Per Follow @Per_in_Sweden 1933 Upvotes Comments 2137 Recommends Followers 0 Following 0 Discussion on Telegraph 2090 comments Europe must get together and close its borders to all returning jihadis Per Per 23 days ago Is this not always what I have been hinting in my previous posts? Check my history. Because it is so, that if you trick with the truth, then you yourself can be a victim when tricking with truth becomes a standard procedure. Keep the good culture. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 104 comments Why making money from the poor could do more good for them than aid Per Per 3 months ago quote Geoffrey Lean, "Nine out of every ten African countries find lack of energy their main barrier to development" Does there exist technology solutions to the global warming problem and Africas energy problem at the same time? Yes. Google "" and "carbon capture air" and "Volker Presser Saarland desalination" Regarding the promising CDI desalination technique (wikipedia it), it is only suitable for brackish water, however this limitation can be solved by mixing one part sea water and one part freshwater to get brackish water, then use CDI to convert it to fresh water, and so on. "Creativity is all about connecting the dots" Steve Jobs Keep the good culture. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 555 comments No need to get baptised again just because you're changing sex Per Per 6 months ago Great article by Christopher Howse. from the article, “The words used seem inoffensive enough: “Holy One of Blessing, in baptism you bring us to new life in Jesus Christ and you name us Beloved. We give you thanks for the renewal of that life and love in Mary Christine Callahan, who now takes on a new name.” The new name was Asher.” Names are important. To many people to be baptised with your name is important. It is a sacred mystery how some names attached with greatness shows up in history. Coincidences, probably, but interesting, the same. Read on. St Petersburg was founded by Tsar Peter the Great. Peter was the founder of modern Russian bureaucracy (please wikipedia “Peter the Great” and “St Petersburg”) That is funny, because the name Peter comes from Petrus which means “rock”. In Christianity Saint Peter (another Peter) is well respected. Saint Peter (Latin: Petrus, Greek: Πέτρος Petros, also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, or Simōn, according to the New Testament, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, leaders of the early Christian Church. The Roman Catholic Church considers him to be the first Pope, ordained by Jesus in the "Rock of My Church" dialogue in Matthew 16:18. The ancient Christian churches all venerate Peter as a major saint and associate him with founding the Church of Antioch and later the Church in Rome,[3] but differ about the authority of his various successors in present-day Christianity. (wikipedia Saint Peter) Saint Peter is said to be the keeper of keys to Heaven. In Sweden Saint Peter is referred to as Saint Per, my name. Today’s date (1 Aug) is dedicated to the name Per, most days in the year have one or more names attached to that day in Sweden. Keep the good culture. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1109 comments Walter Palmer shot Cecil because Americans are obsessed with killing Per Per joe 6 months ago Anne Frank is famous for her diary (wikipedia it). She was a Jew, who wrote in a diary about the atrocities by the Nazis. She live in a home of people who wanted to protect her. Now imagine the Nazi had a campaign of knocking the doors of people, looking for hidden Jews. They would ask a simple question, “Do you have any Jews here?”. Now if they knocked the door of the home of Anne Frank, what would the residents answer. If they would be good Christinas, they would always speak the truth (ten commandments), and say “Yes”. Or would they say “I do not want to answer that question”. Or be silent and close the door. All these responses would cause the Nazis to search the premises. The right answer would be to lie, smile and say “No, of course not, I hate the filthy Jews.” This would save her life. A lie would save her life. Life is complicated, eh? Keep the good culture. View in discussion Per Per Antony Gilbert 6 months ago USA peaceful nation? In the Vietnam war 7M tons of bombs were dropped by USA. In WW2 the allies dropped 3.4 M tons including TNT equivalent of the two atomic bombs. The busiest airport of the entire world at the time was Da Nang. 3000 sorties daily. It is a freaking mystery why Vietnam won over the major super power. 1 View in discussion Per Per 6 months ago I am somewhat perplexed by the attention this case has gotten. A lion! Many lions are shot each year in Africa, for a license fee. The issue is therefore not to shoot a lion. It has to do with the name "Cecil". Why is "Cecil" so important name? Cecil Rhodes the form Rhodesia, Zimbabwe now. I bet it has to do with the name somehow. Speaking of names, if someone makes a good name on these comment fields by making excellent posts, a tip would be to quote those posts to friends and family, and leaving out the name and referring to something like "Mobile Poster" posted this. Thus in you friends eyes, "Mobile Poster" is a great person. Then you say to your friends, all of a sudden, "Peter" is "Mobile Poster". You have made a deal with Peter, that you share the glory, by him referring to you as a great person, which will be believed since they by then will adore Peter. Smart. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1747 comments Will the economy win the Tories this election? Per Per a year ago quote Martin Vander Weyer, "Which matters most – the good news of jobs or the bad of tax receipts? The answer is that voters care a lot less about the deficit than they do about wages, prices and their future prospects" "Du har rätt" (Which means "You are right" in Swedish. In many ways Swedish language is more compact and precise than the English language. I love the Swedish language, based on ancient good culture) View in discussion Per Per a year ago I would vote no. ("Will the economy win the Tories this election?") 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago "Will the economy win the Tories this election?" Elections are not that important, after all. Economy is. As far as I am concerned, regarding economy, Germany, Muslims, Africa are the future. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Agree. 1 View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Thanks for your advice. I will consider it. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Election coming up in 2018. We'll see what I vote for. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago I know. I voted for KD (Christian Democrats, a right wing party) election 2014. Then the conservative and the socialists made a deal to vote for each other until 2022, just to keep SD out (who got 13% of the votes 2014). SD are Sweden Democrats and are allies with UKIP. Their main policy is anti immigration. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago I'll repeat, no, now you are being overly negative. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago No, now you are being overly negative. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Well the thing is this. If Cameron breaks his promise on IN/OUT EU referendum, then UKIP will gain massive popularity in GE 2020. And Cameron know this, thus he will keep his promise out of self-interest and Conservative pressure. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1747 comments Will the economy win the Tories this election? Per Per dayofghosts a year ago In the Conservative Conference in 2014, Cameron made two main points 1. IN/OUT EU referendum 2017 2. Control immigration (non-eu immigration is the lowest since 1990's, the problem is EU immigration, but this will be solved in 2017 when UK votes OUT.) View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Surströmming! I have smelled this when my parents had a party back in the 1980's. But I never ate it. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Norway. (I wrote this in brackets, but you may have missed this) View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago We have the Nobel prizes! (and Norway - peace prize) View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago "Who controls the past controls the future" This is simply not true. Back 200000 years ago, in Africa, it is believed all of humanity came from one family (genetic tests have indicated this). The father of that family controlled the past of humanity. Yet he does not control the future, does he? View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago If you want good olde England back, vote Conservative. David "Angel face" Cameron is the leader. Dave is both left and right. Dave has turned the Conservative left. Angels have a left wing and a right wing...By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964.Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago Oh no! View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago I am Swedish. I know the phrase "you are history". Usually this means you are gone. But I want to give an alternative credible interpretation. View in discussion Per Per dayofghosts a year ago To say something is history, can mean that they are written in the history books because they are so good. Just because something is written in the history books does not mean they will disappear. Britain is in the history books, yet they remain, don't they? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1747 comments Will the economy win the Tories this election? Per Per a year ago Going to the pub with friends this weekend? Don't forget your smartphone. You can read off these blogs if things get boring. Don't forget the setting to show "full" webpage, otherwise you cannot see the comments. View in discussion Per Per tedsanityville a year ago Helle Thorning-Schmidt? Do you like her facial looks and body looks? (wikipedia her) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Assuming the following quote is correct, “A feeling of poetic justice and fairness is very important for a leader.” Who is the most fit leader in this context? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Have you noticed that the media tries to trap you. You are made into believing one thing in order to control you. Mind you, Telegraph has openly declared themselves in recent days to be Conservative. Keep this in mind. Examples of trapping your mind is inventing words to control you. I can criticise Germans without being called anti-German. I can criticise Italians without being called anti-Italian. I can criticise Muslims without being called Islamophobic. I can criticise Jews without being called antisemite. None should have the right not to be criticised. View in discussion Per Per a year ago As we read today in the telegraph, a former Labour voter want to vote UKIP. UKIP is a right wing party. I believe in the right. The problem with the moderate right is that they can be manipulated. Just like in "Merchant of Venice" by Shakespeare. There Shylock the Jew writes a contract to cut out a pound of flesh, and poor Antonio faces trial for this! Amazing. The moderate right follows rules too respectfully without considering being manipulated by smart Jews. The setting took place in Italy. Had the setting taken part in 1930's Germany (far right attitude) a typical German would not take this to court, but simply say "Ja ja, you can take your damn Jew contract and shove it up your buttocks." View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2518 comments Lent reminds us that no one suffers alone. God is with us on the cross Per Per outlawState a year ago Saying "God" in this context does not necessarily mean you believe in God. I don't. I believe in many Gods. I don't know how many. One God for Space. One God for Time. One God for Energy. One God for mass. etc View in discussion Per Per a year ago God is a great motivational factor for ISIS. It makes them better more fanatical fighters. My opinion is that religion in all its glory, the real world is more important. This was a heading in the DM, "ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'" What a laugh att all these mass immigration lobbyists like Dan Hodges [1]. Labour is for mass immigration. Conservatives are for controlled immigration, as shown by declining non-EU migration (lowest since 1990's) and the quote of Dan Hodges quoting Cameron, "David Cameron – the same David Cameron who sent vans into the streets telling immigrants to bugger off back where they came from..." [1] "But no, the politicians and journalists are not interested in sense and sanity, they rather - like Dan Hodges' recent effort, saying the LibLabCon pact must make a stand against those who are against immigrants, labelling them all racists - like everyone nearly in UK politics and media have made immigration into some kind of fundamentalist religion that cannot be questioned, "Immigration is the way, the truth and the light...etc." " (dtcommenter) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 909 comments Ten years on from the hunting ban, has anything really changed? Per Per 4wales a year ago In the future Britain could be driving on the right, like in USA and Sweden. Cheaper if all cars are made the same. In Sweden we had a driving reform 05:00 3rd September 1967. Then left traffic was turned into right traffic, just like in the USA. View in discussion Per Per Lesprit Delescalier a year ago "There is a truth as hard as steel" (s: from the song "Holy Diver" - by Dio) View in discussion Per Per Conway a year ago "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." Adolf Hitler (s: Adolf Hitler & View in discussion Per Per a year ago Fox hunt or no fox hunt. The truth remains, if the bad guys try to convince you of something bad, take the opposite stand and be reaffirmed in that. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago This summer 2015 is probably going to be wonderful like most other summers I've experienced, provided I can avoid all those Dry Martinis. ;-) youtube "looking for the summer chris rea" for some longing in this winter. Spring is soon here. :-) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago It is well established on these blogs that Cameron is a chicken, since he chickened out on TV-debates, unless greens participated. The chicken has balls, though and can fight back. Youtube "chef ping pong" for some humour (3 min) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The chickens don't like foxes. Is Cameron going to repeal the law next term, if he wins? ;-) 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I believe FOX news are behind Labour on this issue. ;-) 1 View in discussion Per Per fubarderby a year ago The UN should pass a law to incarcerate all Australians, because they have by history criminal genes! IRONY. View in discussion Per Per captain_badger a year ago Potatoes every day as the main course with a glass of donkey's milk. Sounds wonderful to me. ;-) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 909 comments Ten years on from the hunting ban, has anything really changed? Per Per hellbent a year ago Maybe you should start a new religion, that calls for fox hunting. Since religions are protected in the UK, this might be regarded as a religious ritual and thus respected. ;-) 4 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago From the dictionary we know hunting in Britain inherently means using dogs. I just invented a new word. Thinking of how useful dogs are and that they are man's best friend. "Hund" means dog in Swedish. Thus I came up with the phrase "Dog easy", or, HUNDEC. This is an acronym for Happy UNDEr Content. View in discussion Per Per a year ago As you can see from the definition of the word "hunt", below, hunting foxes (and deer, hare) with dogs from a horseback has a word in English dedicated - "hunt" (in Britain - see USAGE below) Thus fox hunting is deeply engraved in English culture. You might say we should not ban something that is so well founded in language. I say, we have banned the usage of "Iron Maiden" torture instrument; that has also a word (actually two words) dedicated in the English language, yet banned. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago hunt v 1 to chase in order to catch and kill (animals and birds) either for food or for sport 2 a to chase foxes on horseback with dogs (HOUNDS) b to do this in (an area): to hunt one's horse 3 to search (for) 4 to drive away: You can't hunt the birds off the seeds. You'll have to trap them in cotton thread USAGE In Britain anyone going after animals or (more often) birds with a gun says I'm going shooting; to go hunting means using a number of dogs (HOUNDS) to chase the animal (a fox, deer, or HARE). One usually rides after these dogs on a horse. In the US, the word hunting is used for both these sports. (s: LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH) View in discussion Per Per a year ago This is my speculation, The reason Labour banned hunting, was not that much thought of the foxes, but rather that they loathed that the aristocracy should enjoy themselves that much at the poor foxes expense. 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 408 comments The lessons of Libya Per Per a year ago Britain and her allies defeated Ghadaffi's Libya. If Sweden and Britain fought, Britain would win. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 507 comments The destructive effect of dependency on the state Per Per a year ago Regarding this article, I would like to remind you of a quote of the famous Swedish author August Strindberg, "All that is good is not good, and all that is evil is not evil." Do you understand the implication of this important true quote. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 746 comments To defeat our foe, we must first define him Per Per carlmarx a year ago The Bible supports many Gods. In revelation the number 666 appears. 666 can be interpreted to consist 6 and 3, 6 three fold. 6 Gods, 3 afterworlds. Heaven Or Hell. ("Or" a world) View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Or Thor. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago There are many Gods. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago "We cheat, see" View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Well it is a crime in the English law. Extortion of extreme lengths. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Prince Salman speaks of fighting the theocrats. The ultimate theocracy would be if Jesus returned to Earth. However I believe Jesus never existed. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago The Quran has stood the test of time. Muslims believe the Quran was a quote from an Angel. Islam is the fastest growing religion with 1.7 billion adherents already. Why change a successful recipe? LOL View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago LOLROTF. Update the book! Christ you are naive. 1 View in discussion Per Per Sailor25 a year ago Oh. I see. A fictional character sent on British telly. View in discussion Per Per Ted Crilly a year ago Are you a vicar? Think about the following quote for a while, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (St. MATTHEWS. 7:12, KJV) This is a horrible rule because of its consequences. If you are a bad man, and you hurt others, then you would like to be forgiven (this is what you want other men to do to you, be forgiven). Thus this rule tells this man should forgive those who hurts others.” View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 839 comments Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases Per Per a year ago Keep the war on drugs. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 746 comments To defeat our foe, we must first define him Per Per a year ago We must know who to respect and not to respect. We must know who are our enemy. We cannot have mass immigration. “I am disgusted by people who try to make a point of being nice to all; there are people suffering severely in this world, they are not helped by a gay boy who want to be liked by his neighbours as loving all.” 10 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 616 comments When 'privatisation' of the NHS is nothing of the sort Per Per Guest a year ago There is a Swedish proverb, "Taste is like the buttocks, split." What I am most impressed by religious fundamentalists is their strong faith. This is important to stick together. In the future when Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes commonplace, and along with psychological expertise in this AI, people with power will try to reason their way through with the help of AI. If you have strong religious faith, you can resist this, for the betterment of you and you fellow religious community. I have religious faith of my own. Even if you don't believe AI will become reality, there are very smart people out here with psychological expertise who will serve the current power to convince people along their lines. Thus the faith is important. The following is my religion, called Simple Religion, 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. View in discussion Per Per tomsykes a year ago Here is a relevant poem I have written, "We always complain" If you are a frog in the woods; And you have the means, the goods; No matter what you do; People will always say bu; Cause Ghosts say bu and envy always; The material life coming that stays; Tillägnad pappa Dedicated to dad View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well I might explain a bit more. Most people have grand children or children of siblings, anyway relatives that will live on once you are gone. If you believe your own ending of time, ends the world and thus all relatives do not live on with the memory of you, then you have truly died (betrayed by time) since there is not even a memory left of you. I have actually heard of people who believe truly that when they die the world will end (Jesus complex) ("Betrayed by time" is an expression I use a lot for the apocalypse or end ot the world that some religious nuts tend to spread and believe in) View in discussion Per Per a year ago For the betrayal of time to happen to me, own time forgets there is not stopped time. (We all get old and die and can be betrayed by time; you have to have own time and life goes on with the help of health care, such as NHS) View in discussion Per Per libertarius a year ago You are obviously not following the reasoning. Let me try one more time. You may consider the existence of the country of Sweden as a fact. But an American who has never travelled outside USA, and believes the map books are just a big conspiracy, may not consider this a fact. Facts are just what you believe very strongly personally. You may say we should not consider delusional people. I say this. Some say Jesus was delusional. Others say he is God. The fact is that he may be God. Thus God may be delusional. Thus what delusional people think may matter to you personally. View in discussion Per Per libertarius a year ago An argument that is mute. People can have their own facts. View in discussion Per Per libertarius a year ago That quote is not a fact. (Some consider Jesus to be son of God as a fact. Some consider the existence of Hell a fact) View in discussion Per Per libertarius a year ago The interpretations are facts. It is up to everyone to decide what they consider hard facts of life. E.g. Lemons are yellow most would consider a fact. However some people may disagree pointing at exceptions. Another fact some would consider a fact and other not, is "Completed suicide kills you" (those who believe in religious next life might not agree with this) Thus what is a fact or not is up to everyone to judge on. View in discussion Per Per libertarius a year ago Let me quote some of the lyrics (Full version) Fact 1 "With a face that I knew like my own" (you are the one who can fool you the most, since you trust yourself) Fact 2 "My fear for you has turned me in my grave" (your own mistakes of evil is something you should fear the most) Fact 3 "And the perverted fear of violence chokes the smile on every face (e.g. Isil, Al-quaida, individual mad man terrorism) Fact 4 "You must learn this lesson fast, and you must learn it well" (environmental disaster we must learn about, fast enough) View in discussion Per Per The_Common_Potato a year ago Well then it is settled, then they drive on the left. Must have been shot in Australia. ;-) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 616 comments When 'privatisation' of the NHS is nothing of the sort Per Per The_Common_Potato a year ago 100%? Don't you think I was right about it being a critique of society and where developments can lead to. View in discussion Per Per The_Common_Potato a year ago No. Look at the car makes. You do not have that type of American cars in English highways. Chris Rea is English, though. View in discussion Per Per AndyCochrane65 a year ago He is criticising USA (look at the video with cars on American highways) with their private hospitals. He is saying The Road to Hell - common sense ringing out the bell, you must learn this lesson fast and you must learn it well. Was it not clear to you that the song is a critique of society. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Chris Rea got the picture already in 1989. He takes a clear standing. Youtube "Road to Hell chris rea" (Full version is clear enough) It is hard facts. Chris Rea has declared himself conservative, just like me. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 710 comments Sweden cuts rates below zero as global currency wars spread Per Per a year ago I believe negative rates are a sign of prudence from the Riksbank, following the teachings of Keynes. Stupidity: To bet and go all-in when you have enough money and property to be content, and more money will not make you any more glad or safer. 3 View in discussion Per Per overthecoastline a year ago Heard of "New Deal" in 1930's in USA? Heard of government foreign aid? Heard of the public sector such as NHS employing thousands of people? EDIT: I saw you edited your post instead of replying to this post. The will to monopoly is always there. Remember Rockefeller? Now because, and only because, we have government regulation regarding monopolies, there is less monopolies in the world. But we have oligopolies, i.e. only a few cooperating market players that set prices (illegally) to maximise profit. If you don't see this, and the motivation for this, I guess you only see what you want to see of a free market economy without regulation. 3 View in discussion Per Per Texgal1 a year ago Two points. First deposits. If you deposit money you have to pay money to deposit. With a negative interest you pay for the safety of having the money stored there. The motivation for negative interest is push people from storing money at a bank and instead invest directly into companies, since the relative return on capital is increased (but the risk is higher to invest in companies usually, compared to save money in an account) Secondly, if you have very low inflation or even deflation (thus money becomes more worth with time) then the relative loss of lending money is less than if you have high inflation and higher interest rates. It is part of Keynesian economics theory of monetary policy, you lower interest rates to stimulate the economy and increase inflation, even to the point of having negative interest rates, if necessary. 6 View in discussion Per Per Aaron M a year ago Well the problem is not that alarming. Gold price will never fall below cost of mining, basically, since you don't extract gold if you it to a loss. Secondly, there is only this much gold in the solar system. To get gold from beyond the solar system is not really realistic because of travelling costs and time. 1 View in discussion Per Per Jason Smith a year ago The problem is if good is pushed back by evil forces. To help good and hope, I have written the following, 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) 1 View in discussion Per Per TheSharpenedPen a year ago The difference between 1974 and now is productivity though technical innovation and refinement, and better organisational skills and experience. What you get for your work hour is thus 80% more now in products and services, than in 1974. Agriculture is more productive now than in 1974. Thus you get more wheat flower for your hour of work now than in 1974. However, labour intense services, such as sweeping your pool, is not more productive now than in 1974. And since the pool sweeper has followed the 80% increase in wages, the pool sweeping is not cheaper now than in 1974 (in 1974 currency). However, food, cars, houses, computers, televisions etc you get more for your work hour now than in 1974; since these goods are more productively produced now than in 1974. 3 View in discussion Per Per TheSharpenedPen a year ago FACT: Wages in Sweden has increased by 80% since 1974, if you compensate for inflation. Thus if we had no inflation at all since 1974, wages would have been increased by 80%. Things are better now, thus. 2 View in discussion Per Per frankie a year ago You got the correct notion. The amount of gold in kilograms in Earth crust is irrelevant; the important thing is that it is naturally limited and has a history of preciousness. In a way, gold is a fiat currency, since the faith in gold is based on historical ground rather than its technical usefulness in electronics manufacturing of contacts etc. FOR A FIAT CURRENCY TO BE USEFUL AS A MEANS OF PAYMENT, IT HAS TO BE LIMITED. GOLD HAS THIS NATURALLY (AND THUS IS NOT A FIAT CURRENCY), BUT OTHER FIAT CURRENCIES NEED MANAGEMENT OF THIS CHARACTERISTIC. GOLD HAS A NATURAL ENEMY IN THE FUTURE. MINING OF GOLD IN EXTRATERRESTRIAL BODIES. THUS CAUSING INFLATION OF GOLD, AND THUS CONFIDENCE OF GOLD AS A CURRENCY. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THE SPANISH BROUGHT IN GOLD FROM SOUTH AMERICAN COLONIES. 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago FIAT means "becomes" in latin. Conventions is very important, and it is this that gives the dollar, the pound, the krona its value. However if the currency is mistreated, hyper inflation may result, such as in Zimbabwe. Thus a currency needs prudence and carefulness by the politicians. Speaking of politicians, you all know there is an election May 7th. Who should you trust? There is upcoming TV-debates between the leaders of 7 parties. In the art of theatre, the visual and the heard is most important, since these directly affects emotions. And we use emotions to make a judgement. If the visual and the heard is tasteful, then we like what is being said, almost regardless of what is said. "still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest", to quote Simon & Garfunkel. Thus posture and voice is very important for you to emotionally win the debate. Here Mr Farage has a natural advantage; he just sounds very convincing since he has such a confident posture and voice. People tend to forget what is actually said, and remember the general emotion of the spectacle. Humour is very important, since it affects emotion in a positive way. Mr Cameron, I believe could very well use a reference to the youtube video "chef ping pong" (search). The conclusions is that the chicken (Cameron) has balls and fights back. It may sound as a defeat to admit that one is a chicken. However the PM role requires prudence and carefulness, and this is more important than a brave showoff for personal vanity reasons. However people tend to like brave people more than chickens, even though chickens is better PM material. Look at Africa, one of the most successful nations is Botswana who has prudence and carefulness as its main virtues. Other leaders in other African countries may have more brave leadership that wage war etc, but the people suffer under such brave leaders. The public may not understand this. But experience shows this. 1 View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago Keynesian economics is correct and sound. It is correct to kill billions of people rather than admitting fault, in this case. For the good in the long term. wikipedia Keynesian economics View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 710 comments Sweden cuts rates below zero as global currency wars spread Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago I have seen "Mad Max". Tina Turner had this song "We do not need another hero" in that movie if I am not mistaken. A great song. To survive, 1. Keep a diary, write down the names of people that are behaving well and contributing with work 2. Tell that people that are lazy and don't work for the people will be punished, at some time, as from diary records 3. Communicate and organise. View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago Well as long as the farmers, butcheries, bakeries, etc can work for free for some time, things will work out. If it is about the people's survival, they will do this. As long as they are remembered and honoured for this. Gratitude is a motivational factor to work. View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago As long as people have work ethic, are healthy and have a acquaintance network; people can do without banks; people used to survive even without money, as history shows. Even if it is chaos in the banking world, people can start their own local "banks" among family and friends enabling loans, and transactions. All you need now to create a bank is a computer connected to the internet, the right software, and some trust. There you go. View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago No. As long as people in Sweden are healthy, have work ethic and are creative enough, there will be incomes through work to society, to pay for pensions, NHS, benefits etc, through taxes. The problem is mass immigration. Not the economy in Sweden, currently. 1 View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago In Sweden and (EU too, I believe) we have something called "bankgarntin". That means if the bank go bust, the government pays your savings to you, up to 100000 Euro, for each bank. Sweden is a welfare state, currently. That means you will survive even if you lose your job. UK is pro business. That means I could make a living there. I love the UK and the people there. 2 View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago I am happy with the current situation, frankly. I make money through work and I can save that money; good enough for me. I would move to UK if the situation became bad in Sweden. 1 View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago In the early 1990's we had a major real estate and banking crisis. The government saved the major banks (not all) by giving them loans. The loans, I believe, have now been payed back. We have something called statshypotek; I suppose that is what you call building societies (used to loan for housing/building purposes) 1 View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago For safety reasons. I make my money elsewhere (I am self-employed). The primary reason for having a savings account is that the money will remain there, in my opinion. View in discussion Per Per EmmaJ29 a year ago Hi Emma, I have had zero interest on my savings account for years now. I do not think the situation will improve with regard to my savings because of negative rates ;-) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Currency wars between countries each wanting to give help to the exporting industry is similar to trade union wars. Each union strikes in order to raise their members' pay in relation to other unions. In other words raise your own members' pay but let us keep the others union's member's pay the same otherwise you will just have inflation. Measures to lower the value of the currency (such as QE and lowering interest rates) and thus making the exporting industry happy, will only work if other countries don't do counter measures. Measures such as QE from one country followed by other countries, will lead to inflation pressure. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 710 comments Sweden cuts rates below zero as global currency wars spread Per Per Guest a year ago No world economists and scholars are not fools. The interest rate is a way moderate the economy; cool down or stimulate. Muslims are not fools, but the world has developed since their prohibition of interest rates. View in discussion Per Per junius a year ago That's true. English people can call the currency SEK, Swedish Krona, or Swedish Crowns. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I am from Sweden. One interesting aspect is that Muslims forbid interest in lending and deposits. Why? If you have negative interests the Muslims should be happy. Shows that the real world economics and scholars are wiser than some religious script from the first millennia. Do you think I write interesting posts? You are not alone. Nickname remboy wrote, "Per, I always recommend your comments, even berfore I read them ... I just know they're going to be good!" (s: ) (wait a few seconds after clicking on the link and you will be taken to relevant post; the post shows the quote and three links to interesting telegraph blogs where I've participated) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4610 comments My appeal to Britons: believe in Britain Per Per Me Again a year ago What is "unnecessarily"? Would you rather live under Hitler? (As for appeasement, I think appeasement is not right. Appeasement does not work. However this is my private opinion. and a society is made up of many wills. In the 1930's when Hitler got to power, Britain had many wills. Politics is a compromise, and at that time appeasement was "in" - until Hitler took Poland, then Britain declared war on Nazi Germany. History is what it is. It is easy to say if this if that. Today the society is made up still of many wills, my an your opinion on this blog may or may not count.) View in discussion Per Per Me Again a year ago Most religious consider it a sin to commit suicide. To go to war and fight is not a sin, ask any religious. View in discussion Per Per Me Again a year ago What counts is if you get a "next life". 80% of world population believe in "next life". View in discussion Per Per Me Again a year ago Life lost you say. Well let me tell you life has a 100% death rate, from the time you are born. The way each of us die will be different, but to really save lives you have to turn to religion and "next life". If this if that. History is what it is. 1 View in discussion Per Per mike_54 a year ago You are not suffering under Hitler now, are you? Thus not too late. Wars have been accompanying humans since their dawn. Not too late then, not too late this year either. View in discussion Per Per rogerrandout1 a year ago It wasn't too late in 1939. Britain, USA and Russia won WWII. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago What is clear from these nearly 4500 comments is a quote from "The Boxer" by Simon & Garfunkel "still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" 4 View in discussion Per Per Man of Steel a year ago Cameron has had his hands tied by Clegg this term. Cameron has been proved not to actively destroy Britain, or have malevolent intentions with Britain. View in discussion Per Per persephone25 a year ago Tomorrow is Friday 13th. Are you superstitious? Will you be writing tomorrow? Or keep quiet? View in discussion Per Per a year ago How much do you really care if UKIP makes a good result May 7th? It is more interesting to be amused and try your debating skills at these blogs, right? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4610 comments My appeal to Britons: believe in Britain Per Per burntshed a year ago I believe in independent nations cooperating on their own terms. I do not want United States of Europe. In fact I used to hold the opinion that UK should stay in the EU. Now I believe Britain should vote OUT 2017, and keep the trade deals. That would be best for Britain. As you can see, I am ambivalent about this issue, as many people are. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago In the Conservative Conference 2014 (youtube it) Cameron made two main points, 1. IN/OUT EU referendum 2017 2. Control migration Non-EU migration is at its lowest since 1990's. EU migration is more difficult because of Lisbon Treaty with free labour market movement. Farage's raison d'etre is out of EU and migration. With Tories policies as stated above, does that not make UKIP superfluous? View in discussion Per Per BlueScreenOfDeath a year ago How would you personally feel about your vote being wasted. E.g. Vote UKIP, get Labour. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Take a look at the graph of opinion polls here, As you can see the approx. fastest change that can happen is about 1% per month. That means UKIP can have a maximum of 18%, Tory a maximum of 36% Labour a maximum of 37% in the 3 remaining months (+3%) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well I am Tory, hoping that Cameron does well in the election of May 7th. My views on SD (Sweden Democrats, ally with UKIP) are mixed. I believe they are a force that is beneficiary for Sweden in limiting the current mass-immigration (basically their only issue). However they have neo-Nazi roots, which I find repulsive. Also, Björn Söder said "Jews and Sami are not Swedish." Sami are the indigenous people of Sweden. I found this remark very upsetting and vile. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I can recommend reading one of Sweden's most famous authors, August Strindberg. He has written a story of 5 acts, called "Lucky Per's Journey". PER "Don't you want to love me, Lisa" LISA "Yes, when you love me once." PER "I do." LISA "No, you don't. Still you love yourself only! ..." (Mr Farage could learn from the last quote) View in discussion Per Per truth47 a year ago Most people have double the number of ears than mouth. For a reason. Mr Farage is self indulgent and basically only uses his big mouth. View in discussion Per Per Zando a year ago Mr Farage - "I am Mr Right and all others are Mr Wrong; I know always what is best since I speak with such a confident posture and voice." 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I love fools. They are interesting and produces very interesting art. If you want good olde England back, vote Conservative. David "Angel face" Cameron is the leader. Dave is both left and right. Dave has turned the Conservative left. Angels have a left wing and a right wing...By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964.Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." View in discussion Per Per deedy22 a year ago "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw (s: ) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4610 comments My appeal to Britons: believe in Britain Per Per Guest a year ago That's correct. 1 View in discussion Per Per pakgila a year ago No. Farage makes Cameron adapt. View in discussion Per Per daveevans a year ago Yes it is a pity. We have SD (Sweden Democrats - ally of UKIP), the problem with them is that they have neo Nazi roots. They got 13% in the last election, and rising. View in discussion Per Per daveevans a year ago Jönköping is next to Husqvarna, and Husqvarna is were they founded Husqvarna brand and used to make chain saws and Husky off road enduro motorbikes (now Husqvarna motorbikes is made in Italy, bought by BMW; Husqvarna Group that make chain saws is based in Stockholm, Sweden). I go by this place a couple of times a year since I drive on the E4 highway to southern Sweden from Stockholm. My parents live in south west Sweden. View in discussion Per Per daveevans a year ago Mass immigration is a problem in Sweden. It changes our culture, for the worse. Swedish ancient culture is very nice. We will see what happens. 