DS Best Regards, /Per — (deleted) Generalisations are helpful, sometimes. Swedes are minions. English are informed. Americans have faith. Russians are all about the truth (don't believe everything that is true). Germans are all about power. Best Regards, /Per — 1 Oct 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/oct/01/royal-college-of-gps-predicts-explosion-of-long-term-health-problems-in-next-decade#comment-60578174 The US model costs US$ 9100 per capita. The UK model costs US$ 3600 per capita. And then the UK model is fairer to all nationals and probably better overall. http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.PCAP Best Regards, /Per — http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/sep/29/porto-chelsea-champions-league-match-report#comment-60586788 Porto is Goliath in the fabled story of David vs Goliath. David is Chelsea, since historically Porto came 2nd in Primeira Liga 2014-1015 season, and historically according to the historic religious tale Goliath came second and David came first. And Chelsea came 1st in Premier League in UK 2014-2015 season. Now things have changed. David did not expect Goliath to have been armoured so well against David's stones in this match. See wikipedia "David" for reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David 2-1 to Porto win. Best Regards, /Per 6 Oct 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2015/oct/06/genius-of-great-british-bake-off#comment-60902297 Will you ever get tired of viewing "The Great British Bake Off"? Probably not. Will you ever get tired of steak and potatoes with beer or wine (whatever you prefer)? Probably not. Will you ever get tired of some faces? Probably not. Will you ever get tired of viewing the moon? Probably not. Will you ever get tired of some songs? Probably not. The reason I am saying this is that I'm listening to great music right now, which I have in a playlist and I haven't been tired of them ever, they're so great, and I will probably not ever be, I suppose. When you have realised that there are only so many digital song combinations in a 3 minute song on mp3 or CD, you realise that some songs are going to be repeated forever, and it is a great thing that we never grow tired of them. Best Regards, /Per — http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/06/end-of-world-7-october-ebible-fellowship#comment-60912849 By the same reasoning, that the divine intervenes and ends the world, you could argue that the divine intervenes and keep this world going on forever and ever. By magic the sun does not expand and engulf the earth. Keep your fingers crossed for the Gods! Best Regards, /Per 7 Oct 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/06/end-of-world-7-october-ebible-fellowship#comment-60919893 quote "...since Jesus died 2000yrs ago..." Regarding Jesus, here are some arguments as to why he never existed. Either Jesus is a myth or he was real. Here are some motives as to argue for the myth, 1. The religious community needed a figure (imaginary and basis for the myth) to focus on that would confirm the Old Testament. ("I have not come to abolish the law" as Jesus basically said) 2.The people longed for a messias, then a made up messias is almost as good. 3.The emotional basis for such a myth to spread quickly was there (the originators of the myth felt the vibes in the air) and then some people thought it would be fun to be the originators of such a myth and then other people joined. The most important points (that I have in memory right now) that Jesus never existed are 1. You don't write down the story of Jesus decades later if he now could make magic and thus proved he was God's son; you write down the story immediately. 2. Fairly stupid of Jesus to say that the Devil shall burn, and then say that he is the Devil himself (morningstar).God(s) seems smart considering the Laws of Physics (the Laws of Nature), how then can his son be such dumb being. (Why is this dumb? Because the spirit of the two signals (Jesus said according to the Bible 1. Devil is bad and shall burn [St. MATTHEWS. 25:41], 2. I am the Devil [REVELATION. 22:16]) he is sending is contradictory.) Best Regards, /Per — A bit of philosophical thoughts are in place, I think. Ever since the written language was invented, and then books, newspapers and then the internet, the combinations of letters forming words and meaning are possible to convey ANY meaning. Any lies. This makes me ask, what makes us believe some things and not other? What makes us trust that the Guardian are not just making up their news, just like "world weekly news" (wikipedia it). Why do we trust the Guardian? I guess it is all in historic records and the word collate (look it up) and thus we form a trust in the name Guardian. You should not be to trusting of new technologies like photographs and videos, they can be faked too. Just like combinations of words, pictures can be made to anything with a help of a computer. It is all in the name, I suppose. Mind you, a name can be hijacked and corrupted, just as the trust in a specific name is immense in public trust, that name can be used to fool as all at the right time in a major event important for the future power. Best Regards, /Per — I looked