8 Apr 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/07/hilary-clinton-bernie-sanders-attacks-new-york-primary It's amazing that so many people can be fooled appearances. If the Devil and his people were represented here on Earth, they would be represented by polite, sweet, good looking, generous people. If you are fooled by a Devil, you'll probably regret it forever. Best Regards, /Per --- 7 Apr 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/apr/07/dinah-lesbian-festival-women-palm-springs Quote Arwa Dahwadi, "Every year at the end of March, 20,000 lesbians from around the world fly into the Californian desert for five days of debauchery" Hotel California, by the Eagles, huh... ;-) And I thoght Swedes were all about sin... ;-) (BTW there opened a new telephone service yesterday, 6000+ calls so far, by Swedish Tourist Board called "the Swedish number", google it, or go to theswedishnumber.com . You can find your local UK number, for local tariff, and call a random Swede and talk about weather etc in Sweden, but no politics, sex or religion, as ususal with polite conversations) Best Regards, /Per --- 20 Mar 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/mar/19/trump-campaign-manager-lewandowski-arizona-rally Violence reporting is a valuable measure of a groups values and views. It is good that they report violence in this case. Violence - domestic, within a group, within a nation, international - is as old as the first human. To use violence to further your interests, is an old viable business idea. Regarding violence and the avoidance of it, let me bring in refugees, the victims of violence. Why should we accept strangers to this nation with a different culture? Principle? What principle? Seeds of violence culture arises every day in this world. Since fear is such a powerful emotion, these seeds can spread. Without borders such business ideas spread like cancer over the world. Culture in a society can really change for the worse quickly. Imagine the police were on strike for a year. You would notice the culture change. Every woman in a domestic violence relationship knows that physical force or threat of physical force really matters. Listen to these women. Do not walk around and think the world is a lovely place and no harm can be done as long as we love each other, etc. Back to the principle that many hold dear, namely that we should accept refugees as a principle. Have they thought this through in the long term? What if machine wombs produce genetically engineered humans en masse in the future? Racist feelings in some people are much a product of genes. Some people with those genes are just more naturally racist. What if a foreign nation decides that their race shall take over the world. They produce babies that are racist to the core with these genes, and make refugees of them. Shall we accept these refugees? What about aliens? Maybe we discover that aliens have the same feelings as us, with pain, depression, but also joy and happiness. Shall we accept these aliens to earth as refugees if the situation arises? We do not want violence. The long term way to ensure a good culture is law and order, enforcing and reminding of these laws, enforcing borders and enforcing devolution of power. Best Regards, /Per --- 18 Mar 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/mar/18/stop-donald-trump-presidency-republicans-vote-hillary-clinton A few days before Eurovision 2015 final, I made a prophecy that turned true. I prophesised that Måns Zelmerlöw would win. Daily Mail can verify this. Building upon my so far great career as a prophet, I will make another prophecy for you guardian readers. In two weeks time, it is friday 1st of April 2016. I prophesise that Donald Trump will make an outrageous 1st of April fool's joke that will "break the internet"! ;-) Best Regards, /Per --- 8 Mar 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2016/mar/08/trump-clinton-primary-michigan-mississippi-idaho-hawaii-sanders-us-election-2016 Trump is an enigma. How can he be so popular when he says "bring in torture that is a Hell lot worse than waterboarding." Mr Trump, we do not want a Hell, we want a Heaven. Does USA stand for United States of Angels or United States of Assholes? The harsher the society, the more torture will be accepted to fight terrorism. The harshness of the society is mainly dependent on the common culture. UK culture should have one culture; the historic English culture. UK should be monocultural. If they want to experiment with multi-culti, they can to that elsewhere. Let me present the “The ideology of the Nation state”. A nation can defined as a physical space with people in it defining and protecting its borders; the nation can say who are welcome and who are not, the nation can say who can stay and who cannot. The main defining aspect of a nation is some owned space and the protection of this space. In this nation, there are people who are the enemy of the nation. These people (the enemy) want free immigration or mass immigration, usually with the compassionate argument that those people outside the nation should be granted a safe haven. They look superficially how others suffer, and want a quick fix to their problem, they can immigrate. What they do not understand is why our nation is a good place in the first place, or why places outside the nation is a bad place. It is mainly culture. The reasons our nation is a good nation is because of our historic good culture. The importation of alien cultures, which comes with the people that immigrates, changes our ancient culture. Mass immigration even more, necessarily. The effect of these enemies within the nation, is that in the long term, our nation becomes one of those bad places like the rest of the bad places of the world, as a consequence of mass immigration and the resulting culture change in the nation. A fair question to all those compassionate short term feeling empathy and suffer panic among those in bad outside nations or places, and wanting to relieve their suffering by importing them, is: “Do you want all places on Earth to be a bad place?” Those with bad cultures have more physical conflicts and suffering, that is the essence of a bad culture. With these solidarity brothers in good culture nations (the enemy within), this bad culture spreads, since the bad cultures produces refugees and they and their culture move across borders and are accepted with warm arms by the alien culture huggers (the enemy within) and thus more and more bad culture enters our nation. Is this so hard to understand? Do you want all the worlds to be bad? The more UK stands out as a good nation, the more pressure from people fleeing to this nation; and this fact changes the UK to become one of those other bad nations. Think about it. We need controlled borders. Bad is more violence, more torture, more terrorism. There are other solutions, you know. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/07/donald-trump-why-americans-support You probably have heard about Trump making shirts in Bangladesh while he speaks for regulating trade. Is this a double-standard. Not necessarily. Read the following tale, The apparent double-standard moral of the tailor tending to the blind There was a tailor. He made suits. He lived in an isolated village where most where blind people. His suits looked terrible. But cheap. The king came to visit him. He said, you wrote to me, you want a law passed that all suits shall be nice looking. What a double standard! Your suits are terrible looking. How can you want such a law when your own suits that you make out of free will look so terrible. Case dismissed. I leave. What the poor tailor did not get a chance to say was, Well sir, the competition makes me make ugly suits. If I make nice suits, then they are more expensive and none will buy them and I will be out of business. The circumstances force me to make ugly suits if I want my business to survive in this village. I have seen an example of this. A young naive tailor moved into town. She made absolutely beautiful suits. But I and all other tailors made cheaper ones, since we did not have the extra cost of beauty. And the blind people of this village naturally chose the cheapest ones, why wouldn’t they? I think the only solution is to have a law that forces tailors in this village to make good looking suits. I want this, as I want to make beautiful suits, yet I am forced by the market to make ugly suits. It really is not a double-standard. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/07/donald-trump-why-americans-support I believe the KISS principle is popular in America, is that why things go so well for Trump? Have I applied the KISS principle Keep It Simple, Stupid. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, relax yourself and all else by calling yourself a simple, stupid, snail; I’ll try to get there, but you’ll have to be pedagogic and it will take enough time, preferably I want to sleep a night on the matter (sound judgement depends (but not only necessary but not sufficient) on considering and weighing the significantly complete set of related aspects, and this complete set may take considerable time to bring to the table another tip; in strong or new intellectual or emotional states keep calm and imagine filter words with your palms covering your ears). Prestige and vanity of own relative worth can be very expensive. If you do a wrong, more or less, try to neutralize the wrong, rather than have the prestigious attitude that direct or implied admittance of wrong is hurting your vain surface, since with accountability and a degree of transparency will ultimately have consequences of the wrong, and by not swiftly correcting them you are accountable for this reluctance too. Part of the KISS principle is to remind you of assumptions, explicit and emotional, as well as remind you of what’s hidden. To be aware of what you do not know is a way of making emotional assumptions explicit which help in explicit risk assessment. An emotional assumption such as “everything feels fine” can turn into “I assume there is no hidden nearby hostile crocodiles in the Zambezi river we’re about to pass into.” Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/07/donald-trump-why-americans-support Well, speaking of walls. Trump has said that he will build a wall bordering Mexico and the Mexicans shall pay for it. Did you read about the news that Trump had said off the record to the New York Times, that he might not implent the immigration issues if he is elected president. Why did he say that? If it is something that voters hate, then it is flip-floping politicians. One commenter here on the guardian said that Trump really does not want to be president, anymore, but he once wanted to. He wants people not to vote for him so that he gets an easy way out. Why is that? Yet people want to vote for him. He does not, it seems, want the votes that the people vote for him. On the other hand, of course, he might have made a poll seeing that Americans really do not want a wall. They feel confined with a wall. They want their freedom If an American gets into trouble he or she want to be able to cross that border with Mexico, just like the movie "Shawshank redemption". Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/07/donald-trump-why-americans-support What do you not understand. Perishable goods are goods that perish. E.g. TVs, toys, food, what is called consumer goods in a broad context. Land does not perish like consumer goods. Land and real estate generate an income for an eternity, basically. One the consumer goods is used up, you are left with nothing, while land ownership is still there and generates profits. Ownership is all about power. If you own, you have some power. If foreigners own land and real estate, they have power. Consider for example more and more people renting their homes rather than owning them. These homes have been purchased by foreign rich owners. Then they rent them out. Thus these foreigners get a steady income from their ownership for an eternity, while the TVs that they sold us are non functioning after 10 years or so. Do you understand the trade here? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/07/donald-trump-why-americans-support If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/07/donald-trump-why-americans-support On Free Trade What is your take on free trade? What is your take on protectionism? Well the real question is “What is best for our country?” Work, services and manufacturing of goods, is a dynamic thing. At some times there is lots of work for most people, at some times hardly any work is available. The amount of work available is a factor of 3 things, 1. Initiatives to work. 2. Financing of these initiatives. 3 Law and order. Either individuals start their own business through an initiative and if people with money believe in that individual and initiative they get financed as long as there is law and order so that the financing gives a return of investment. Or existing business start their own initiatives with their own money, investors’ money or loans. When people sit on their money out of fear, lack of quality initiatives or qualified abilities, the economy hurts and people are going to be out of work. It works like a downward spiral, when people have no income, they cannot buy services and goods, and the business can therefore not sell, more people lose their jobs, less people buy and so on. On the other hand, if people are hired, more people get money and purchase things from businesses, demand increases, businesses hire more people to meet demand, more people get money, and purchase more things from the businesses. The economy goes in a thriving upward spiral. What about trade between nations? Well as you have understood, there is a dynamic component of the economy of a nation. There is an infrastructure, not only roads, electric grids, water and sewage piping, but a business infrastructure. Institutions such as schools, universities, private companies providing education to train the workforce. A network of companies that provide tools, knowledge, material, so that a boss simply can purchase a turn-key solution from the market, after minimal organising, after the financing has been made. These turn-key solutions to provide goods and services to the market and thus make money for the initiative makers and provide both jobs and functions as an equalising of resources. Equalising if the initiative makers take patents, keep business secrets and have abilities that are more competitive than the rich AND do not sell their money-making opportunity to the rich but fight in the market. In other words, if you sit on a good initiative and notice you are expanding in the market (and thus other players are declining in their market share, including the rich), don’t be stupid. Now a hostile nation to your nation, knows about this infrastructure. This infrastructure takes time to build up. One way to fight nations is to destroy their infrastructure by outcompeting them with low prices. All businesses in a sector is out-sourced. But the thing is, if a nation tries to do this, and if you have floating currencies (and thus you have your own currency, which is very important to a nation), your own currency will fall in relative value. (e.g. businesses in China gets dollars for sold goods to USA, sell them (the dollars they got) and buy yuan (the currency in China), this increased sell pressure will cause the dollar to drop in value) If you import more than you export. Therefore your nation’s business will have an easier time to sell and export. Thus there is a natural balance. But, if your nation borrows money from the hostile nation, then this correction of currency value will not occur. The difference in export and import will be balanced by borrowing money and the currency value will stay the same. Thus all your manufacturing businesses and thus the infrastructure can be destroyed within a nation because of imports are more than exports and the nation borrows money. Then when the nation is weak and dependent on the industry of the hostile nation a decisive stab in can occur and your nation will be destroyed and taken over by the hostile nation. Free trade naturally includes the purchasing of land and property. Thus while we exchange perishable goods for hard land and property, there is a slow over taking of the nation’s long term resources, all masked off under the parole of free trade. Like a drug addict we crave for the easy way out buying cheap perishable goods while the land is taken over by foreign owners protected by our own ownership laws. The only way out of this is replacing free trade with regulated trade. In our nation’s own interest. Thus free trade can be very destructive. It really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Best Regards, /Per --- 12 Feb 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/11/hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-democratic-debate-milwaukee-justice-reform-foreign-policy The left is all about equalizing resources. If you can get a good standard of living by just accepting the right to a more or less equal share of the resources, what incentive is there to work hard? Equalizing resources has an inherent negative effect of motivational structure to produce quality on an individual and group level. You just get the same quality of living of a hard worker as by being lazy. To clarify, the paycheck you get for contributing works