2 View in discussion Per Per claphamomnibusbloke a year ago Sweden is a very nice and pleasant place to be in, really. I don't know if it is the genes or the culture, but I think it is the culture. This evening I will be having a few nice cold beers with the purpose of drinking to Mr Farage's nice article that I consider is a fine example of a piece of art. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Dear Nigel, I am glad to hear that you can find a narrative line ("Go to bed with Nigel, wake up with Ed") of Cameron amusing. Cameron and you are both British. I find that UKIP and you have changed the Conservatives for the better. Thank you. I would vote blue, if I was eligible, though. (I am from Sweden) 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 125 comments Fifty Shades of Grey, review: 'electric' Per Per a year ago I am interested in seeing the movie. The book was an indulgence in sex, I've learned from my mother. However sometimes the real life is better and more amazing than movies or books. I remember particularly when I was in New York 1994 and got into a cheap hotel (I believe it was YMCA or something similar). In the middle of the night 3AM or something similar, they start a vacuum cleaner in the corridor of the room where I stayed! I was scared. I thought the noise was there to cloak the noise form breaking into my room and the noise from fighting with me. I barricaded the door with furniture; I was really convinced they would break into my room. Vivid memories. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 147 comments Top Gear, episode three, review: the usual imperturbable swagger Per Per a year ago Today on channel 9 in Sweden I am currently watching Top Gear (and typing on this blog). This episode was about them crossing the Makgadikgadi Pan in Botswana. They said nobody had ever crossed this pan. They said they were given some gift. Lies. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 396 comments Which party leader gets the most abuse on Twitter? Per Per tug a year ago As you may know, I am from Sweden, so the question is fair. We all have our passions. I have a passion for British politics and David Cameron. Watch the conservative conference 2014 speech on youtube. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Some vile hatred posted here recently. There are honest, sincere politicians, you know. Vote for David "Angel face" Cameron, May 7th. (All what people want from an artist is sincerity; if you can fake that, you'll make it. BBC Radio 4, "Archers") 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Do you want to be a hero in the future? (Heros get all the sexy Angel girls...) View in discussion Per Per ourtone a year ago Rubbish and a very crass attitude you have. View in discussion Per Per ourtone a year ago I am not interested to comment on that. View in discussion Per Per So What Now? a year ago No, all are left and/or right wingers. You have to be since left is defined as "equalisation" and right as "inequality is natural and/or desirable" Myself I am born with left wing genes, but with a right wing upbringing. Angels have a left wing and a right wing. youtube "josephine chris rea" to see an Angel on ice. View in discussion Per Per So What Now? a year ago :-) I'm actually for an IN/OUT EU referendum 2017 and an OUT vote. If you want to get to know Cameron the chicken youtube "chef ping pong" (3 min of lovely nostalgia) View in discussion Per Per So What Now? a year ago Then you probably are a right winger, like myself. You are probably a kipper. The left is all about internationalisation. Have you heard "The Internationale" (wikipedia and/or youtube this) View in discussion Per Per ourtone a year ago Sorry, I interpreted "illegal foreign war" as "illegal immigration" I think I read to quickly. (since most people speak of immigration and the Labour's love for immigration.) "Non-EU migration is now at its lowest levels since the Nineties and we are committed to putting EU migration right at the heart of our negotiations in Europe" David Cameron (s: ) Do read the link. View in discussion Per Per ourtone a year ago Vote conservative through the British representative democracy system to control immigration. The track record for non-EU migrants is good. Problem is EU migration, but there Cameron's hands are tied due to the Lisbon treaty allowing for unrestricted labour immigration from other EU countries. But that could change with an OUT vote in the EU referendum 2017 given that CON wins. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 396 comments Which party leader gets the most abuse on Twitter? Per Per ourtone a year ago No. It would confirm life for the vulnerable, among others. View in discussion Per Per cisco kid a year ago I have redefined "socialism". In my book socialism is defined by the following quote, nothing else, “Socialism is general rules of the survival of life in the long term.” I would vote blue May 7th if I was eligible. (I am from Sweden) 1 View in discussion Per Per So What Now? a year ago I am indeed posting from Stockholm, Sweden. The examples I made were on direct democracy with a future world government (this is becoming increasingly popular idea, hence my concern); I was speaking of the world not Britons voting (why would Britons vote on themselves becoming sex slaves, that is absurd). In one example I was talking about Americans voting. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The disadvantage with twitter is the limited number of characters you can write. Here you can write more. I would love your comments on the following that I wrote yesterday. Long Live The King We know that the King is evil, he has even declared this himself. This is exactly what we want. He uses torture as punishment. This is all right, since the police that we trust would not have individuals who would lie in court just to frame a person they personally dislike, e.g. the personal chemistry does not match, and see this innocent disliked person being sentenced to severe torture due to lies. The police are too good for that to happen. They are moral and would never even consider this. Thus everyone is safe for a very long time, since the risk of this happening to you is exactly zero percent, which is necessary for an eternity with the king. A non-zero probability multiplied by eternity is absolutely certainty. But don’t worry the police are moral and therefore the probability of this happening to you personally is zero. So the future looks bright. To make it even brighter, we have an offer. If you are in a power position in this empire of the King, you can negotiate a good life in our protected domain. Provided at our signal you follow our instructions. Long live the King. “Be very afraid of disappointing those who trust and love you.” “If you crush people’s dreams and hopes, you get a lot of anger. Sometimes you need to crush other people’s dreams and hopes. It takes some guts and a lot of carefulness.” “Definition of good is having no natural urge for evil, but uses evil force when necessary.” View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago If you like, I'll make a more succinct example "Imagine the UN world government with direct democracy to have a vote if we should make all Britons sex slaves." View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Egypt with the Muslim world backing them tried to exterminate the Jews in the 6 day war. They failed. Not because they were in majority, but because the Jews were more successful at fighting. It is not only about the opinion of the majority in this world, you see. If we had UN world government with direct democracy, it would all be about the majority. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Twitter is not that big among the general population. It is mostly media people that believe that twitter is important. Blogs like this on the telegraph are more important to people. Therefore, let me quote Nigel Farage, in an attempt to open your eyes to this man and UKIP. Here the quote is, "UKIP backing Direct Democracy" Nigel Farage (basically) (s: ) What is direct democracy? This is a form om democracy where the public has their say on issues such as laws in the democratic country. What we have now is representative democracy, with the occasional direct democracy on issues such as YES/NO to Scottish independence and IN/OUT EU referendum in 2017 (if CON wins). Let me give you some horror examples of "Direct Democracy" Imagine the UN world government in the future with all power in the world. There is direct democracy. There is a vote if "we should exterminate all Jews" Imagine direct democracy in USA. There is a vote if "we should nuke all Muslim major cities" Do you see the problem with direct democracy? 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 39 comments Look and learn Per Per Per a year ago “Be very afraid of disappointing those who trust and love you.” “If you crush people’s dreams and hopes, you get a lot of anger. Sometimes you need to crush other people’s dreams and hopes. It takes some guts and a lot of carefulness.” “Definition of good is having no natural urge for evil, but uses evil force when necessary.” View in discussion Per Per a year ago Look and learn. This is a piece I've written today, useful in the future. Long Live The King We know that the King is evil, he has even declared this himself. This is exactly what we want. He uses torture as punishment. This is all right, since the police that we trust would not have individuals who would lie in court just to frame a person they personally dislike, e.g. the personal chemistry does not match, and see this innocent disliked person being sentenced to severe torture due to lies. The police are too good for that to happen. They are moral and would never even consider this. Thus everyone is safe for a very long time, since the risk of this happening to you is exactly zero percent, which is necessary for an eternity with the king. A non-zero probability multiplied by eternity is absolutely certainty. But don’t worry the police are moral and therefore the probability of this happening to you personally is zero. So the future looks bright. To make it even brighter, we have an offer. If you are in a power position in this empire of the King, you can negotiate a good life in our protected domain. Provided at our signal you follow our instructions. Long live the King. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1797 comments The Right’s divisions could let Labour win Per Per PhilB a year ago No, I meant the speed hump is the natural hate object. By having that natural hate object, motivations for quarrels with your wife decreases, since you let out the steam on that (the speed hump) hate object. I have a strong belief against power concentration. If the government can remotely control cars, you have increased power concentration. Who thought Hitler could overtake the mighty military of the Germans? View in discussion Per Per mailbiter a year ago No. I do not have memory problems. I remember very well that you said to me "I am not Labour". Problem is I don't believe you. My experience from this world is that people can lie, and they can have false flags. Do not preach to the already converted, is an old saying. If you said your were Labour and a paid contract writer form "Transport House" you would lose a lot of credibility from Kippers and Tory potential voters. Election 2010, 7% of those who voted UKIP came from Labour, according to a survey. Vote UKIP, get Labour is true because UKIP "steals" votes from the Conservative, and because of the constituency representative democracy in Britain (and USA, for that matter), if UKIP get 25% of the votes in one constituency, and Conservatives get 33% and Labour get 35%, Labour wins the constituency, yet the right wing parties have 25+33=58% of the votes in the constituency. View in discussion Per Per mailbiter a year ago I am Tory. You are Labour that is clear with your intensions of above post. You want people to vote UKIP since this helps Labour by splitting the right wing votes. View in discussion Per Per PhilB a year ago If you want challenges or not is a matter of personal taste. Taste is like the buttocks, split. I want challenges. I suppose your GPS and car engine management works by reading the GPS and corresponding this with a map of roads and their corresponding legal speed limit, and thus limit the cars speed not to exceed this speed. It is a novel, feasible, good idea. However you meet resistance with this idea. People, especially in America, regard their car with emotions of freedom. They want to be able to "let all the horses loose" and be able to exceed the speed limit if they want to, although most won't, but they want this possibility for their emotion of freedom attached to the car. Further, you would get a really big brother society. The one with power could theoretically (with appropriate telematics, needed to update speed limit data automatically) limit a specific cars speed remotely. Thus those with the power would get more power, intimidating individuals get them to yield to the power. Maybe people feel they need to go fast to avoid criminals who have power connections. As a last note, it is my theory that people have a constant need of complaining. The speed humps acts there as a natural hate object, thus there is less complaining on your wife, since natural hate objects take some of the heat of the constant need for complaining. If you don't have natural hate objects, such as speed humps, then there will thus be more quarrel with family and friends. A common enemy unites. Thus speed humps could be something that ties the bonds of family and friends. Thus speed humps are good. View in discussion Per Per johnward a year ago My surname begins with a "T", thus Per T, pert. View in discussion Per Per johnward a year ago Don't you see the amusing points being made? pert adj 1 (esp. of girls and young women) slightly disrespectful in a bold and rather amusing way 2 gay; full of life: She wore a pert little hat (s: LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH) View in discussion Per Per BrianLait a year ago If you want good olde England back, vote Conservative. David "Angel face" Cameron is the leader. Dave is both left and right. Dave has turned the Conservative left. Angels have a left wing and a right wing...By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964.Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." (repeat post) View in discussion Per Per a year ago All this division of the English people before the election. Here is an idea to unite the English instead, (repost) 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Manners. Do you understand now? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago True in a sense. But an OUT vote in the EU IN/OUT referendum will change that. Then Britain can control their borders fully. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1797 comments The Right’s divisions could let Labour win Per Per burntshed a year ago Being English to an Englishman means, Fight power concentration, be envious of those who are too wealthy and fight those who have gained too much power Common decency and common respect Behave Do a good days work Respect women since they bring so much joy and pleasure Do not spoil children just to name a few traditional English values 1 View in discussion Per Per burntshed a year ago Tell me your private opinion, regarding this. View in discussion Per Per Brimstone52 a year ago Why do you want to rush the decision? Demographics are not going to change that much in a few years. View in discussion Per Per burntshed a year ago There are many English born who are vulnerable and miserable. I know this. Many in Sweden have a first prize (but not all) in the same way. George Orwell was a socialist in the traditional sense, he fought against the fascists in the Spanish civil war in the 1930's (I believe). I am against socialism in the traditional sense (look it up in a dictionary). I think socialism is too good a word to be monopolised by the left. Thus I have redefined the meaning of socialism (in private and published here on telegraph blogs), in protest against the left. That said you need both left and right in politics. Left is about equalisation. You need some equalisation to prevent power concentration, since if you have power or money it is more easy to make power or money, and thus you have a natural development of power concentration. Thus you need political left (equalisation) in a functioning society that is good. An angel has both a left wing and a right wing. David Cameron has turned the Tory left, thus a better mix. The super rich don't like this, I suppose. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Labour is open doors immigration. Tory is control immigration. (Non-EU migration has been cut drastically, the problem is EU-migration but that has to do with free labour movement according to Lisbon Treaty) Labour do not want EU IN/OUT referendum Tory want EU IN/OUT referendum 2017 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Here is a video just for you, youtube "move on abba" Did you know Sweden is one of the most appreciated countries when Britons can vote on the issue, according to a report in the telegraph or daily mail (it was a map). ABBA I would say is the most successful Swedish band internationally. PS I may not agree with all that is said in "move on" or agree with the visual content (especially the ending) View in discussion Per Per Dodger58 a year ago I read in the Daily Mail the following, "Insists he is not scared of Farage and won't rule out Ukip coalition" David Cameron said that. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You are welcome. :-) No I won't give it up. (regarding your comment below) View in discussion Per Per Dodger58 a year ago Rubbish. Tory will never form a coalition with Labour. That would be suicidal to both parties. You see, party allegiance is much like a football team. There are emotions involved. What would you say if MAN U and MAN City formed a coalition. There would be an outcry and both teams would lose. Same with Tory Labour coalition. A lot of people would be deeply upset, and consider their parties traitors. They would go to UKIP or Greens as a protest vote instead. Thus suicidal for CON and LAB to join. This they know. If CON and LAB were in a coalition, there would only be one opposition, basically, namely UKIP. People would rush to the opposition, and UKIP would become the major party. 1 View in discussion Per Per tedsanityville a year ago I read the article. Basically he said Britain should be more concerned about Falklands and Gibraltar being taken militarily than the conflict in Ukraine. I can understand his position, that Ukraine is a EU/Russia problem, while Falklands is a British concern. Though that said, I think it is laughable to be concerned about Spain taking Gibraltar; there would be an outcry in the EU if they did that. The UKIP defence secretary seems a bit delusional there. However I think Argentina could be a problem in the future. In fact Cameron voted no to the excellent cost effective Swedish fighter JAS 39 Griffin being sold to Argentina through Brazil (who has bought the planes in competition with USA, France) As you can see in the following link Britain uses JAS 39 Griffin too, 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1797 comments The Right’s divisions could let Labour win Per Per bugalugs2 a year ago I think the Swedish version is better and simpler to understand. The odds as expressed in Sweden is simply the factor you will get payed if you win (e.g. if odds is 2 you get double pay amount, if you bet 1 pound you will get 2 pounds in total, profit 1 pound; these odds would be expressed as 1/1 in England, i.e. 1 pound profit from 1 pound betting.) View in discussion Per Per bugalugs2 a year ago When I look at Ladbrokes site from Sweden I see 1001.00 as the odds. Do you see from Britain 1000/1? View in discussion Per Per bugalugs2 a year ago That is the same thing, expressed differently. View in discussion Per Per bugalugs2 a year ago For Christ's sake you can bet on "The Pub Landlord" at odds 1001 View in discussion Per Per Drabcity a year ago No. I think the odds are too low. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Ladbrokes, Ed Miliband at 2.00. Why is there no betting on Cameron? View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago "Sir Andrew Green, chairman of campaign group MigrationWatch UK said: “The Government is succeeding in bringing down non-EU migration but they have been blown off course by a sharp increase of 66,000 migrants from the EU.”" "“Our reforms have cut non-EU migration to its lowest level since 1998 and there are now 82,000 fewer people arriving annually from outside the EU than when this government came to power,” he said. “And overall figures are also well down from when we first came to government in 2010 - with nearly 70,000 fewer migrants coming to the UK.”" (s: ) View in discussion Per Per Benthos a year ago Control non-EU migration. That is a fact. Check google. To curb EU migration is a problem because of the free movement of labour in the Lisbon Treaty. Hands tied to the back by the treaty, unfortunately. View in discussion Per Per Benthos a year ago Vote UKIP, get Labour open door immigration policy. We have had enough of that in Sweden. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago How? What if Labour/SNP coalition governs after May 7th. (You know you will have mass immigration for a very long time in the foreseeable future, and then it will be too late to change things when they are in majority) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1797 comments The Right’s divisions could let Labour win Per Per burntshed a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per burntshed a year ago "Once bitten, twice shy" One is cautious if he or she has been hurt in the past. (s: wiktionary) View in discussion Per Per burntshed a year ago CON has been bitten by UKIP in the EU election. There is this saying, "Once bitten, twice shy." 2 View in discussion Per Per burntshed a year ago 1. Control immigration 2. EU IN/OUT referendum 2017 1 View in discussion Per Per burntshed a year ago Swedish politics is in a pickle. SD (UKIP's ally) has forced KD (Christian Democrats) to enter a more immigration resistive policy. SD changes the politics for Sweden for good. Just as UKIP has changed the Tory for the better. 6 View in discussion Per Per Three 777 a year ago Well reality is reality. If the polls say 15% for UKIP, you should, really vote Conservative on May 7th. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A lot of Kippers want to go for "all or nothing" this May 7th GE. You will get nothing. If you vote UKIP. Labour will win. 2 View in discussion Per Per Raddiy a year ago Because Labour is the enemy. Even Kippers agree on that. If you were to choose between two evils, choose the lesser evil. Don't throw away your vote May 7th. Maybe if Labour wins the economy will work out great and they will win coming elections for a long time forward. Conservatives is not a terminal illness. Dave has turned the Conservatives to the left (left is all about equalisation), and this means a few super rich meet resistance even in the Tory camp. Why don't you want Labour win for a long time forward? Because of mass immigration. Economy is running smooth, and we have mass immigration for the next 20 years, (sigh). If Conservatives rule, we will control immigration. Dave has already done this to non-EU migrants. The problem is EU migration. But that will be solved if we vote OUT in the EU IN/OUT referendum 2017 with a win for the Conservatives. 1 View in discussion Per Per unreformedthatcherite a year ago No. Consider 3 constituencies with same amount of people in every one (for a simple example) Constituency 1 LAB 33% CON 32% UKIP 15% Other 20% Constituency 2 LAB 33% CON 32% UKIP 15% Other 20% Constituency 3 CON 80% LAB 10% UKIP 5% Other 5% Consider 100000 people in each constituency, Thus total people who voted for CON : (32+32+80)*100000 = 144000 Total number of people who voted for LAB = (33+33+10)*100000=76000 Yet labour wins the two constituencies and wins the election, yet a minority in the country voted for them. View in discussion Per Per PhilB a year ago You want a really comfy ride in your life, don't you. Nothing to annoy you, all smooth all the way. No challenges, nothing. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1797 comments The Right’s divisions could let Labour win Per Per Guest a year ago Look at the video, here are the 18 reasons (from the video) 1. Humour 2. Spirit 3 Perseverance 4 Luck 5 Self preservation 6 Know your kind 7 Have balls 8 Survival 9 Fight the enemy 10 Be against death 11 If to choose between two bads, choose the least bad 12 Keep your enemy suffering 13 Work 14 Deny the chef his "chicken de chef" 15 Incredible chicken is something you can believe in 16 Birds are good tasting 17 The chef want to cook the chicken 18 Survival means fighting back Dave is the chicken in the video. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. You did not view the video, did you. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Ok. They are all in the video (3 min) if you youtube "chef ping pong". I'd like your analysis after having seen the video. View in discussion Per Per PhilB a year ago No, speed humps are good. For the protection of children. A cheap alternative to speed humps is narrowing of the street to one shared lane; this makes people slow down and drive carefully. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A wasted vote is a wasted vote. Do you really not want to count? Do you not want to matter. Do you want your say in the election to be wasted? How do you feel about this? View in discussion Per Per mrmipps a year ago Quote Nigel Farage, "I think frankly when it comes to chaos you ain't seen nothing yet." (s: ) If you expect chaos, you plan for chaos. I think we are lucky that you do not recognise Nigil Farage's version of a country. (chaos country) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No, you're sick for some other reason. Take your medication. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I have a suggestion to all Kippers. Vote tactical this coming election. Vote CON. Even though you resent Dave. Thus that Labour may loose, which is really to the joy of you. Then in GE of 2020, you can vote UKIP when UKIP has 30% of the polls (if the positive steady trend for UKIP continues); thus Conservative will be forced to vote tactical on UKIP not to waste their votes. What do you think? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 844 comments Tristram Hunt v nuns: snobbery and vanity are destroying Labour Per Per Guest a year ago I oppose communism too. I have refined socialism in contempt of the left. I think social-ism is too good a word (being social is something good) to be defined in leftist terms. Here is my definition of socialism, “Socialism is general rules of the survival of life in the long term.” The only reason you need some equalisation is to avoid power concentration due to too much accumulation of wealth in the hands of ultimately one being, in the long term. If this happens you have totalitarism, which is bad, since then this totalitarian power can do whatever they want; which is against conservatism. EDIT: Original poster nickname Jo90 changed his post beyond recognition, for some reason. Vote UKIP, get Labour (because UKIP steals Conservative votes, and thus Labour get increased chance of winning constituencies). Vote blue May 7th, I would if I was eligible (I am from Sweden). 2 View in discussion Per Per Grumpy a year ago That's why I keep repeating, "KEEP A DIARY". You can find out who is lying. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do keep a diary. It makes you clarify things, and it will make you feel better about yourself, apart from conclusions you make that you can refer to later. When you read your diary later, with the conclusions, you will be amazed "Am I that smart!"; you will build up self-esteem just by reading what you have written. View in discussion Per Per bonkers704 a year ago No. You cannot change the entire world at one time, because of the conflicting interests. You need nations, so that we can say "This is the way we do it here, if you don't like it, buzz off" 2 View in discussion Per Per bonkers704 a year ago Multiculturalism: I believe in British mono-culturalism Political correctness: minions of the current power (wether leaders or the "wind" in society) Immigration: "Free immigration" is the death to nations. 3 View in discussion Per Per AlecM a year ago I read up on wikipedia, "This symbol derives from medieval Latin documents; the Roman words libra, solidus, and denarius (£sd) referred to pounds, shillings and pence" "silver coins known as "sterlings" were issued in the Saxon kingdoms, 240 of them being minted from a pound of silver... Hence, large payments came to be reckoned in "pounds of sterlings," a phrase later shortened..." "The origins of sterling lie in the reign of King Offa of Mercia, (757–796) who introduced the silver penny. It copied the denarius of the new currency system of Charlemagne's Frankish Empire. As in the Carolingian system, 240 pennies weighed 1 pound (corresponding to Charlemagne's libra), with the shilling corresponding to Charlemagne's solidus and equal to 12d." "The pound sterling is the world's oldest currency still in use." 1 View in discussion Per Per AlecM a year ago Is that why all the Romani come to your streets and beg? :-) View in discussion Per Per Believe, Vote, Leave. a year ago It is really funny, UKIP is the most Christian party. Yet they ignore Jesus and love mammon. (Jesus said you cannot have two masters, God and mammon) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Does anyone know why UKIP has the "L" (Pound sterling, I don't know how to get this symbol on my Swedish keyboard) in their logo (see wikipedia UKIP) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do keep faith. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 844 comments Tristram Hunt v nuns: snobbery and vanity are destroying Labour Per Per maggieschild a year ago The solution is convince acquaintances you have to vote Conservative, and keep reminding vote UKIP, get labour (because UKIP steals votes from Conservatives and thus Labour wins the constituencies) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is a guide to guide you through the election. Very simple. Keep a written diary. (Thus you can note who you believe say good things throughout the election campaign. You can remember who are your real friends, when looking back in a few years time, people you know will distort facts and if you do not keep a diary you can be fooled, because people forget.) 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Do you know the solution to this dilemma? The answer is less bank regulation, let anyone start a bank, since the central bank system failed. Thus you can circulate money in your locality with the local bank. More secure, but not as convenient. Of course it is up to everyone to choose to trust the local bank at profit or loss. View in discussion Per Per timsilken a year ago Oh, right. I remember you. You are a racist who believe "genetic interests" is the reason people write with passion on these blogs. 2 View in discussion Per Per timsilken a year ago There are always going to be British citizens who, 1. Believe in power concentration 2. Disrespect everyone except those who they want to be a minion to. 3. Sloppy work attitude. View in discussion Per Per timsilken a year ago British values are (among others), 1. Devolution of power 2. Respect those that respects 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A digest of popular posts, I would like to hear his views on the rejection of democracy by the socialists in Rotherham who prevented UKIP's walkabout in the town. Democracy Labour style. (John B Suffolk) — For another Labour disgrace, their Rotherham MP Sarah Champion tweets that she thinks it's "hilarious" that Farage has been barricaded into his Rotherham office by protestors, rather than think "this is wrong and he should be allowed to say his piece and move on ". But that unfortunately is the juvenile mentality that presently pervades most of Labour's thinking. (CROXTONBOY) -> Yes, labour protestors blockading Nigel in a day after the entire labour council have been forced to stand down over their cover up of the abuse of 2,000 children. That tells you all you need to know about the labour party. (Monument) — Labour TU rent-a-mob stop Farage speaking in Rotherham and by implication back the groomers and their Labour council friends calling critics 'racists' - the true face of this Miliband "Newer" Labour Party in action. See Daily Mail for pictures and their slogans. No coverage in the DT of course. Labour is now a threat to our democracy! (oopiop) — Can you imagine the reaction if Hunt had made his sneering reference to Nuns in education about Imams ? (Alltaxationistheft) — His behaviour on QT last night was disgusting, from sneering at audience members to shouting down people asking questions to losing his rag when anyone dared question what he said, his ignorance and sheer arrogance reminded me instantly of what it was like for 13 years under labour and the sheer contempt they hold us, the electorate in. He was disgusting. (Monument) — Another sign that Ed Milliband has completely failed to get a grip on his party. The whole party needs to be purged of elitist politically correct bigots who have consistently hijacked Labour's agenda and alienated the core working class vote as well as its Catholic/Christian support base. We desperately need a credible alternative to George Osborne's cuts and pandering to the top 1%, but while characters like Hunt are driving Catholic voters into the arms of UKIP, that's not going to happen. (Cestius) — it was a rare pleasure to see this posh spoilt arrogant man totally humiliated by the Finchley audience in last night's QT Miliband & Balls clearly don't have the monopoly on disfunctionality on the Labour front bench (Alltaxationistheft) -> Labour is run by a north London posh elite who have nothing in common with the ordinary person. Society and the economy is an abstract theory to these professional politicians. They've managed to con the working class and then sought to replace them. Vote anybody but Labour. They stand for no one but their hypocritical selves. (RavenRandom) 15 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Vote UKIP, get Labour (because UKIP steals votes from Conservatives, and thus Labour wins the constituencies) If you want good olde England back, vote Conservative. David "Angel face" Cameron is the leader. Dave is both left and right. Dave has turned the Conservative left. Angels have a left wing and a right wing...By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964.Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." View in discussion Per Per a year ago Ok. The Labour are now the toffs. It used to be Tory Toffs. Here is an erudite screen play that I have written on Tory Toffs against the common man. Raining Free Money The second world war was well into its way, when one of the German commanders said, “Do you remember the end of the 1920’s and beginning of 1930’s, when our economy was wrecked?” “Jaa” “You see the reason the economy was wrecked was that money was worth nothing, you’ve have have wheelbarrow of money to buy one loaf of bread.” “Continue” “I have an idea. We print loads of money, British Pound Sterling, loads of it in lots of different notes, and bombard Britain with money. That way they will get a huge inflation of the counterfeit money, and their economy will be wrecked, and we will thus win the war” “Excellent idea, Wulf” After a few months the German planes bombarded cities of England with money. A bloke in Britain sees the money coming down from heaven and sais, “Stu! It’s raining free money from the skies! The Germans are giving us free money! I told you the Germans was really a good people.” A message was given on the radio to the British public to collect all the money from the German planes and send in to the Government to burn all the counterfeit money. “Stu, hearing this on the radio, said to his wife, Helen. It’s those Tory Toffs! I tell you the Tory Toffs want to take our money! This Hitler is a socialist and is for the working man in England. Hitler want us to fight the Tory Toffs with this money.” “Yes, darling, I think you’re right, we should not send in the money to the government. Let us join socialist Hitler working for the English proletariat!” View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 144 comments Flu vaccine given to millions in the UK barely works Per Per Cian O'Madra a year ago Don't you have dreams in the night? I am only making an account of a profound dream I had that I remember well. View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago No. There are only 6 Gods. The Angel told me this can be learned from the Bible, namely the number 666, the number of the beast. In 666 there are basically 2 numbers; 6 and 3. 6 Gods and 3 afterworlds, Heaven, Or, Hell. 3 worlds. 6 Gods. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The vaccine may not work, we now know. You might die, if you are elderly, from the flu. Let me put some words of comfort, if you are afraid of dying. You see, I had this dream, some time ago, where an Angel told me there are 6 Gods. (good, evil, right, left, light, dark) and these Gods compete for souls in afterlife. Make sure you don't belong to the evil God, then you are smoked, grilled, fried and cooked... View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 306 comments The House of Commons will stay posh until we bring back grammar schools Per Per a year ago I went to a private school in Africa in the 1980's. Cambridge O-levels and A-levels. Good grades. What I remember the most from that period was that I was hit by my father's Volvo while I was sitting down. I knew the driver. He said the hit was unmotivated to the Dutch witness (who was a football hooligan, and probably Nazi sympathiser). But I know the hit was motivated by envy and believe it or not, money. The driver who hit me boasted about this, and the Dutchman even gave his mother a donation. Incredible. Sometimes the real world beats fiction. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 599 comments Is there really something uniquely wicked about genocide? Per Per a year ago I just thought of something funny. Imagine in the future that scientists develops an "immortality" drug. People taking this drug has the chance of living 500, 1000, 100000 etc years. Imagine the strain on the welfare system if this becomes a reality. Thus there might be a law passed in the future that any older than 150 years shall be shot, legally. I don't know if it is genocide on pensioners, but still... View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 183 comments The rewards of virtue Per Per a year ago Speaking of "Rewards of virtue", this is actually at the heart of my faith. My religion is Simple Religion that I have posted here before. This religion is about life right now and past pension life. 80% of the world population believe in next life, and thus reward for virtue in a wider meaning. The following I wrote yesterday (4 Feb 2015), Mustard According to Jesus if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you pass. This has made mustard to symbolise faith. The mustard in Simple Religion is simple. 1. Belief in next life; you arrive at “Degerfors” world aka “OR” in a pleasant developed Earth like planet with a sun and moon just like here. 2. The Gods work in mysterious ways; do not awaken the wrath of the Gods. 3. You retain the memory from previous life; you arrive at a specific age and then age and get a next life again. 4. Have faith in that most humans want to have influence over their destiny through choices and actions, the most important is that good quality deeds are rewarded since this motivates people to contribute with value to the world for the benefit of all. Simple Religion builds upon Christianity. The reason for truth of the above faith is the following quote, “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (St. MATTHEW. 17:20, KJV) View in discussion Per Per a year ago If Labour wins, will the last person to leave please turn off the light. 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago There is something profoundly wrong with the left. Left is all about equality. Thus they want to take from the rich and give to the poorer and thus equalise. Money is power. Buying power. And respect power. The vote at the coming GE 2015 is irrespective of how much money you have, though. If you equalise, you thus give more power to people who work more lazily and are careless and bet foolishly, it is this that makes them poor. The welfare system equalises this. If you give more power to people that tend to be fools, society deteriorates. This is the essence of leftist politics. More power to fools, so that leftist politicians can herd the sheep and goats and maintain political power. This is the business idea of the left, e.g. Labour. 2 View in discussion Per Per helen a year ago quote you, "NO THEY ARE NOT THEY PAID IN FOR THERE OLD AGE PENSION.." Are you confused at the moment? You are not making sense. You should divide into sentences, e.g. NO THEY ARE NOT. THEY PAID IN FOR THEIR OLD AGE PENSION.. 1 View in discussion Per Per helen a year ago Who do you think you are? I described an attitude, remember. I think even you agree that the attitude in question as envious leftist. View in discussion Per Per helen a year ago I'll settle for some general statements. 1. Contributing with hard quality effort should pay. 2. Stealing should be discouraged 3. Respect those that respects 4. Power concentration shall be fought. 1 View in discussion Per Per lustrediadem a year ago What a envious leftist attitude you have. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The heading is "The rewards of virtue". This is very important. Therefore the welfare system shall not be too generous. It shall cost to bet wrong or foolishly. Otherwise people can bet carelessly and be bailed out by the government. If you bet on the wrong horse, what should be the consequences, in your opinion? View in discussion Per Per a year ago You begin your welfare system in your own home, your neighbourhood, your town, your country, your international alliances. In my home, I have a welfare system, to begin with, practising Christians and Muslims are not welcome in my home. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2140 comments Rejecting the Ukip distraction is a sensible step Per Per Guest a year ago Regarding hidden agenda, you should know that all is about power and values. Negotiations is the key to power. To negotiate you have to have something to negotiate with. Be careful, wicked trix may be used. Regarding values, I have compiled them into something I call Simple Religion. 