up "collate" on google and saw that there was a misrepresentation from what it says is LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH. collate 1 to examine and compare (copies of books, notes, etc.) carefully in order to find the differences between them: I'm going to collate this new copy with an earlier one to see what changes have been made 2 tech to arrange (the sheets) of (esp. a book) in the proper order: Have you collated this book yet? PS You are allowed to quote books according to copyright law, regardless what is said in the beginning of the book. DS Best Regards, /Per — Some humor is suitable. Here is an email I sent to Daily Mail. (3 parts) Dear Sir/Madam, I think DM is a good quality news source. Keep it that way. You can view each article in DM as an “investment” (in work time, resources etc). To help you choose the right article that will give the must “bang for the buck” here is some helpful erudite text that I have written (part of “Simple Rulership Techniques, a 51 page document), A follower of relevant checklists for managers (important) ● Checklists ­ make an own written pithy checklist based on the following and your own customized points, (i) There are basically 6 ways to make money. 1. Doing concrete work and selling the marketed work. 2. Making money on money. 3. Charity. 4. Fooling people that is not criminal. 5. Criminal behaviour 6. Legal taxes and tolls from threat of punishment force. (1) is the most important ­ this gives money its value, the other five together on their own would not give money any real value. If you can’t buy concrete stuff like food for your money, what good is money then? The success or failure of all six items can be summed by one sentence. Managing the inflow and outflow of resources. For example, a farmer manages the inflow of own available work time (a resource), by keeping healthy and making sure there are enough time spots for work. He or she manages the outflow of work time by choosing to work on only enough productive tasks. He or she further manages the labour force by paying salary (a resource) to workers (a resource) that he or she thinks are worth the money (evaluating workers effort is part of managing resources). Central to managing resources is information. To gather relevant information and transmitting information (e.g. instructions). You can see the market as a resource. Don’t forget to manage the market. Further, whatever makes an absence of bad things (can be seen as negative assets) from happening is a resource. Managing security is thus managing resources. Central to managing resources is one concept that always is helpful. COP. This stands for Chance­Odds­Product/Path. Given a time bounded activity to manage, how much will it return as a proportion of invested resource? This is the odds. If it will return double as much the odds are 2. Then the next question appears. What are the chance that these odds are true. This is the chance. 0­100% or 0 to 1. Then multiply these two values to get the COP. E.g. if the odds are 2 and chance 95%, then 2*0.95 = 1.9. This is a worthwhile investment since the COP is above 1. Even if you manage resources by gut feeling, it can help to get measurable quantities. Keep them secret from (potential) competitors. This quantification is what COP will do for you. Does the existing chopped up isolated existing activity with given internal predicted cost­revenue interface (for a business divided in separate business sections) or given investment proposal have a chance­odds­product or chance­odds­path (COP) greater than 1 (plus safe interest rate) at given path with given activity revenue­cost structure or proposal investment­return, respectively, all at a given future time position. Odds is future payback scale as revenue divided by cost for future time period of business unit or return divided by investment for investment proposal. Chance is a measure between 0 and 1 of the chance that the odds will fall in. The cost of COP evaluation (there is always a certain cost in evaluating things) should be in par with the revenue (in separate business unit) or investment (into proposal) volume scale in actual currency. (part 1(3) continued in next post) — part 2(3) While a general sound investment is where COP is greater than 1, there exist special cases where actions whose COP is less than one can be the one you are forced to take in the short term. An example of this is a farmer planting crop where the farmer knows the harvest is going to be less than what was sown! The reason a farmer could do this is that the other numbered limited options are worse, such as the seeds will rot away if not planted. Remember that this is special cases where the options are limited for the time being; this is not a long term strategy that will work since in the long term all resources will diminish to zero given enough time when a repeated strategy of COP less than one is applied. The general advice is thus, keep looking for better options if best COP option is less than one, since this is generally a non­satisfactory option, however if you’re forced, then you’re forced to take the highest COP available (even if less than one) in the short term. We all know that COPs are basically