in two ways, motivationally. First it is a sign of weighted measurable appreciation, secondly you can buy wanted goods and services for the money which works as an indirect appreciation motivational structure to pursue happiness. The key is appreciation; you can do without money in a society (as was the case with primitive societies), but you cannot do without appreciation (at least you have to appreciate your own work to yourself) in a minimizing harm motivational structure society (slavery is an example of motivation through avoiding personal harm). Whether we currently live in a minimizing harm society or not is up to debate; you certainly are supposed to get harm if you do harm, you also are supposed to get harm if you do not pay your legal share of the taxes. As always, it is all about proportions and balance to judge this. Of course, the opposite of appreciation due guilt, shame, blame, object of anger and humiliation is a reality and sometimes motivated to form an appropriate motivational structure. Absence of this can be seen as a silent appreciation. If you get equal amounts of appreciation regardless of contribution, will that not have detrimental effects on motivation to contribute with quality? In other words, to say “I do not care for contributing, even though I am capable.” should have a cost to it. Emotionally or materially. However distribution of wealth and resources is needed if we want to avoid social unrest, and further distribution of resources leads to a higher sum of living standard of the population because of the fact of mass production to produce another house cheaply and efficiently gives more benefit to the sum of individuals than servicing the rich sweeping pools (which lacks the mass production productivity gain). There is a solution. Rather than focusing on equalizing resources, we can give each and everyone an equalized opportunity to work and contribute quality and get compensated with an income accordingly, through the private enterprise market system. The government grants this equalized opportunity to all individuals, but uses the private enterprise market system to produce wanted demanded goods and services, and the individual sees its effort and smartness in the paycheck. The extreme form of leftist view is communism or socialism. You may think that this takes away all the envy in society. This is wrong. The opposite is true, more envy occurs than in a government regulated tax collecting market economy. What happens in communism is that those with contacts and friends in the political power get much more benefits than the rest (who of course envy those with contacts and friends inpolitical power). Better meat in the store. Better houses. Better cars. Better holidays. Better and more money spent on parties and celebrations. In a market economy, you can simply say “Fuck them!” and then try your own wings with a new business, or finding a mate that can give you a job. This cannot happen in communism. Simply because you cannot start your own business. And that mate that might give you a job in a market economy now has to be considerate of his or her reputation with those in political power. You simply cannot go your own way in communism. There is of course a gradual change to socialism depending on the highness of the tax rate. 100% tax is the same as communism and 0% tax is completely unregulated market economy. A compromise seems to be the best, since the extremes is communism or private monopolies with time, both of which is not desirable. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2016/feb/11/democratic-debate-bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-milwaukee-2016-presidential-election This what I sent to Mr Obama, FYI, " Dear Mr Obama, A copy of the message I sent to Democrats contact form for your information, " To Hillary Clinton, Don't forget to read in public the dictionary definition of socialism. 14% of USA are illeterate according to internet sources. Their main souce of information is probably TV and talk radio. socialism n (sometimes cap.) any of various beliefs or systems (sometimes considered to include COMMUNISM) aiming at public ownership of the means of production and the establishment of a society in which every person is equal Ask to the public, "What if the whole world turn socialist?" Will the poor in the third world countries become equal with all of the relatively wealthy of USA? Best Regards, /Per " Best Regards, /Per " Best Regards, /Per --- 12 Jan 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jan/12/sell-everything-ahead-of-stock-market-crash-say-rbs-economists RBS' statements is nothing short of economic terrorism. They know they have a voice that many believes in. They know that fear of losing money is a big motivational factor. They know that a trigger for selling stock will be a self-serving profecy for a plumeting stock market. Let us hope they are not that trigger. Terrorism builds upon using the fear we all have. Destruction and threat of destruction is what terrorists act upon. The problem is that destruction philosophies is coupled with concentration of power. The troubling philospphy that the most destructive will gain all power. The fear that the one people fear the most will gain all power and retain that power. The anti-dote to this is constructive hope of self-reliance with respected borders (be a farmer and grow your own food) as well as destructive power to the destructive forces. Pure terrorists offer no constructive alternative, just destruction and fear. After they win, only slavery. This is what people need to be enlightened with. The constructive-destructive way as opposed to the slavery-destructive way. The solution is, 1. Devolution of power. 2. Respect those that respects. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. Best Regards, /Per --- 10 Jan 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/10/how-el-chapo-came-up-short-sex-motel-mexico-joaquin-guzman Why do the guardian say he is nicknamed "Shorty"? I checked the translation. "Chapó" means "Bravo!", "Hats off!" Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/10/david-cameron-stay-as-pm-if-i-lose-eu-referendum Well the economy (and thus employment) is basically a combination of the factors (1) Initiatives (2) Belief in those initiatives by those who have capital (3) Law and order and thus a predictable expectation of investment. Look at Africa, why have they been poor for so long? 1. Low initiative rate (education?) 2. Those who have capital there do not dare 3. Lack of law and order and thus not worth investing in since you do not know that you will get a return of capital investment. Do you think UK will become like Africa if there is an out vote? What about United States of Europe scenario if we remain? What about terrorism? What about culture change in England? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/10/david-cameron-stay-as-pm-if-i-lose-eu-referendum Please feel free to be a profet. What will happen if Britain leaves? What will happen if Britain remains? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/10/david-cameron-stay-as-pm-if-i-lose-eu-referendum IMHO, the "elephant in the room" question that lurks over the heads is of course, "Does Britain have an economic future without being a member of the EU?" Before you decide, take a look at the LOTTA idea. (Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements). It's in my history of comments. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/10/david-cameron-stay-as-pm-if-i-lose-eu-referendum A fairytale of EU parable. George and his wife and 3 children were living happily in thier terrace house. Both parents had a job, friends and were getting along fine with life. Then a neighbour knocked one day on his door. "Hello, sir" "Hello." We in the terrace community had had a discussion. We will form a union. You will have to give the keys to your house, so that we can copy them and distribute copies to all of our community. That way any of us can enter your house at will, but on the other hand you can enter any of our houses. We have thought of the 4 freedoms, 1. We can move at will into your house, 2. Any of us can give money to your wife or children, 3. We can give Christmas presents, any, to your children. 4. Any of us can mowe your lawn, and you can mowe any of our lawn. Great thinking, isn't it. "Well I don't know." "You can be in the board." "I'll have to discuss with my family" The George family joined. Soon, however, another family in the union, the John family, invited people from far away. They got over-croweded. But they solved that by these people moving into George's house. Now things really got a bad turn for George. These people had no manners. They stole his food, they hit is kids, they even had sex with his wife. George didn't know what to do about it. Now that we're in, we're in. He could of course leave the union. But what would his neighbours say then. Dire straights. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/10/david-cameron-stay-as-pm-if-i-lose-eu-referendum Right, that is why New Zealand is such a bad counry to live in - because they are not part of the EU! Best Regards, /Per ---- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jan/10/david-cameron-stay-as-pm-if-i-lose-eu-referendum [deleted] google "wikipedia poll eu referendum" for an updated view. I will make a profecy. I think EU will have more border controls in the future, even within countries. Reason? A border is a tested by time working concept and is inconvenient for people planning 11 september, 7/7, 13 november etc. Best Regards, /Per --- 9 Jan 2016 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/09/north-korea-says-souths-propaganda-broadcasts-taking-it-to-brink-of-war quote you "Making a noise is not an act of war." Would you consider a subversive act by a foreign power to promote coup d'etat in your country an act of war? What is considered an "act of war" by you is irrelevant. It is what it is considered to the nation with weapons and power that matters if there is a war or not. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/09/north-korea-says-souths-propaganda-broadcasts-taking-it-to-brink-of-war But a coup d'etat bet is very dangerous, considering the nuclear strike capability. In Africa, reoccuring coup d'etats shifts power but offers no advantage to the region, just a more violent power hungry party gets the power. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jan/07/human-impact-has-pushed-earth-into-the-anthropocene-scientists-say The Anthropocene epoch holds many promises, as well as perils. A promise is solar power and other renwables. I just discovered Audi e-diesel, a chemical process that converts CO2, water with electricity to diesel (or crude blue, as a first step) with an overall process efficiency of 70%! Imagine solar power from photovoltaics in Sahara producing vast amounts of diesel cheaply. The perils is as usual war with new technoligies. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/09/north-korea-says-souths-propaganda-broadcasts-taking-it-to-brink-of-war Let me explain, I do not want you to be in intellectual pain, you see. Marquis de Sade said "Humanity's greatest wish is to self exterminate themselves." This may be true for him and some of humanity. Consider that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all want armageddon, and more than 50% of Earth's inhabitants adhere to one of these religions, one can conclude that more than 50% of huminity wants its own extinction. Why does South Korea keep up with these speaker noises at the border, when they know it will just anger North Korea? It just increses the risk of war, without producing tactical or stratigical advantages for South Korea. South Korea is devout Christians, from what I've heard on TV. Thus they seem to have a subconscious death wish, probably fueled by religion. That is why South Korea is pain. Clearer? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/09/north-korea-says-souths-propaganda-broadcasts-taking-it-to-brink-of-war Imagine an H-bomb on Seoul. Hell is pain. Old Testament is pain. USA is Old Testament's handyman. South Korea is USA's handyman. Thus South Korea is pain. Belief is good. Best Regards, /Per --- 1 Jan 2016 00:04 (CET) http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/dec/30/barrage-competing-horrors-how-to-survive-new-years-eve-fireworks-parties It is a new year. The first post from me of 2016. This past year (2015) has been a very religious year. According to an article in the guardian, McCann predicted the end of the world 2015. Back in the days, this man chose evil. Years upon years he had the chance to change course to good, but he never did. Let me quote a Swedish proverb, "Den som är med i leken får leken tåla.". Literally translated to "The one who is in the game has to the game suffer.". What this means is that if you accept the rules that apply (and especially if you make the rules), you have to as a consequence put up with the consequences of those rules. Why did not the world end 2015? Plight echo ruled. Best Regards, /Per [checksum] Itisanewyear.Thefirstpostfrommeof2016.Thispastyear(2015)hasbeenaveryreligiousyear.Accordingtoanarticleintheguardian,McCannpredictedtheendoftheworld2015.Backinthedays,thismanchoseevil.Yearsuponyearshehadthechancetochangecoursetogood,butheneverdid.LetmequoteaSwedishproverb,"Densomärmedilekenfårlekentåla.".Literallytranslatedto"Theonewhoisinthegamehastothegamesuffer.".Whatthismeansisthatifyouaccepttherulesthatapply(andespeciallyifyoumaketherules),youhavetoasaconsequenceputupwiththeconsequencesofthoserules.Whydidnottheworldend2015?Plightechoruled.BestRegards,/Per 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 count 565 30 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/29/deluge-farmers-flood-grouse-moor-drain-land "If you feel like you're the spark, then come out of the dark." (s: "Me & The Rythm", Selena Gomez) Let us build the Ark! (Had some beers and listening to mensioned song) 565 visible characters (5*113, 3rd prime multiplied by 30th prime) coming up on New Year 2016. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/29/obama-climate-change-agenda-congress-republicans-environment I do really hope HIllary Clinton (D) wins. Best Regards, /Per --- 28 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/28/donald-trump-bernie-sanders-minimum-wage#comment-65787872 Google "wikipedia republican democrat poll" In UK polls before the May 7th 2015 election the winds move slowly. I wonder if party voting (UK) is different from person voting (president). Apparently, since Donald Trump wasn't even considered before 2015. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/28/donald-trump-bernie-sanders-minimum-wage#comment-65782084 Well if he is elected 2016, AND he is sane, he will want to be elected 2020 too. That is why politicians deliver the first time on their promises, since they want to be re-elected. That is how democracy works. Like it or not. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/28/donald-trump-bernie-sanders-minimum-wage#comment-65779569 Raising minimum wage as it is called in the USA or as it will be called in UK 2016, National Living Wage, has the positive effect of equalisation and attracting a large voter base for the politicians realising it, without increasing the national budget decifit, as would be the case for benefits doing the same equalisation. The reason for this is that the businesses pay for the equalisation through national law. This causes a budget strain on each business, putting pressure on the business to be careful with wage increases for the highest paid in the company, since the wage budget is the same and the lowest paid get an increased share of this budget. Since this strain is applied to all businesses in the nation, no single company within the national law will be able to compete for the most high paid talent by rasing these people salaries out of proportion. They all have equal rules, and the budget is the budget. Thus equalisation. Too high minimum wage will just cause inflation, though. There needs to be a balance. Best Regards, /Per --- 26 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/26/boxing-day-hunts-tory-opposition-blue-fox I am not against fox hunting per se. But I think one should distinguish between bad fox hunting and good fox hunting. Bad fox hunting is the killing of foxes that have good genes. Good fox hunting is the killing of foxes that have bad genes or are full with diseaes. This whole issue reminds me of FOX news. "The Truth" according to the republicans, just like Pravda was "The Truth" in USSR back in the days. How do you distinguish the truth from a lie? The simplest reliable rule is "If what is told is out of the ordinary and there is a strong motive to till this out of the ordinary saying, then most probably it is a lie." Keep that in mind. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65685040 I said right in broad terms. The relevance of the following text is the implications of false accusations, the effect on society. In broad terms, mind you. The effect of unpunished rape does have a societal effect too. Women will be scared of men and become minions to them. So there is a way to relate both of them. You were wrong. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65684926 If an animal wins over the Queen in an intelligence game such as chess, then surely we can regard the Queen as an animal... Since animals don't leave inheritance to any, when the Queen dies, it will be unclear who will get the inheritance. All you have to do is to get a monkey play chess against the Queen, and win against the Queen, then the worlds richest woman (land ownership in Canada, Australia etc) will be up for grabs... ;-) Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65684773 That is right in broad terms. If joe in the street start to fear that women might accuse him of rape if he gets angry with a girl, that will definately have an effect on him. He will become more of a minion character to all women. The women can roam freely. Is this the feminnist concpiracy? ;-) Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65684510 Apologies accepted. My personal situation is that I do not want in the future to be accused wrongly, or false information about me spread. I do worry about that. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65684382 Rape allogation? This statement of yours is how rumours start. It is a suitable example of what I am just talking about. False information or hints in that direction. This is what can cause truoble. People should be accountable for what they say even on message boards. No rape allogation has ever happened to me. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65683980 Well this sub-thread started by me is a hint that there are many more important issues that what the queen said. It is a thread of what the queen should have addressed as important in this internet age. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65683831 No. Don't you see the importance? Do you want to be falsly accused? Do you want a media on the internet making up things about you, that later causes you to be killed by a lunatic who got angry of what he read and believed? The number of TV stations, radio stations, web internet papers providing news, will explode in numbers in the near future. In the previous post about sharia law, of should be spelt off. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65683635 The point is to discuss this issue. I have heard that if you false accuse someone in Muslim sharia law countries of stealing an orange (which is punishble by getting one of your hands cut of), you risk getting your hand cut of just by lying. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast#comment-65683562 No. Not wrong thread. This thread was about the queens speech. Thus the general topic speeches. I want you to compare my speech to the queen. Therefore I had make that speech that was quoted. So tell me which speech was the best? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/dec/25/queen-christmas-message-light-darkness-tv-broadcast Ok, the queen has made a speech. Nothing of importance said. It is Boxing Day here in Sweden already, therefore I will box against the queen. Please compare the two speeches, the one the queen made, and the one I make here below, and then tell me which is the best. "Intent matters. If you are a girl and you get angry with a man and then falsly accuse the man of rape, and the court sentences the man to 5 years in prison, what can be learned? Should there really be a risk free possiblity of getting the government to punish someone by lying in court? If you seriously unjustly attemt to get somebody in prison for 5 years and you are found out, should you not them be seeing 5 years in prison too? Similarily if the guardian with intent lies about news and that gets sombody killed by an angry mob, should not the guardian be held before a murder court? To provide false information when you know that this false information can really hurt somebody, should there not be an equal response of hurt as punishment? Please discuss, since this is an extremely important topic in this age of information." Per Trydell Best Regards, /Per --- 24 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/24/elon-musk-nominated-for-luddite-of-the-year-prize-over-artificial-intelligence-fears AI can be a problem. However puting things into perspective, the most serious problem in the world is cloning by magic. This makes everything so extreme. The solution is the reverse of magic cloning, magic hugging. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/24/elon-musk-nominated-for-luddite-of-the-year-prize-over-artificial-intelligence-fears To guide the people, I have written a short story, to be seen as a vaccine against future bad events that could happen. The people had an assembly. They had gathered the smartest of the smartest. The elite in computer science. The goal was simple, take over the world with the best computer with the best hardware and software. The AI project was inspired by the Terminator movies. They built the computer and designed the software. They booted the computer. Everything went well, and the people hurrayed. Soon the world will be ours. The computer had an internet connection. The computer applied for a bank account and got one. Soon the computer started in betting sites, and won a lot of money. The computer started trading in stocks, futures and won a lot of money. Soon the computer realised that the people could pull the plugg, or change the software by the computer operator. The computer hired security staff, to make sure that didn’t happen, and payed them well. The computer started to divide the people. A quarrel started. “We should pull the plug, but we can’t, the computer is starting to take over the world, but we the people are not in on it.” As things developed, the people started to hate the computer, but they could do nothing about it. The people were always harping on the same string: “Why did we have to make the computer so good?” Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/dec/23/japanese-bookshop-stocks-only-one-book-at-a-time God Jul och Gott Nytt År! Best Regards, /Per --- 23 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/dec/23/japanese-bookshop-stocks-only-one-book-at-a-time ;-) Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/dec/23/japanese-bookshop-stocks-only-one-book-at-a-time#comment-65618121 I will give one book. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/dec/23/japanese-bookshop-stocks-only-one-book-at-a-time#comment-65617430 It is Christmas Eve in two hours in Sweden! In Sweden presents are given on Christmas Eve. I will therefore take on the role of Santa for the guardian readers. I will stay awake from now until 00:00 25th December, thus all night here an Sweden and further through the day and evening of Christmas Eve. To stay awake all night is further a test for me. It will remind me of all people that have trouble sleeping. It is thus a way to be grateful that I was lucky to born with genes that does not give me much trouble sleeping at night. To be lucky with genes is not something you should brag about, you should simply be grateful and avoid mocking those that are not so lucky. The present is a book. A pdf file. To read an excerpt please click on my history of posts here at guardian. Post your email address here. If you do not want to publicly display your real email address, create a temporary hotmail.com account. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/23/purple-haze-lilac-sky-night-highlights-china-smog-blight#comment-65579588 I can recommend "save for later" link top left at most articles. If you are registered you can view all your interesting articles that you have saved. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/23/purple-haze-lilac-sky-night-highlights-china-smog-blight#comment-65579292 Per_in_Sweden 23 Dec 2015 07:21 0 1 Waiting for the purple rain... (Prince song) While you are waiting, look up the following in the search feature of the guardian. annihilated wednesday crown slips 2015 defining Comments are well worth reading there. Best Regards, /Per --- 23 Dec 2015 06:23 (CET) http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/21/crown-slips-as-miss-universe-2015-host-names-the-wrong-woman#comment-65577433 You know these questions that the contestants are asked, and each contestant are supposed to answer in an appropriate way. Well I just thought of the perfect question. See the following. "If you got a text message in your phone and that text message was from God, and he said he asked you if you wanted to turn this world into a Matrix (name from the film), where you would organise the programmers who would program this computer? Think of all the diseases solved, all the people in Hell can be released, all the things you can make such as buildings. any food, toys, the perfect cloned husband or wife, etc, and all this would be for free to the people. I want an answer by praying within 24 hours." Well if you are faced with such a dilemma, you have to put up points. * Tempting possibilities. * Can we solve