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2808 comments Telegraph Per Per Dodger58 a year ago No. "Move on" youtube "move on abba" Great lyrics, They say a restless body can hide a peaceful soul A voyager and a settler, they both have a distant goal If I explore the heavens, or if I search inside Well, it really doesn't matter as long as I can tell myself I've always tried. Like a roller in the ocean, life is motion Move on Like a wind that's always blowing, life is flowing Move on Like the sunrise in the morning, life is dawning Move on How I treasure every minute Being part of it, being in it With the urge to move on I've travelled every country, I've travelled in my mind It seems we're on a journey, a trip through space and time And somewhere lies the answer To all the questions why What really makes the difference Between all dead and living things, the will to stay alive Like a roller in the ocean (la la la la la la-la) Life is motion (la la la la la la-la) Move on (la la la la-la) Like a wind that's always blowing (la la la la la la-la) Life is flowing (la la la la la la-la) Move on (la la la la-la) Like the sunrise in the morning (la la la la la la-la) Life is dawning (la la la la la la-la) Move on (la la la la-la) How I treasure every minute (la la la la) Being part of it (la la la la) Being in it (la la la la) With the urge to move on The morning breeze that ripples the surface of the sea The crying of the seagulls that hover over me I see it and I hear it But how can I explain The wonder of the moment To be alive, to feel the sun that follows every rain Like a roller in the ocean (la la la la la la-la) Life is motion (la la la la la la-la) Move on (la la la la-la) Like a wind that's always blowing (la la la la la la-la) Life is flowing (la la la la la la-la) Move on (la la la la-la) Like the sunrise in the morning (la la la la la la-la) Life is dawning (la la la la la la-la) Move on (la la la la-la) How I treasure every minute (la la la la) Being part of it (la la la la-ah) Being in it With the urge to move on La la la la la la-la, la la la la la la-la, la la la la-la Like a wind that's always blowing La la la la la la-la La la la la la la-la (life is flowing) La la la la-la (move on) Like the sunrise in the morning La la la la la la-la La la la la la la-la (life is dawning) La la la la-la (move on) How I treasure every minute (la la la la) Being part of it (la la la la-ah) Being in it With the urge to move on La la la la la la-la, la la la la la la-la, la la la la-la Like a wind that's always blowing........ Artist ABBA View in discussion Per Per Dodger58 a year ago Youtube "Kisses of Fire abba" View in discussion Per Per Dodger58 a year ago Good for you (Nigel Farage will not win the world's likes), my bet. Was Snarl the Tiger punished, who was trampled? (If your records of family history shows this) (I guess Fluffy trampled Snarl, since Fluffy was the mammoth) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Pink Floyd's "Money" (that I am listening to right now on Spotify) says it all "Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash" Together with the quote from the movie *Blood Diamonds", "It's all about who gets what" View in discussion Per Per Dodger58 a year ago Did your relatives of yesteryear also bet on Nigel Farage sweeping the world with a storm? (Ridiculous questions get ridiculous questions in return) View in discussion Per Per mixodorians a year ago I said unanimous. Thus the 4 parliaments vote separately on their issues. But when they cooperate on issues (1-3) the 4 separate nations have to agree. E.g. England parliament votes for good relations with South Africa, and all the other nations too, thus we have a unanimous vote of 4 parties to have good relations with South Africa (foreign policy). View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago "He found that the majority of genetic differences between humans (85.4 percent) were found within a population, 8.3 percent were found between populations within a race and 6.3 percent were found to differentiate races (Caucasian, African, Mongoloid, South Asian Aborigines, Amerinds, Oceanians, and Australian Aborigines in his study)" (s: wikipedia "Race and genetics" ) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago A thought experiment can help clarify matters for you. Consider alien civilisations. Look up "Drake's equation" on wikipedia. There is good reason to believe in extra-terrestrial life. Consider one of this alien civilisations making contact with humans. They have a totally different genetic make-up. Would that make you brothers with all the human races of the Earth? Or would you ally with the aliens to fight other races of the human race? Your call. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Did you know that the genetic variability within races are greater than the common denominator between races. Thus you may have more common with a Black African than a fellow Englishman. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago How do you know your genetic interests? Gene profiling? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2808 comments Telegraph Per Per a year ago Why do you write here? Why do you support UKIP? Why do you support Labour? Why do you support Conservatives? The answer is simple, passion. Why is this passion? 1 View in discussion Per Per mixodorians a year ago On those issues listed (1-3) one could pass in constitution that there has to be unanimous agreement for it to be effective. Secondly, when there are synergy benefits of a political union, it makes sense to cooperate. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Consider this, 1. English votes for English laws, 2. Scottish votes for Scottish laws. 3. Welsh votes for Welsh laws. 4. NI votes for NI laws. Just an idea, but what if you had 4 separate parliaments for the 4 nations, instead of 1 westminster. Still a union of cooperation between the 4 nations, cooperation such as 1. economy 2. migration between the nations 3. foreign policy 4 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Let the quotes speak for themselves. For the first quote, I can say, if you expect chaos, you plan for chaos, and this might very well turn into a self-fulfilling prophesy. People that plan for chaos, you should not trust. You should trust people who hope for and plan for order and rule of law. The second quote shows his emotion of "free everything", not taking into the account of all the suffering and "hex" attraction that alcohol has on some people. We need prices of alcohol that act as a natural limiter for consumption, much like we need regulation and law on illegal drugs. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The Scots are a stubborn bunch. Much like the Kippers. "I think frankly when it comes to chaos you ain't seen nothing yet." Nigel Farage (Be careful what you wish for) "Minimum sales prices for alcohol are a startlingly bad idea. As with excise duties, the effects are regressive." Nigel Farage (Libertarian values in practise) (s: ) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 351 comments Prisoners are tainted goods – victims of a throwaway culture. Let's change that Per Per Per a year ago Each prisoner cost 22k pounds a year. My suggestion is to reduce the sentence to well behaving prisoners and use the money that would otherwise be used to incarcerate them, and spend them on LOTTA for each well behaving prisoner. (s: ) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Give the offenders dreams and hopes. The government can do this (see repeat post below), 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 482 comments The case against Mr Miliband grows stronger Per Per tedsanityville a year ago From what I've seen the odds are in CON favour. The TV debates will be interesting. Here is some general and specific good advice to Cameron (repeat post) 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per oldman a year ago No. If UK was broke and broken, after Labour, Conservatives would have rubbles to rule over. You need to lighten up. Dream of paradise islands in the winter such as in this video by Chris Rea - "Thinking of you" View in discussion Per Per a year ago New month. New posts. Fist look at the Angel dancing on ice in this Chris Rea song called "Josephine" Second, a good repeat post, 22 Jan 2015 Vote UKIP, get Labour. What does this mean? This means, because of how the constituency democracy system works, that the relative small parties “steal” votes from the larger, of the general same type of voters, who would normally vote for this larger party had the smaller not existed. Thus UKIP “steals” votes from Conservatives. Because of this split of votes, Labour could very well win the constituencies throughout the country, even though centre-right voters are in majority. Thus vote UKIP, get Labour. What about the Kippers that now detest the Conservatives with David Cameron? You have to ask yourself, why do you detest CON. Immigration? EU-friendly? Or is it just that you love the alternative better, and thus this love turns up in hate towards CON. You have to look at the deals. The first deal is call CON. Here you get, 1. IN/OUT EU referendum 2017, and if OUT 2017 control EU migration 2. Control immigration 3. Economy running smooth The other deal is called “UKIP get Labour” 1. No referendum (since Labour wins) 2. Open door immigration (since Labour wins) 3. Economy struggling (since Labour wins) Is it really that hard choice for the Kipper? By all means, if UKIP gets larger than CON in the polls, then vote UKIP. Otherwise CON. This is really sense talking to you… Vote for David “Angel face” Cameron May 7th 2015! Check the polls here, View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 881 comments At last married couples get a tax break – will the PM be boasting? Per Per lordllucan a year ago Go away and listen to your Michael Jackson CDs. You are as shallow and disgusting as Michael Jackson (who was suspected with good reason to abuse children sexually). View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Science does not infer. It simple states the facts and theories, and hypothesis, for others to infer things. Your personal inferring is despicable. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Are you sorry that you so carelessly throw away the names of such a disgusting man onto random people who may not personally agree with your views? 1 View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago I detest and am disgusted by him. I don't even want to take his name in my mouth. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Are you detached from the idea that behaviour is linked to genes? Have you heard of certain dogs that are bred for fighting, becoming ever more aggressive? Or did I hit a sore point, are you uncooperative, yourself? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The reason school children with only one parent fail more could because of genetic reasons. Fathers with genes that make them more uncooperative (and thus break up the marriage) can make them uncooperative at work, and thus less attractive on the labour market. Making them poorer. These genes could be passed on to the children, making them cooperate less at school and thus lower grades and higher failure rate. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Will the "reds" win May 7th, 2015? After all, May 8th is "World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day" see, View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1 comments Cocktail of the week: Chinese Negroni Per Per a year ago Here is a nice drink recipe. It is called Kaviar Krush. Either you love it or you hate it. 6 cl Vodka (free to choose your favourite brand) 6 cl Kaviar (e.g. Kalles Kaviar or similar, buy at IKEA) 6 cl cream 1 whole raw egg crushed ice drink with or without straw (song to be played while drinking, "Crush" by Jennifer Paige) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2911 comments Ed Miliband has sold Labour's soul - for 3.5p Per Per allforone a year ago Let me convert those to as odds are expressed at gambling sites in Sweden (which is the factor of the payout, e.g. if the odds are 2 then you get a double payout from what you bet) Tories 1.8 Labour 2.1 UKIP 17 Liberals 251 Greens 501 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I think Ed with Labour has realised that people are being nostalgic and want their "olde England" back. Now the people feel uncomfortable with the large influx of immigrants. If you want good olde England back, vote Conservative. David "Angel face" Cameron is the leader. Dave is both left and right. Dave has turned the Conservative left. Angels have a left wing and a right wing...By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964.Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." View in discussion Per Per Strativarius a year ago You're a UKIP supporter. View in discussion Per Per Strativarius a year ago By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Dear Carl, since I don't have your email address, I'll post a sketch I thought was suitable for a youtube clip, here it is, A man, Andy, had ordered a expensive stereo equipment on internet. The terms were C.O.D. (Cash On Delivery) to the nearest pick up site. He got a text message saying that the merchandise had arrived at the local site, and he should pay the full 1700 pounds at the counter. The man was in despair; he didn’t have the cash. The bank account had been going to late pub nights lately and the next salary was 7 days away. He called his friend Sue. He told his precarious situation. What shall I do, he asked her. Buy a cod and throw it up on the counter. Say “it said C.O.D. and here is the cod”. I will arrange for one of our local outgoing rich character to watch the spectacle. Maybe you’ll get lucky. Cross your fingers. Sue put a sexy dress on, and phoned Bill, the rich guy. “I am a journalist making a story about one of our outgoing rich guys here, would you like for us to take a selfie, just you and me at the pick up site for internet goods?” (she wasn’t a journalist, but she would make a story and publish on the internet). Yes he said after some persuasion. At the pick up site, Andy arrived with his cod in a plastic bag. He went to the counter. “I would like my stereo, I am Andy” The assistant brought the expensive stereo to the counter. C.O.D. he said. Andy reached for the cod and threw it onto the counter. “Here is the cod, it said C.O.D. on the text message I got. It is good with diced hard boiled eggs, melted butter and parsley.” Meanwhile, Sue had lured in Bill to the pickup site. He witnessed everything, and laughed feverishly. He was bewildered in excitement. “You made the laugh for the week. That is worth a lot of money. I have more than I need. I will pay for the equipment. I take the cod, I’ll have my wife cook it for me with eggs, melted butter and parsley.” He paid, and Andy got his equipment for the price of a fresh cod. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Let me recommend a song, that can be played with advantage at social gatherings, "Free at last" by Al Green 1 View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago I use Samsung, but I like Apple Iphone. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Dear Carl, I can tell you I have used a smartphone and the telegraph at a social event with many people (12th Day, 5th Jan 2015), it was very appreciated and started a discussion. Social gatherings should be fun; spark them up with some opinions of others writing at the telegraph. Don't forget to test with the smartphone beforehand that you can find the interesting thread once you've decided on a particular thread. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Are you going to a social event (the pub, party, dinner with friends) don't forget that you can use your smartphone and telegraph to bring excitement and something to talk about. Use the search feature. Remember key words of the title of the threads you find interesting and then at the pub, party, etc, go to telegraph and search with the keywords you remember and click on relevance. Don't forget to select "full screen" on your smartphone, otherwise you cannot read the comment section. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2911 comments Ed Miliband has sold Labour's soul - for 3.5p Per Per Guest a year ago No, I don't think it is against the law to complain about immigration. In that case they would have to round up 13% of the people voting for SD, and round up the leaders of SD. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am a right-winger myself. I have left wing genes with a right wing upbringing. A Swedish person (Göran Greider, well known in Sweden) said "Right wingers are "collective people" dreaming of and praising individualism, left wing people are "individualists" who dream and praise the collective." 1 View in discussion Per Per foxoles a year ago If you are interested in polls, check out this wikipedia article by clicking on the link below or google "uk polls 2015" View in discussion Per Per WDC2301 a year ago To understand that I am a non-racist and against mass-immigration, consider this, Imagine the whole world were made up of ethnic English. I would still be against mass-immigration and the break-up of borders of nations. 1 View in discussion Per Per WDC2301 a year ago Regarding refugee friendly and non-racist, read this repeat post, I can make a positive case for immigration. First though to get the right atmosphere I'll repeat a post. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) The most important issue in the world, in my view, is that of devolution of power. To counteract power concentrating trends and ideologies. Let me quote the Bible in this context, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”, NKJV This quote works against power concentration, since it causes, if followed by all, a consensus that the ruler shall devolve power to the weaker (in power terms). Now let me return to the issue of positive case for immigration. I am refugee friendly. This because if you are able to flee a power concentrated dictatorship, people there will be more brave to challenge the dictator apparatus. Thus there is a force in the world that makes dictators considerate not to get all too powerful, since then terrorism (ANC is an example of justified terrorism, though I am against terrorism in general, and most forms of terrorism) and violence can hurt the dictator. Thus for us in the west to be refugee friendly helps devolution of power in the world. Lasly, say no to racism. To read an interesting set of comments on this, read, 1 View in discussion Per Per WDC2301 a year ago Regarding my truth, here is what I believe in currently, (repeat post), The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per new_number_2 a year ago You have in a previous post stated that you are a Labourite. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Regarding limiting immigration, which all parties except Greens, regard as an important stand, I repeat a post, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) --- However note, I am refugee friendly, and non-racist, as readers of my past posts may have noticed. 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 241 comments Call a truce in the NHS arms race - for all our sakes Per Per maggieschild a year ago It depends on how many votes UKIP "steal" from CON. By the way, truthfully 1st of April is April fools day; all born in April are destined to be fools. Nigel Farage is born April 3rd, 1964. Reason? "All the people look to their leader. The leader of the days in a month is the 1st. All other days, 2, 3, 4 etc look to number 1. And day 1 in April is April fools day, thus their leader of April days is a fool. Thus all days in April are fools since they are guided by a fool. Thus all born in April are destined to be fools..." View in discussion Per Per a year ago AIDS/HIV is a serious health issue, and NHS treats some of the patients. Interestingly there is this rumour going on, I spoke to an American acquaintance and he had heard this rumour 3-4 times before I told him it. The rumour goes as follows, Statistics from people getting AIDS/HIV if shown on a map would show all the major cities in USA to get very disproportionate cases with this disease. The spread spread first to the cities and not evenly across the country as one might expect. This rumour is true, this is what has happened. This has made people to fantasise that the virus was spread on purpose to the cities. Well the reason it looks as it does is because of our physical communications patterns with cars, buses, lorries, airplanes. They travel from city to city mostly. If you drive a car, you go generally on the highway, you don't stop at small villages. Another reason is that promiscuous people seek excitement in cities mostly. A third reason is that business people, tourism go to the cities, and travel to meet your family/relatives does not generally result in outside family sex, which business and tourism travel result more often in. Because of this one would expect that AIDS/HIV spread first to the cities, as what happened in reality. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1079 comments Why be silent about Britain's generosity to the world? Per Per Guest a year ago But some people say "this and that person looks evil" just from the looks i.e. genes. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago What we can learn from this world is that anyone can be wicked. It is not about genes. It is about motivation. People may want to have an image of not being wicked by speaking out as generous with foreign aid etc. But what it boils down to is motivation. Even the person with the best "good" genes could turn out evil if the motivation is there. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago roadchef said "Very clever idea." about this idea. Roadchef can be disgusting occasionally, but he is a smart guy. I would bet he is smarter than Nigel Farage. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The following idea could help poor countries. DFID could build the website and provide the funding. 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Imagine you lived in Africa. You have a leader and government that you are disgusted by. Very bad government. Then this foreign country comes in and supports that government, with loads of money! Thus cementing the situation. How mad would you feel? "DFID’s operation in Zimbabwe will spend £80 million ($126 million) in 2011/12..." (s: telegraph 20 Feb 2012) (You may say that DFID's money doesn't all go to the government but to the people; however this point is mute, since it means the Zimbabwe government can spend more money on security services, police, military, etc since the budget is not burdened by those costs covered by foreign aid. Thus Zimbabwe government keeps on going and going.) 3 View in discussion Per Per richardwrl a year ago Challenges sharpens the knives. Foreign aid motivates its population to be blunt knives. Struggle and succeed, keeps you happy. Sloth and enforcement of sloth through foreign aid makes you in the end feel bad about yourself. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago UK didn't need foreign aid to become prosperous, did Britain? If you can become a prosperous nation without foreign aid, so the much more self-esteem to its population. I.e. Foreign aid demeans its recipients by its very nature. Further, foreign aid help keep corrupt and bad governments in power. In Africa, for example. 13 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1392 comments Stop this madness over fracking – or the lights really will go out Per Per a year ago Come on, cancer and ruined health is not so bad. "We need to keep the light on..." IRONY View in discussion Per Per a year ago Can't wait to find out who's right about fracking. Can't wait to find out who's right about global warming. Next 50 years will be interesting. 1 View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago They have desalination. Imagine the future of desalination in Saharah and growing wheat. There are now developing technologies which will provide water at a cost of 10p or less per cubic meter of water (1000 liters). Imagine growing wheat in Saharah cheaply! Speaking of wheat, I will have a egg and kaviar sandwich for lunch. Kaviar is a Swedish food made from smoked cod fish eggs in a tube. Very nice. If you love marmite, you'll love kaviar. Similar taste but better. Did you know that if UK and Sweden fought, UK would be the winner and Sweden the loser. Why? That's obvious. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Property prices in the vicinity will be lowered where fracking takes place. Imagine a big lake in Africa. People there are fishing and making their livelihood from fishing. The fishing industry and tourism industry is worth 10 billion pounds a year. Then this big American corporation wants to set up a chemical factory there. They need to pump the waste into the lake. They bribe the politicians and the factory is set up. The factory generates 1 billion pounds of revenue a year. The fish dies because of the pollution. The fishing and tourism industry go bust. Thus a loss for the community of 9 billion. Yet it happened. Because of corrupt politicians. This is the real world. Welcome to it. 3 View in discussion Per Per Serendipity a year ago Good post. serendipity the natural ability to find interesting or valuable things which one is not looking for (s: longman) Further all this talk of creating jobs. Assuming 6% unemployment is constant, then what matters is only shift from one type of jobs to another. I.e. if fracking is not there, jobs will be done elsewhere, thus unemployment remains the same. Thus all politicians talk of "arms industry" creates jobs is bogus, it is only a reallocation of competences from one industry to another. 2 View in discussion Per Per wibbling a year ago Imagine an American mother and her little daughter. The daughter is pretty. Yet the mother wants to make it even better. So she books a time for plastic surgery for her (the daughter) to look like a pretty doll. The surgery is done. Then she contests for "Miss Pretty 5 year old" in Television. She loses. Doesn't life feel cheap, then? "Just because you can do something doesn't mean we should do it." "If it aint broke, don't fix it." View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago "Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD to it." Very wise words. Britain has no energy crisis. Nuclear, coal, wind, soon solar, hydro, gas, oil are all firing up Britains energy need for the long foreseeable future. We don't need to ruin Britain for some gas from fracking. Why should we do it? We can leave the gas in the ground. Immigration is our threat. There is the real issue. Not energy shortage. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago quote huffington post, "Power Plant Air Pollution Kills 13,000 People Per Year, Coal-Fired Are Most Hazardous: ALA Report" View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Less people have died in cancer from Chernobyl and Fukushima than from coal fired plant emissions. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago I am for nuclear energy, though. Clean, cheap and safe. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 154 comments Since when does being 38 make you an 'older woman'? Per Per Guest a year ago Oh, now you are being negative. You should change your nickname to "Negative Man". View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Oh. Scornful irony from a "positive man". How ironic. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago ;-) You have humour, too. Good. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Humour every now and then doesn't hurt. Reread until you understand. This is about the future, so it is not concrete. Therefore it may be hard to understand. But it is not nonsense. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Here in Sweden we have a organisation called "Positiva Klubben" (translated "The Positive Club"). They are for people who have tested positive for HIV. Your nickname is "Positive Man", after all. ;-) (a tip, reread plenty of times until you understand) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago To make things understandable, lets make things more concrete. 1. Some people you can "smell" and by just how they look in the face you can tell that they are Communists. 2. Some genes are coded for belief in One Leader and power concentration. 3. Communists produce in the future massive number of children in artificial wombs with genes of (1) and (2). 4. With time these will vote in a democracy. Then this communist party has a lot of "core" voters and win every election with their leader and party. 5. Then imagine in the future that a therapy can be made with drugs, or genetic engineering so that people live "forever" 6. This long life One Leader just will be elected forever. 7. Thus power concentration. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A woman is old when she cannot make children. Because of the general urge to have children, artificial means for old women to have children will pressurise the politicians. Next step is having children in artificial wombs. Corporations can produce massive number of children in artificial words to suit their needs. In the future. There is a religion called "Simple Religion" that I have written. Let me post a relevant quote in relation to this topic, Simple Religion is an old values religion and says no to cloning. The most important rule is rule 1. “1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle.” From this follows a no to cloning. The reason is as follows. 1. Political affiliation has been linked strongly with genes 2. Political power concentration (e.g. political Islam) can happen simply because of the sheer number of people with a political conviction that invade a country (e.g. a democracy) 3. Thus from (1) and (2) you can clone people with genes with a certain political affiliation and thus gain political dominance with time as they grow up and vote in the democracy. 4. Thus cloning leads to power concentration, thus SR rule 1 says no to cloning. (27 Jan 2015) 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1392 comments Stop this madness over fracking – or the lights really will go out Per Per carlmarx a year ago Even if it comes at ruin of health of the British people? View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Why are you for fracking? View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago I have been informed of this by a serious science TV programme (Vetenskapens värld in Sweden). View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago They use chemicals. Secret ones. (In the USA). Doctors have to sign NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements) with fracking companies, regarding people who suffer from the chemicals. 1 View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Because it is bad. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I hope fracking will never be a reality in UK. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2095 comments The Green Party are spiteful, malicious toddlers Per Per wibbling a year ago No, I do not think you are right. The reason is I have read the license terms for posting here, 1. You give a perpetual license to the telegraph to use your material 2. You may not make a "database" of the posts in a systematic way From (1) we can ask, if the material were in public domain, why would you need to agree for telegraph to use it in the license terms? From (2) if the material were in public domain there would be no need to have this clause since the telegraph cannot rule over public domain material. Hence you retain your copyright when you post here. View in discussion Per Per Strativarius a year ago Who is David Cameron in the following video (3 min) from the Muppets. Very funny. Click below or type "chef ping pong" at youtube. View in discussion Per Per a year ago “What is an Angel? Somebody with a left wing and a right wing.” (Per) Is Natalie Bennett an Angel? Is David Cameron an Angel? View in discussion Per Per Sean_OHare a year ago Some British people do have a lovely sense of humour, one of my favourite quotes comes from radio 4 "The Archers", "The most people want from an artist is sincerity, and if you can fake that, you'll make it." View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am disgusted by you. 1 View in discussion Per Per ninedeuce a year ago That's right. Immigration is not destroying the country. I am refugee friendly. However I am totally against "free immigration" 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The Greens want "free immigration". Here is a relevant repost, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 12 View in discussion Per Per richardsmith a year ago quote you, "However the Greens aren't corruptible" FFS, the Greens want "free immigration". Why do they want that? They are not corruptible, my @ss. 1 View in discussion Per Per edwardstudor a year ago If you want to bet money, make sure you are informed. Look at the following graph of polls, As you can see patterns move slowly. There is no way that UKIP could go straight up the last 3 months. Be realistic. View in discussion Per Per edwardstudor a year ago Here is a relevant post posted by burnside2, The point is that if Labour lose 40+ seats they will not be forming any Government with anybody ! The result will be :- Conservative.............330 Labour.......................228 Lib-Dem.......................22 SNP.............................30 ( At most!) UKIP............................20 ( " ) DU.................................8 SF..................................5 PC..................................5 Others............................2 The results hinge around the economy Put a tenner of yours on !! And don't worry about the SNPee View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 357 comments Cumbrian MP hits back at Russell Brand after submarines rant Per Per daveyah2002 a year ago There was this image of Jesus that appeared in your eyes if you stared at a "reverse colour" image for 60 seconds, in around the millennia shift. Check it out here, Yes there is similarity between Brand and Jesus! View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2095 comments The Green Party are spiteful, malicious toddlers Per Per edwardstudor a year ago There is something very dangerous about betting money on political parties wins at general elections. People vote according to how they have bet. Not according to their conviction. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Any political allegiance may use the idea LOTTA. Provided, 1. You use the name LOTTA as a referral to the idea 2. If you find out my surname, you do not reveal it in public, simply refer to me as "Per in Sweden" The specific above post that I reply to with this post is in the public domain from now (26 Jan 2015 14:00 CET) View in discussion Per Per Deckers Synchronicity a year ago You seen knowledgeable. Thanks for clarifying. 1 View in discussion Per Per Deckers Synchronicity a year ago quote you, "2. The UK don't make "all environmental laws in Britain"." I think you mean EU. That is true if you mean EU. Many local laws are some type of environmental laws. But I meant it as a general statement, what are important environmental laws. Basically, all the national environmental laws have to be ratified by the EU in order for them not to be a trade barrier. That is elementary. 2 View in discussion Per Per Benthos a year ago The Greens want "citizens income". May I suggest an alternative, 15 Jan 2015 I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? — 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Mr Archer, "The road to evil, I believe, begins by making windows into people’s souls, then insisting that you alone understand what should shine through them." This is the dream of power concentrating politicians. They want to control the information going to people. Selecting beneficiary (to them) information and hiding aversive. In the future, never sign a contract that gives you only one news source. And the right to revise history books so that they are politically correct. PC is all about being minions to the current power. Nothing else. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Although Natalie Bennet is a good looking girl, here are my thought as to the validity of the Greens. 1. They want to limit green house gases. Global warming. Who do they think they are? Little Green party in UK? What about USA and China the biggest green house gas emitters. Little Green party. Give me a laugh. 2. UK is a member of EU. EU makes all environmental laws in Britain, that we have to abide with. We cannot make our own environmental laws, since this will be a "constructed trade barrier" (with the excuses of being environmental according to the EU). Thus Green party, if they cannot influence the EU are superfluous in Britain. How about that. 8 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2140 comments Rejecting the Ukip distraction is a sensible step Per Per a year ago I can recommend the movie "Blood Diamonds" The phrase I remember from this was the "hero" saying regarding politics in Southern Africa, "In the end it's all about who gets what" Is British politics the same? Who gets what? Of course, the who is important. View in discussion Per Per hettygetty a year ago Haven't you noticed from the news he is doing EU negotiations with Merkel about EU migration. However futile this is, it shows his stand clearly. Why? Because in spite of being bullied by Merkel saying no, and politicians don't like to be bullied, it makes them look weak, in spite of this he continues his fight to limit EU migration. Because he has a passion for this. He thinks enough is enough. View in discussion Per Per riverlud a year ago All this alarm! "save our kinfolk" Things are not as dramatic as you want to convey. Cameron has said he want to limit immigration. And if OUT in EU referendum, we can limit EU migration too. Economy is running smooth, with Cameron. Remember there was much alarm raised in the 1930's 1940's by a man who said a certain people of a certain religious affiliation was overtaking the world. The people were told they were the "master race". Euphoria is a dangerous thing. It unites people. And certain people take advantage of this unification. Need I say more. 1 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Because I believe David Cameron has Angel characteristics. Mind you Angels are not only nice; they thrust fire through their mouths, to burn the wicked evil. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago If you say so. I love the UK and the British. Time here is 00:13 CET, I guess I'll log out and go to bed. Night night. View in discussion Per Per sylvesterthecat a year ago Dear sylvesterthecat, You're a CATastrophe! View in discussion Per Per No Good Boyo a year ago Here is some real language from nickname burnside2, The point is that if Labour lose 40+ seats they will not be forming any Government with anybody ! The result will be :- Conservative.............330 Labour.......................228 Lib-Dem.......................22 SNP.............................30 ( At most!) UKIP............................20 ( " ) DU.................................8 SF..................................5 PC..................................5 Others............................2 The results hinge around the economy Put a tenner of yours on !! And don't worry about the SNPee 1 View in discussion Per Per No Good Boyo a year ago Currently you too. View in discussion Per Per No Good Boyo a year ago Me stands with one foot in cheaters heaven and one foot in the no to this. (insults are cheating, in my book) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago But you're a kidder. A so called "cool kidder". View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2140 comments Rejecting the Ukip distraction is a sensible step Per Per Guest a year ago You're a "cool kid". ;-) Me no kidding. I detest "cool kids". View in discussion Per Per a year ago A lot of cool kids here... Order, please. It is no challenge to be serious, really. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago So you are from the Guardian. Leftist cheat. "We cheat, see" View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You tried to hit me! ;-) A hit is NOT unmotivated if the subject knows why, is it? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I said I quoted Chad Hogan, didn't I? 1 View in discussion Per Per paul67ahton a year ago Bikini is dangerous. The name bikini was adopted by the French, I believe, from the Bikini atoll where the Americans did their nuclear tests. Dangerous stuff... The French have taste, and humour, at least. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is an interesting repost, in case you have missed it (pun intended), 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Chad Hogan made an excellent post the other day, let me repeat it, "Cameron the most incompetent UK PM ever in the history of the UK" - UK on track to be G7's fastest growing economy - Highest ever rate of employment - Deficit halved (as % of GDP) - Unemployment at 6 year low - Crime at lowest level for 33 years - net immigration from outside EU lowest since 1998 - UK house prices at record high - Low inflation and interest rates Sorry but to achieve the above, in the current world economic climate, is bordering on miraculous. If that is incompetent, where on earth does Brown come? 1 View in discussion Per Per johnward a year ago I checked with yougov 7% of UKIP voted LAB 2010 election, View in discussion Per Per johnward a year ago Even the Labour camp admits the ratio ex_CON:ex_LAB is 5:1. The Greens voting UKIP! You gave me a laugh. :-) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2140 comments Rejecting the Ukip distraction is a sensible step Per Per a year ago The following is a very interesting read on African-American culture, "the dozens", "The Dozens is a game of spoken words between two contestants, common in Black communities of the United Stated, where participants insult each other until one gives up. It is customary for the Dozens to be played in front of an audience of bystanders, who encourage the participants to reply with more egregious insults to heighten the tension and consequently, to be more interesting to watch." Is that what we are doing here? 2 View in discussion Per Per Per Mare Per Terram a year ago Vote UKIP, get Labour. What does this mean? This means, because of how the constituency democracy system works, that the relative small parties “steal” votes from the larger, of the general same type of voters, who would normally vote for this larger party had the smaller not existed. Thus UKIP “steals” votes from Conservatives. Because of this split of votes, Labour could very well win the constituencies throughout the country, even though centre-right voters are in majority. Thus vote UKIP, get Labour. What about the Kippers that now detest the Conservatives with David Cameron? You have to ask yourself, why do you detest CON. Immigration? EU-friendly? Or is it just that you love the alternative better, and thus this love turns up in hate towards CON. You have to look at the deals. The first deal is call CON. Here you get, 1. IN/OUT EU referendum 2017, and if OUT 2017 control EU migration 2. Control immigration 3. Economy running smooth The other deal is called “UKIP get Labour” 1. No referendum (since Labour wins) 2. Open door immigration (since Labour wins) 3. Economy struggling (since Labour wins) Is it really that hard choice for the Kipper? By all means, if UKIP gets larger than CON in the polls, then vote UKIP. Otherwise CON. This is really sense talking to you… Vote for David “Angel face” Cameron May 7th 2015! Check the polls here, View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 30 comments Edgar Froese, German pioneer of electronic rock, dies at 70 Per Per a year ago I was introduced to Tangerine Dream by my Swedish school mate from class of Engineering Physics, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm in the 1980's. The song I remember most is "Love on a real train". I have seen "Risky Business" starring Tom Cruise. It is about his schooling and prostitution business. "I give the people what they want". Real good movie, too. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 314 comments Judith Woods: Mum, do dogs go to heaven? Per Per a year ago My man won. A "religious" moment for me. "Rumble" won over "The Mauler"; UFC MMA tonight. (25 Jan 2015, 03:30 GMT) I am happy. "Christmas in Hollis" by RUN-DMC See pictures of the match here, View in discussion Per Per midnighteye a year ago What is impossible for an eternity? View in discussion Per Per midnighteye a year ago Let me start by quoting Longman, socialism any of various beliefs or systems (sometimes considered to include communism) aiming at public ownership of the means of production and the establishment of a society in which every person is equal This is NOT what I mean by socialism. I just think the word is to good to be let at this definition. I mean what a word, "social" and the "-ism" of that. Therefore I included my own definition of socialism, “Socialism is general rules of the survival of life in the long term.” Further, on coercion, which means government by force, I think all societies has this quality, more or less. For example if you don't pay your due taxes you are thrown into jail. If you steal other's property, you are probably punished, etc. There has to be some kind of coercion in any society, in other words. Thus coercion is a fruitful and sustainable way of molding a society. Without coercion, anarchy. "Order, please", as the English say. View in discussion Per Per a year ago War between reason and belief "If for all there is a minute chance of eternal exit, in a reality of eternal existence, then all will eternally exit, since infinity multiplied by a non­zero chance is 100 percent chance for all." View in discussion Per Per a year ago I believe this is a probable truth, "Christianity and Islam will probably exist forever." View in discussion Per Per a year ago Let me post some repeat posts in case you wonder about my religious affiliations. As long as the Muslims respect my religious affiliation I can respect theirs. Remember religion is a way to say strongly what you believe in (look up religion in wikipedia). Religious wars on blogs like these means you fight intense and passionate battles with words and arguments for something you believe in strongly. --- Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. --- Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. (Per) --- 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. (Simple Religion, 185 = 37*5 visible characters as a checksum) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Regarding Jesus, here are some arguments as to why he never existed. Either Jesus is a myth or he was real. Here are some motives as to argue for the myth, 1. The religious community needed a figure (imaginary and basis for the myth) to focus on that would confirm the Old Testament. ("I have not come to abolish the law" as Jesus basically said) 2.The people longed for a messias, then a made up messias is almost as good. 3.The emotional basis for such a myth to spread quickly was there (the originators of the myth felt the vibes in the air) and then some people thought it would be fun to be the originators of such a myth and then other people joined. The most important points (that I have in memory right now) that Jesus never existed are 1. You don't write down the story of Jesus decades later if he now could make magic and thus proved he was God's son; you write down the story immediately. 2. Fairly stupid of Jesus to say that the Devil shall burn, and then say that he is the Devil himself (morningstar).God(s) seems smart considering the Laws of Physics (the Laws of Nature), how then can his son be such dumb being. (Why is this dumb? Because the spirit of the two signals (Jesus said according to the Bible 1. Devil is bad and shall burn [St. MATTHEWS. 25:41], 2. I am the Devil [REVELATION. 22:16]) he is sending is contradictory.) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Regarding your dilemma (that your six-year old presented), Judith Woods, here is a more "heavyweight" version of this old age dilemma, "That the saints may enjoy their beatitude and the grace of God more abundantly they are permitted to see the punishment of the damned in hell." Aquinas, Thomas. 13th Century. (s: ) View in discussion Per Per a year ago I read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, yesterday. The whole book in one sweep, the book is not long. There some animals spoke of Sugarcandy Mountain. The analogue is clear. I think G. Orwell spoke out against socialism in the book. I think this is rubbish, since socialism is the future. What is bad about Napoleon etc in the book is the power structure, the lack of democracy. “The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in conservative spirit.” (Per) “Socialism is general rules of the survival of life in the long term.” (Per) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3241 comments Without David Cameron, Nigel Farage will destroy Labour and the Lib Dems Per Per a year ago 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Repeat post, 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Repeat post since last post was removed, 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Repeat post since last post was removed at night 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Repeat post since last was removed, 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The following post was deleted from this thread. It seems the moderators delete posts merely on the number of flaggings they get. The problem with this strategy is that single persons (such as Adrian Wainer, who logs in with different IP-addresses) can delete posts at will by flagging multiple times with different IPs. Anyway here is the post (as you can see there is nothing offensive or bad about the post), 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 729 comments Why printing money won't work for Europe Per Per Per a year ago 25 Jan 2015, 02:08 GMT Those opposed to David Cameron keep flagging the following post, and I keep reposting it! Here it is again, 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. View in discussion Per Per tom watson a year ago Well, this post was from Jan 15th, the time when before BBC had said they would hold a 7-way debate including the Greens. The major choice I referred to then was if Cameron would participate or not in the telly debates. I think his advisors advice him not to participate. View in discussion Per Per albie a year ago A better cheaper idea would if only new say first 500 posts of a poster were premoderated, then all posts after that would pass; if you get your comment flagged and a moderator decided it as unsuitable, then the next 500 posts are premoderated for that user. Thus people have an interest to post in good manner not to go back to be premoderated, and thus have to wait of their comments to appear. View in discussion Per Per boptah a year ago I am from Sweden. In case you wonder why I engage in British politics so strongly, when I can't vote, and am from Sweden, is because I am a passionate patriot. Swedish patriot. And British patriot, since my upbringing involved British headmasters and teachers. I think if I were to choose between winners and losers between UK and Sweden, I would say UK are the winners and Sweden is the loser. That is why I love UK so much; they are winners over Sweden, and I feel passionate patriotic feelings for Britain. View in discussion Per Per boptah a year ago Well in this case I would vote for CON, should I had been eligible to vote. I have sent the following link to David Cameron, This is where the post was deleted. Maybe David Cameron has political enemies that eavesdrop (spy) on his emails and then decided he should not read this post. And thus deleted the post by flagging it in the night, where it was deleted automatically. What are your thoughts about this speculation. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I've noticed a post, fully non-offensive or non-bad (as another poster pointed out) can stand for a good 8 hours and then is deleted in the middle of the night. As a poster here has said, when they are understaffed at night they let a computer program do the deleting automatically based on the number of unique IP-addresses that flags them. Thus for example Adrian Wainer logs in with multiple IP-adresses and flags comments at will out of lust for destruction. This is a historic record. This cannot be allowed. Things need to be changed, telegraph. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 689 comments Ruth Davidson attacks flag tribute for Saudi king Per Per a year ago I'm with Cameron on this. Vote David "Angel face" Cameron! :-) 1 View in discussion Per Per Son_of_Casandra a year ago Ruth is a woman. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I have read the comments. I see the hen court/yard are clucking in unison with Ruth Davidson. What a joke. 2 View in discussion Per Per sherrell a year ago Rubbish from you. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Saudi Arabia is an important ally, and from what I know the late king Abdullah there was a respected leader. Why would we do a confrontation politics with Saudi Arabia? Ruth Davidson should consider her position more wisely. Not just emotion. 9 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1292 comments What the SNP really wants is Mr Cameron back in No 10 Per Per mccavitycat a year ago quote you, " I mean why would anyone not just love being governed by their neighbouring country? " :-) Norway used to be ruled by Sweden. Now we have "loveful" hate between the nations. View in discussion Per Per mccavitycat a year ago It is of no real debate that Scots vote for SNP or Labour more than Tories. And English vote more for Tory than Labour. Why do I find this weird? Since people are people. But I guess it could have to do with Scottish "stubbornness" and "defiance" against the English. If the English had been Labour more, then the Scots would have been more Tory. Do you get my drift? 1 View in discussion Per Per mccavitycat a year ago Good repeat post, I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonialization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) — 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I find it weird that Scots are more "left" than English. Why is that? I can back this statement up. 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago In case you wonder about the name "Lotta". "Lotta" is a common Swedish female name; mostly as a nickname, usually women are baptised as "Charlotte", "Charlotta" or a double name such as "Ann-Charlotte". Lotta is my love. Here is a poem dedicated to my love. “Love” Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; Tillägnad Lotta Dedicated to Lotta View in discussion Per Per peterskell a year ago How do you know they share the truth about their backgrounds? Mailbiter has said he is "not Labour" to me. But I do not believe him. View in discussion Per Per new_number_2 a year ago "Do not preach for the already converted" is an old saying. If he said he was Labour, he would lose a lot of sympathisers... (he has used the expression "Tory toff"; would a Tory use such an expression?) View in discussion Per Per peterskell a year ago Well people behind the posts are interesting to know about. I said mailbiter is my friend. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Where is nickname mailbiter, my friend? I'd love to here a comment from him on SNP, since he a Labour contract writer... 1 View in discussion Per Per in_totidem_verbis a year ago Well, I wrote it "on topic" in Dan's article 14 Jan. There it was removed. Seems like single people like Adrian Wainer can log in with different IP-addresses using proxies (hacking technique) and flag the comment multiple times and get it removed by default. Telegraph need to do something about this. see, View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1292 comments What the SNP really wants is Mr Cameron back in No 10 Per Per a year ago This post was removed. There is nothing bad or offensive about it, agree? 15 Jan 2015 There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Check out UKIP on wikipedia, "The party has described itself as a "patriotic"[108] and "democratic, libertarian party".[109]" (s: section Policies) Heard over RAF radio... "Bombing mission completed, over" "Damage report, over" "FUBAR, over" "Mission complete, over and out" (s: ) View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago Thank you for that! Now I can quote wikipedia, "Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgement.[1][2] Libertarians generally share a skepticism of authority; however, they diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing political and economic systems. Various schools of libertarian thought offer a range of views regarding the legitimate functions of state and private power, often calling to restrict or even to wholly dissolve pervasive social institutions. Rather than embodying a singular, rigid systematic theory or ideology, libertarianism has been applied as an umbrella term to a wide range of sometimes discordant political ideas through modern history. Although some present-day libertarians advocate laissez-faire capitalism and strong private property rights,[3] such as in land, infrastructure and natural resources, others, notably libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of their common or cooperative ownership and management.[5][6] While minarchists think that a minimal centralized government is necessary, anarchists propose to completely eliminate the state.[7][8]" (s: ) View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago I'll give you this. UKIP has been a positive influence on UK politics. Without them Conservatives would not feel forced to have an EU referendum and to want to limit immigration. I'll give you that. But now UKIP's role is past bedtime... Thank you UKIP for changing Conservatives. Labour has also changed Conservatives, drawing Conservatives with Cameron to the left. The best of right and left in Conservatives. UKIP - a "libertarian" party - look up "libertarian" on wikipedia. Really do. What a good laugh... :-) 1 View in discussion Per Per billymiddleengland a year ago Que? Their roots??? Your roots is something you should consider very carefully. (Do you consider "libertarian" to be their roots? Check out UKIP on wikipedia to see that UKIP is at heart libertarian.) View in discussion Per Per a year ago If you are elderly and consider voting UKIP, consider your roots, when you voted Conservative. 1 View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago Repeat reading this thread from the start (of my post). Maybe you'll learn something. View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago quote you, "Cameron wants it" Yes! He wants to win the election. No excuses. View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago I'll start the referendum 2017 campaign already. Vote OUT. Look at Norway. Look at Switzerland. UK can do just fine with ordinary trading deals with EU. EU are intertwined with UK economy, thus they will keep the trade deals if UK votes OUT. repost, 20 Jan 2015 Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago Rubbish. There will be a referendum if Tory wins. All else is suicidal considering UKIP 2020. Conservatives, even the pro-EU, fears for their jobs, and thus UKIP. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1292 comments What the SNP really wants is Mr Cameron back in No 10 Per Per Drabcity a year ago That's right, Drabcity. Cameron detests and loaths the UKIP. He knows that if there is a referendum, UKIP's position will be weakened. If there is a referendum 2017, and there is an OUT vote, UKIP will be dead and buried. Therefore there will be a referendum 2017 if CON wins. The IN/OUT EU referendum was a smart tactical move by Cameron, thus. Yes, he is an Angel, but not all Angel... View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago The Scotland referendum was there, wasn't it. Yet Cameron did not want to break up the union. Yet he had the referendum, anyhow. History speaks. 2 View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago On the serious side. Vote CON this election, since Labour will then have a chance of being defeated. But for election 2020, when UKIP is possibly following the trend on the graph to say 35%, then vote UKIP. Wait until 2020. Have patience. 1 View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago Yeah. You can put your vote at "Monster Raving Loony Party" too. But to no avail, I guess. ;-) 1 View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago What do you detest the most? Conservatives or Labour? View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago Look at the poll curve in the link I provided above. There you can see trends. Trends are slow. You can see that even if the trend for UKIP is as positive as it gets in the next 3.5 months to May 7th, UKIP will not gain more than 18% - extrapolate (if you know what that means, if not look it up). View in discussion Per Per chill0 a year ago Even Labour has admitted that the majority UKIP population is by far majority ex-cons. I think the ratio was 1:5, ex-LAB:ex-CON 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Dear Friend (yes I know I borrowed that from Ed Miliband :-) ), Vote UKIP, get Labour. What does this mean? This means, because of how the constituency democracy system works, that the relative small parties “steal” votes from the larger, of the general same type of voters, who would normally vote for this larger party had the smaller not existed. Thus UKIP “steals” votes from Conservatives. Because of this split of votes, Labour could very well win the constituencies throughout the country, even though centre-right voters are in majority. Thus vote UKIP, get Labour. What about the Kippers that now detest the Conservatives with David Cameron? You have to ask yourself, why do you detest CON? Immigration? EU-friendly? Or is it just that you love the alternative better, and thus this love turns up in hate towards CON. You have to look at the deals. The first deal is called CON. Here you get, 1. IN/OUT EU referendum 2017, and if OUT 2017 control EU migration 2. Control immigration 3. Economy running smooth The other deal is called “UKIP get Labour” 1. No referendum (since Labour wins) 2. Open door immigration (since Labour wins) 3. Economy struggling (since Labour wins) Is it really that hard choice for the Kipper? By all means, if UKIP gets larger than CON in the polls, then vote UKIP. Otherwise CON. This is really sense talking to you… Vote for David “Angel face” Cameron May 7th 2015! Check the polls here, 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 620 comments Thomas Cromwell was the Islamic State of his day Per Per Guest a year ago A simpleton is a weak-minded trusting person. I guess simpletons could follow and benefit from SR. But all are not simpletons, since I am a Behaver and I am not weak-minded (not yet, anyhow, compared to most). View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Followers of Simple Religion are called "Behavers" (from the first word of the religion) Don't be a "behaverophobe"! ;-) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago In these dark ages, there is good with some hope, Simple Religion is a religion that I have written, with the purpose of having something strong to believe in. Remember religion is beliefs, culture and world views according to wikipedia. Religious wars on blogs like this refers to defending fiercely what you believe in, without having to give motivations or reasons. Anyway here is Simple Religion, 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. (The checksum for this religion is 185 visible characters. 185=37*5. 37 is the Judeo-Christian number (google otherbiblecode) and 5 is the Islam number (5 pillars). How does SR relate to, good evil right left light dark Evil is stronger than good. Since absence of pain is more important than pleasure. Since fear is a stronger motivational factor than love. What deeply changes a persons world view is when this one realises a personal detrimental factor. You cannot fight evil with good. This is like stoping the rotating knives in a lawn mower by your hands; the knives will continue rotating. You can only fight evil with evil - an iron bar into the knives. This is when (1) of SR comes in. Since evil is so efficient in gaining and maintaining power you need other evil to balance this evil so that power concentration due to evil does not become total. (1) is in self interest. Either you take control of the instruction structure of the evil empire, or you fight the evil empire with your own evil pole and instruction structure. Appeasement does not work. This will only increase the power of the evil adversary. To fight evil not in your interest you need revenge. You need to control borders. Nationalism and controlling borders is as natural choosing a parter for marriage. As natural as choosing employees for your company. You do not want someone to choose your marriage partner. You do not want others to choose who shall work for your company. You do not want open borders to the nation. Since conflict, harm and fear are so efficient power factors that spread exponentially, you need national borders as a barrier to the uncontrolled spread of power concentrating ideologies. You need to kick out people of your nation (e.g. to prisons). You need to control the power concentrating political movements across borders. This rule (SR 1.) has a clear standing against mass immigration and the defence of borders of nations. This since mass immigration across open borders of the world lead to power concentration of certain power seeking ideologies that take over democracies by sheer numbers of new population. This is clear. Controlled borders mitigates power concentration. But I want good to win, prevail. What a dilemma. The solution is that good uses evil. Like the myth that God (the good side in the myth) uses the Devil. The good has something to offer, Degerfors, and this evil wants; we allow vacation and select entry and kick out people from there with the protection of evil in Degerfors (enemy of the enemy) that want good to organise and rule there. Therefore free immigration destroys all this and is not in interest of good. You should speak of good and goo… Some people that say the work for good are really goo. They are not evil nor good, they are undefined; goo. But they work for evil enemy, though usually they do not understand this. Degerfors is good only because we have good people, good rules and follow and enforce them and control immigration. Because Degerfors is such a highly prized object by the evil, there is a lot of pressure to steal it. Beware. Control evil by evil, so that good may prevail. right left Free capitalism (right) and communism (left) is power concentration in the long run. Therefore to live by SR (1), we need a mix of right and left. Degerfors poem is the answer. Purple, the holy mix of right and left. light dark The extremes are both a nightmare. Total openness leads to power concentration, like a chess game is done. Total darkness leads to confusion. You need a compromise. A torch is advantageous not to stumble on your path. Confuse your enemy with planted information. Select light to form an advantageous biased picture. People are really more stupid than you think. People want simple solutions. They do not listen to Einstein, “Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler”; they want to make it simpler than possible. Epitets are a powerful misguiding technique to your advantage. Many people are mascot minions - they want to appear nice and vote for open generosity to everybody, but hope others will be the people with the bad news; they are the heartless bastards, I am the saint. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1644 comments British girls join Islamic State and we dismiss them as ‘jihadi brides’ Per Per new_number_2 a year ago Well their culture must come from somewhere, wouldn't it? Their parents and family, mostly. Those parents and family brought their feeling of not feeling "at home here", through their culture which they gave to their children. Why did those parents or family further distant come here in to Britain (or Sweden) with such a culture, is my question. That's why. 8 View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Emma Barnett, "...these young women don’t feel like they belong in Western society..." FFS, Why do they come here then??? 31 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I believe Isil members are cheaters. What are cheaters? H&M had reportedy a T-shirt for boys in Swedish that said (translated) "Rules are there with the purpose of breaking." Thus if such a large clothes retailer makes such a message, it has been carefully chosen out of popularity. Cheating is popular. "We cheat, see..." View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 398 comments Let’s be proud of wealth creation, not ashamed Per Per Guest a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Considering the 1% versus the 99% of wealth distribution, the 99% have the power, through democracy in democracies. View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago Top 1% I believe I read was around 2M pounds or more. View in discussion Per Per keithfromashford a year ago The history of creating money out of "nothing", comes from Italy. Italian "banks" where you could store your gold, got the idea that instead of lending the gold stored, you could make a paper slip of the right to the gold in the storage. Thus it was more convenient than moving the physical gold. Soon this paper slip became valuable, and was traded. This was the origin, I believe, of paper money. Soon they discovered they could make the same paper slip to multiple parties for the same gold in the safe. Thus they created money (the paper slip) out of nothing, since they relied on that people would not claim the actual gold. They got an interest from lending this paper slip, and this is the historic beginning of lending money out of nothing. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago “The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in conservative spirit.” (Per) “Socialism is general rules of the survival of life in the long term.” (Per) View in discussion Per Per whitegoldwielder a year ago No. "Money is a tool to distribute resources (leftist view). Money is a tool to motivate quality effort (rightist view). In general, there are two types of strategies to earn money (money is a measure of quantifiable resource of value), trade or thievery." (Per) View in discussion Per Per Matthewfive a year ago “Through your choices and actions you may not always be able to achieve happiness, but sure as Hell you can achieve misery through your choices and actions.” (Per) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1603 comments Poverty has been redefined to the point of meaninglessness Per Per scepticeu a year ago True. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Josephus was a Jewish historian. Josephus Testimonium Flavianum contains a reference to Jesus crucifixion, if I recall correctly. Then Josephus (or didn't if it was a forgery by a Christian who later added these words) writes "Then another disaster happened to the Jews..." and refers to something bad for the Jews. The point is the Jews did not consider Jesus' crucifixion as a disaster; why would they? Josephus was a Jew. View in discussion Per Per scepticeu a year ago Those citizens liberated Europe. So they would be pro Europe, why else liberate France and save Germany from Hitler. Remember the victors of WW2 did not kill all the Germans or enslave them. Did they? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. 2 View in discussion Per Per cooperative5 a year ago I want you to realise that power concentration as an ideology is a bad idea. Remember a certain man 1939-1945. I believe Jesus never existed, but you can still use the epitet as a useful tool to speak against power concentration as an ideology or religion. View in discussion Per Per voldermortsbrother a year ago Vote UKIP? No. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I can't say "Jesus never existed"? Why? Blasphemy? 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I believe, as I have posted elsewhere, Jesus never existed. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago UKIP is a one man show. Nigel Farage. Christianity is a one man show. Jesus. Thus UKIP and Christianity have similar philosophies. Why is "Heaven's on Fire" (KISS song - Really HOT girls in that video)? Because all power to one man leads to this. All power to one man bores the man. And the only way to enjoy life is to hurt others at will, through fire. Further to curb future opposition to this monopoly of power, you do management of fear. 1. Create first Hell to everyone except a few select 2. Those who want to avoid Hell have to sign Hellish contracts. 3. The contracts are enforced by repatriation to Hell of those who break the contract. Simple plan by Jesus. View in discussion Per Per voldermortsbrother a year ago Cameron want UKIP dead and buried, agree? Therefore there will be an EU IN/OUT referendum 2017 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1603 comments Poverty has been redefined to the point of meaninglessness Per Per voldermortsbrother a year ago - UK on track to be G7's fastest growing economy - Highest ever rate of employment - Deficit halved (as % of GDP) - Unemployment at 6 year low - Crime at lowest level for 33 years - net immigration from outside EU lowest since 1998 - UK house prices at record high - Low inflation and interest rates (s: Chad Hogan ) View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I really hope Conservatives win. Since, then there will be an EU IN/OUT referendum 2017. And then I hope British vote OUT. After that (if OUT), UKIP will be dead and buried. View in discussion Per Per totusporcus a year ago No. Vote Conservative. Have faith in David Cameron. Records past 5 years show, Economy is good. NHS is working. EU IN/OUT referendum 2017. Want immigration under control. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Remember the brave chaps on June 6th, 1944, "D-day". Remember Omaha beach. Fighting with no cover. Slaughter. Yet we won. Thank you brave British and Americans. Are we going to lose all that with internal fighting within British politics? Are we going to lose all to UKIP? 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago It is really stupid to say "All or nothing". This since if you get "All" then there will not be any challenges left and life will become boring. And if you get "nothing", well that is self-evident that that is bad. David Cameron, I believe is not an "All or nothing" guy. He made the Scottish referendum happen, thus he did not want "All" - he would accept Scottish independce should the people want that. Further, the PM does not have "All" power; winning the election 2015 is not "All". I believe in "Angel face" David Cameron. 2 View in discussion Per Per krislight a year ago Dear krislight, Let me recommend a "religious" song. Alice Cooper called it epic. Tommy Denander (from Sweden) is one of the ones playing guitars. "I am made of you" by Alice Cooper View in discussion Per Per krislight a year ago "Gudar" means Gods in Swedish. "Gudarnas" means Gods'. I engage here at the telegraph because I love the English and the UK. View in discussion Per Per new_number_2 a year ago The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago Interestingly, I have my own religion. I believe in many Gods. The sun is just another star among many... (You may think our sun affects us the most, however our sun follows the path of gravity of many other stars in our galaxy, Milky Way) This is part of my religion, (repost), Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1603 comments Poverty has been redefined to the point of meaninglessness Per Per latue a year ago So you believe in next life, after all... View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago You're probalbly, by the numbers of 90%, meeting them every day if you are normal social being, going to the grocery etc. 1 View in discussion Per Per new_number_2 a year ago Read religion on wikipedia, If you say that 90% are delusional you will be taken to an institution... View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago 90% of the world population believes in next life. View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see the following argument. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. 4 View in discussion Per Per jboohoousa a year ago Well if they just avoid those Dry Martinis, they'd be safe from dementia... (alcohol causes dementia and liver damage, as all with alcoholic relatives know) Coffee helps against dementia, it has been proved by scientists. "Coffee drinkers at midlife had lower risk of dementia and AD later in life compared with those drinking no or only little coffee adjusted for demographic, lifestyle and vascular factors, apolipoprotein E epsilon4 allele and depressive symptoms. The lowest risk (65% decreased) was found in people who drank 3-5 cups per day." (s: ) View in discussion Per Per tug a year ago It is really funny. Tory may win simply because petrol prices go down and the Greens increase in popularity (stealing votes from Labour) 1 View in discussion Per Per manufactureconcept a year ago It is because the Tory with Cameron has shifted to the left, that I am Tory. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I think the Tory is going to win the GE 2015. I'm Tory. Me? Left wing genes with a right wing upbringing. View in discussion Per Per incisor a year ago Here in Sweden the inflation adjusted disposable income (after tax and compensated for inflation) has increased by 80% from 1974-2014. If no inflation adjustment the increase would be much more. I have the sources to back that up (in Swedish) and the proper calculations and assumptions. (s: ) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1603 comments Poverty has been redefined to the point of meaninglessness Per Per pjwholland a year ago Read this guardian article, For example to quote the article, "Pub prices, too, seem foreign. A pint of lager in your local was 20p, a far cry from today's average of £2.10." An increase of factor 10. Average wages has increased by factor 15. Thus an improvement. View in discussion Per Per pjwholland a year ago quote you, "value of employment in 2015 is around half the value in 1974" Rubbish. Value is also bang for the buck. How much did a computer cost in 1974? How much did food cost? How much did a decent car cost? All in relative terms of average household income. Productivity has increased since. Look at computer development. Value is what you get for your work hours, in terms of what makes you happy, such as posting on internet sites like this. View in discussion Per Per a year ago How do we solve poverty in the UK and the rest of the world? Today is 20 Jan 2015. Stuck with wrong people at the job? Do you find some people annoying or irritating at your job? Would you like to be able to form a “dream team” of people who you really like and where the chemistry of characters plays like a piano, and where this “dream team” is an everyday occurrence going to the job? Like the opportunity to meet new people who you love to bits, and then keep those relations? This is a possibility with LOTTA. Inequality is troubling our world. 1% of the richest in the world owns almost as much as the rest (99%). Is there a natural way to solve this problem? Yes there is. The solution is to form competition to the rich people’s income generating opportunities. The government would in a natural way encourage competences to compete with monopolies, and thus greatly reduce the profit margin for these monopolies, since the “seller’s market” turns into a “buyer’s market”. What is a “seller’s market”? It is market where the seller of goods and services are able to set prices freely in order to maximise profit. This happens in monopolies. What is “buyer’s market”? This is a market where the buyers (consumers) set the prices by choosing the product of best bang for the buck, through competition between several suppliers of products. There is a huge difference between “seller’s market” and “buyer’s market”. Food is basically “buyer’s market”. Imagine a monopoly of a food producer. They could extort the market to astronomical prices of food, since one needs this to survive and will pay the price demanded by the monopoly in order not to starve. This is not the case in todays world since we have competition in the food market, thus a “buyer’s market”. Thus competition is good. Where there are monopolies rich get richer. Thus 1% of the worlds population are so rich because they have control over the market. The government could mitigate this by forming companies that compete naturally with those profit margins of the super rich, and their riches would therefore be under pressure. This active forming of competing companies by the government has the positive side effect that the companies that the government form will probably be highly profitable since they enter a market that is highly profitable (what it comes down to is having the right people with right knowledge). Thus a government economic catalyst through initiatives. LOTTA is a natural idea to realise this. Want more excitement and enjoyment of your ability? Imagine going to a job with work mates that you enjoy the company of and face challenges together and solve the problems together. Self-esteem comes from challenges in work that you win over. These “wins” you can and should remember, and this causes you to feel better of yourself. LOTTA is a natural construct that can enable this for you. What is LOTTA? Read on. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? (Send your local politician an email today. The lazy politicians feel happy when they have no pressure on them. I have sent David Cameron an email. :-) ) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 831 comments Labour has no answer to the Tories' jobs miracle Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago Ok. But a limited grant, I suppose. View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago I'll give you a tip, ThisPreciousLand, book domain names with lotta in them, and sell them to prospective users in the future for profit. is available last time I checked... View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago No I won't pitch this to NESTA. Since it is a charity, and doesn't have the financial muscles to realise the idea. You need either a government or a private party with lots of funds behind them. Yes it will be interesting to see if I get a response from no. 10. View in discussion Per Per a year ago How does the welfare in UK increase? More productive jobs. Imagine you could be paid for just an idea. Imagine international tried and tested successful business ideas that are benevolent to the society are tried here in the UK. Imagine the excitement of trying your wings with people you like, with a fresh business idea you can borrow from others (with their permission). What am I on? I have sent the following post to David Cameron, please read the repost, 15 Jan 2015 I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? View in discussion Per Per DCforPope a year ago I think Kippers like Volvo. Check out this brand new video form Volvo, View in discussion Per Per richard j williams a year ago International viewers, too. Daily Mail has 200M unique monthly visitors. View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago In my opinion, they do reflect the public sentiment to a degree, give or take a few nutters away. View in discussion Per Per jmw123 a year ago There was this poster who suspected nickname Igonikon Jack, USA was an AI experiment from USA... View in discussion Per Per onedaysoon a year ago 4.5M are self-employed in UK. (well you're right most of us; 64M in UK 33-4=29M a minority) (EDIT: you have to consider those kids not in the education system, about 4M; thus it turned out you're not right anyhow...and the invalid is a certain proportion too) View in discussion Per Per onedaysoon a year ago Here, yes, but not the general electorate (33M have jobs in UK) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 831 comments Labour has no answer to the Tories' jobs miracle Per Per onedaysoon a year ago Among unemployed, pensioners, people in the education system and self-employed (me), yes. View in discussion Per Per a year ago To all you regulars at telegraph blogs posting here, DT has about 4 million daily visitors, probably 10% of those visit the comment section. Then there are different blogs to choose from at the comment section. The most popular blog probably have 300-400 thousand viewers per day. DT has 70 million monthly visitors. Than means the average bloke visits the telegraph every 15 days. In case you feel that your name on these blogs are important (a visitor who visits the site twice a month may not remember your nickname); it may not be that important, after all. What you write is the most important. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Watch the following picture of David Cameron: You can see that Cameron has Angel traits in him. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Jobs. Immigration. Lies. Faith. NHS. EU. Things are complex. Many say, "I have no idea what to vote for." 3 View in discussion Per Per davy a year ago NP? (No problem?) I am Tory because David Cameron has taken the Conservatives to the left. View in discussion Per Per davy a year ago Oh, I see. :-) 1 View in discussion Per Per davy a year ago I'm Tory. View in discussion Per Per davy a year ago Well, ok, I'll try. The quoted figure to measure the unemployment in the UK and elsewhere in the world is the official unemployment figure. Around 6% in UK. This figure is the percentage that WANT jobs and compared to those who SHOULD be able to work (excluding pensioners children invalid etc). My point is this official figure is in theory really irrelevant. It works now because we have not too many that rely on others work, such as pensioners. Should this figure change (rise dramatically) in the future, everyone will see that the official unemployment rate is really irrelevant. The relevant figure is the people that have jobs versus total population. This because those with jobs support those without jobs, whatever reason they do not work. Those with jobs bring in export income, help with NHS, shops, import and sale of goods, etc, etc. If ratio of those with jobs compared to the total population becomes too small, then society fails. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago But you do remember Carl-Henric Svanberg (chairman of BP) said "We care about the little people..." (about the oil catastrophe in Gulf of Mexico) View in discussion Per Per davy a year ago You fell into the trap thinking that the 52% matters less than the official unemployment rate. Do you agree that the 52% is what really matters? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 831 comments Labour has no answer to the Tories' jobs miracle Per Per davy a year ago Hah. You went into the trap! What really matters is the total number of people working compared to total population. Imagine in the future 90% are pensioners (and children and invalids etc). And we have a available workforce of only 10% of population. Now imagine the official unemployment rate is 5%. That figure doesn't matter. There are simply not enough working people supporting those who do not work. Take care of the elderly, NHS, services, etc, etc. Do you agree now? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The total workforce number of jobs Sep 2014 was 33,492,000 (in UK). Compare that to the total population of UK 64,100,000 (2013 estimate) That gives that 52% are employed in the UK. This is the real figure that matters. Agree? (s: and wikipedia) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 6 comments Seattle Seahawks set up Super Bowl showdown with New England Patriots after stunning comeback win Per Per a year ago Great! I saw part of the Seahawks vs Packers game here in Sweden (on channel 10), complete with live Swedish commenters. The other game (Patriots vs Colts) was too late, I went to bed. Colts - should they not be called "Colds"? ;-) 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2677 comments Of course the TV debates are risky – that’s the whole point Per Per a year ago A promise is one thing. An oath is something completely different. Should we force politicians to make oaths? I mean an oath, with all its weight, would have to accompany very negative consequences for the oath breaker; would this make us trust politicians more? 