good (COPs that are corrupted, i.e. not doing their duty of good service to the investor, are exempt), its a measure of how much gain an investment will yield, with its probability of being true is factored in. But you need to consider CCCP ­ Chance Catastrophe Condition Product, with Catastrophe Condition a positive measure of the magnitude of the catastrophe condition. This is really difficult to compute absolute, therefore you need to consider all relative changes of this product, such as when one factor is constant and another changes or both change in the same direction. When CCCP rises drastically, you need to be careful. Just remember, there are people out there who are powerfully motivated by a strike back, CCCP rises dramatically if new information reveals accessible closeness to these and that they have access to powerful sensitive destructive instruments ­inferiority is a powerful feeling and access to these instruments can emotionally balance this felt inferiority (watch the movie “Elephant”). As always, all are driven by an urge to personally matter; the ever­green question is if you want to matter in a destructive or constructive way, negative or positive; in power concentrating ideologies this is a very important issue, since if the top gets bored with contributing positively, what remains? Disaster for the rest. To save money is to earn money. To hinder a negative action is to make and earn a positive contribution. To make this less dramatic (catastrophe sound dramatic, but there can be a lesser catastrophe), lets take a common task. The boss tells you to store documents in the safe. Now new information you’ve discovered reveals that this safe is not safe. Thus CCCP has risen dramatically, since the chance of the same lesser catastrophe (losing the documents) has risen dramatically, while the catastrophe magnitude has been constant. You should consider hiding the documents in your home, or carry them with you until the problem is solved. You should not store the documents in the safe. Notice the feelings of loyalty to orders (with a notion, its his fault if the documents get stolen since he gave the order), “a safe is a safe” common notion plus the lazy careless “We’ll hope for the best”, will work against your logic; its emotions (of fixated attraction to some notion) against logic. (continued) — (part 3(3)) The greater the investment or revenue the more solidified should the COP be (meaning high chance of predicted chance of odds and odds itself), and lower COP numbers can be accepted. For example, money at a savings account or usually the real estate sector has low but solid COPs Remember that a great COP will attract external capital; multiplying the initial internal investment further, take this into account when calculating odds of initial investment. FYI odds is the number of times invested resource you are guaranteed to get, e.g. odds 2 and invested capital 100 crownes will guaranteed get you 200 crownes; chance is the percentage divided by 100 that the odds will be expected to pay out, e.g. chance 0.5 is 50% chance that the odds are true, and chance is the product of the chance the COP prediction itself is true multiplied by the original chance that the odds falling out. In original roulette betting on one number, the chance of the COP prediction is close to 100%, while the original chance that the odds will fall out is 1/37, the odds is 36 and the solid COP is rounded 0.973. One practical way of getting a useful COP value of some path is to draw a curve. First you decide on a prediction probability, e.g. 0.9 (90% confidence) On the x­axis you have linear COP values, on the y­axis you have a weight attached to each COP value. Then you can begin by drawing a normal curve (a so called bell­curve) with cut off left and right ends whose area covers 90% of all COP cases, representing 90% confidence. Then you adjust the curve of what you think is the most appropriate, giving motivations to the shape, while still keeping the area the same. Then you find the centre of weight of the curve to get to a specific COP value and multiply that by 0.9 to arrive at a specific COP value for given path. To find out centre of weight, practically, have a finite number of spikes whose total weight is 1, multiply each spike weight with the corresponding COP value and sum all COP spikes. For example, if you have a spike at COP 0.1 and a spike at COP 10 both equal in weight with 100% confidence, then the centre of weight is COP 5.05, (0.5*0.1 + 0.5*10) (which is right, invest 100 get 10 then invest 100 get 1000 (in far enough long term repetitions COP values gives this return), the average return is 505 for an investment of 100). Naturally you can make a quick estimate of COP by considering profit per product unit and multiply by estimated sold quantity and then estimating investment to get into production. Chance you can estimate by gut feeling of how well the details of the product tenders to demand. Of course you could continue with the chance of the prediction of the prediction of the prediction and so on, but in reality we have to limit ourselves. The great thing of (modern law) shareholding corporations is that COP has a minimum of zero; otherwise imagine