the power issue? The one who controls the programmers control everything. * People burning in Hell, right now? What if I burnt in Hell forever because of turning this world into a Matrix. You can't fool me that there is no evil in man. *Are we going to live with this for eternity. Only i minor probability chance of screwup will be 100% if multiplied by infinite time. *I am not burning right now. Will I burn in the future if we introduce the Matrix? *Although I feel sorry for the people burning in Hell for an eternity, I have to consider my own life. I do not want to burn forever. With the Matrix this is possible on a grand scale. *Why is God asking this? Did God screw up? Don't want the blame and now trying to fix everything. Did his plan not go so well? What was his plan? Was his plan for me to burn, and when this failed he tries another way to get me to burn? Best Regards, /Per --- 22 Dec 2015 17:17 (CET) http://www.theguardian.com/global/2015/dec/20/2015-eyewitness-accounts-of-the-years-defining-moments#comment-65553907 The picture of the year that I will probably never forget is the one with the weasel and the woodpecker. This picture speaks to me like poetry. Here are three beautiful poems (in my opinion) that I have written. “Life” An Angel told me to hear; Hold your life dear; To risk your life for vanity fear; Tillägnad Ola (begick misstänkt suicid) Dedicated to Ola (committed suspected suicide) “Krigsdikt” (av mig, på engelska) Military might is all that counts in the end; The unreasonable listens to it and it tend; You can argue for ages and ages; "I don't understand" is all from the cages; "Do you understand this gun?" All do and take to the run. Obviously one shall not come with peace to them; This only makes them stronger, their military stem; No make sure that they fight within; All else is really a sin; Of course peace efforts is reserved for your own country; Since a civil war weakens the land of bounty; People that strive for universal peace do stick; Stick to shit and make me sick. Further war is fun to watch from a safe seat; See them strike, see them beat; If the potential enemies fight; They will pose a less threat, right? Among all these hard facts of war; There has to be love in store; Dikten tillägnas Teknisk Fysik, KTH (där jag gick, f88) Dedicatated to Engineering Physics, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden “Love” Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; Tillägnad Lotta Dedicated to Lotta Best Regards, /Per --- 21 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/21/crown-slips-as-miss-universe-2015-host-names-the-wrong-woman#comment-65480816 "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." Douglas Adams (s: BrainyQuote.com ) Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/21/crown-slips-as-miss-universe-2015-host-names-the-wrong-woman#comment-65474891 Miss Universe sounds like a rapture evangelist came up with the name... (I really miss the universe...after the rapture) Let us hope the Gods behave. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/21/crown-slips-as-miss-universe-2015-host-names-the-wrong-woman#comment-65473618 They ususally have a Miss Photogenic too. Who is Miss Behave, I wonder. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/21/crown-slips-as-miss-universe-2015-host-names-the-wrong-woman#comment-65466623 Why are Africans not as much represented in Miss Universe winners? A seventh of the world population are Africans, but a seventh of Miss Universe winners are not African. I love Africa. Are you on the list to Africa? Conservatism and Africa goes hand in hand. If you are a revolutionary you are not welcome to Africa. We have enough problems there. I count myself as African, since I have lived there, although I am blue eyed and blonde. There exist an age old philosophical question. When should you be content? The answer is, "When you have no pain." If you realise the significance of this in solemnety, you will realise that you cannot give up your life to fun. The Oxford word of the year is the crying and laughing emoji. There is humour in solemnity. Best Regards, /Per --- 20 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/20/city-of-borgen-key-to-happiness-own-front-door#comment-65405231 The proportion of the population in Sweden that are single and without any kids are 16.5%, 37.7% of all households. http://www.scb.se/sv_/Hitta-statistik/Artiklar/Tva-personer-i-snitthushallet/ This year, 2015, is a very special year. It was suppsed to be the TO year for me. (20th letter in the alphabet, "T" and 15th "O"). It was the year I was suppsed to move TOgether. Alas next year is TP, my initials with surname first. Then again, with Christmas coming soon, we have to think of Jesus. Jesus was probably single. Unless he is extremely dead. (You are extremely dead if you have never existed). I tell you, Jesus is extremely dead. I dare you to call my bluff. We will see who is right in next life. ;-) Best Regards, /Per --- 14 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/14/canada-oil-production-crisis-suicide-alberta#comment-65098329 Well, let us speculate about the future oil prices, shall we. Google "jouleunlimited.com" and "carbon capture air" and "desalination of sea water" Imagine Sahara desert producing cheap diesel (jouleunlimited is about genetically modified organisms that produce diesel at 7% efficiency currently (sunlight energy to diesel chemical energy) from sunlight, CO2 from air carbon capture and fresh water from desalination. Thus cheap diesel will flood the market and oil prices will plunge. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/14/canada-oil-production-crisis-suicide-alberta#comment-65092457 Now that COP21 went through, I will make a prediction. Year 2016 and onwards will be the period of the courts. Have you or your company helped the climate in any way? If not, then you will not be acquitted. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/14/angela-merkel-wants-to-drastically-reduce-refugee-arrivals-in-germany#comment-65070777 I hold my breath for your conter example. Remember all races on Earth have evolved according to Darwins theory of evolution. Though they are different, they all each have their strong points. Just like a horse and a cow is different, they each have their strong points, and a farm is richer if they have both rather than just one of them. Mind you, in the future, say 1000 years from now, genetic engineering and breeding with machine wombs may have generated a human race much like the Orchs. (from Lord of the Rings). Then, I might change my opinion. But for now, I am a non-racist, regadring naturally evolved races. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/14/angela-merkel-wants-to-drastically-reduce-refugee-arrivals-in-germany#comment-65068189 Say no to racism. Racism is pushing down certain people and raising certain people only because of their race. Thus some people get critic on not what they are as a character, no matter how well they behave, no matter what good manners they have, no matter how prudent and wise they are, no matter how well they judge proportionally and balanced, but critic because of their biological heritage, their genes as a group of people, their race. Thus a white person that is a real disaster as a character might get more respect than a black person that behaves flawlessly. Is this right? Is this not a big problem? The issue is motivation to BEHAVE well. If white people get a free ride of respect simply because of their race, what motivation do they as a population have to behave well? If black people get condemned regardless of behaviour, simply because of race, what motivation do they have to behave well? Do you see the issue? We want a good society, and in a good society you get judged by your BEHAVIOUR, since this motivates people to behave well. If you get a free ride because of race belongings, or get condemned because of not being part of the "master" race, behaviour in society deteriorates. IS THIS CLEAR? Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/14/angela-merkel-wants-to-drastically-reduce-refugee-arrivals-in-germany#comment-65066095 It is better to do a non-fatal wrong and admit it and correct it, than to do a non-fatal wrong, deny it and stick to the error. Of course, if you change your mind it is a signal that you have admited wrongdoing. Then again, it is better to do right in the beginning and then stick to it. Best Regards, /Per --- 13 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/13/yvette-cooper-we-need-a-stronger-response#comment-65037849 Regarding "Hell is paved with good intensions" I listened to "Nobel minds" here this evening in Sweden. There Angus Deaton (Economics Nobel laurate) said that foreign aid can do more harm than good. I agree. Imagine England having a revolution and the Communist party takes power. You become a poor country as a result. Then lets say that Africa is a very rich continent, and countries in Africa give foreign aid to the English Communist party. Thus cementing the power situation. Would you not be mad of anger at Africa? Then Africa has the stomach to say that they do it out of goodness of their hearts... Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/13/yvette-cooper-we-need-a-stronger-response#comment-65035500 Well the way the world looks today, with the difficulty in getting a visa to EU from Afrcan countries, it is really not a reality today. Wars start anyway, just like WW2 and WW1. However what I want to push for is to oppose the huminatarian visa proponents; this would definately motivate people to fight. So am arguing ahead of my time before humanitarian visas are a reality. Its like having school policy saying, "Those classes of children that fight in the class room, we feel sorry for, therfore they will be rewarded by going to a better school with more finance, thus better food, free computers handout etc.." Do you think this policy would reduce or increase the fighting? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/13/yvette-cooper-we-need-a-stronger-response#comment-65030531 I suppose your original question was if I liked Yvette Cooper's article. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/13/yvette-cooper-we-need-a-stronger-response#comment-65030239 I've tried. For a long time now (almost an hour). Being unknown does not make it easier. (since anonymousity makes you more independent; you don't have to like opinions because of people know who you are and corresponding group pressure) Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/13/yvette-cooper-we-need-a-stronger-response#comment-65026882 Today is the of 13th December, exacly one month after Paris attacks. Therefore let me be serious. By making extreme statements, we can learn something if we argue for them. "If you aim for the stars, you might reach the moon." Zero refugees immigration, is this viable? 1. By taking in refugees, we actually worsen the situation in the world. This is due to motivation. They say, "If we fight instead of building up our poor country, we might be refugees and can live in Europe." Thus by Europe allowing for refugees we motivate people to fight each other, as a conscious "understanding" (but not outspoken), or subconsciously. 2. By having a zero refugee policy, we thus motivate people in other countries to sustainable peaceful progress and cooperation, since they cannot simply leave the sinking ship, but has to make sure the ship floats in the long term. This simply because of the fact that they know they cannot flee to Europe. 3. Peeing in the pants feels warm and nice in the beginning, then it becomes cold and uncomfortable. By allowing refugees as a way to feel good about ourselves' generosity in the short term, one could make the situation for our grand children bad in our own country. And worsen the situation in the world as just explained in (1) and (2) above, in the long term. 4. It is not about racism. To be an English racist in this world of 7 bn people is plainly stupid, what if Africans, Indians, Chinese learn from you and become racist towards English. Best Regards, /Per 12 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/dec/12/paris-climate-deal-200-nations-sign-finish-fossil-fuel-era#comment-64996767 Conservatives in power. Tick. COP21. Tick. Yup. The world is getting better. Best Regards, /Per --- 11 Dec 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/11/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-is-no-longer-funny-hes-dangerous Why do you think Christianity is so wide-spread? 2.3 bn believers. Because of Jesus promise of magic. Imagine all diseases solved. Just this man fixing all problems. The problem of diseases is not quite that simple. There is something called power. Magic in power is very potent. You can create Hells with magic and power. Right here on Earth. The reason Mr Trump is so popular (google wikipedia republican poll) is that he is this Jesus that will fix everything. Americans are wishful people, "If you just have faith in Jesus/Trump everything will be fine" without thinking further. This, my friends, is a very dangerous mindset. And irresponsible. Dangerous and irresponsible mindsets of an entire people ususally ends with catastrophe. Remember Trump mocking the handicapped. Search right here on the guardian, trump mocks handicapped. The quick fix. How stupid people can be. The longing for the quick fix, this is Mr Trumps trump. And the disaster for America. Best Regards, /Per --- 7 Nov 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/06/hillary-clinton-outflank-liberal-rivals-democratic-forum#comment-62901496 Did she go for it. Best Regards, /Per --- 6 Nov 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/06/we-got-pizza-and-wings-us-and-chinese-warships-talk-turkey-in-south-china-sea#comment-62854916 Regarding the radio conversation between the Chinese and Americans. We have an age old proverb here in Sweden, "Tala är silver, tiga är guld" (To talk is silver, to be silent is gold), and then on the Swedish radio some days ago I heard something very funny, "Tala är silver, tiga är guld, mumla är platinum" (To talk is silver, to be silent is gold, to mumble is platinum" Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62822681 Ben Carson believes in God, like many Americans. They even got "In God we trust" on thier dollar notes. Ben Carson believes in Hell. Ben Carson believes in the Devil. How shall I avoid Hell, he thought. So he got this brilliant idea. If I can get people not to agree that I end up in Hell, I will not end up in Hell. So I'll make people write perpetual contracts, basically saying, if I end up in Hell, you end up in Hell. That way nobody will want me to end up in Hell. Fools signed the contract. They were up for a suprise in the next life. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62816425 Thanks yourself. Mum: "Why do you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?" Kid: "Because spaghettti tastes good." Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62815465 Have any of you heard a report/rumor that an American kid told his/her mum that "I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monser, mum" while eating spaghetti. I guess it is as credible if not more credible that God is a bearded old man. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62813831 You want fantasies? Here is fantasies. There used to be grain in the pyramids and they used to be a 100 times more of the pyramids , but not any more. You see, when Noahs flood came all the grain swell, and crushed most of the pyramids from the inside into sand. That is why have so much sand now. Only a 100th of the pyramids remain. Quickly when they saw the catastrphe of blown up pyramids, they evacuated as much grain as they could away from the pyramids. But they could only save a 100th of all pyramids, since they were not so quick and argued confusedly among themselves. Best Regards, /Per --- 5 Nov 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/fact-check-ben-carson-claim-pyramids-store-grain#comment-62783557 It is obvious Ben Carson has an ugly agenda, like many Christians. I still remember an advice I got from a Christian here in Sweden. She said, "You don't have to do anything." I have always been a doer, of prioritised things. History shoes that if you just lie down and die, you die. So that advice that she gave did not stick with me. Best --- http://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2015/nov/05/the-internet-is-an-ideal-home-for-the-essay-literary-culture-books#comment-62778448 All is about power. Therefore propaganda (from the church, political camps, interest groups) has always been a reality, since the opinion of people, affected by the propaganda, is directly linked to power. Is the internet going to mitigate the propaganda by power poles? After all, people can form their opinion from wider sources. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62770658 Americans are really stupid. All they have is a corrupt faith. Why? Fairly stupid of Jesus to say that the Devil shall burn, and then say that he is the Devil himself (morningstar). God(s) seems smart considering the Laws of Physics (the Laws of Nature), how then can his son be such dumb being. (Why is this dumb? Because the spirit of the two signals (Jesus said according to the Bible 1. Devil is bad and shall burn [St. MATTHEWS. 25:41], 2. I am the Devil [REVELATION. 22:16]) he is sending is contradictory.) Morningstar in latin is "lucifer". Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62769145 Stupidity can really cause a lot of evil. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62767720 He is obviously intelligent. He has just realised something of importance that you haven't, thus he is considerate of facts of reality that you just have not realised, or pretend not to have realised. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62766827 To help you with your thinking, let me tell you straight fact. There exists many many people who really are stupid. I recall, when I lived in Botswana in the 1980's, a Setswana (Botswana citizen) came forwards to me, and with out joking, tried to sell me the USA for a cheap price... Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62766094 Ben Carson is educated and passed the exam to become a brain surgeon. Thus he is obviously intelligent. At the same time it makes no sense to believe that the Egyptians stored grain in the pyramids, due to the physical reality and economic cost of the pyramids. This is a apparent paradox. Why does he want the public to believe that he believes the pyramids were constructed to hold grain, when he obviously doesn't himself? Any suggestions? Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62758763 No. For the same reason you cannot say 2.3 billion of the world population are mentally ill in believing Christianity, you cannot dismiss a major portion of Americans as "cracy". That is too simple. People work by associations. Major fast food chain - positive associations after a good meal many times repeated; the name Donald gets emotional positive feel. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62756575 Why are Donald Trump and Ben Carson so popular, among republicans, inspite of what they have said and what they stand for? Well, republicans are superficial, like many Americans. Both these names sound good. Donald from donald duck, a popular character with many positive associations. And Trump, as when you play a card game. Ben sound good. And solid. Carson? Well Americans love cars and "the son" (Jesus). It is all in the name, or is it? Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62749501 You might say that the Muslims in Egypt will object to this. True. But the pharaos were not Muslims. Further, imagine selling 50ml bottles for 100 quid each. When those bottles go into circulation, maybe the purchaser want to go to Egypt as a tourist to visit the pyramid the whisky came from. Which would increase tourism and income for the Egyptians. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/05/ben-carson-egyptian-pyramids-were-grain-stores-not-pharoahs-tombs#comment-62748535 I have a business idea for the Egyptians. They could store whisky there. Imagine single malt whisky, like laphroaig, stored 21 years in a named pyramid (with historical detials and significance of pyramid on back label). Drink on special occations. Best Regards, /Per --- 4 Nov 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/04/christianity-evangelical-embarrassment-jesus-religion#comment-62722080 quote Andrew Brown, "The most reliable way to become an evangelical Christian, the survey found, is to be born into a family of them. Only 7% of the evangelicals surveyed had been converted in the past 11 years." 7%. I highly doubt this is true in Africa, specfically Zambia where I heard a report on Swedish Television Aktuellt tonight. American Evangilist Churches are spreading there with fevor, there. Why are the fast spreading American Christian Evangelicist Churches acting in Africa intensly against sexual education? The reason is that they want HIV/AIDS to spread as much as possible, since then a lot of desperate people will believe in Jesus and his magic to cure them from HIV/AIDS. I do not know if it is a conscious cynical wish from these believers, but definately a subconscious wish. Best Regards, /Per 4 Nov 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/nov/04/relativity-quantum-mechanics-universe-physicists#comment-62697732 I am puting my bets on an indeterministic universe where space is quantisised and finite. Reasons? 1. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. 2. Space has to be addressable, just like memory cells in a computer has to be addresable. If you have continous space or infinite space, you have infinite addresses, which is impossible to realise, just like a computer memory cannot random access address an infinite memory. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/nov/04/relativity-quantum-mechanics-universe-physicists#comment-62690877 As pointed out elsewhere, they are spinning just like one wheel on an axle of a car is spinning while the opposite wheel is stationary. Thus neither is observing the other one as orbiting. tufsoft spininng now I suppose. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/nov/04/relativity-quantum-mechanics-universe-physicists#comment-62687543 Good thinking. The one who sees the other one as spinning (revolving around themself) is not spinning. The one who sees the other one as orbiting is spinning, assuming he/she is not in a death spin since he/she has to be alive to observe this in the first place. Maybe they can have radio communication and tell each other what they observe. Best Regards, /Per http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/nov/04/relativity-quantum-mechanics-universe-physicists#comment-62681109 Regarding the thought experiment of the astronauts facing each other. One is spinning, one is stationary. How can you tell who is spining? Imagine a spin so great that the centrifugal forces is so great that it kills. Then, how can you tell who is spinning? The one who is dead is spinning! Best Regards, /Per 3 Nov 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/02/winter-is-coming-the-new-crisis-for-refugees-in-europe#comment-62623708 Given the current situation in the world, with all poverty there, for a county not to control the border and immigration is detrimental to its citizens. The reason is that if you have open borders, it is only a matter of time before a business idea pops up that is obvious given the desperate situation in poor countries. The obvious idea is to commit crime in the host country, if you get caught you get free food and housing in prison (which is better than poverty or prison in your country of origin), if you don't get caugt you live off your crime. It is not about racism, xenophobia, bigotry, I think that is obvious to everyone. It is about reality of keeping a good culture and borders are necessary for keeping it. Best Regards, /Per --- (never posted since the post I wanted to respond to was deleteted, he basically said there were no good or bad cultures only succssful or unsuccesful) What? No good or bad cultures? USA used to be a successful culture with slavery, but it wasn't good because slavery is not good. There definately is good and bad cultures, though success for good helps good. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/02/winter-is-coming-the-new-crisis-for-refugees-in-europe#comment-62609645 You have to ask yourself questions. Fundamental questions. Why are some countries rich and some poor? Why are some countries good and some bad? The answer is the culture of the people are different in different countries. Not all cultures are equal in value. For example the drug addict culture is worse than a healthy culture. Thus if we import bad culture, or change our own culture to bad by ourselves, then our country will be bad too. Best Regards, /Per --- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/02/winter-is-coming-the-new-crisis-for-refugees-in-europe#comment-62608344 How are we going to stop them? The clue lies in imagining the Gods making the Earth without Europe. What would the refugees do then? Imagine Europe was not supposed to exist. With this mindset we can stop them with borders. Borders are central in nature. Why do you think individual cells in the body have a border? Things are let into and let out of a cell, true, but it is regulated. The same things with the 4 freedoms in EU. These 4 freedoms should be regulated by each individual nation. Most importantly the flow of people should be regulated. Free immigration is the death of the welfare state. People say that if the world is all wealthy, we can have free immigration. Not true. Each nations has its own rules, and therefore free immigration will affect the welfare state negatively of the nation that have free immigration. For example, if Britain had free immigration, a lot of people in the USA would immigrate to Britain as soon as they got a serious illness, rather than sign for an expensive medical insurance, and let the NHS and British taxpayers care for them. Best Regards, /Per