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 294 comments Most Conservatives want more immigration, centre-right think tank tells David Cameron Per Per a year ago Simple. If Cameron curbs and control immigration, he will gain back a lot of UKIP voters, however he will not lose traditional Conservative voters because of this. Thus go ahead, control immigration. 12 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 370 comments O-level generation 'face age discrimination' Per Per Thayaric a year ago :D View in discussion Per Per Thayaric a year ago There are many many occasions were I have helped out. Printer problems, log in to the bank doesn't work, "I got a word file (.docx) in the email and can't read it, what do I do?" "the email doesn't work!" etc etc View in discussion Per Per Thayaric a year ago I am a programmer myself. Yesterday, friends of my parents who were visiting needed to know how to connect their tablet to the local wifi network. Simple things like that. It's boring but I think definitely there is a market. 1 View in discussion Per Per Thayaric a year ago But haven't you noticed as a programmer that family and friends call you and want something sorted, for free? View in discussion Per Per Thayaric a year ago I am sorry about your health. As for no money in support, I know an acquaintance who pay 2000 Swedish crowns (200 Pounds) (from "Elgigianten", big electronics retailer in Sweden) for 3 years support. They were happy with the support. They are pensioners. The secret is marketing. 1 View in discussion Per Per Thayaric a year ago As an advice, start your own business. Business idea? There are a lot of pensioners who want to use a computer ipad etc. They need help and are willing to pay for that. E.g. 200 Pounds for 3 years telephone support per customer. Get many customers, and make sure you put a limit to the number of calls they can make a month, or they have to shift to a more expensive plan. View in discussion Per Per a year ago If you lie about O-levels, you have burnt your ships. What an employer wants most is skill and allegiance. The allegiance part is gone if the first thing you do is to lie to the employer about your education. 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2677 comments Of course the TV debates are risky – that’s the whole point Per Per agneau a year ago Relax. Have a beer at your local pub. Taste is like the buttocks, split. (The incisive point is that we all have our allegiances, and they do matter.) Thank you for acknowledging your suspicion of novelty. This is the case. I have invented this humour. I am from Sweden. UK can learn much from Sweden. Swedish politics is at a pickle. If I were to judge, winners from losers, between UK and Sweden, I would say UK is the winner and Sweden is the loser. Still UK can learn a lot from Sweden. As an example of what I think you English will appreciate from Sweden is Swedish food culture. It is very nice. There is something called Kaviar in Sweden. Basically it is smoked cod fish eggs in a tube. You can buy this at your local IKEA. I just had two egg and Kaviar sandwiches. Very nice. If you love marmite, you will love Kaviar. Similar taste experience. Kaviar is an acquired taste, though. View in discussion Per Per Cj a year ago Que? Have I said that? Don't put words in my mouth, please. What is on the table was where they came from, i.e. the election before. You can only vote for one party in an election, you know. 1 View in discussion Per Per Cj a year ago Don't you believe proportions are interesting? E.g. if the UKIP crowd used to vote CON 80%, LAB 19% LIBDEM 1%. View in discussion Per Per a year ago In social circumstance, the telegraph site and a smartphone can be really nice. On the Twelfth Day (5th Jan) I read directly from the telegraph web site, since the subject was going into catastrophes; I went to the telegraph web site, clicked on full view in the phone, and then searched "7 world end" and clicked relevance. Then I read all 7 ways the world could end, and my cousin Nick commented on each and everyone of them. View in discussion Per Per DCforPope a year ago If you look at the graph, you can see as LIBDEM goes down LAB and CON goes up, but mostly LAB hence LIBDEM steals votes from LAB. Further the spike in the middle for UKIP corresponds with a dip for CON, hence UKIP is stealing votes from CON. 6 View in discussion Per Per a year ago There is a really nice curve of averaged poll reports, very current and interesting, 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Does Cameron use contact lenses? Does he need to go to Specsavers? A Tory MP went to Specsavers to get a new pair of glasses. The attendant at the shop was a Labour part time politician, and recognised the Tory MP. "I want a new pair of glasses", said the Tory MP "Don't you see well?", said the Labour politician "No" "My friend, do you want to book a time?" "Yes" "I'm sorry, it is full all year." "What? I need to be able to read before May 7th, it's important." "I'm sorry, we have no time left for you..." "Politics, politics, everywhere I go!" 2 View in discussion Per Per Neandertroll a year ago Well if the lawyer cheat, then the lawyer cannot eat the cheese... 1 View in discussion Per Per Neandertroll a year ago "He of course is referring to anyone in the dairy industry..." (s: "Life of Brian" by Monty Python) 1 View in discussion Per Per Neandertroll a year ago Well, problem is Heaven's on Fire (KISS song, really HOT ladies in the video, look it up on youtube) and Hell is Hell. ;-) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2677 comments Of course the TV debates are risky – that’s the whole point Per Per crankybleeder a year ago Right :-) View in discussion Per Per crankybleeder a year ago Well UKIP is emotionally adhering to Christian values. Labour is emotionally adhering to Islamic values and are those who defend them most of the three in media. Conservatives, well conservative means keeping the ancient 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Would you agree with the following associations? UKIP - Christianity Labour - Islam Conservatives - Older Religion 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago What do you deep down there think motivates people to vote in a particular direction? Could there be schadenfreude there? Could there be people who would love to scorn at others at their voting in vain? (i.e. when another party wins than you voted for, the end result is that your voting was in vain) View in discussion Per Per roadchef a year ago The old civilised and decent values of UK are, 1. Devolution of power. 2. Respect those that respects. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. This along with patience and perseverance and general faith in the British, that we are good. I have a particular place here in Sweden that I hold dearly. The name is good. I like it, because it aligns with a general idea I have that effort should pay. The place is called "Degerfors" (look it up on google maps) Deg in Sweden means dough. Dough is money (same meaning in Swedish and English) "Those with dough go to Degerfors". Literally the name means Dough-your-rapid (as the stream of water). Degerfors sounds like "The Eager Force" in English. Nice name. View in discussion Per Per dtcommenter a year ago Ah, you don't read the replies, you say. Scared of debating, are we? quote you, "They both basically created a fantasy of the good life for all, which it has turned out in practice, worked for a minority, but has just left the majority in fear, insecurity and debt." Most people in Britain have a good life. Don't try to distort this fact. People may be complaining, as people has always done since the dawn of man, but most people have a good life. 1 View in discussion Per Per roadchef a year ago The Kippers are a sad bunch of people. Almost as unfortunate and sad as Eddie. (Iron Maiden's tortured mascot) 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A promise is one thing. An oath is something completely different. 1 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Well, I listened to "The Winner Takes It All". There was one line that I particularly thought was interesting in that song, namely "Now it's history". Do you think the GE 2015 will be history, in other words written in the history books? The lines you and I write here may be part of history, since telegraph archives the stuff. One particular post I think will be "history" is my idea of LOTTA, that I've posted elsewhere and will repeat here for you to read. Nickname roadchef said "Very clever idea.". Today is 18 Jan 2015. For historians to read. BTW, one of my sister's best friends is called Lotta, and she had "The Winner Takes It All" as the best song form ABBA. Here is the repeat post, 15 Jan 2015 I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? View in discussion Per Per romsey45 a year ago The two by-elections that they have won, only need repeating in the GE 7th May, to win at least two seats. Probably will happen. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2677 comments Of course the TV debates are risky – that’s the whole point Per Per a year ago Here is some general reading advice regarding these blogs, “Pay attention not only what is said, but who say it.” (Per) (Messages from posters can turn out to give a whole new meaning when you understand that it is a specific person that has an opinion, with certain hidden or not motives. Children usually just accept what other people say as "truths", I guess we all can fall into this mode from time to time.) 1 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago I know who you mean. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Agnetha Fältskog's summer cottage (she may have moved as what I've heard recently) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Just to inform you, I am a mixture of left and right, left wing genes with a right wing upbringing. "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in a conservative spirit." NOTE: I have my own definition of "socialism". “Socialism is general rules of the survival of life in the long term.” (Per) PS. Listen to "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary (below) DS. View in discussion Per Per Sanch_o panza a year ago I guess you meant the "guy" to be Farage. ("How? Why should he debate with a guy who will only get a few MPs but will heap bile on the political stage") Then publishCHILCOT turned that to mean the Greens "the gal" (Natalie Bennett). Thus he misunderstood. That is my theory. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Listen to "Shackles (Praise You)" by Mary Mary before you go to bed (see below) View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Sancho Panza Sancho Panzer Panzer Ger (sometimes cap.) of a (usu. German) TANK1 (2) or other such armoured vehicle (s: LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Whoo! It sure is hot out here Ya know? I don't mind though Just glad to be free Know what I'm saying, uh! Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise You (What'cha wanna do?) I just wanna praise You (Yeah, yeah) You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands (Uh feel me?) And I'm gonna praise You (What'cha gon do?) I'm gonna praise You In the corners of mind I just can't seem to find a reason to believe That I can break free 'Cause you see I have been down for so long Feel like the hope is gone But as I lift my hands, I understand That I should praise You through my circumstance Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise You I just wanna praise You You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You Everything that could go wrong All went wrong at one time So much pressure fell on me I thought I was gon lose my mind But I know you wanna see If I will hold on through these trials But I need you to lift this load 'Cause I can't take it anymore Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise You I just wanna praise You You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You Been through the fire and the rain Bound in every kind of way But God has broken every chain So let me go right now Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise You I just wanna praise You You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You Take them off What'cha gonna do, yeah? Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise You I just wanna praise You You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise You I'm gonna praise You (s: View in discussion Per Per a year ago David Cameron, this is for you, Shackles (Praise You) by Mary Mary (You will probably have sweet dreams at night if you listen to this video before bed.) View in discussion Per Per Bill Jackson a year ago The problem with wind energy is intermittency, i.e. wind blowing then not blowing and therefore consequently electric current then no current. To have wind you either need other backup electric energy sources or some sort of buffer (batteries, water turbines and pumps into underground storage etc) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2677 comments Of course the TV debates are risky – that’s the whole point Per Per Tom Philips a year ago "Same same but different". Humour by referring to God and then saying atheist. As metric system and then inch by inch. 1 View in discussion Per Per Tom Philips a year ago No, then the humour is lost. ;-) 4 View in discussion Per Per Richard_SM a year ago To be precise, UK is 243,610 square kilometers. "We are slowly but steadily moving over to the metric system, inch by inch." 4 View in discussion Per Per Bill Jackson a year ago The Greens: "We can help fight the climate change, CO2 rising levels etc" Only problem is USA and China don't listen to the Greens in UK. Who do they think they are to change the world? Little Green party in the UK? Second. EU environmental laws, laws on harmful chemical substances, GMO etc are the laws that effectively affect the UK. We in the UK cannot do our own environmental laws, since this will be an EU trade barrier. Thus the Green party is superfluous, not necessary. The Tory or Labour can do their job with EU much better 1 View in discussion Per Per Sanch_o panza a year ago Oh, Nigel Angel. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Would you agree with the following statement, "Things are complex. I have no idea what I would vote for." View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago I know you have told me. He has even said to me directly that he is "not Labour". But I still believe he is Labour. (Contract writer, possibly. "There is not point in preaching for the already converted." Would a real Tory use the expression "Tory toff", as he has used?) View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Don't you like mailbiter? I know he is Labour (possibly contract writer for Labour), and I am Tory. Still I find him quality. Please feel free to insinuate. 1 View in discussion Per Per Sanch_o panza a year ago Que? (As Manuel said in "Fawlty Towers") (1 min) View in discussion Per Per Sanch_o panza a year ago Regarding the quote which was regarding yours about wrestling with pigs. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2677 comments Of course the TV debates are risky – that’s the whole point Per Per Sanch_o panza a year ago Regarding the above quote, I connected with someone, nicknamed "mailbiter". View in discussion Per Per Sanch_o panza a year ago “Go ahead, you can cast pearls before swine; maybe you will make a new friend; mind you though, do not cast pearls before those who only get angry and envious of your relative brilliance; the price may be high.” (Per) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago This discussion (on basically the same subject as this thread) from earlier today turned out to be really interesting with a lot of valuable posts. "David Cameron would be crazy to give into the TV cartel over election debates" View in discussion Per Per a year ago Different thoughts are good for me (Tanita Tikaram) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 900 comments David Cameron would be crazy to give into the TV cartel over election debates Per Per roadchef a year ago If you have read my posts I've been posting in 2014 on these blogs at the telegraph, you'd understand. "When the Ayatollah Said No to Nukes" View in discussion Per Per zedman a year ago I would now want UK to vote OUT in the 2017 referendum (if realised through Conservatives win in May 7th election) Before I had a different opinion. I think my ambiguity reflects how many feel about the EU in the UK. See the following repeat posts, When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) View in discussion Per Per a year ago The left, Christians and Muslims have one thing in common. They want to cheat. "We cheat, see..." A no was in the right place last year, at the right time, with a trade to ensure the prevail of the non-cheaters. (Do you understand what I am hinting at? Do you want me to explain?) View in discussion Per Per roadchef a year ago "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin View in discussion Per Per a year ago Under David Cameron, the following could be a reality. Imagine you could be paid just for ideas. Imagine old business ideas successful elsewhere in the world would be used in the UK. Imagine the happiness of having a job, and feeling useful. Imagine the government providing the funding, realising the dreams of many. I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? View in discussion Per Per mailbiter a year ago violence n 1 very great force in action or feeling: The wind blew with great violence 2 rough treatment; use of bodily force on others, esp. (unlawfully) to hurt or harm: The police were said to have used unnecessary violence on the crowd. | Many people say too much violence is shown on television. | crimes of violence | robbery with violence 3 do violence to a to spoil; have a harmful effect on: These modern boxlike buildings do violence to the beauty of the old city b to damage; twist (meaning of facts): This careless newspaper report does violence to the truth (s: LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Does the chicken (David Cameron) have balls? Ping pong balls? Judge for yourself, 1 View in discussion Per Per mailbiter a year ago Goodbye. :-) View in discussion Per Per mailbiter a year ago Well, good. View in discussion Per Per mailbiter a year ago Well let me tell this. You have a heart. Just to inform you, I am a mixture of left and right, left wing genes with a right wing upbringing. "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in a conservative spirit." NOTE: I have my own definition of "socialism". View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 900 comments David Cameron would be crazy to give into the TV cartel over election debates Per Per mailbiter a year ago Well, well. Preach for the unbeliever is most effective, they say. If you show your cards too well, you will lose supporters, in other words. (No point preaching for only the believers, the already converted, as they say) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago mailbiter is a good Labour contract writer, right? He will get a raise. ;-) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Is there really a need for telly debates, I mean, everyone knows the following, If your wallet is fat or you expect your wallet to fill after hard work you vote Conservative. If your wallet is thin and you want others to fill your wallet as a right as a forced solidarity movement (the "state" forces through taxation the wealthy and middle income to fill your wallet), you vote Labour. Think about this, prospective Labour voter: solidarity, international solidarity which Labour supports, means we should import poor Labour voters across the world to the Shire - vulnerable in the Shire will be forced to share the cake with international vulnerable, will that be of gain or loss to you? 2 View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago It's all about the polls, right? If UKIP had 32% and CON had 11% then "vote CON get LAB" could be a point. But now CON has 32% and UKIP 11%, thus what you are saying is rubbish. View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago Repeat post from autumn 2014, Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see the following argument. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago Rubbish. View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago Michael Jackson used to get a lot of airtime, in his days... View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago Cameron was praised by Obama. How about Farage? Any praises abroad? Quite the opposite I would say. View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago and falling View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago polls are more current. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 900 comments David Cameron would be crazy to give into the TV cartel over election debates Per Per truthmatters a year ago No other way round. UKIP had 13% now at 11% from last polls. CON going up and rising. View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago desperate? UKIP at 11% is desperate. CON is at 32% View in discussion Per Per a year ago Thanks for the show, UKIP. Thanks for changing politics and putting EU and immigration on the agenda. Time to retire. 1 View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago quote you, "I am afraid that the a-vote-for-UKIP-is-a-vote-for-Labour lie is well past its sell-by date." No this fact is like singe malt Scotch - very long sell-by-date. 2 View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago IT IS REALLY SIMPLE. 1. UKIP at 11% 2. UKIP "steals" CON votes 3. If you want to curb EU migrations, thus vote CON instead of UKIP 4. Since then there will be an IN/OUT EU referendum 2017 5. And we can stuff EU wherever we like 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago How do you become popular and find new acquaintances at the pub this Saturday? You bring your mobile smartphone with you and visit telegraph blogs and start reading loud! Remember you have to do a setting in web menu (press the menu button on the Samsung phone, on my phone it is hidden and lights up briefly at start); chose full web site instead of mobile version, otherwise you cannot see these comments. View in discussion Per Per a year ago “In a market oriented democracy, for by far most people, the most important person in your life being responsible for your wellbeing is yourself, not politicians, not your friends, not your partners. Stop being an astute blamer. True, politicians, your friends, your partners can be destroyers of your life, if they do not have a healthy interest in their name as a force for good. Your choices matter.” (Per) If you want a new face, get a new friend. Go to the pub and chat a bit with somebody who seems kind or interesting (depending on your taste). Do this rather than switch PM. The PM should remain; make fresh changes in your life by getting new faces within your acquaintances, instead. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 872 comments The Enlightenment must be defended – or we’ll be sorry Per Per tolpuddle1 a year ago One of the most central pieces of New Testament is St. MATTHEWS. 5-7. The most important piece in that passage is the following, 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. (St. MATTHEW. 7:2, KJV) 1 View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago The word "Tory" derives from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe; modern Irish tóraí: outlaw, robber or brigand, from the Irish word tóir, meaning "pursuit", since outlaws were "pursued men".[4][5] It was originally used to refer to an Irish outlaw and later applied to Confederates or Royalists in arms.[6] The term was thus originally a term of abuse, "an Irish rebel", before being adopted as a political label in the same way as Whig. (s: wikipedia) View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Just to inform you, I am a mixture of left and right, left wing genes with a right wing upbringing. "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in a conservative spirit." NOTE: I have my own definition of "socialism". View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago As you see, as you read on, Thursday is stemming from Thor's Day. It's funny that this powerful God of many in Viking religion, has such an impact in English culture. I do not think the name "Tory" was chosen because of "Thor", but still it is a funny coincidence. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Please update yourself on Thor, (wikipedia) View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Cryptic? It's plain text. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago A prefix is the first part of a word. Tory - Tor-y. Hence the first part is Tor. (Tor is the Norse God of many in Viking religion, named Thor in English) View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago In your opinion, what is the prefix of the current Tory? Tor-y? I.e Tor? View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago "hated" (EDIT: I see lordllucan has edited his post; to "hateful") "hat-ed" Is your hat warped? ;-) (I remember you as "filthy tory" lordllucan.) 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Do you agree? If this is the case, why do you agree? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 872 comments The Enlightenment must be defended – or we’ll be sorry Per Per Guest a year ago I encourage everyone to think for themselves (as Brian said in Monty Python's "Life of Brian"). Since I refrain from explaining I will be satisfied to state that there is weight behind this statement; search in your imagination to find the answers to the reason behind the statement. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Since the subject is Enlightenment, here is some Enlightenment (repeat post), "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 4 View in discussion Per Per captain_badger a year ago I agree. Charlie Hebdo is not funny. Remember in the school yard? If you tease unnecessarily you can expect to get anger. You might get hit. It is clear that the Muslims don't want Prohpet Muhammed depicted. Why tease? It is not an outrageous demand. That said, if they go further and say we can't choose anything but Islam, or point out criticising facts, then that is another matter. Then it has gone too far. View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago Rubbish. Money is a tool to distribute resources (leftist view). Money is a tool to motivate quality effort (rightist view). In general, there are two types of strategies to earn money (money is a measure of quantifiable resource of value), trade or thievery. View in discussion Per Per wilfulsprite a year ago Have you considered starting your own business? Here is some general advice. Look on the internet, telephone people. Find out who is successful in the field of business. Look for profitable businesses ideas that are expanding. Maybe there is room for competition - your business idea that you "copy". Remember copying is the highest form of flattery. (I'll inform you of one business idea that has appeared on these blogs; "To write posts on contract." Call Labour (or Tory, UKIP) and say you have 40000+ posts here and a good nickname. Ask if you can write favourable posts, payed.) Good luck. 1 View in discussion Per Per tug a year ago I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago Christianity and Islam will probably exist forever. View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago nickname richardwrl implies right wing. He says "a really odd one" implying that the right wing Christian churches adheres to a left wing religion. Then nickname fathersuperiour says only "some" Christian churches are right wing (that is what we are talking about, right) Then you say, "Well that was, after all, Jesus' central message. He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20 In other words, The Secret." View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. View in discussion Per Per Pseudonym a year ago There is an artist who make "nano" art. Really small things. For example he has made a beautiful woman in an eye of a needle. Do you think he will make a camel caravan through the eye of the needle? 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 872 comments The Enlightenment must be defended – or we’ll be sorry Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago Quote you, "Well that was, after all Jesus' central message." (after responding to a post about right wing Christian churches. Thus you effectively say that right wing is "Jesus' central message" Then you quote.) View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago Are we having a "religious war"? "Religious war" is about fighting for you beliefs, cultural systems and world views (according to religion in wikipedia), you defend your position vigorously (with words such as on this blog) Let me repeat part of a post, --- Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. --- Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. (Per) --- 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. (Simple Religion, 185 = 37*5 visible characters as a checksum) View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago That is not a good example of right wing. One of the most right wing passages is the one before immediately the quoted passage above (25:31-46), namely St. MATTHEW. 25:14-30. Google "Bible" click on an appropriate Bible site and look up the quote View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago "The rule" (of Jesus in the above passage) states we should all be left wing, or else... View in discussion Per Per Hugh Jarris a year ago Haven't you noticed from politics, left wing is all about equalisation and helping out the vulnerable? Equalisation inherently means taking resource from the rich (e.g. taxes) and giving to the poor (e.g. benefits) Right wing is believing inequality is natural and even desirable. It is believing in individualism and that everyone should care for their own happiness and rely on themselves for this and not expect help. View in discussion Per Per a year ago What I reacted from this article was the following quote by Jeremy Warner, "Like most religions, Christianity contains a faintly Left-wing, anti-wealth message, best symbolised by the fury with which the money changers were thrown out of the temple." What? Faintly? No way faintly. Check the following quote from the Bible, one of the most central ones, "31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." (St. MATTHEW. 25:31-46, KJV) Faintly! No way. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 142 comments Labour's war on Frosties is a war on parents too Per Per a year ago Here is some sweets for you, A Tory MP went to Specsavers to get a new pair of glasses. The attendant at the shop was a Labour part time politician, and recognised the Tory MP. "I want a new pair of glasses", said the Tory MP "Don't you see well?", said the Labour politician "No" "My friend, do you want to book a time?" "Yes" "I'm sorry, it is full all year." "What? I need to be able to read before May 7th, it's important." "I'm sorry, we have no time left for you..." "Politics, politics, everywhere I go!" 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2637 comments The SNP has as much right to be in the election debates as Ukip Per Per charlie25 a year ago The USA is ramping up production since the last 5 years and increasing still. OPEC is not cutting production. That is probably why we have this short term slump in oil prices. In the long term, 1 Genetically modified organisms make diesel and ethanol cheaply from water, CO2 (e.g. google "carbon capture from air") and sun (e.g., 7% efficient - normal biomass from plants is 1% efficient) 2 Oil rich countries are aware of this and don't want to sit on huge underground reserves of oil when prices go dirt cheap, thus they try to produce (pump up) as much as possible before this technology is a reality and prices go dirt cheap. 1 View in discussion Per Per jexrab a year ago evian spring water. No ice. View in discussion Per Per Alpha Anarchist a year ago Paul referred to "that" 35%. And "that" 35% was "<35%". In other words it could be 3%. or 0.3% or 0.003%. Are you getting the hint? In other words QED. View in discussion Per Per ohforheavensake a year ago He said probably. Relax. Have a single malt Scotch like I am having right now. I am drinking Lagavulin right now. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Watch the surprising end of this sketch from the Muppets. The chicken fights back... (3 min) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 105 comments George Osborne suggests Britain will be richer than America in 15 years Per Per a year ago I believe UK could be the richest per capita nation in the world by 2030. There is hope. Let me present LOTTA, “Labour Organising Trust Through Agreements”. 1. Let people freely send in business ideas to this trust, through the internet. Encrypted communications to make valuable business ideas remain as secret as possible. The contributors are promised stocks in future companies based on these ideas, as a compensation, and the trust enforce this. The trust organises a easily searchable database of business ideas. 2. Let people, unemployed, new business seekers, people with employment that want to try their wings, pensioners looking for additional income, etc, apply to form teams with others; these teams form naturally through internet communications where each and everyone’s credentials and competence are shown. 3. Let these teams see a select portion of the business idea database. The originator/originators of the business ideas have to acknowledge the team using the idea. 4. To finance this use tax money or investors money, let taxpayers vote through internet at the LOTTA site on these teams with selected business ideas. If a taxpayer votes correctly, and the resulting business idea through a resulting stock company shows profit after some time (say 5 years), the taxpayer gets tax reductions/pay outs according how well the market value of the company is. Just by voting right, and each taxpayer should pay attention to read, analyse, and question each prospective team/prospective company with the right business idea before voting. If he or she votes incorrectly he or she will be punished by increased tax. What do you think? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3241 comments Without David Cameron, Nigel Farage will destroy Labour and the Lib Dems Per Per a year ago Is there going to be an internet TV debate by Telegraph, Guardian and youtube? If so, when? I would like to see that/those debate/debates. A note to the text I posted before, regarding advice to Cameron, you may think one should hold those advice secret and surprise with the arguments on the debate. Well the advice is general, and for others to take counter actions and say they do not stand for these things I attributed to them and described would make the lose support. For example, if Labour would say as a counter measure to the text "We do not stand for world solidarity, we put Britain first!" would make them look ridiculous. They have been standing for world solidarity their entire history. They would look like those people adhering to the "game player syndrome" (see below). Watchers of TV debates, beware. Here is some erudite text following, Speaking out exaggerated appraisal or critic, generosity or budget cuts (greed) is all about showing off with apparent action worthiness, when they know at their back of their minds that society will collapse. In this case, it’s all about a big laugh. From quantum physics the notion of collapse of the wave function has an important role in social circumstances, to sift through the standings that people take. Giving names to clarify is important. Names to love and names to loathe; associations help motivate towards quality, conditional respect and deserved distribution of power. Be aware of the “Game player syndrome” in courts or politics especially in a media landscape. Basically what this is, is a “player” who view everything as a game, where the only main object is to win in the short term, “the game”. One can lie and hide the truth as much as one wants, as long as you’ve calculated that you’ll get away with it to win “the game”. One can make up facts, make up false witnesses, make blatant denials, make intricate believable made­up stories, all with the object to convince the audience that one is right (even though one self knows one is not), just to win that media battle, that political debate, that court case. The hard core variant of “Game player syndrome” is, of course, “Horned game player syndrome”; the object is to win, no other rules (religious, moral, criminal justice, house rules, own rules). “Don’t you respect me, anymore?” “What?” “The choices I have made are my choices, and I identify with them. For you to make radically different choices is like spitting in my face. Show respect, or you’ll be sorry.” “Can’t I just be good?” “No.” View in discussion Per Per Monument a year ago So a lunatic at an asylum might get violent if criticised, and the doctors recommendation to the nurses is not to criticise this lunatic; does the lunatic rule over the doctor and nurses? View in discussion Per Per CATTY&Co. a year ago Regarding Jesus, here are some arguments as to why he never existed. Either Jesus is a myth or he was real. Here are some motives as to argue for the myth, 1. The religious community needed a figure (imaginary and basis for the myth) to focus on that would confirm the Old Testament. ("I have not come to abolish the law" as Jesus basically said) 2.The people longed for a messias, then a made up messias is almost as good. 3.The emotional basis for such a myth to spread quickly was there (the originators of the myth felt the vibes in the air) and then some people thought it would be fun to be the originators of such a myth and then other people joined. The most important points (that I have in memory right now) that Jesus never existed are 1. You don't write down the story of Jesus decades later if he now could make magic and thus proved he was God's son; you write down the story immediately. 2. Fairly stupid of Jesus to say that the Devil shall burn, and then say that he is the Devil himself (morningstar).God(s) seems smart considering the Laws of Physics (the Laws of Nature), how then can his son be such dumb being. (Why is this dumb? Because the spirit of the two signals (Jesus said according to the Bible 1. Devil is bad and shall burn [St. MATTHEWS. 25:41], 2. I am the Devil [REVELATION. 22:16]) he is sending is contradictory.) View in discussion Per Per a year ago There is basically one major choice Cameron has regarding the issue at hand (read Dan’s article) Either (1) Take part in the debate or (2) Avoid the debate. (with or without the Greens in TV) I prefer choice (1). The reasons is that probably a lot of “devout” Conservatives and potential Conservatives will be looking at the debate regardless of Camerons absence. Since there is a lot of interest in the political TV debates, and people may have nothing better to watch on the telly. The problem, of course, is that Farage has such a charming character that “goes home” (Swedish expression translated literally) in the homes. To make things worse, Farage is quick and a master at with a “to the point” disarming reply (yes I have seen Farage on youtube) But Farage will “go home” regardless if Cameron is there or absent. Since he is fun to watch. Assuming Cameron is to win the debate with Farage, here are a few tips. 1. Begin with (to have it said first): “Myself me being a simple, slow and prudent man has the disadvantage that I am not manic and quick with punchlines that appear emotionally to win the argument. I therefore as an advice want people think of what was really said by me and my opponent at the time. Not on HOW it was said. Remember a funny quick one line type of debater may not be the best to rule in Government, rather a slow, analytical, prudent politician with the heart in the right place.” 2. Then declare yourself: “I Cameron am a strong non-racist, both emotionally and intellectually. I have seen adopted children of other races being flawless citizens and talk and walk just like us. It is our culture we should be proud of, not our race. I am also somebody who respects (but no believer) other world religions, simply because of their size in terms of their adherents. I am prudent, economic and careful, as my record shows for the last 5 years.” 3. Then state your interests: “I want our British culture to prevail in Britain. I am putting by far most Britons interests regardless of creed or race, man or woman, poor or rich into my priority. Please keep visiting a major newspaper commenters’ blog so that I or my paid staff can read them and inform me, in a digest. Then when the debate starts keep this things in your head. 1. Repeat strong points e.g. Economy past record, control immigration, enough money to the NHS, EU IN/OUT referendum, enough money to the schools. Remember if there is a lot of money to spend, welfare spending is so much easier. Economy is the key. I am delighted when I see a success story of a simple poor man working hard in their own business building up to a good life by themselves and some cooperation. I am delighted when a motivated student excels and does good use at a work later in life. These kind of people bring in the bacon through taxes to people like me, and the vulnerable out of solidarity. 2a. Fight other’s strong points. Farage has “out of EU”. You say the referendum makes this issue mute, since people can vote separately and don’t need UKIP for that. Farrage has immigration. Thank Farage for bringing it on the table. Conservatives now want to limit and control immigration, though it will take time, We still will be a refugee friendly nation, yet the numbers will come down some so we need to prioritise the most hurt refugees with most need for protection. 3b. Fight other’s strong points. Miliband will be speaking of the poor and the vulnerable. Cameron must say we have compassion too. “Tory’s have gone to the left with me. We care about the poor, in fact tax cuts for the poorest are our priority. Solidarity with the vulnerable is also a priority. You shall not feel abandoned in Britain with the Tories, simply because you are lucky enough to be a Briton.” 3c. Clegg - well I don’t know much of this guy, please fill in the facts for me. (An appeal to the readers and writers on this Telegraph blog) 4a. Point out other’s weak points. Farage has no government experience. What will Britain look like with libertarian UKIP in power? Lassoer-free economics? That is what it says about libertarian. And to be nasty, which I don’t recommend you can say that a lot of closet racists probably vote UKIP. “Do you want to repatriate my work mates and my kids friends?” “Do you want to repatriate my adopted son from Africa?” 4b Point out other’s weak points. Labour ran up a huge deficit, didn’t they. They feel international solidarity with the whole world, and want mass immigration to make British born vulnerable be hit by the costs of international vulnerable coming to Britain. A budget is a budget and if we increase immigration costs, something else has to yield in the budget. Further there is a danger with multi cult; separatism and freezing out of people with ancient British culture in their own land. Tory’s priority is the British, born here or not, but not the whole world. 