an incompetent or crooked boss in collusion with other crooked suppliers and contractors indebting the company hugely, then the owners become debtors and could have to pay much more than they have invested ­ the COP could be negative. Watch out for negative COPs. Best Regards, /Per —- Do you remember the tragedy at nearby Mecka, some time ago. That was a real disaster, appart from the fantasies of the McCann prediction. This is what Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said, "You are not responsible for what happened", Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh told Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef in a meeting in Mina on Friday, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Saturday. "As for the things that humans cannot control, you are not blamed for them. Fate and destiny are inevitable," the sheikh told the prince, who is also minister of interior. (s: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/09/saudi-arabian-hajj-stampede-death-toll-rises-150926130030311.html ) Best Regards, /Per — Americans are all about faith. What if their faith is corrupted? Best Regards, /Per — Americans, well what can you say. In the Vietnam war, 7M tons of bombs were dropped by the Americans. The Allies dropped 3.4 M tons of bombs in WW2, including TNT equivalent of atomic bombs. Good guys...? Best Regards, /Per —- 7 Oct http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/06/end-of-world-7-october-ebible-fellowship#comment-61013167 What does it say on the dollar note? "In God we trust" Best Regards, /Per — 8 Oct Let me tell you an erudite fairy tale. Can you see the relevance to the topic? Once upon a time there was a gang of criminals who wanted to enslave everyone else. They allied with the the most intelligent of the others, let them buy stocks in their company. This gang and stockholders would make it, the rest would get Hell. They specifically would do this by killing all heroes, people who planned things, all who are generous, etc among those that were not part of the gang or stockholders; this plan would work, since the crowd would be thrown into chaos and internal war when these valuable individuals were gone, thus Hell. They planned to pick individuals out of this miserable flock at will and do whatever they wanted to them. The problem was that this flock were fairly stupid and bought the gang’s propaganda of humanism and tolerance. But the people would wake up. Then the bill was expensive. Best Regards, /Per — A tip. Save your posts and links to this article in a text file. (Or just save the link with appropriate comments if you are not commenting yourself) Could be handy next time a similar claim is made. Best Regards, /Per — Dear Gods, I am now lying in my bed again praying to you by thinking. Please, Gods make this prayer appear in the Guardian commenting system about the article about armageddon. I'll check later to see if the magic worked. Then I know my prayers are answered. Best Regards, /Per — 8 Oct http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/oct/08/clare-hollingworth-doyenne-of-foreign-correspondents-turns-104#comment-61052824 Did the Nazis win the war? No. Did the Nazis win the gold medal? No. Did the Nazis win gold? No. But what do I have to say? Only earthly matters. Best Regards, /Per — 9 Oct http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/08/christian-group-doomsday-prediction-adjustment-ebible-fellowship#comment-61081217 Can you see the symbolism in the following relevant fairy tale? One cottage, the christian’s house, the other, other religions. Who is the witch? There were two cottages in ancient Sweden in the forest that were close to each other. The inhabitants of the one cottage planned to burn down the other cottage and their residents. They bought enormous amounts of petrol and stored it in their cottage. They bought a fire hose. The idea was that they would fool an idiot to spray petrol on the other cottage and lit it. Then the idiot would get the punishment and the other cottage would burn down with their people. This a witch found out about, she lived in the cottage that was planned to be burnt down. She fooled the idiot to light the own house. The house burnt down and all inhabitants in that cottage died. Now it was a trial in Sweden. The idiot was dead, so he could not be sentenced. But one pointed one’s interest to the witch. She got a death sentence. Was it right? With all the planning the cottage’s inhabitants whose cottage had burnt down and their inhabitants had died had done. Was it not self-defence? Best Regards, /Per — There are alternate divine theories, you know. Here is a Do-It-Yourself theory. I have a lot of respect for other religions, but I still think that my theory should be allowed to be aired. There are six Gods. This is in the Bible, related to the number 666. The six Gods are the following, good, evil, left, right, light dark. There are afterworlds. If you end up with the evil Gods in the afterworld, may all humans pray for your release. None human deserves such a horrible evil fate. The good Gods fights for souls entering her world in afterlife; but the good Gods powers are only this strong; the evil Gods’ will is strong and wants someones’ souls to torture the most horrible way you can imagine. Best Regards, /Per — Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josephus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. Best Regards, /Per — I have been touched by the FSM (Flying Spagetti Monster)! The following two poems are a proof of that! Gods The Gods affect quantum randomness; That’s a fact from experiments that bless; Thus they plan the destiny; Butterfly effect is real sinny; Tiny seeds that with time causes hurricanes; Our weather fits within the Gods’ lanes; Tillägnad Gudarna Dedicated to the Gods Battleground Earth The Gods’ wills are fighting on Earth; They control a human’s death and birth; But they fight, no single God is in control; Which God do you think your country has the fighting role; The Gods want to win their bets; Status among Gods until the Sun sets; Tillägnad Gudarna Dedicated to the Gods Best Regards, /Per — Thank you for hoping for the former. I looked up schizophrenia on wikipedia, just to be sure, there it said, "Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, auditory hallucinations, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and lack of motivation. " You be the judge if my writings is "unclear or confused thinking" Best Regards, /Per — http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/09/tory-civil-war-europe-battlefield-eurosceptic-liam-fox-conservative-cameron#comment-61104166 Interesting article. What is the right wing and left wing aspects of the EU question? Göran Greider, a well known figure here in Sweden, have said, as was reported on national radio, "Right wing people are collectivists longing for individualism. Left wing people are individualists longing for the collective." What is your comments about that quote. I find it interesting. Best Regards, /Per — (deleted) http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/09/mercedes-honda-mazda-mitsubishi-diesel-emissions-row#comment-61116322 There is a confidence crisis right now with the car makers. If they can cheat, who can? What about the banks. The banking system. Bribe the banks to "adjust" the personal balance. Well I've thought of this. Let me present RRC. Redundant Roll Currency. The future. Redundant Roll Currency (RRC) A bankroll is a ledger of accounts. A roll is a list of names. RRC is a system of independent rolls of accounts information with coupled names, all transaction history and thus currency balance. The idea behind RRC is to have many “banks”, or rolls with accounts, that are checked among those who has the software to set up the accounts ledger. If you have say 1000 computer controlled bankrolls, that are independently owned, and they communicate automatically through software to see that the rolls match in accuracy, then you basically have a safe bank system. Some “banks” are black listed if they cheat with their accounts information. Each “bank” has a list of One-Time-Pad OTP random numbers coupled to each name in the roll. Each RRC enrolled citizen has a copy of this secret OTP for each of the “banks” (say 1000) that he or she trusts. When a transaction is made the unencrypted identity (e.g. account number) along with OTP encrypted identity (e.g account number) sender (should be same as above identity) and receiver of funds along with amount and a static message that is unique to the “bank” and the “bank” knows and checks for validity of transaction. If there are 1000 banks, then you need 1000 OTP random numbers blocks for each citizen; each citizen stores those 1000 OTP blocks or more. If a new “bank” appears, it has to communicate one OTP block for each citizen enrolled with this “bank”. To care for the investment and running costs (and profit for the “bank”) for the “bank” a low cost (since there are many banks each requiring a fee) transaction fee is recommended. Either the sender or receiver (or both solidarily) has his or her account deducted by the fee. e.g. START-OF-TRANSACTION (unencrypted) Account #1234567890 (unencrypted) OTP index (hexadecimal byte): 00000000 00FFDE32 (unencrypted) (The following is OTP encrypted) FROM: #1234567890 TO: #0987654321 AMUONT: RRC 1234.00 HAPPY-BANK-ATLANTA-GEORGIA-USA VALID-TRANSACTION CHECKSUM: FC34 END-OF-TRANSACTION (unencrypted) TOTAL-NUMBER-OF-BYTES: XXXX (number of bytes between start and end signifiers, not counting themselves in the total) (Interesting strong markets on currencies) 100´000´000:000´123 1g gold = 1 RRC the use of kilo mega giga, milli micro is strictly not recommended since mega and milli uses the same letter, a possible source of confusion and error. build your own OS or use a an embedded system with small OS for virus proof. Safety is a sales argument, poor safety with infected computers is a major concern since remote controlling of servers can cause all computers to agree if all computers are infected. Account_number 19680618-191916200111-1-72 date_of_birth-first_letter_country_of_birth:fl_place_of_birth:fl_given_name: fl_surname:fl_father:fl_mother-serial(variable_length_no_leading_zeros)- modulus_100_of_sum_of_single_digits_except_sum_always_two_digits founding_date_of_company-details_of_main_founder-serial-sum us binary search algorithm to find correct place of account