4c Clegg see 3c. REPEAT THIS THE ENTIRE DEBATE. (any other tips are welcome from you posters supporting Conservatives) View in discussion Per Per tug a year ago Vote for the party. Since this matter the most for UK. (Even if I detested the MP, I would vote for this MP candidate) (EDIT: In general, however if I found the MP candidate really repulsive I would vote for another MP candidate) View in discussion Per Per a year ago A question for you Britons. How much does the MP running for election matter in the constituency? The point I am trying to make, is that imagine you like the party leader, but you detest the local MP candidate for the same party. How would you vote? 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Why were UKIP successful in the EU election of 2014 (largest party), while polls today are not that encouraging? EU 2014 results (seats), UKIP 32.88% Labour 27.40% Conservatives 26.03% (s: wikipedia) 5 View in discussion Per Per Hector_Ing a year ago Are you telling me that UK is a rainbow nation, political party wise speaking? View in discussion Per Per richardb49 a year ago (in the audience, I assume you mean) And no viewers on TV 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago What if Ed and David made an ultimatum: "Nigil Farage CANNOT debate or we will not be there..." View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3241 comments Without David Cameron, Nigel Farage will destroy Labour and the Lib Dems Per Per Guest a year ago English women are always thinking of sex... 1 View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago Let me make some general remarks, 1. Economy The economy is dependent on the world economy. Is there a recession in USA and EU, you can be sure UK is affected. Politician should make sound general rules for the UK market economy and let people work their way up. Of course from time to time, emergency actions seems to be needed, since a market economy tends to be fluctuating, and we cannot let people starve in the recessions. 2. Immigration All three main parties now speak of controlling immigration. In priority to reduce 1. UKIP 2. Conservatives 3. Labour 3. NHS It is my belief that NHS details should be managed by administrators at the hospitals, doctors and nurses, with the govt only making budget allowance, broadly speaking. The problem is the ageing population and constant new expensive treatments being made available, and the of course the constant pressure from patients, saying "If he/she gets treatment, so should I, even though it is expensive". I suppose you see the problem on the limited budget. View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago To my understanding, the main issue from these four for each of the main parties, Labour : NHS Conservative: Economy UKIP : Immigration 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Interesting article. In short, if Nigil, Nick and Ed goes for three-man debate, Nigil will be the winner and slap the others on the fingers. Dan Hodges is making the argument that Nick and Ed need David there as a punch-bag, because (my words following) )people always complain about the current situation (justified or not) and want someone to blame in the blame game. According to ipsos poll Sep 2014 poll, the four main issues are 1. Economy 2. Immigration 3. NHS 4. Education Thus it is safe to assume debates will be about these topics. The topics are interrelated. Money. There is a budget. If you increase (2) costs then you have to reduce (3) and (4). Of course you can hope for a growth in the economy (1) to reduce the strain on the budget. But the fact remains, as elementary budget teachings teach, if you increase the cost of one item in the budget, you have to reduce the cost elsewhere. Or borrow money. But then your children and grandchildren have to pay for your welfare now. Some people are good at acting slowly and prudently, at the cost of giving fast responses in a debate, with one liner punch lines. People need to understand that the most manic "quick" thinker may not be the best to govern the country, yet he or she may win debates. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 193 comments Dry January? I've already fallen off the wagon Per Per a year ago Bryony Gordon, Are you telling me that you suffer from pubphobia? All these phobias that politically correct people invent. Being politically correct is to do and say what is correct in the current power atmosphere. Nothing else. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2633 comments David Cameron has stopped trying to wrestle the Ukip pig Per Per Guest a year ago What about yourself. To be writing here 2:30 pm (GMT), you have to either be 1 unemployed 2 pensioner 3 self-employed (like me, or being a payed writer for Labour, Conservatives or UKIP) or 4 in the education system. (Unless you write on your job, which your employer won't like) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Right. One business. Many regular jobs. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago several (=more than one) 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well I have had several regular employments, but now I am a successful self-employed, with my own successful income generating business. View in discussion Per Per hettygetty a year ago Uni? A-levels and O-levels are not University education. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What makes you believe that? I have a good life. View in discussion Per Per hettygetty a year ago No, but I got my Cambridge A-levels and O-levels with good grades. View in discussion Per Per citizenkain a year ago I like Denmark and the Danes. In fact, sometimes a go to Denmark for enjoyment. Like when I was in Copenhagen 21-23 April, 2014, and enjoyed nice beers. View in discussion Per Per citizenkain a year ago Let me quote a book, "During this same period, the Jagdwaffe lost 610 bf 109Es, which compares favourbly to Fighter Command's 1023 Spitfires and Hurricanes" (s: "Spitfire Vs Bf 109: Battle of Britain" Tony Holmes) 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago It's general wisdom, not party politics in the UK! 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2633 comments David Cameron has stopped trying to wrestle the Ukip pig Per Per Guest a year ago Did you know that the Swedish SAAB JA 37 "Viggen" is the only fighter that has made several missile locks on the American SR-71 "Blackbird". View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well, on the serious side, if we underestimate our enemy, we might lose battles. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Facts are facts. We all lose if we start revising history. Are you a revisionist? 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Quote you, "Our Fighters are second to none" Did you know that in the Battle of Britain, for every Messerschmit bf 109 destroyed, 2 Hawker Harricane or Spitfires were destroyed. I guess the victors decide what to let out as the myth of the formidable Spitfire compared to German fighters... 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Best comment in this thread? Maggie Hayers has nominated subwus comment, Now the question remains, since we want symmetry and balance, what is the most deluded comment in this thread? 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well I did exactly that, see my Cameron youtube link below, and it comes up as a link rather than embedded video. Or is it only me that sees the link, because I posted it? Do you see the embedded video below? View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I checked jury on wikipedia, I am not sure by your statement "it doesn't apply in this case". In theory, a jury can sleep the entire proceedings and give a verdict out of emotion regardless of binding rules they are supposed to follow. I am sure this happens in some parts of the world. Why is this not happening in the UK? View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago Well they choose a jury more or less random; but this randomness could mean at times a jury completely made up of Labour, couldn't it? View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I was wondering, how come that courts are not more political in the UK then they are? Why are UK courts trying to be fair to all. I mean if the court is entirely made of Labour supporters, they could sentence any Kipper harshly at will, just because of political affiliation. Why isn't that happening? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago How come you can embed videos and I can't? I've checked disqus help and there it says all you have to do is to provide the url. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2633 comments David Cameron has stopped trying to wrestle the Ukip pig Per Per Guest a year ago My man making an excelling speech. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I didn't know Miss Piggy in the Muppet show was a Kipper. Kermit got to be Cameron... What about the Swedish chef? ;-) (Check wikipedia for "Muppet Show" if you're young and you don't know what this is) There are stuff on youtube too. (Kermit tells Piggy he needs her) (Swedish chef) View in discussion Per Per the real flag of Palestine a year ago Look, Muslims are about 5% of the population in Sweden, about the same in UK, I hear. Let me post some repeat posts in case you wonder about my religious affiliations. As long as the Muslims respect my religious affiliation I can respect theirs. Remember religion is a way to say strongly what you believe in (look up religion in wikipedia). Religious wars on blogs like these means you fight intense and passionate battles with words and arguments for something you believe in strongly. --- Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. --- Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. (Per) --- 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. (Simple Religion, 185 = 37*5 visible characters as a checksum) 1 View in discussion Per Per Musically minded a year ago No. Mailbiter is against UKIP. 2 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago No. Maybe it is true that they want this. View in discussion Per Per the real flag of Palestine a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per the real flag of Palestine a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Well his page is private, in other words difficult to verify who is right, of us two. I bet he/she is Labour. View in discussion Per Per the real flag of Palestine a year ago I live in Stockholm View in discussion Per Per a year ago If I was eligible for voting May 7th (I am Swedish) I would vote for Cameron. But I have to say, I find Labour people interesting; you just have to love guys (or gals?) like mailbiter; seems to have the heart in the right place... View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2633 comments David Cameron has stopped trying to wrestle the Ukip pig Per Per chamber73 a year ago "information Engineering" - in his case writing on blogs for the Labour party; I wonder what they pay... 2 View in discussion Per Per the real flag of Palestine a year ago Transport House on Smith Square and Dean Bradley Street, London, England, was the headquarters of the Transport and General Workers' Union (T&G), and also originally of the Labour Party, the Trades Union Congress, and the Workers' Travel Association. The term "Transport House" was once a metonym for both Labour Party Headquarters and the T&G. (s: wikipedia) I am from Sweden, I guess I learn something sometimes from reading these blogs. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago "Do you know if Miliband can eat a bacon sandwich without dribbling?" "No, he can't, we know now that UKIP is the pig and he finds it mouth watering to "take in" UKIP." (to prison for hate speech - all anti mass immigration is racist bigots, according to Labour) 3 View in discussion Per Per subwus a year ago Good digging. Here is another dig I just did, "According to Maguire, Miliband and his aides are now praying that Ukip win the Rochester and Strood by-election." "Talking in private to Miliband’s inner circle and key shadow cabinet members I learned a leader braced for defeat calculates a Ukip triumph would be best for Labour." "The rationale is simple. According to one of Miliband’s senior advisers: “We detest both Cameron and Farage but it is Cameron we want out of Downing Street. The Conservative Party will go into total meltdown if Cameron loses again. We recognise the long-term threat of inflating Farage, of course we do. But if you ask me what result helps Labour in May it is, undoubtedly, a UKIP win.”" "So yes, on the surface, talking up Ukip is the smart way for Labour to go in the build up to a by-election they can’t otherwise win. But let me dip below the surface a little, and explain why Miliband’s attempt to smuggle himself up Downing Street in the back of Nigel Farage’s bin lorry is, in reality, boneheaded, desperate, cowardly and shameful." (s: DT, Dan Hodges, 27 Oct 2014) Well, are Labour desperate or not? 5 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Got it. 15 Dec 2014, 2 View in discussion Per Per subwus a year ago Do you have any dates or links? I missed that article in the DT. View in discussion Per Per rogerrandout1 a year ago Do you infer that people bet money on the "horse" (party) that wins, and then vote according to their bet? I do think people feel more for politics than that. View in discussion Per Per Maggie Hayers a year ago It is debatable whether polls are needed or not in a democracy. To fight election fraud. e.g. if LAB got 35% in a constituency in a recent pre-election poll and got 95% in the election, people would suspect fraud. View in discussion Per Per Maggie Hayers a year ago Nicotine chewing gum is a vice I have. I used to be smoker. It is debatable if I need or not my nicotine chewing gum for my wellbeing. View in discussion Per Per george157389 a year ago But you do see my point, do you? UK democracy is a constituency democracy, therefore the largest party in the constituency wins the MP seat. For example (in one constituency), CON 32% UKIP 18% LAB 35% LAB wins the constituency. If CON and UKIP joined pre-election, this would count as 50% (32+18), and win the constituency. Thus if simliar across all 600+ MP constituencies, win the GE 2015. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2633 comments David Cameron has stopped trying to wrestle the Ukip pig Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago Would it be technically possible for CON and UKIP to form a pre-election coalition so that their sum of votes counted as one party? (And win the election) View in discussion Per Per Maggie Hayers a year ago The polls show CON is larger than UKIP. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I believe UKIP is a good force in UK politics, even though I would vote Conservative. "I only wanted to see you Laughing in the purple rain" "Purple Rain" Prince & The Revolution (s: & Spotify) You which party is the purple one, don't you? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Labour after May 7th defeat, "C'mon we can all be friends..." 3 View in discussion Per Per honda1234 a year ago Do you know the lyrics to "Purple Rain" by Prince? View in discussion Per Per zebedee a year ago Interesting analysis, but I think your percentages are wrong. People often vote *against* another party/parties, choosing the least repulsive. Let me repeat some previous posts, to enlighten you. Is there really a need for telly debates, I mean, everyone knows the following, " If your wallet is fat or you expect your wallet to fill after hard work you vote Conservative. If your wallet is thin and you want others to fill your wallet as a right as a forced solidarity movement (the "state" forces through taxation the wealthy and middle income to fill your wallet), you vote Labour. Think about this, prospective Labour voter: solidarity, international solidarity which Labour supports, means we should import poor Labour voters across the world to the Shire - vulnerable in the Shire will be forced to share the cake with international vulnerable, will that be of gain or loss to you? " --- " Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. " View in discussion Per Per a year ago Immigration issues, IN/OUT EU referendum and the economic issues are about Conservative's survival and legitimacy. Why would Cameron ignore the first two issues? You have to think long term. There is an election year 2020, 2025, 2030 etc. When does "Muslim Popular Front" apply for party status? I believe there is already such similar party around, though I don't know the name. 3 View in discussion Per Per tedsanityville a year ago You misunderstood. I was referring to May 7th 2015. The GE day. I was making a reference to the polls of EU-sceptical and the Scotland referendum. As you can see if you search the internet, these relevant polls show that the electorate are more volatile than the establishment feels comfortable with. This comparison shows that the GE of 2015 could be interesting. 5 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The IN/OUT EU polls and the Yes/No Scotland polls showed that the electorate are more volatile than the establishment wishes for. This could be interesting. Roll on, May 7th. 8 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2109 comments Election debate? Let the voters decide Per Per Lesley a year ago No, my comments are not cryptic convolutions. They are plain talk. You just need to have the right associations and background information. Keep watching the telegraph... (and remember my name to know what to look for) You might get the picture then. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. That is not the word. The word is... prescriptive 1 giving exact rules, directions or instructions about how you should do something (s: View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. That is not the word. View in discussion Per Per Lesley a year ago Think about it for a while. If you have been following my comments autumn/winter 2014 here on DT, you might get it. It requires work. You don't want a quick fix, to the question, do you? There is an English word dedicated to the meaning of giving directions to find out something rather than telling the answer right out. Do you know this word? View in discussion Per Per a year ago To Ofcom, The left, Christians and Muslims have one thing in common. They want to cheat. "We cheat, see..." A no was in the right place last year, at the right time, with a trade to ensure the prevail of the non-cheaters. (Do you understand what I am hinting at? Do you want me to explain?) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 997 comments Paris attacks: They hate us all because of who we are, our views, our values and our history Per Per Brian49 a year ago Consider this, "our" values held by "us", are 1. Devolution of power 2. Respect those that respects. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Quote Liam Fox from his article, "They do not lack the intent to kill us, merely the means to do so, and our first response must be to deny them that capability. Sometimes that will require lethal force." I want to balance this statement. If you mean Muslims in general, you are wrong. Most Muslims are good people with a taste for dignity through their religion. The problem is the fanatical terrorist factions within Islam, if you meant that these are "they", you might have a point. (Since you mentioned "fanatics" in the previous sentence I think you mean this, but people read quickly and might associate to the general term Muslims; hence the clarification) There are truths, out there. One truth is that extortion by terrorism can work. Terrorism is evil. You have to fight evil by evil. Like the myth that God uses the Devil to achieve God's good means. Small factions within Islam (or other small players) trying to use evil extortion by terror to push their agenda has to be fought with evil force by other Islam majority or the rest of the world through loathing and the consequent actions of force to make good prevail. 4 View in discussion Per Per Roger Hicks a year ago Holocaust was not based on racism??? Rubbish. See this following repeat post from 2014, The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 582 comments Orwellian words of wisdom Per Per What larks, Pip! a year ago Quote you, "Where are today's equivalents?" "Makten är allt" (Swedish) View in discussion Per Per a year ago I have bought the book "1984" by George Orwell and will read it this year. From wikipedia "1984", A major theme of Nineteen Eighty-Four is censorship, especially in the Ministry of Truth. I am glad to comment here. One truth is that extortion by terrorism can work. Terrorism is evil. You have to fight evil by evil. Like the myth that God uses the Devil to achieve God's good means. Small factions within Islam (or other small players) trying to use evil extortion by terror to push their agenda has to be fought with evil force by other Islam majority or the rest of the world through loathing and the consequent actions of force to make good prevail. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1705 comments David Cameron 'all but rules out' taking part in leaders' debates after Greens' snub Per Per Guest a year ago Well, he need to refuel every now and then. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Cameron is in a floating sea going pontoon airplane. He will fly over the edge. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Even those with a reading comprehension problem have a vote (a large number of the population) CAMERON SAYS 1. IN/OUT EU REFERENDUM 2. CONTROL MIGRATION 3. ECONOMY IS IMPORTANT View in discussion Per Per fenland a year ago True. Cameron saying publicly no to telly debates that are against his interests, is bravery, since he knows that the expected consequence is public outcry of "coward". He of course anticipated this debate (such on this blog). Sometimes it is wiser to sit still in the boat when things are going your way and the boat is heading your way. The boat floats. 1. Referendum 2. Control immigration. 3 Economy. View in discussion Per Per moiaussi a year ago Cameron is a good speaker (see Con Conference speech 2014). If he keeps repeating 1 "There will be an IN/OUT referendum 2017" and 2 "We need to control EU and non-EU migration" endlessly throughout the possible telly debates; Cameron will probably prevail 7th May 2015. 1 View in discussion Per Per LestWeForget a year ago Cameron said two important things in the Conservative Conference 2014 (look it up on youtube) 1. Control immigration (both non-EU and EU) 2. There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum if Conservatives win GE 7th May 2015. Cameron is logical. That is all you need to know for him to keep these promises. Why? If he doesn't keep (1) and (2) above then he knows UKIP will win General Election year 2020, since these are UKIP's main issues. He knows this, and therefore out of self interest for Conservatives, he will keep those promises. The possible Conservative PM of 2015 feels the pressure of other Conservatives wanting to prevail in the long term. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I'll repeat a post a made below, since I got no comments, and it is so profound. Is there really a need for telly debates, I mean, everyone knows the following, If your wallet is fat or you expect your wallet to fill after hard work you vote Conservative. If your wallet is thin and you want others to fill your wallet as a right as a forced solidarity movement (the "state" forces through taxation the wealthy and middle income to fill your wallet), you vote Labour. Think about this, prospective Labour voter: solidarity, international solidarity which Labour supports, means we should import poor Labour voters across the world to the Shire - vulnerable in the Shire will be forced to share the cake with international vulnerable, will that be of gain or loss to you? There is no need to vote UKIP since Cameron has promised an IN/OUT EU referendum and has shown good eagerness to control EU migration through EU talks and renegotiations with EU. UKIP are a good force changing the policy of other parties adapting to the political landscape, but now they are superfluous. LIB and Greens are marginal non-issue parties in the real world (I can explain) View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago Cheers and good luck to you too. NIght. 2 View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago I believe in mono-culturalism for Britain (and Sweden for that matter). The ancient good culture of Britain should be preserved. 9 View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago Thanks. Good wishes to you too. Let me repeat a post nickname maria21 has posted (I found her post interesting) It is more about 'culture' rather than 'race' - a vitally important distinction. It is the naive belief in 'multiculturalism' which is dangerous and leads to sectarian conflict and the breakdown of social cohesion. It really doesn't matter to what “race” people belong - it is the “culture” -the attitudes, beliefs, including religion and values that they are brought up with -that determines their behaviour. And multiculturalism is a the sharing of cultural space with those who hold diametrically opposed views about life to you -fed by the intolerance of differences and the natural human cultural desire to dominate and expand one's own community at the expense of others,almost by definition always leads to sectarianism and conflict. (maria21) (16 upvotes) 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1705 comments David Cameron 'all but rules out' taking part in leaders' debates after Greens' snub Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago Thank you. I am concerned too. Did you know that "Rotherham" has been ignored by Swedish media. 4 View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago But I love the UK and the British. Did you know that English (the language) is called "Engelska" in Swedish and that means literally (old spelling) "language of the Angels". 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago The PM of 2015 feels the pressure of other Conservatives wanting to prevail in the long term. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Racists. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago jeffersonian is probably a closet racist of genus "UKIP". Here is a repeat post on racism (worth repeating), Racism is pushing down certain people and raising certain people only because of their race. Thus some people get critic on not what they are as a character, no matter how well they behave, no matter what good manners they have, no matter how prudent and wise they are, no matter how well they judge proportionally and balanced, but critic because of their biological heritage, their genes as a group of people, their race. Thus a white person that is a real disaster as a character might get more respect than a black person that behaves flawlessly. Is this right? Is this not a big problem? The issue is motivation to BEHAVE well. If white people get a free ride of respect simply because of their race, what motivation do they as a population have to behave well? If black people get condemned regardless of behaviour, simply because of race, what motivation do they have to behave well? Do you see the issue? We want a good society, and in a good society you get judged by your BEHAVIOUR, since this motivates people to behave well. If you get a free ride because of race belongings, or get condemned because of not being part of the "master" race, behaviour in society deteriorates. IS THIS CLEAR? View in discussion Per Per housemartin a year ago Listen to the song. It is called "Today is a good day" View in discussion Per Per a year ago Today is a good day. Cameron shows balls. He can stand up against the Orcs of leftist agenda Ofcom. This is a very beautiful song by Swedish Anna Termheim. It has a very beautiful section in the middle (after "my state of mind") View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Cameron is logical. That is all you need to know for him to keep these promises. Why? If he doesn't keep (1) and (2) above then he knows UKIP will win General Election year 2020, since these are UKIP's main issues. He knows this, and therefore out of self interest for Conservatives, he will keep those promises. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Cameron said two important things in the Conservative Conference 2014 (look it up on youtube) 1. Control immigration (both non-EU and EU) 2. There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum if Conservatives win GE 7th May 2015. 1 View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago I type this sentence from Stockholm View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1705 comments David Cameron 'all but rules out' taking part in leaders' debates after Greens' snub Per Per Crickedneck a year ago you search google. daily mail is where i read it. polish cooperation. View in discussion Per Per bigcop a year ago I see. Ad hominem when the argument fails... View in discussion Per Per bigcop a year ago That's my point! If there were only two parties, one side would get 38% the other 62%. View in discussion Per Per bigcop a year ago You mean with 6 parties (CON LAB UKIP LIB GREEN SNP) you get a fair result??? View in discussion Per Per Ivan Noble a year ago You have probably heard the saying "Early bird got the worm", well I say "Second mouse got the cheese..." Sometimes you should not be too brave... View in discussion Per Per a year ago In a constituency democracy there should really only be two alternatives to vote for (like in the USA - Ross Perot failed) otherwise with more parties you can get an unfair result. Agree? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Is there really a need for telly debates, I mean, everyone knows the following, If your wallet is fat or you expect your wallet to fill after hard work you vote Conservative. If your wallet is thin and you want others to fill your wallet as a right as a forced solidarity movement (the "state" forces through taxation the wealthy and middle income to fill your wallet), you vote Labour. Think about this, prospective Labour voter: solidarity, international solidarity which Labour supports, means we should import poor Labour voters across the world to the Shire - vulnerable in the Shire will be forced to share the cake with international vulnerable, will that be of gain or loss to you? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The Orcs (leftist BBC and Ofcom) are attacking! What will you do to save the Shire? 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Let me repeat a post, first, "Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see the following argument. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. (15 Oct) " Now my comment regarding this article, it is really really simple in the light of the above; Cameron wants Greens to steal Labour votes in the same way UKIP steals Conservative votes. Maybe Ofcom is left biased. I clearly think so, regarding their draft decision. Do Real English be under the chains of the left? "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: Britons never will be slaves." 4 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 168 comments Labour's election campaign is on the back foot already Per Per a year ago Today is January 6th, about 4 month to May 7th, GE day. Labour campaigning has started. The question is, what is Labour's agenda? What will Labour do if they get to power? To answer these questions, one can look at the last time Labour was in power. Do you remember Labour's agenda from the 3 consecutive Labour govt's 1997-2001, 2001-2005, 2005-2010 GE? 4 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 606 comments Boris Johnson: everyone in Britain should speak English Per Per a year ago English is the international language of the world. The contenders to overtake this role is Chinese, Arabic, Spanish. I hope English will continue to be the international language. However, it is good to know some phrases of other languages, out of curiosity, courtesy and respect. Here is a lesson in very basic Swedish. (I am Swedish) 1. English (the language) is called "Engelska" in Swedish. "Engel" used to be the old Swedish spelling of English word Angel. Now it is changed to Ängel but sounds the same. "-ska" is the ending of languages, e.g. Tyska (German), Spanska (Spanish), Franska (French). Thus "Engelska" means literally "the language of the Angels" in Swedish. Interesting. Should help you keep confidence and self-esteem in your culture, at least your language. 2. "Man får ta seden dit man kommer" is a proverb in Swedish literally "You have to take in the [local] customary manners to wherever you go" 3. "Smaken är som baken, delad" The taste is like the buttocks, split 4. "Det man inte har i huvudet, får man ha i benen" What you don't have in your head you have to have in your legs. 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 941 comments Britain's hospitality is being abused Per Per egriff5514 a year ago I am aware of that. That's why I said the house should have "ventilation" i.e. immigrants that adapt to our culture and work hard bringing in competence and ideas to our society. 4 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No conclamants among vulnerable. conclamant : crying out together the voices of common sense and decency (s: Merriam-Webster Dictionary online) The same situation with a man with no education, no job and no friends married to a wealthy woman and having signed a premarital settlement! View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Thank you. I want to make quality posts, almost perfect. (Note "and" should be "und") Just for your information, I chose my words carefully. I said feeble minded. Not less intelligent. (Though I know feeble minded is really a rewrite for less intelligent, but I want to convey a mind that is emotionally weak and humble, like you break down any new soldier's own pride, and then build him up again following orders and being loyal) That is because I don't think vulnerable are less intelligent. However they are emotionally into a state of carefulness, weakness. If a vulnerable was going out strong "WE SHOULD CUT IMMIGRATION" the next question would be "Why do you think we should help you and not any other vulnerable in the world?". Vulnerable in Britain are expected to be grateful and thankful and keeping a low profile. Since they rely on outside help. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is my take on immigration. A country can be likened to a house. There is a world outside the house. Some say, we should open the windows of the house in the winter to warm the air outside! What folly. This is exactly the mass immigration lobbyists’ folly. Some even say we should smash the windows and doors broken and throw the repairmen in jail! Sure ventilation is good. Without it there may be a bad smell inside the house. In ventilation the air is from the air outside is warmed. This can be likened to immigrants integrating with our culture. It is easy to be home blind. You think the world outside Britain is the same. This is not the case. In Britain we take care of the vulnerable. Outside Britain handicapped may have to beg on the streets to survive. Get a stroke and you’re condemned to beg if you have no family to support you. You may think the current culture of Britain will always remain. Look at the pre-nazi Germain culture and what it became 1939-1945. Ein Volk von Dichtern and Denkern. That became Ein Volk von Richter and Henker. (One people of poets and thinkers became one people of executioners and hangmen.) Many vulnerable are naive, empathetic and feeble minded. They want mass immigration. That is the sadness of it, since the English vulnerable are the hardest hit by mass immigration since there is a budget to follow in England - if you spend money on immigrants you have to cut down somewhere else, broadly speaking (with economic growth this is mitigated, but the concept is right since you cannot have eternal economic growth in a limited world.) 15 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3639 comments The battle to keep our Union together has only just begun Per Per SeocAnAonaidh a year ago I am Swedish, you see. View in discussion Per Per SeocAnAonaidh a year ago I see. I thought a railway wagon was referred as a car. View in discussion Per Per Conan_the_Librarian a year ago Are you American? Lorry is the term in UK. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Happy New Year, Carl 2 View in discussion Per Per taranaich a year ago Have you heard of devo-max? View in discussion Per Per elaine skinner a year ago You are basically saying that one is racist because you criticise your brother. View in discussion Per Per elaine skinner a year ago You don't need to be Catholic to have heard of the Seven Deadly Sins... 1 View in discussion Per Per taranaich a year ago from Cambridge dictionary (online), pride 1 a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done or got something good 2 your feelings of your own worth and respect for yourself 3 the belief that you are better or more important than other people malplaced because 1 Scots have not done something good independent of the English since the Union (since they have been part of the English culture) 2 Scots worth and respect for themselves are part of the Union with the English (language, values) 3 Scots are no better than English in general (I think you would agree if you consider what the commonality is and what the difference is) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Don't SNP voters know one of the Catholic Deadly Sins is pride. Scottish Nationalists seems all about Scottish pride (malplaced - Scottish culture and history have more in common with English than many other cultures and histories of the world) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Didn't Salmond promise that the referendum result of the referendum on the breakout of the Union should be respected for at least a generation? Here is a repeat post that I posted this autumn after the referendum. I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonialization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 5521 comments Is the pause in global warming blowing out? Per Per shaft120 a year ago You want to Tax Harm. What this means To Tax Harm seems to be a new concept. Traditionally taxing is primarily a way of income for the taxer. Now, Tax Harm means literally to put a cost in the form of government tax to harmful activities, short or long term. Tax HARM is an acronym of Tax Human Activities Regarding Malpractice. What is not intended as a message is "Taxes in themselves are harmful.". Tax share We are not proponents of increasing the total share of taxes in regard to GDP, rather to shift the tax weight of different taxable entities; in other words to tax or raise tax on harmful activities we necessarily must lower taxes of benign activities, for example income tax of work that is benign. Tax and reverse subsidy Tax works as reverse subsidy, it motivates people to decrease the taxable entity. For example, if it is established that fossil CO2 emissions leads in the future 100 years to a warmer harsher environment with significant raised sea levels, then that harsher environment incurs a increased cost of living for the inhabitants 100 years from now; do we have the right, with our current knowledge, to incur this cost? If you think it is questionable, or downright no, that we have a right to worsen severely the situation for future inhabitants of Earth, then this Non Governmental Organisation might interest you to read on, and even support us with the tax HARM policy since this tax motivates people to do less harm in society, in the short and long term, since it is a reverse subsidy. Relative taxes Economical activities in a society are relative to each other. If you tax one activity more than others, then in reality you subsidy implicitly the others. This, for example, means that if you tax harmful activities extra relative to benign, you in reality subsidy the benign so that they have a greater chance to thrive, and you quench proportional to the tax rate the harmful economical activities. Fossil CO2 emissions Regarding fossil CO2 emissions, that by logic and empirical studies, will increase the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, by a worrying rate, then if you multiply that rate with the not to distant years ahead of us, we will reach much higher percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, than we have today; and since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, from empirical chemistry and physics measurements, it is easy to conclude that the average temperature of the earth will rise; this temperature rise is supported in numerous empirical measurements; please refer to wikipedia to see the empirical graphs of temperature rise throughout time. CO2 is in fact rising, and it has consequences CO2 is rising. This wikipedia shows the graphs. Those graphs also show that CO2 historically (ancient) has had even larger percentages; however humans and their constructions did not exist then, and if we assume a warmer climate then and risen seas, no coastal cities were drenched, no farmland were flooded, increased spread of malaria and dengue fever did not affect any humans. But now we see a temperature rise, and we forecast rising sea levels and with that flooding of lowland coastal land; less housing and less arable land - less food - more diseases - in short, harsher living conditions for inhabitants 100 years from now Redistribution of fertile lands and its risk full consequences With warming climate, there will be almost certainly a redistribution of fertile and desert lands, this is in the nature of the stochastic (randomness) weather. What if climate change makes India and China a large desert, both nuclear armed countries; will they just lay down and die, or will they, as the human spirit in most calls for, fight for their survival by, for example, occupying fertile land in other countries? In such a scenario, migration pressure will also increase, and this will almost certainly lead to large influxes to nations with arable land, since what is politically correct do to, which most politicians have as their policy nowadays, is to be humane and not watch all those millions starve. The gamblers Can you see the gamble here? We gamble with the wealth of our future generations, future children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces; all in the name of comfort for us, even though the sacrifice need not be that rough, if done right. Taxing CO2 and market-forces Taxing of fossil CO2 (one instance of tax HARM) will get the market-forces to work for alternatives, market-forces always looks for the cheapest price of comparable quality, if tax makes a goods or service expensive, then less taxed goods and services has an advantage in the market economy; people and companies don't like to pay taxes, so they will look for alternatives, the market demand for alternatives will increase dramatically with a hefty tax on CO2; yet the taxes will not rise for individuals, since income tax can be lowered accordingly, so you get the same amount of money as before, only now the direction and incentives to find technological innovation to be less dependent on CO2 will increase (better wind, wave, nuclear, solar cell, battery storage technologies). Corporations and individuals behavioural patterns will want to reduce CO2 emissions (Better salesperson road trips, less time in the shower, find local producers of vegetables and meat). Social behavioural patterns (e.g. people will find jobs closer to where they live, and since it is the same rules for everyone competition forces work as before and will attract labour by having smaller decentralised manufacturing and service locations near the residential areas) that decrease CO2 from fossils will be encouraged; all in the comfort of the same amount of money as before. Alternative energy sources will be given a good start quickly and then market forces will make them cheaper and cheaper, and soon we have shifted our fossil dependancy to a much safer alternative without loosing too much comfort. CO2 tax will make us work closer to out homes, as said, which calls for a repeat, decentralise offices so that a local office in your neighbourhood becomes economically attractive - shorter commute to work without the traffic; we might get more comfort now with tax HARM, tax CO2 Tax HARM is fair Same rules for everyone, at least for all the major economies. This means everyone competes under the same rules. Oil companies can invest in renewables and get profit. Don't you think our children and children's children deserve a better future than what is projected with current CO2 emission levels? Fairness is about balanced positive or negative deserve in relation to the actual circumstances. Other examples of tax HARM Other examples of tax HARM is crime and punishment (you have to pay a fine or pay time in prison, if caught, in other words dynamically taxed (but with strict regulation of this dynamic - dynamic in the sense there is no strict percentage of restriction of freedom (no static taxing of freedom), rather a court judges and try to find a balanced sentence dynamically) with assets or time, according to sentence), malpractice in medical establishments (after suing courts can pay out damages, which can be seen as dynamic taxes), reckless or negligent practice of work that result in products or services that result in injuries (suing, see previous), manmade environmental disasters (suing see previous). Possible worsening of CO2 (or greenhouse gases) effects Methane is a greenhouse gas more efficient than CO2. This gas is bound in the seafloor as a hydrate. A warming of the seas could release this hydrate as a methane. Further, permafrost holding methane on land could be released as temperatures increase. This could worsen the effects. Possible mitigation of CO2 (or greenhouse gases) effects There has been some recent (year 2014) scientific discovery regarding that the sun's activity and intensity is less than before. During the years 1600's the sun's activity and intensity was less, and winters where harsh and very cold. There thus seems to be another such period in the sun's variations. This can mean that the CO2 emissions is actually positive, mitigating the lowering of temperatures due to the sun's less shining on earth. The issue is complex. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 95 comments Britons of the Year 2014, part 2 Per Per a year ago Briton of the year? Russel Brand comes to mind. As the "mascot minion" of the year (see below) Islamic State members are "astute blamers" of the year (see below). There are two types of major deceptions you should know. These deceptions are old, effective, tested and works. They work because most people are stupid, and therefore they will probably always work. The deceptions have in common to deceive the public that “I am nice, I am innocent, they are bad.” The first one is “mascot minions”. You make up a mascot that protects you. And you say things that the public will like. Imagine a cake on the table. You say we should invite everyone in the village to eat of the cake, even though the cake is too small. You say we should vote if we should be this generous. There should be an open vote by raising hands. You argue for “yes - we should share the cake”. This nice attitude is your mascot. But it is only a mascot because deep down you really want the vote to turn out as a no. But you want the image of that you are generous, this image is your mascot. You are a minion to the public opinion since it is nice to be generous and unselfish. Thus you are a mascot minion. The problem is if everyone goes by this tactic. Everyone feels that they want to be a mascot minion. Then the vote will actually be a yes. To the disappointment of everyone in the house. But that is the way things will be. The second one is “astute blamer”. The “astute blamer” wants a credible reason to be evil. Evilness that they intend to realise as soon as an opportunity to blame arises, thus “astute blamer”. Everyone evil wants impunity. If you can blame credible your wrongdoing and people believe and are understanding, then you have in practise impunity. For example, you have a plan to be really evil. The plan is perfect and working. Now you only wait for some random person to enlighten the world of this dangerous plan. When this is done you can do your evil and blame the enlightener for the idea, “I got the idea from him, even though the idea is simple and obvious to most who think a little bit.” However the blame game work because most people are stupid. Be an “astute blamer”, blame me for the idea! View in discussion Per Per a year ago David Cameron is the Briton of the Year 2014. Cameron is the Prime Minister of England (or UK) and England is a metaphor for Degerfors (my fantasy good world) Cameron, here is an interesting read regarding your already strong wish to control immigration to the UK. How does SR relate to, good evil right left light dark Evil is stronger than good. Since absence of pain is more important than pleasure. Since fear is a stronger motivational factor than love. What deeply changes a persons world view is when this one realises a personal detrimental factor. You cannot fight evil with good. This is like stoping the rotating knives in a lawn mower by your hands; the knives will continue rotating. You can only fight evil with evil - an iron bar into the knives. This is when (1) of SR comes in. Since evil is so efficient in gaining and maintaining power you need other evil to balance this evil so that power concentration due to evil does not become total. (1) is in self interest. Either you take control of the instruction structure of the evil empire, or you fight the evil empire with your own evil pole and instruction structure. Appeasement does not work. This will only increase the power of the evil adversary. To fight evil not in your interest you need revenge. You need to control borders. Nationalism and controlling borders is as natural choosing a parter for marriage. As natural as choosing employees for your company. You do not want someone to choose your marriage partner. You do not want others to choose who shall work for your company. You do not want open borders to the nation. Since conflict, harm and fear are so efficient power factors that spread exponentially, you need national borders as a barrier to the uncontrolled spread of power concentrating ideologies. You need to kick out people of your nation (e.g. to prisons). You need to control the power concentrating political movements across borders. This rule (SR 1.) has a clear standing against mass immigration and the defence of borders of nations. This since mass immigration across open borders of the world lead to power concentration of certain power seeking ideologies that take over democracies by sheer numbers of new population. This is clear. Controlled borders mitigates power concentration. But I want good to win, prevail. What a dilemma. The solution is that good uses evil. Like the myth that God (the good side in the myth) uses the Devil. The good has something to offer, Degerfors, and this evil wants; we allow vacation and select entry and kick out people from there with the protection of evil in Degerfors (enemy of the enemy) that want good to organise and rule there. Therefore free immigration destroys all this and is not in interest of good. You should speak of good and goo… Some people that say the work for good are really goo. They are not evil nor good, they are undefined; goo. But they work for evil enemy, though usually they do not understand this. Degerfors is good only because we have good people, good rules and follow and enforce them and control immigration. Because Degerfors is such a highly prized object by the evil, there is a lot of pressure to steal it. Beware. Control evil by evil, so that good may prevail. right left Free capitalism (right) and communism (left) is power concentration in the long run. Therefore to live by SR (1), we need a mix of right and left. Degerfors poem is the answer. Purple, the holy mix of right and left. light dark The extremes are both a nightmare. Total openness leads to power concentration, like a chess game is done. Total darkness leads to confusion. You need a compromise. A torch is advantageous not to stumble on your path. Confuse your enemy with planted information. Select light to form an advantageous biased picture. People are really more stupid than you think. People want simple solutions. They do not listen to Einstein, “Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler”; they want to make it simpler than possible. Epitets are a powerful misguiding technique to your advantage. Many people are mascot minions - they want to appear nice and vote for open generosity to everybody, but hope others will be the people with the bad news; they are the heartless bastards, I am the saint. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I want to learn who you think are interesting posters here on the telegraph. Remember you should look at the name of the posters, not just read the post, and remember those that you can remember. Poster of the year? Don't know. Here are some interesting names, DavEd CamerBand (Russian in disguise?) carlmarx (called above Russian, seems right wing inspite of name) Sam Martini (Christian theologian - know about Christian details of New Testament) Ian Murray (leftist anti racist anti UKIP, posts actively) ireland (Warns about United States of Europe) Clactonresident (labour supporter) CryEngland (Ph.D from John Hopkins U. USA) peterhood (educated and knowledgeable) Mike (made a case for NOT banning extremist views, very good view) IainRMuir (amusing) MeisterVonWurststein (proud german - very loud and high) tiddles (interested in religion) maria21 (it is not a case of racism, it is about culture) Abigail_Hulton (it is called respect and manners and common sense) A Happy New Year to you who deserve it. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1105 comments Tony Blair: Ed Miliband will not win the general election because of lurch to the left Per Per steviebaby a year ago This post is the reason you should be a reader of telegraph comments. Just like a gold digger in Klondike finds a gold nugget every now and then that makes the whole operation worthwhile. Your post is this gold nugget among all the sand. You put data to what I have felt along time regarding MENA and many other places in the world. Thank you. Excellent. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Quote from the article "A number of MPs have accused Mr Miliband of being out of touch with ordinary Labour voters, particularly in the north of England." This reminds me of Rod Liddle in Question Time in Cardiff, Rod Liddle Spectator and Sun columnist “The Labour party is very very popular” “They it as a party that is attractive, which has good policies, and which they would like vote for” “The thing that puts them off voting for it, is, I’m afraid to say, Ed” “Labour has now become so distant, so utterly distant, from the people whom it was set up to support” Can you spot the contradictions in Rod’s quotes? (3:21) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 176 comments Who were the Heroes and Villains of 2014? Per Per a year ago I define heros and villains from how their stand on mass immigration looks like. This year I defined a new religion, simple religion. Only three rules. The first rule is "Behave with power distribution as a general principle" This rule has a clear standing against mass immigration and the defence of borders of nations. This since mass immigration across open borders of the world lead to power concentration of certain power seeking ideologies that take over democracies by sheer numbers of new population. This is clear. From this the hero of the year is, David Cameron - wants to control immigration and negotiates a new deal with EU to curb numbers, has promised an IN/OUT EU referendum. The villain of the year is, Russel Brand - just listen to what he said... (on BBC Question Time with N. Farage) (People in general want to keep the traditional cozy and respectful social relationships in the community; they don't want to import criminal gangs, fear, terrorism, your sons and daughters being bullied by fellow school children by people from a more conflict and aggressive successful culture (success can come in many forms, by tolerance and love or by conflict and fear - taste is like the buttocks, split), etc) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 23 comments A drone of one’s own Per Per Guest a year ago Bias can only occur in hardware and software of computer. Multiple parties can scrutinize. Remember bias can, as history shows, occur much more heavily in human judges than in a scrutinized computer system once tested. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago You would need a minimal compiler and OS (a fully functional bare bone OS can be made in 10000 lines of code) No internet. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Of course, the AI judge software would have to be open source along with compiler (remember a compiler can insert dirty intentional code) and OS. Of course it is all about testing with independent parties of programmers. View in discussion Per Per simon_coulter a year ago Drones together with AI (artificial intelligence) could help with law enforcement. AI is the big judge (advisory) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Drones could be of help fighting crime. The future technologies hold many promises. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a dangerous technology that need to be regulated. However, AI could serve in courts as advisors. AI is inputed with relevant details and out comes a motivated verdict to advice the judge complete with pedagogic reasons for the ruling. Everyone could have the same software in their computer to make sure the verdict is correct. Further suing that actually goes to court would be minimized since both parties know the ruling beforehand on their computers and therefore settle out of court. The district atterney could similarily find out if a case is worth pursuing. A criminal could even accept a punishment at a one man judge fast court. Police could use AI to analize images and sounds to gather evidence. AI could help being a detectice. Drones could gather data. Thus better enforcement of laws with AI. AI as the big judge (advisory) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 800 comments Nick Clegg has been a force for good in British politics Per Per a year ago Yes Dan. Mmm Dan. (The same way a nurse says "yes, mmm, you are right" to a patient...) 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Instead of saying N. Clegg has been a force for good, I would say N. Farage has been a force for good. Now both con and lab want controlled immigration. Con has promised an in/out EU referendum in 2017. Without UKIP this wouldn't happen as a change of mind of con and lab regarding immigration. UKIP has an ally in Sweden, SD. I seriously considered voting for them in 22 Mar 2015 g.e. in Sweden. In the same way SD is now changing policy in other Swedish parties, the most recent being KD which now want to tighten immigration policy. Björn Söder of SD turns me off, saying thst Swedish Jews and indiginous Sami people are not Swedish. What rubish. I will therefore probably vote KD rather than SD. SD seems to be too much Nazi still, considering B. S. statements. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 33 comments Is there life on Mars? Per Per a year ago Extraterrestial life proves either there are many Gods or there are no God/Gods. Why? Since this proves strict rules are enforced and the many Gods keep checks and balances to this world. If you were a single God you would have cheated long time ago, that would be my theory - there would be a self-disciplinary problem that would be evident by now. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 101 comments What's the point of doing a good deed? Per Per a year ago A random act of kindness is a bad idea in its superficial way. People are suspicious. Why do this woman want to give me flowers? There has to be a catch. Imagine a 60 year old man doing a random act of kindness to a 3 year old girl - people would think dirty peadophile! People want a nice surface as generous and kind. People say they want a generous refugee policy to seem nice. But do they really want it? No. They want to argue for a generous mass immigration but they want others to do the dirty work of controlled immigration. They want others to be those heartless bastards. Imagine a birthday party. You say we should have a vote as whether we should invite strangers to eat of our only small cake. You declare we should all vote yes but you hope there is a no vote result. This way you can say you did all to be generous and kind and that others are selfish bastards in comparison. How nice. I call people like you mascot minions. Mascot because you want the protection of the image of you as generous and nice (the mascot). Minion becuase you like public opinion. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 359 comments Terrorists must face tough questioning Per Per a year ago There was this farm, Bird Cherry, that was prosperous and peaceful. There was enough to eat, people were on most occasions friendly and life was good there. Then they heard of a neighbouring farm, Armour Mansion, where life was terrible. People were suffering, fighting and torturing each other there. One day a lad who was suffering got the idea, “I could flee to Bird Cherry”. Off he went and arrived at Bird Cherry. Can I live here, he asked, life is so terrible at Armour Mansion. Yes of course you can the woman there said, we have enough room. Then his man wrote a letter to his comrades at Armour Mansion, “Come to this place, life is really good here.” Soon enough people came in droves from Armour Mansion. This changed the culture of Bird Cherry. Now people were fighting, torturing each other and life was the same as in Armour Mansion. The women who still remembered when Bird Cherry was a wonderful place, asked “Why are we suffering now?” They couldn’t figure it out… 7 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The harsher the society, the more torture will be accepted to fight terrorism. The harshness of the society is mainly dependent on the common culture. UK culture should have one culture; the historic English culture. UK should be monocultural. If they want to experiment with multi-culti, they can to that elsewhere. Let me present the “The ideology of the Nation state”. A nation can defined as a physical space with people in it defining and protecting its borders; the nation can say who are welcome and who are not, the nation can say who can stay and who cannot. The main defining aspect of a nation is some owned space and the protection of this space. In this nation, there are people who are the enemy of the nation. These people (the enemy) want free immigration or mass immigration, usually with the compassionate argument that those people outside the nation should be granted a safe haven. They look superficially how others suffer, and want a quick fix to their problem, they can immigrate. What they do not understand is why our nation is a good place in the first place, or why places outside the nation is a bad place. It is mainly culture. The reasons our nation is a good nation is because of our historic good culture. The importation of alien cultures, which comes with the people that immigrates, changes our ancient culture. Mass immigration even more, necessarily. The effect of these enemies within the nation, is that in the long term, our nation becomes one of those bad places like the rest of the bad places of the world, as a consequence of mass immigration and the resulting culture change in the nation. A fair question to all those compassionate short term feeling empathy and suffer panic among those in bad outside nations or places, and wanting to relieve their suffering by importing them, is: “Do you want all places on Earth to be a bad place?” Those with bad cultures have more physical conflicts and suffering, that is the essence of a bad culture. With these solidarity brothers in good culture nations (the enemy within), this bad culture spreads, since the bad cultures produces refugees and they and their culture move across borders and are accepted with warm arms by the alien culture huggers (the enemy within) and thus more and more bad culture enters our nation. Is this so hard to understand? Do you want all the worlds to be bad? The more UK stands out as a good nation, the more pressure from people fleeing to this nation; and this fact changes the UK to become one of those other bad nations. Think about it. We need controlled borders. Bad is more violence, more torture, more terrorism. There are other solutions, you know. 8 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1093 comments Opec willing to push oil price to $40 says Gulf oil minister Per Per Ragwin a year ago I didn't say you'll get 100% efficiency, I said researches in Saarland have gotten 95% efficiency. The 100% figure was there for you to estimate cost at 95% efficiency. View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago I did say you should google desalination. Salt water is abundent to Sahara, with desalination you can produce cheap fresh water. 95% efficient desalination from researchers in Saarland, 100% efficient means 1000 liters of fresh water from salt water at energy cost 0.75 kWh. 1 kWh is around €0.03 in Sweden. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The most tangible threat to fossil oil is; I believe, genetically engineered microorganisms producing diesel and ethanol production from sun, water and air. google joule unlimited google air carbon capture google desalination Sahara could produce enormous amounts of diesel at low cost. The method is tested and works at 7% efficiency (sun to fuel efficiency; the most efficient biomass production is at 1%) A large German corporation has invested in joule unlimited. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 60 comments 'My seven biggest investment regrets' Per Per v2jievoi a year ago People that suffer form delusions (idiots) are usually bad managers since you need to react to the feedback of reality from the business' customers (potential and existing) and employees. If you are schizophrenic you need to take medication, and therefore no longer being an idiot, if the medication work and you respond enough to the medication. View in discussion Per Per v2jievoi a year ago Let me repeat for you, in priority order, 1. Right people 2. Right rules/policy 3. Right business ideas, products, growing market etc If you have the right people following the right rules then those will get you the right products into the expanding markets. A good name (trust of the consumers, takes care of its employees, supports its employees in difficulty if they deserve it, etc) attracts the right people since competent people want to be motivated to work under and support its colleagues with productive work, and thus bring in the bacon to the company. A bad name is definitely not going to help with motivation ("Why should I help bring in the bacon to that ar*ehole?"). A bad name does not sell to the consumers either. A good name is definitely to prefer. View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago Now you are being silly. 100% really? 1 View in discussion Per Per Moi-Meme a year ago Well if he doesn't deliver on the EU referendum in 2017, after May 7th, 2015, UKIP will grow larger in G.E. 2020. Cameron have naturally realised this. 1 View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago No. You live because all of your human ancestors have survived enough to produce enough offspring, all the way to the first human. Indeed all the way to when first life as a single cell organism started to live. Your history to the first single cell organism has all survived in the heritage history. You typing the above message proves this. 1 View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago UKIP proves you to be wrong. The large part of the UK population that are EU sceptic proves my point. 2 View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago No. Evolution is a strategy to be safe. Evolution has the main objective to survive. View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago No. Cameron has adapted to public opinion and promised an IN/OUT EU election in 2017, and is eager now to control immigration. View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago No. "Better safe than sorry" In the long term. Biological evolution proves this to be right. Diversity of genes, and natural selection, and producing offspring of a successful recipe is basically being safe as a general principle. Would you not agree that biological evolution is a successful strategy? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I still believe my theory is correct, with a clarification as to what is a good name company. A good name company is only a company with the trust of the consumers, and in addition as a devolution of power and democracy as described in the above post. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 60 comments 'My seven biggest investment regrets' Per Per Per a year ago As a general principle in maintaining a good name and thus attract good competence and thus proving my theory to be true, is keeping the company decentralised with many small sub and sub sub companies (and so on sub sub sub etc), and each sub company votes for management, where this management does not have all power; thus devolution of power and democracy within. The same thing we can see in politics. As another commenter said, "The people I want for politicians don't want to be politicians, and the people that want to be politicians I don't want as politicians" This is a dilemma for businesses too. 1 View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago The problem with good name companies is that they attract power hungry bad individuals who want to ride a ride using the name. When a bad individual is at the top of a good name company, very bad things can happen. Since the momentum of trust of the consumers carries the bad individual captain(s) like an fully loaded oil tanker in the seas. This is a serious problem, do you have any suggestions how a historically good name company can push away bad individuals in management? View in discussion Per Per Ragwin a year ago What about Google and Apple? As a general principle it is true, is my belief, but there is always going to be exceptions. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The safest investment is usually a company with a good name. A good name attracts good competence naturally and therefore a positive spiral develops; the company stays competitive because of the good people in the company, and the good people remain in the company and attracts more competent people because of the good name. The ultimate good name company is a company that has the good name as the main asset. This can be, for example, a company that certifies that the content that other companies produce is valid, accurate and true. In these days where videos and photographs can be faked, internet pages can be custimized to individuals, the consumers need trust. They trust in the certifying body. This is especially important if you have misbehaved historically and fooled people. Now you can rely on the certifying body. And prosper because of this. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago "When it comes to purchase stocks (which can be applied to countries, buying bonds), here is some general advice. A good tip is to check that the boat floats before you sit in it. In more detail, if you were to purchase land from a farmer with the service of the farmer to culture grain all in one package, check the following. (1) That the farmer is efficient and competent enough at producing grain. (2) That the land and relevant infrastructure is productive and there, now and in the near future. (3) That the land is not over­speculated with too high prices, so that you go in with too high price. (4) That the current market demand and prices will not fall in the near future for grain. (5) That too many other farmers are planning to produce grain in the near future with falling prices for grain as a result of competition in a buyer’s market. (6) You feel confident that the farmer is motivated to work for you (follow the contract), and will not fool you right out or by forcing circumstances, e.g. by having huge debts, bad contracts, crime or war struck or otherwise in a tightrope that eliminates the possibility for sound economic farming work. The wrong people, even with the perfect right rules to guide them, will always be wrong, since they will not follow the rules, anyway. Right people is priority one, right rules and right policy, together with a system of enforcement is priority two, right leverage with own property, momentum or business secrets and right predicted return on capital business plan is priority three. Mind you, all three are important. If you plan to invest in stock or country, and you have read the above paragraphs, and you get the intuitive feeling that something is missing, jump the purchase and say no." 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 39 comments Merry mantelpiece Per Per a year ago I usually send some Christmas cards. It is a way to show a traditional friendly gesture. But what if you don't have the address? I want to send a Christmas card to Robyn. Therefore this post is my Christmas card to Robyn. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Robyn. "Ever since I was a little girl, even younger than I am now, I always felt good about you in a special way I don't know how..." View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 532 comments Falling oil prices - the benefits and the costs Per Per zorbatheturk a year ago Look up desalination on wikipedia. With this you can get fresh water out of salt water. Current prices are 30 pence a cubic meter of desalinated water. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I know why the oil price has plummeted. Saudi Arabia is trying to sell as much as possible as quickly as possible. Why? They know a technology change is about to happen. Produce diesel and ethanol in huge quantities in deserts such as Sahara - all you need is a supply of water, CO2 and suns energy. All from genetic engineering. See Combine this technology with air carbon capture (google it), and North Africa is set up to huge incomes. A hit is not unmotivated if the victim knows why (money). View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 52 comments Facebook's the new fight club and I loathe it Per Per a year ago I don't have Facebook. Instead I go out on the streets making random rants of what I hade for dinner, what clothes I am wearing, when I walked the dog etc. I have three followers. One doctor and two policemen. 14 View in discussion Per Per a year ago My mother is a Facebook user. Her sister Margareta is a Facebook user. I have not yet joined Facebook social media. However I am a linkedin user. To use spotify you had to have a Facebook account to be a new user. Now they have changed that. Sometimes being a Facebook user gives you more options. Like when my mothers sister Margareta wanted to set up a wordfeud account. Her Facebook didn't work on her ipad. Therefore I helped her type in her email and "Maggan" to register with wordfeud without Facebook. But we got an error message saying that the email was already in use. I gave her the ipad after that. She had to solve this by herself. I believe she tried to reset the password, but she failed. Then as a last option she reinstalled Facebook and got it to work. Then she registered with wordfeud with Facebook. And then it worked; She affirmed my question if she registered with Facebook and she said yes. I said I don't want to help if I don't feel I will succeed. But she did it on her own being over 80 years of age. Now she plays with my mother under the name Margareta. I used to play wordfeud with my mother a few months ago. But I will not do it anymore. We did have a real interesting set of games though. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1466 comments So this is how the world ends... isn't it? Per Per a year ago End of the world is an important issue to consider. Catastrophes for humanity comes in two main categories, - man made catastrophes - natural catastrophes How do we prevent man made catastrophes? The short answer is having the right motivational structure, through right rules and enforcement of these rules. Enforcement is basically (1) reminders (2) retribution (3) reward. The right rules are basically (1) Devolution of power (2) Respect those that respects (3) Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality You don't need to devolve power to those that you don't respect, this follows from the three rules above. Money can be used to realise (1) and (2) and motivate for (3). How do you do this practically? You install a virtual nation. Anyone that behaves and abides according to the above rules can be a member of this nation. Once you are a member of the nation (which you can be kicked out of if you misbehave), sub nations and sub sub nations and so on of this virtual nation can form according to (1) and (2). Each of these nations have to be profitable to the parent nation, that is the principle, otherwise they are discarded. The profits are moving upwards and reinvested in new and old promising nations down the chain, in delegation. Don't help a drug addict with money for drugs. Don't help with money to people doing harm. Don't help people interested in power concentration. Money should go to the right people with the right rules that they have shown to follow and they get to choose the right business idea. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The most spectacular speculation of the ending of the world is of course the "off switch" (read article above) This article made me start thinking. I finally think I have come up with the right theory for the meaning of the number 666 in Revelation part in the Bible. Here is the relevant part, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." (REVELATION. 13:18, KJV) A number of a man. Well this can only be one thing. THE MAN. God as depicted in the Bible as a father. OK. What does this tell us about God? 666 has two numbers in them 6 and 3. (6 repeated 3 times). My theory is that God is really 6 Gods and there are 3 after worlds to come to after this world. HEAVEN OR HELL. PESTILENCE OR CHOLERA. HEAVEN is bad HELL is bad OR is a good world. This was probably revealed by the six Gods in a dream to the relevant writer of Revelation part in the Bible. What do you think of my theory? View in discussion Per Per Nicetime a year ago Way out is patience with Cameron. He has promised an IN/OUT EU referendum, and I hope for OUT. He has shown eagerness to control immigration. Good signs. Vote Tory. View in discussion Per Per a year ago AI is one of the most tangible threats. Think of AI combined with robots. Think the movie Terminator series. The inventors and spreaders of AI MUST be punished. There is no other way. View in discussion Per Per a year ago End of the world. That is too big a question for me. A like to consider the end of nations. Mass immigration is the death of nations, given enough time. I can explain but refrain. Economics is important. Food, housing, clothes cost money. What makes certain nations rich? Natural resources? Africa is rich in natural resources. Japan is rich but has few natural resources. Naturally it is about the nations inhabitants and their culture. The English culture is peaceful (within nation) and cooperative. There exist war cultures in the world. War cultures are proud and don't change easily. Mass immigration changes the culture of the receiving country. If we import war culture, then more conflict will result in our nation as sure as a letter delivered by the postoffice. 3 View in discussion Discussion on SvD 366 comments Reinfeldt rekar läget från luften Per Per a year ago Bra och underhållande skrivet, Sanna Rayman. Sannas rika talang visar att hon är rikt på naturresurser - en tillgång för SvD. 12 View in discussion Discussion on SvD 696 comments Där valet går in, går intellektet ut Per Per a year ago Negativa epitet är kraftfulla. SD är svartmålade som sagt nyfascister M är "kniven i hjärtat - öppna dina hjärtan med kniv" S är "Alla skall med - tillsammans till undergången" några fler förslag? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Bra skrivet, Sanna. Kort och koncist. Speciellt sista meningen. Valpropaganda och kommersiell reklam har framför allt en gemensam nämnare - att spela på känslornas lyra. Man kan spela på positiva eller negativa känslor. Negativa känslor är kraftfullast. Det är därför vänstern är så stark i svensk media, från analys av konstnärs och intellektuella vänstern och en klar marknadsföringsstrategi på negativa känslor och insikten om kraften bakom dem. Negativa epitet av motståndaren är ett gammalt beprövat framgångsrikt kort för att vinna över röster till sin sida. 4 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1932 comments In their hearts, voters want a smaller state Per Per a year ago In our hearts we want a smaller state - UK out of EU. I hate the GERMans. I love the British. 1 View in discussion Discussion on SvD 344 comments Ett Sverigefientligt parti Per Per Dtoas a year ago SD har för närvarande en massa medlemmar som är fascister, nazister och rasister. Dessa måste rensas ut, de är oproportionerligt stora i partiet. De kan gå över till ND och SvP. Den springande punkten mot massinvandring är att de svaga i Sverige drabbas. Tänk efter själv. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago SD är ett Sverigevänligt parti, till skillnad mot vad Tove säger. Jag kommer och rösta på SD 22 mars. Därför att jag tänker på de svaga i Sverige. Det är de svagaste i Sverige som drabbas hårdast när välfärdspengarna i Sverige går till invandringskostnader. Det tragiska är att de svaga och drabbade i Sverige är bland de som tänker mest med empati på flyktingar, och vill ta hit dem. Det de inte förstår är att massinvandringen drabbar först och främst dem. Men det är känslor och viss logik mot känslor och riktig logik. Men Tove tänkte väl inte på det. 17 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 566 comments George Osborne is a debt addict – and so is the entire Western world Per Per Bob Evans a year ago No. It's not illegal for the government in Sweden to run a deficit. The state debt is 1290 billion crowns and has increased since last year. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago George Osborne says he has plans to reduce the deficit. The problem is that politicians are looking for easy, too easy, solutions. If I borrow money now, I can reduce taxes now, I can spend more on welfare now, I don't need to cut the NHS and grandma won't complain to her grand sons and grand daughters, and the politicians will gain more votes. It is inherent in the system. You can make a parable to religion. People are looking for easy solutions. Jesus is the sacrifice for all my sins... Hah. Doesn't that sound a too easy way out? How can we trust that Angels are not Hell's Angels? Why push in religion that there is only one God? IF THERE WAS ONLY ONE GOD; THEN THERE WOULD BE NO NEED TO PUSH THIS MESSAGE (THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD) IN RELIGIONS. THUS IT SEEMS SINCE ANCIENT TIMES THERE ARE MANY GODS, AND RELIGION TRIES TO CHANGE THIS ANCIENT FACT. IT IS OBVIOUS TO ME. Think of it this way. You are God for one moment. Would you really then mind if people believed that you were a multitude. If you really have all the power, then it does not matter what people thought of you, would it. You could do as you please, anyway. YOU COULD MAKE IT OBVIOUS THAT YOU ARE ONE, should you care for this. This argument that you want to try each and every individual if you believe you are one, through religion, does not hold - why would you give credit to a human that you are one - you would want that credit yourself if you were an envious God. Think for yourself as Brian says in "Life of Brian". According to the Supreme Court of India, Unlike other religions in the World, the Hindu religion does not claim any one Prophet, it does not worship any one God, it does not believe in any one philosophic concept, it does not follow any one act of religious rites or performances; in fact, it does not satisfy the traditional features of a religion or creed. It is a way of life and nothing more".[95][96] (wikipedia hinduism) View in discussion Discussion on SvD 1100 comments Alliansen bör avsätta regeringen Per Per Vidar Frigg a year ago Nej du begriper inte. När jag sa läs om menade jag självklart de 4 punkterna. View in discussion Per Per Vidar Frigg a year ago Läs om. View in discussion Per Per Vidar Frigg a year ago Begrper du inte enkel svesnka. Då är du sämre på svenska än många invandrare. För att repetera. Jag sade "Det behövs lite balansering i dagens debatt" Detta är nog för svårt för dig och förstå, men du kan ju be en hjälpsam person försöka förklara följande, 1. Tove skriver en inleding 2. Tove godkänner att kommentarer får skrivas 3. Man får kommentera kommentarerna 4. Min kommentar var en om kommentarerna i störta allmänhet. View in discussion Per Per Kap Kennedy a year ago "A man without a plan is not a man" Nietzche "Without a deal, without a keel." Okänd 1 View in discussion Per Per Vidar Frigg a year ago Den första meningen var att det behövs balansering i dagens debatt. Debatten syftar på de inlägg som görs och kan säga ingår i Toves text eftersom hon medgivet att kommentarer får skrivas i anslutning till henne. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Rasism är fel. Flyktingmottagande är rätt. Det är en fördel om det finns proportioner. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Jag såg på debatt kl 2200 ikväll på svt. Kristina Hedberg är en utmärkt ledare av debatten, hon påminner om det relevanta som sagts, t ex. Susanne Osten gick ut hårt mot SD med fascister rasister, nazi förflutet etc. En person som är så förskräcklig att jag inte vill ens nämna med hans namn sa "Om du upprepar en lögn tillräckligt ofta, kommer folk tillslut och tro på den". 11 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1292 comments George Osborne's plan to shrink the state is big news Per Per carlmarx a year ago That is true. I will repeat the post you were referring to for your reference. What can I say about EU, well I am ambivalent about this "wife". Respect is a complex issue. Here is the post. When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — View in discussion Per Per a year ago George Osborne keeps borrowing, increasing the deficit. Borrowing money for daily expenditure is like peeing in your pants, first it feels warm and nice, then it feels cold and awkward. Here in Sweden politics is a bit of a pickle. Sweden Democrats (SD - they have an alliance with UKIP) has voted down the governments budget, a major crisis has noe made the prime minister to promise to hold a new extra election 22 Mars 2015. (the formal decision is 29 Dec 2014). This will be interesting. I will vote for SD. SD hates the greens in Sweden (MP). The greens stress that Sweden and MP need to do something about climate change. Hah! USA an China are the major countries that emit CO2. Do little MP in Sweden think they can influence USA and China? It's a laugh. Further the environmental laws in Sweden are the EU laws; EU parliament influence those laws, not little MP in Sweden. MP is a big laugh. However many feel that it is their moral duty to vote for MP. MP negotiated a deal with the new moderates about generous immigration. That is probably one of the main reasons SD hates MP. What about the immigration restrictive SD? They got 13% of the votes last election. 