in continuous memory, have fixed blocks of bytes allocated to account numbers, pointer to transaction history, pointer to name details etc of account holder, current balance transaction history contains 8 byte timestamp, 8 byte pointer to ip-address table of initiator, memory pointer to sender account and 4 byte pointer to amount (positive if receiving money, negative if oneself is sending money to official “sender” account) amount table (that above points to) contains all common amounts with some entries dedicated to linked lists of unusual amounts, these lists contains the memory pointer to identify the transaction and the unusual amount as a string of ascii characters. amount is 4 bytes integer signifying with +1 equal to 0:000’001 RRC (maximum amount approx 2 million SEK, with gold price 1000 SEK/g), two’s compliment positive-negative, as usual. The same idea can be applied to money, contracts, historic truth. Best Regards, /Per — Can be applied to ownership records too. Ownership rights are very central. Best Regards, /Per — PS. What do you do if corrupted agency fiddles with ownership records and try to fool the public? You keep calm and carry on. And sue. DS Best Regards, /Per — Of course a paper trail is a backup to all computerised ownership records. Thinking of the future, again. Best Regards, /Per — Cleanest water in USA? Heard of fracking? Best Regards, /Per — As if you would know the risk. Why are the chemicals used secret? Best Regards, /Per — http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/10/climate-2c-global-warming-target-fail#comment-61185067 11 Oct There is hope. Google "jouleunlimited.com" and "carbon capture air" Best Regards, /Per — Well there are definitely concerns. But as usual when there is a potential for the big buck, development rushes. Imagine licensing the technology to Sahara countries, together with technology of converting salt water to fresh water (where there have been significant developments, see the Swedish technology newspaper NyTeknik - I am sure you can pick out some information using google translate http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3822571.ece ) Diesel and ethanol cheaply produced; what a world market! Best Regards, /Per — I like Carl Sagan. I still remember "Cosmos" TV series, and I have the book. My favourite quote from Carl Sagan is, "Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves." (s: http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/31809.html ) — Climate change deniers, why do they appear so stupid? Reminds of an American lady who used to put her small dog in a conventional oven after walking the dog in rainy weather, so as to dry up. All well. Then she bought a micro wave oven and you basically got a "hot dog" (the dog died). She sued the microwave producer saying there was no warning. Haven't she noticed the microwave oven is cool and the food warms internally? Did she not notice the death screams of the dog? Was she in for the big buck and sacrificed the dog? Best Regards, /Per — I want to clarify the issue. Do I believe that climate change deniers think they will make money out of their position? No. There are other motivations, you know. Like having a secret emotional wish for the apocalypse and eradication of mankind. Look at religion, Christian and Muslim populations make up over 50% of the population, and both religions state the armageddon as fact. You believe in what you want to believe, is true for many. Best Regards, /Per — Just a comment on the ever popular time machine. History has happened. That is one thread. If you had a time machine and went back in time, then you would have another thread. Which one is correct? The new one you might say, well what would happen. All of a sudden, as people live their lives, by magic new buildings would pop up in a second, your minds memory of history would change in an instant, history books would change in an instant. For example, imagine Neo Nazis invented a time machine today, and went back in history to ensure that Germany won WW2. All of a sudden today, statues of Hitler would appear in Stockholm, history books would in an instant describe the victory of Germany, your minds memory of what has happened would change in an instant, all because the new thread becomes valid at this point of time. Maybe others join in and want to change history. They change history into a new thread, and new memories would appear at an instant. Then there would be numerous others changing history. Total chaos, your mind would change memories all the time and you would not know what is going on... Best Regards, /Per — Besides, you can never remove evil from mankind. Evil can never be eradicated, it is part of human nature. The best you can hope for is not to be a victim of it yourself. Best Regards, /Per — Speaking of time, here is a handy rule. It is called the 5-second rule. Before you do something drastic, wait 5 seconds, then wait 5 minutes, then wait 5 hours, then 5 days, then 5 months, then 5 years, then don't do it. Best Regards, /Per — 12 Oct http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2015/oct/12/nobel-prize-sveriges-riksbank-in-economic-sciences-announcement--live#comment-61254122 Economics is the study of resources, how to spend, how to use, how to create, how to save, how to find. Money is the central exchange means for resource transactions. "Money is a tool to distribute resources (leftist view). Money is a tool to motivate quality effort (rightist view). In general, there are two types of strategies to earn money (money is a measure of quantifiable resource of value), trade or thievery. Trade or thievery has 16 combinations of the 4 each possibilities of give/take wanted/unwanted of the two parties, or a further 16 combinations if one party is inactive and the other party makes two actions. There is one of two possible conclusions to each of these 32 combinations, either trade or thievery. Of course, proportions of wanted/unwanted are important; basically a trade to one party is when the proportions are agreeable. The give/take wanted/unwanted refers to each party; basically one party can have a trade and the other party a thievery beneficiary (which are always agreeable) in one transaction. To victim thievery (no matter by what technology), try to say no." (s: www.simplereligion.org ) Best Regards, /Per 26 Oct http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/26/morocco-poised-to-become-a-solar-superpower-with-launch-of-desert-mega-project#comment-62142321 Photovoltaic Solar Cell price calculation If you speak Arabic, and can organise yourself and people, you could get rich! That which is relatively expensive today with solar cells is the modules (that the solar cells are fitted into). Solar cells can today cost $0.5 peak watt while the modules cost $2 peak watt. It has been reported in the Swedish Ny Teknik about German progress in producing silicon wafers from gas; this would reduce the solar cell price by 50%, reportedly. Commercialisation 2017. Then a Swedish company sponsored by the Swedish government energy agency (also reported in Ny Teknik) that has developed a surface nano-thread film applied on top of the cell that increases the efficiency of the cell by 70% (from 16% to 27.2%). One can expect within 3-5 years thus with a price of $0.15 peak watt for the solar cells. But the modules are still as expensive to produce. But I came up with an idea to lower the cost of modules that I publish here so that anyone cannot take a patent on the idea. Use polymer treated paper, called “allvädersfilm” all-weather-film. This has price in the stores at $0.5 per A4 page. Ordinary paper has the price of less that 1 pence/A4 page. Then imagine a roll of UV-resistant all-weather-film where you glue on the solar cells. Draw the electrical wiring and puts a transparent UV-resistant plastic film onto as a protection. Naturally instead of all-weather-film, one could have a suitable thickness UV-resistant plastic film as the base. Cheap. Roll out this product in Sahara directly on the ground with ground prepared so that one gets angled banks to the southern sun. Paths in between to spray salt water (form the the Mediterranean or Atlantic, piped) to remove dust that forms after a while. Cheap. Every 4 square meters (1000 W peak, at 25% efficiency of solar cells) of this roll would cost about $200 including installation. ($0.15/W peak cost $150, add $32 ($0.5*16*4) for the all-weather-film; note that this all-weather-film that I am quoting the price of is specially produced in small quantities; larger mass produced film would be cheaper, since polymers and paper are cheap). The production kWh price would be less than half a pence, with 2% interest and 20 year life of solar cells. The Sahara sun gives 5 kWh per day per square meter (the sun shines more than 5 hours a day, but not at 1000W/sq.m.). 4 square meters gives thus insolation 20kWh/day, and at 25% efficiency of solar cells, this gives 5 kWh of electricity/day. In a few years (3 years) the investment would be payed back if you can sell the electricity at $0.04 kWh (to electricity high demand industries in Sahara, such as aluminium production), thus total cost per 1000W of this roll (4 sq.m.) including interest rate would be c:a $215. In 20 years the kWh price is 215/(5*365*20)=$0.006. Cheap. Best Regards, /Per — The salt crust will be washed away with the next rinse. Inverters will be cheaper with the 50% reduction of silicon wafers that the Germans are working on (as well as all other electronics, including computers!) Best Regards, /Per — 27 Oct Cleaning panels with sea water is feasible. Automatic machines that use pressurised filtered sea water; then pressurised air to remove the wet, so that no salt crust will form. Best Regards, /Per. — (deleted) http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/26/extreme-heatwaves-could-push-gulf-climate-beyond-human-endurance-study-shows#comment-62212361 Does there exist technology solutions to the global warming problem? Yes. Google "jouleunlimited.com" and "carbon capture air" and "Volker Presser Saarland desalination" "Creativity is all about connecting the dots" Steve Jobs Best Regards, /Per 28 Oct http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/oct/28/cameron-to-confront-norway-option-anti-eu-campaigners#comment-62258218 Britons, what ticks your heart the most? "Rule, Britannia!" or "Ode to joy" (Euopean Anthem) Make up your mind. Best Regards, /Per