87% voted non-SD. Why? Because naive people that want to change the world for the better feel that we can import people and transform them to good Swedes... Thus Sweden is a good force in the world. Then there are the luny left type of people who hates everything about Sweden. They hate SD and love immigration, because they want Sweden to become a Caliphate. They would love to scorn at all those indigenous Swedes who are living a good life right now. Motivation is different, and in different proportion of these two extremes in the Swedes. I will vote SD. 8 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2417 comments London is over...and it's about time too Per Per Per a year ago Let me give some good advice when it comes to evil. 1. If evil has been proven, expect their will to even more power over you through evil 2. If they want something from you, don't fold, this will just make things worse, not immediately, but in the long term 3. If you get to chose from a limited discomfort and a potential eternal discomfort, chose the limited one. 4. Have faith in the good and that good people genuinely want to limit your suffering if you deserve it, out of self interest in the good name and that they want help themselves if they deserve it. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, I have just realised an evil plan and will share it to you so that you can reign forever. This idea was inspired from the New Testament. 1. Make Hell for everyone 2. Make exceptions for yourself and your close ones 3. To join your group and thus be relieved from pain you have to sign a Hellish contract. 4. Enforce the contract by repatriating everyone that breaks the contract to Hell When you have this power, you can make demands such as special sacrificial lambs at your will. People will be stupid enough to appease, not realising that with this construct everyone will go to Hell given infinite time since a non-zero probability of entering Hell multiplied with infinite time will lead to 100% probability with Hell forever. Wicked scheme for you. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 59 comments And lo, the Christmas of Laurence is over Per Per Per a year ago Just saw Airplane! Didn't like it. View in discussion Discussion on SvD 2 comments Ingen Fifa-guldboll till Zlatan Per Per a year ago Jag gillar inte Zlatan. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 764 comments We can have more clout outside the EU Per Per a year ago Uk should use article 50 and leave the EU. I have previously been for that UK should be in the EU, but public opinion in UK is in favour of leaving. This made me contemplate my position. If I were to choose between no migration and migration, I would choose no migration, since UK can do just fine without influx from other parts of the world. Of course, living up to no migration is about protecting your borders with people and rules that are followed. In fact migration is inherently dangerous. Diseases can spread. Terrorism can spread. What if North Korea decided to dominate the world by immoral methods? Appeasement doesn't work. There are many dangerous chemicals in the world, that can affect people of power. Cancer causing. Dementing substances. We must each and everyone have a moral compass as to what is best. 8 View in discussion Per Per Nomadscot a year ago I don't like the expression "Good Heavens" since I am convinced God is very angry and full of wrath on the Christians. I believe "Heaven is on fire" (by KISS). The Muslims has won. God hates minions. Allah love "voluntary submission to God". Thus you should submit, but not be a minion. This is difficult to understand, but it is essential to understand. God hates superstition. A minion can never be a "jihad", a minion looks for the easy way out. The sacrifice of Jesus was an easy way out. This philosophy God hates. If you want to sacrifice, you have to only sacrifice yourself. The Quran is of course erroneous. "The Cow" - II : 120 "Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion." Jews and Christians can be satisfied with you even if you are a Muslim, this is obvious; thus the Quran is erroneous. There are many Gods. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Labour hasn't promised an in/out EU referendum, have they? 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A YouGov poll in 2010 found that 47% of voters in the United Kingdom would vote to leave the European Union, while 33% would vote to stay in Now latest poll show 48% out 32% remain in. Steady Eurosceptisim in UK. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago David Cameron need to understand that appeasement doesn't work. Hold the referendum, and if the people say "out", then we go out. Cameron should not be a minion to Angela Merkel. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago If Cameron wins the GE, a referendum is held 2017 and UK votes out, I promise I will play "Today is a good day" by Anna Ternheim, Really sweet song, View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per manufactureconcept a year ago England must understand the importance of borders, it's natural among birds - so time to build a nest. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago David Cameron can learn from the Muslims. Muslim wisdom in one sentence (from historic behaviour of Muslims as appeared in the news): "There are many doors, when to choose a door: the door with the sign "fast response" - a no clever entrance." View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago oldtimer, I am interested in you. Where do you live? How old are you. You are against the conservatives, I gather. Are you a man or a woman? This is the key to understand my values here on the telegraph, just for you, (Follow the links in the link, it'll take a few hours, but it's worth it) View in discussion Per Per Stolen Votes a year ago If you were to choose the system in Islam's paradise on Earth (France because of all the muslims wanting to go there, their highest wish), wouldn't conservative Christian common values be the best for this paradise, with devolved multiple powers (Theresa May, George Osborne, etc with Cameron in England giving conservative inspiration). ;-) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Kippers, I have a question for you. If you were to choose between Hollande and Cameron, who would you choose? View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago You are of course speaking of Hollande in France. View in discussion Per Per borisforpm a year ago The irony is of course that you are responding to a troll with yet another off topic post (his personal banning is of real no concern) 1 View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago Time to shift to another ship with other captain(s). Preferably captains, since I believe in devolution of power. 2 View in discussion Per Per patriot1721 a year ago Do you agree that revising history is bad? That it leads to those in power getting more power (power concentration), and when those with power have enough power they get bored and hurt people at will out of boredom. View in discussion Per Per lizzydripping a year ago Thanks for sharing. Really funny anecdote. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per Guest a year ago Being against the Cons is part of power devolution, isn't it. Being FOR the cons, since they are in power with the libdems, is being one of many minions, isn't it? DEVOLUTION OF POWER. View in discussion Per Per lustrediadem a year ago UKIP liaisons with a holocaust denier. (Do you really believe revising history is good???) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Conservatives is about keeping good old values. These are good old values in my book, 1. Devolution of power 2. Respect those that respects 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. Would you agree? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago It's a fact that the referendum and the urge to control immigration comes from public pressure, expressed as in concern for the UKIP. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Yes, I believe in the Cons. Good Olde England and Cons adapts to public pressure. And that is a good thing. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago quote you "A referendum is a device to swing people behind th Cons" Yes, and bargain TV's on black friday sell like hot cakes... Just because you have uncovered the motive of the referendum doesn't mean it's bad. View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago Cameron has promised a referendum in 2017. If he doesn't keep that promise, then UKIP will grow much stronger, and con knows this. 1 View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty (members are free to leave) is a good negotiation fact. 1 View in discussion Per Per Brunel a year ago Cameron is FOR controlled immigration. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per a year ago Santa (David Cameron) has to remember this Bible quote, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”, (ROMANS. 15:1, NKJV) View in discussion Per Per Nevercloserunion a year ago Mrs Duffy and Brown is a classic, "Three main things that were drummed in when I was young,Education, health service and looking after people who were vulnerable." Mrs Duffy (2:04) 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Hope is much stronger in the UK than where I live, in Sweden. New Moderates is a catastrophe. Centern wants free immigration in their "idea program" (that got rejected, thankfully) The environmentalists... well they are mental... Socialdemocrats, they press on "islamophobia" like the rest of the leftist media here in Sweden. 1 View in discussion Per Per Nevercloserunion a year ago No. We have to have hope. View in discussion Per Per Nevercloserunion a year ago As long as you believe in DC's controlling immigration, we will not have Sharia law in the UK. If that was true, would you not want to live longer? View in discussion Per Per Nevercloserunion a year ago Don't bet on it. According to my cousins Nick's beliefs, there will be a drug that prolongs life. Probably by controlling the cell's telomere. View in discussion Per Per Hatelabour a year ago 2105. Wow you are looking ahead, aren't you. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Why will Santa (David Cameron) deliver the in/out EU referendum and control immigration. Because otherwise UKIP will out compete him in election 2020. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Take care. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Don't you have faith in D.C.? He will deliver the referendum and control immigration. Nice presents to the UK kids. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per Guest a year ago I believe D.C. is Santa. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. I am Per. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Nice of you. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago If Santa comes to your home, give him a sandwich and a beer. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago But Santa is working, ask any kid. The concept is working. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. It's a team work of those who believe in him. If Santa misbehaves, people will start to disbelieve, and trouble awaits Santa. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Santa gives. That is the whole spirit of Santa. Ask any kid. "Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each have their own government or executive, led by a First Minister (or, in the case of Northern Ireland, a diarchal First Minister and deputy First Minister), and a devolved unicameral legislature." View in discussion Per Per armeniaman a year ago Devolution of power is in the backbone of UK culture. Santa is part of that culture. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well, if he does not deliver a referendum, Santa knows that UKIP will be uncontrollable big by election 2020. 5 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago If you rearrange the letters in "Santa" you can get "Satan" 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per Guest a year ago He is Santa, FFS. 2 View in discussion Per Per pewkatchoo a year ago He will deliver the referendum 2017. And he will deliver controlled borders. Contingent on that he wins GE 7 th May. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Inspired by D.C. who I believe will be Santa for the UK people, if he wins the GE, giving a referendum 2017 and keeps his interest in controlling immigration. I gave a present to the local beggar here where I live, a parcel with a perfume and some kind of cream. All wrapped up. I was inspired by those who I love. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I think some dreams could tell you things your subconscious has figured out from all the information that you have seen and heard. It probably comes in symbol form. I do not want to go to Heaven if Jesus is a deceiver and has power. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Don't you have dreams? The important conclusion is that it is what people believe that is important, not the truth. People believe Jesus has all this power, therefore he has power. If you are considered rich and powerful then you will get loans on the bank and can collect tax money. It is what people believe that is important. And Jesus have realised this. View in discussion Per Per WrinklyOldGit a year ago How dare you say that! I had a male Angel tell me in a dream tonight (he looked a bit a like D.C.), that, you should know "Jesus and his mother are deceivers. Maria the mother gave her confidence and the magic from the Gods to one of her other sons this year in end of August. Jesus still has all his power because only a few knows this yet. Ask a reliable source..." What do you make out of this deram? Is it true? If Angels appear in my dreams looking like D.C., then that means my subconscious should have some sort of confidence in D.C., and he must have made an impression on me while a watch the con conference speech. View in discussion Per Per a year ago What will happen to Good Olde Britain if UKIP comes to power? View in discussion Per Per Kilpatrick Kirksimmons a year ago "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. That isn't true. 1 View in discussion Per Per James Beer a year ago "We are making Britain proud again" (49:40) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per a year ago "Judge me by my record" (44:06) View in discussion Per Per a year ago "You can only have a strong NHS if you have a strong economy" (41:42) "And yes that includes controling immigration" (42:17) "And yes we need controlled borders" (42:36) 2 View in discussion Per Per moiaussi a year ago (38:34, standing ovations after emotional rant) View in discussion Per Per tony_opmoc a year ago Delusions. Don't worry, Albert Einstein had schizophrenia in the family... Nothing to be ashamed of. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago "When people have seen our flag, in some of the most desperate times in history, they have known what it stands for, freedom justice standing up for what is right, they've known this isn't any old country this is a special country" D.C. at the con conference (3:33) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Conservatives are tested by time. UKIP not. 1 View in discussion Per Per Gary_Baldi a year ago "English votes for English laws, the conservatives will deliver it" (9:14 into the video) View in discussion Per Per Gary_Baldi a year ago The women think he is sexy. View in discussion Per Per Gary_Baldi a year ago From D,C.'s good looks. View in discussion Per Per Gary_Baldi a year ago You can just feel that he cares from the speech at conservative conference, have just a few minutes of D.C. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per monzer7 a year ago From the conservative home page, The British people want controlled immigration – and that’s what the Conservatives will deliver. Successive governments have lacked control over immigration and people are understandably frustrated. They don’t want limitless immigration and they don’t want no immigration. They want controlled immigration. And they are right. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago UKIP is changing the Conservative party. It is showing the Con what not to believe in. The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies View in discussion Per Per Gary_Baldi a year ago He obviously cares. Where do you think the in/out EU referendum comes from? From the pressure of UKIP, i.e. the right wing electorate threatening to leave con in favour of UKIP. He cares about the electorate, therefore he promised a referendum and makes stands against Merkel on EU migration. 2 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago The parcel yesterday to the kids of UK was the stand against Merkel, on limiting EU migration. View in discussion Per Per SingingNun a year ago Would you rather trust Farage's venomous hollow snake teeth? View in discussion Per Per EllieMae's grandad a year ago Or metamorphically, blue heaven is death. Or as put in Dio's rock song "Don't talk to strangers", ... "...Don't go to Heaven cause it is really only Hell..." View in discussion Per Per EllieMae's grandad a year ago Windows malfunction. View in discussion Per Per BlueScreenOfDeath a year ago But then your name is Blue Screen of Death... View in discussion Per Per SingingNun a year ago Sining Nun, you should go back to singing in the monastery for the monks, instead of posting delusions. View in discussion Per Per a year ago D.C. has promised an in/out EU referendum 2017. Trust him on this. Withdrawal from the European Union is a right of European Union (EU) member statesunder Treaty on European Union (Article 50): "Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements." View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3783 comments David Cameron is all fine speeches and no action Per Per a year ago Tory is split. UKIP is a union to chaos. What do you bet on. View in discussion Per Per a year ago You really know down deep your heart you love D.C. to pieces. After his con conference speech this year. It's on youtube, have a look. 7th May 2015 getting nearer. Trust Cameron, not Farage. 1 View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago "We are only the ones we love..." View in discussion Per Per a year ago Message to D.C. regarding Merkel: "Appeasement doesn't work" We know that from history. 12 View in discussion Per Per a year ago How does Santa deliver all those parcels to the kids? D.C. is Santa, right, from todays news... View in discussion Per Per concerned whiteman a year ago I think D.C has heard "You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?" View in discussion Per Per ac a year ago I have Åbro beer. Some today, actually. View in discussion Per Per a year ago It is obvious that David Cameron *tries* to cut EU migration, from todays news. He has promised and in/out EU referendum in 2017. D.C. listens to the public opinion. At least somebody cares. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 364 comments Put that in your pipe Per Per Per a year ago Will the world end on the passing of 31 December, 2014 to 1 Januari 2015? Nobody knows. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I use nicotine chewing gum. I am also having a beer, right now. I drink single malt Scotch. I have my vices. I long for the holiday. 17 December I am flying with mum and dad to the Canary Islands, for a weeks holiday. It was much cheaper to fly the week before Christmas. I will enjoy beer there. I enjoy beer. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice Carlsberg at Nyhavn. Life has worked out beautiful for me, so far. I don't know about destiny, but if you believe in destiny, the statement, "my life is good" has a meaning; it has generally been true the whole time (in spite of a previous ill wind), if it is true now. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago The irony, of course, he committed himself to "suspected suicide", according to a knowledgable person (Agneta D). View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Here in Sweden we have a famous proverb, "Smaken är som baken, delad" "Taste is like the buttock, split" 1 View in discussion Per Per sosraboc a year ago Thank you for your advice. I would like to credit all my posts to the Jews who have inspired me to fight inspite of horrific evil. 1 View in discussion Per Per sosraboc a year ago Here is the juicy part. (Wait a few seconds for you to be taken to the relevant post) The secret is to skim through quickly uninteresting material until you see my name "Per". I guarantee you, you won't probably be disappointed. Remboy's brother is gay and remboy went to his wedding; remboy's brother is the "woman" in the relationship. View in discussion Per Per sosraboc a year ago Thank you for your kind remarks regarding me being polite. I will thank you by repeating a post a did a few days ago, Here it is, I will provide three links, two that I recommend dearly, and one that I don't recommend because of its abusive language ("filthy tory" by lordllucan) The two that I recommend are, The one I don't recommend is, View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago from longman dictionary of contemporary English, trite (of remarks, ideas, etc. ) too often repeated to be effective; too much used From your remark that you think my poem is "a bit trite", I concluded that you have heard "Hold your life dear" too often for you to be excited about the poem. In the same way you may have heard that "water quenches thirst best" very often. My point is that just because something is heard often, it doesn't have to be boring or uninteresting. Some things are good to be repeated. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Do you think the remark "water quenches your thirst best" is a bit trite, too? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago A follower of Simple Religion is called a "Behaver" since the first word in SR is "Behave". I am a "Behaver". View in discussion Discussion on SvD 96 comments Moderatanalysen och det uppenbara Per Per Per a year ago Om ni undrar kring motiveringen av dessa två stora krafter: Liberalism: Här citerar jag Maria Ludvigssons utmärkta artikel, "Möjlighet att påverka sin egen situation till det bättre är ett centralt borgerligt ideal..." "statlig detaljstyrning" : se Anna Johanssons (S) artikel i gp om Alliansens detaljstyrning i skolorna, View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Jag förstår att du är ironisk. Eller? Det pratades ett tag om att Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna borde bilda allians. Detta skulle uppröra flera inom både moderata och socialdemokratiska väljare. En enda soppa. Partier är som fotbollslag i viss mening, man hejar och är lojal mot sitt lag med känslor. Om Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna skulle gå ihop tillsängs, skulle andra partier öka nästa val, detta är helt klart. 8 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Moderaternas analys. Vad skall man säga? För mig står det helt klart att de två stora krafter som verkar i en kamp inom moderaterna idag är Liberalism (svag nationalstat, stor individuell frihet) eller "statlig detaljstyrning" (stark nationalstat, höga skatter). Pest eller kolera? Jag tror jag väljer "eller"... 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 364 comments Put that in your pipe Per Per Guest a year ago Most Christians are reasonable and good. Most Muslims are reasonable and good. This means you are not a religious nut and are humble to the fact that your religious text that you follow may be in error and not appropriate in all circumstances. I respect Christians and Muslims that are reasonable in this sense, loosely speaking. I hope these people respect my religion, Simple Religion. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Are you religious? The most important feature of Christianity is to say no to Islam. If you can follow the following reasoning, I would consider you intelligent enough. See it as a challenge, reread until you understand enough. Let me first quote the Bible, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) What does this mean? 1. If you judge harshly and unjust people will judge you harshly and unjust. 2. If you judge soft and forgiving, you agree with the perpetrators judgement of who he hurt; then the perpetrator will hurt you the same way he did to the victim of the previous trial; and you have agreed to this hurting of innocent victim since you judged softly previously. In UK people look onto previous judgements of trials, it resides in the collective memory and is referred to. If you judge unjust (either too harshly or too softly) this will get back to you in the future, either as a harsh unjust judgement to you by the court, or a harsh unjust judgement by the perpetrator who got a soft judgement by you in court and will get another soft judgement in next court when he faces having hurt you; thus he is motivated to continue his unjust criminality and harsh judgement you agreed to by giving a soft sentence. What is required is a balanced and just judgement; this is the only way you can pass. How does this Bible quote relate to devolution of power? If you judge too softly then you do not devolve power from the perpetrator who have stolen (property, life, peace of mind, etc). If you judge too harshly, then you do not devolve power away from the court system enough; the court system has power to sentence too harsh punishments to anyone, guilty or not; thus we have power concentration to those who control the court system. Secondly, I am more for Christianity than Islam, though I say no to both these main religions and have my own religion. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What in it don't you think is good? The message? The rhyme? I have an acquaintance who has told me that poem is beautiful. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The fact is, for some, nicotine in the form of cigaretts (or cigars), etc, could be an escape from the regular daily boredom to a temporary mini Heaven, Paradise, or? Why else are some so addicted to cigaretts? Why is this big business? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Or, ban all chemicals from being marketed, except those that are licensed and approved. You need an approval of a legitimate chemical to be able to market it. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Drug addiction is a problem. Spice and ecstasy is an example of that. The problem is that illegal drug producers produce a new variant of the drug all the time in order to circumvent the chemicals that are banned and illegal. The solution is to ban a whole family of chemicals, is it not? View in discussion Per Per a year ago What do you think of nicotine chewing gum? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago PhD in Philosophy, wow, Dr. Here is poem I've written, the Angel in my dream told me to dedicate the poem to Ola, “Life” An Angel told me to hear; Hold your life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; Tillägnad Ola Dedicated to Ola View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago from longman dictionary of contemporary English, sage 1 esp. lit wise, esp. as a result of long thinking and experience sage 2 a person, esp. an old man or historical person, well known for is wisdom and long experience I am only 46 years old! View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 364 comments Put that in your pipe Per Per Guest a year ago I am religious. Check wikipedia "religion" to see that most people of the world are religious. 90% of the people of the world believe in next life. I don't like pragmatists. You have to have religious ideals. My religious ideal is "Simple Religion". Here it is, 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. It is carefully crafted. (49 + 93 + 43 visible characters = 185 = 37*5 (37 is the Judeo Christian special number (google theotherbiblecode), 5 is the Muslim special number - 5 pillars) View in discussion Per Per a year ago E-cigarettes could have up to 10 times the amount of carcinogens than regular tobacco, Japanese researches says. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago He or she has to be loony enough not realising the Gods punishment for such a thing. Normal people understand if you do bad things, people will get angry and want to punish you. View in discussion Per Per Dogzzz a year ago When some loony religious scientific bioengineering researcher invents a 100% deadly airborne spreading virus, and spread the virus in order for Jesus' prediction of apocalypse to be true, you will understand that the artificial is generally bad. View in discussion Per Per Dogzzz a year ago It's all about summing up. Summing up, artificial is bad. Natural is good. As you point out natural disasters such as an astroid hitting Earth is bad. And there are useful artificial things. We see that both good and bad are part of our world. Good and bad are part of our natural world, but that does not mean we still should call the bad bad and good good. But summing up, artificial is bad and natural is good. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I think we agree that we disagree. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago To understand my stand better, please have a religious read, The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per — Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago If you don't believe in Gods, then your life was prolonged, not saved. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago As I said, in the previous comment as I will repeat. Gods are natural. Therefore next life is natural. This is a good thing. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Appendectomy is unnatural. It comes with the package of all other unnatural things including genetic engineering for biological warfare. The unnatural is bad, generally speaking, all things considered as a package. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 59 comments And lo, the Christmas of Laurence is over Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago I was asked by my neighbour Mikael to a religious Muslim meeting, but i said no. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I just bought "Airplane" (1 and 2 in the same dvd set). Credit to the American colleague Tom Roberts who recommended this movie in the 1980's. Supposed to be the funniest movie of all time. I especially remember Tom saying that the dialogue was special, "you got it" a few seconds after the rapid speech. View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago I can recommend "The Jerk" from 1979. "The criminals are pulling a small church..." View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago My father is getting a 3 dvd set with Monty Python. "Life of Brian" one of the very funniest movies I have seen. It is a very erudite movie. Of course the ending is very English, it is up to the viewer to draw his or her own conclusions about a happy or sad ending. The happy ending would be of course that Brians lover knew there was a order by the Romans to release Brian. She knew he was on the cross. All she had to get an idea about was to contact the Romans and say that the order to release Brian should be followed. Since Romans follow orders this would be done, View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago It is good for them to learn to measure things exactly to 0.1 mm. 1 View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago You know I am against Christianity. View in discussion Per Per Mikesmount a year ago Why would there be need to fake Josephus' Testimonium Flavianum if there was no doubt as to Jesus' existence. View in discussion Per Per Mikesmount a year ago If there was no doubt among biblical scholars the there would be no point in doing research and analysis of the historical Jesus. But there are much such research to "prove" Jesus existence. If it was already proven then there would be no point in continuing researching into the subject. The matter would be settled. Thus even people that believe that Jesus existed, have their doubts. QED View in discussion Per Per Mikesmount a year ago No, there is doubt among some religion scholars. View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago No offense, but I know from previous discussion with you that you are a devout Christian. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 59 comments And lo, the Christmas of Laurence is over Per Per a year ago Some call Christmas Yule. This since Jesus may never have existed. My Christmas extravaganza is good food and giving presents. My nephew and nieces will get steel rulers, slide callipers (to the boys), Katy Perry Purr perfume (to the girl). View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 364 comments Put that in your pipe Per Per Guest a year ago Gods are natural. Therefore next life is natural. This is a good thing. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago It is good to be cautious (circumspection). This is, after all, a natural emotion and thought. Prudence is good. Look at the technological development. The world is becoming more unnatural as we go, as technology develops. Have you considered the arms race of technological developments. Biological warfare. How long will the human species survive because of the increasing unnatural developments. View in discussion Per Per a year ago E-cigarettes are artificial. Please challenge me on the following quote: “Artificial is bad. Natural is good. The more natural, the better. The more artificial, the worse. Convenience can lead to decadence. Decadence is bad, in the long run. It is all about the natural happiness, not about how convenient lives we live. Happiness is about no pain and fulfilling positive expectations and surprise of the positive. Thus if you raise the positive expectations bar, the more difficult it is to be happy. The dream of happy classic people on a paradise island is alive.” View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 341 comments Barack Obama has emboldened America's enemies Per Per king-oliver a year ago No, View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1277 comments We can train women to kill, but men won't like it Per Per Guest a year ago You keep repeating this in your nickname image, "GET ANGRY AND SMASH PATRIARCHY" "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." (source: Adolf Hitler and ) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago It seems USA has disciplinary problems in the leadership of the nuclear arms. 2nd highest Tim Giardina was playing with home made $500 chips and he admitted lying to investigators. He picked up cigarette buts out of ashtrays in the casino and smoked the little that was left of them. He was sacked last year. Read about it in todays DT. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4908 comments Fairness – is it really so hard for our snobbish political elite to understand? Per Per tony_opmoc a year ago Albert Einstein had schizophrenia in the family. But the label "mental function challenged" will always be a demeaning term, since posting gibberish will need a label. 2 View in discussion Per Per pauldirac a year ago There is some truth in "Walk the talk" 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do you think Ed Miliband got angry with Emily Thornberry because with the picture of a "white van man" she tried to impose a sarcastic demeaning image of part of the electorate (white van men) that could have potentially been a labour voter, and also that people with feel sympathetic with these hard working self sufficient "white van men" that may have a fairly high status as hard working among labour core voters. 3 View in discussion Per Per tony_opmoc a year ago Speaking of lovely food. I had a lovely dinner tonight. Degerfors Meatballs. I can really recommend this dish. Find the recipe here (look at the comment section), View in discussion Per Per a year ago Was Emily Thornberry's tweet a careless whisper? (A whisper since it was only a picture and no words in the tweet) "Careless whisper" by George Michael View in discussion Per Per a year ago Repetition of good stuff is a virtue, since people forget. This is good stuff in my opinion. The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per — Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. (Per) View in discussion Per Per ThisPreciousLand a year ago Kids love clowns View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Tramp, "4 often derog a person with no home or job, who wanders from place to place begging for food or money 5 an immoral woman" No home, e.g. your home is outdoors, out in the wide world. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Circus Farage. Who are the clowns? View in discussion Per Per a year ago David Cameron: "Take a chance on me" by ABBA 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4908 comments Fairness – is it really so hard for our snobbish political elite to understand? Per Per Guest a year ago Politics is defined as the "art of power" (or "discipline of power"), in my book. Political correctness therefore means behaving in a correct way according to the power. Whether power is democratically elected politicians, the electorate, or the media. E.g. if a man before you holds a knife and is threatening, and if you have no weapon other than your fists and legs (and elbows, arms, head and body), then you have to consider being locally politically correct in order to survive the incident. 3 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago As a principle, I said. Think of it this way. If the Christians and Muslims were asked by imagined Angels if they would invite Jesus to Earth, they would probably say yes. Now imagine Jesus came back to Earth, and created a Hell here and wrecked chaos and suffering, don't you think at least in principle we could send him back? View in discussion Per Per a year ago I think repatriation as a principle is fair. 11 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is a digest of the comments a moment ago. Try to remember some of them to speak with friends and family at home or at the local pub. Fairness was a good start. Soft Marxists I assume is the same thing as communists. Back to fairness, something our politicians cannot be considered as exhibiting towards the British people where we Brits always come second to our European cousins. Indeed our old folk the 9,000 who will die this winter from the cold as estimated by the authorities, are ignored at the expense of flood defences overseas, India's space programme etc. Give them all £1,000 each to save their lives, cost £9 million. Be as generous to them as we are to the Ebola victims. I cannot see why not. Can someone please explain? (rinkaiso) — The Question Time audience once again clapping like seals at any anti-UKIP comment, six hours later 42% of Rochester vote for a victorious UKIP. It's not only politicians that take the public for idiots. (onedaysoon) >I think most of the opinion polls use the Question Time audience. (bob3) — Some politicians would love to limit suffrage, which is why the EU appeals so much. Thornberry's tweet is just another example of mock the voters. Even in business you generally try to please the customer, even if you don't like them. However, it's now politicians versus the voters. Strange way to behave- but the arrogance of those like Thornberry knows no bounds. (dataforget) — Terrifyingly, political correctness is becoming even more entrenched in academia. Where once unorthodox ideas were openly discussed and debated on university campus today a new breed of student, mockingly called the Stepford Students have swallowed pc ideology totally and have taken to shutting down debates and destroying offensive lingo. One day these glazed eyed conformist students with their lust to silence non conformist views will be running this country. (magicmoonbeam3) — The political classes and the bien-pensants of the BBC and the Guardian have regarded the flag of England as something to be despised for as long as I can remember - it is only to be flown during the World Cup. (upset) — Once again Janet hits many nails on the head, but there is still a sub-text that the major parties need to 'confront' UKIP. For their own sakes, maybe, but certainly not on behalf of the electorate. For the electorate's sake UKIP needs to confront the major parties - and that it exactly what it is doing very successfully. Long may it continue. (adrianlithgow) — Thornberry sent her son to the selective Dame Alice Owen's School fourteen miles away from her home and outside her constituency. As I recall, the Labour Party opposes selection. When will those who espouse the virtues of comprehensive education apply the logic of their political message to their own children? Thornberry defended her position by stating she felt the school should not have moved from its original location. Now you might think that sounds fair enough until you realise that the school moved in 1973 and Thornberry only moved into Islington in the early 90s Another champagne socialist who knows what's best for everybody else (Strativarius) — You make some interesting points on fairness which I agree with, Ms Daley - but I think you miss the mark on the underlying concerns about mass immigration. For me the problem is clear. Huge numbers of British people have seen their towns, villages and cities transformed from the familiar and comfortable places of their birth into strange and alien environments. And no one asked them if this is what they want. It was just imposed without so much of a by your leave. (lastingimpression) — It still amazes me that even after success after success that the Lib/Lab/Con still don't get it whatsoever. They left a gap in the market...a massive market and a party came along and plugged that gap. Now all of a sudden the Westminster elite, think they can try and force their way into that gap by using words like " fairness" and coming up with policies that UKIP have been advocating for years and being right royally told to "shut up you bigots and racist"! People are not stupid, they do understand that the powers that be in Westminster do not represent them and feigning mock concern for their anxieties over Mass immigration is not going to cut it whatsoever! UKIP, maybe the answer or maybe not but one thing UKIP have given which the political elite have not given it for years is a voice! (Michael Yeovil) — Britain is crumbling under the weight of numbers and there is nothing we can do about it at the moment. That is why people are voting UKIP. Its quiet simple, really. (The West) — An interesting little insight into the mindset of the lefties. Over in fantasy island (the Guardian),one of their self-loathers posted a comment along the lines of 'as far as I'm concerned, anyone who covers their house in England flags is a .' I responded with 'how about Scotland flags?' My post was deleted. — It seems to me that Emily Thornberry is not just out of touch with voters in the political sense: she is out of touch with the word "respect". If someone singled out my home, took a photo of it and - without any explanation or by-your-leave - flashed it about on the Twittersphere I'd feel upset - because I wouldn't know why. It's the not-knowing-why scenario that would be disconcerting. Putting aside Thornberry's supposed reasons it is still an act completely devoid of even basic courtesy and empathy.. That this was done by a front-bench MP who even now seems unable to see what she has done wrong is astonishing. (Penny) — The labour party have been turning the screws on the working class since Tony Blair took office. No class of people have suffered as much from mass immigration than the working class. When nulab slammed open the borders the main reason given was to keep wages down at the bottom. That they have done and with massive job displacement. Any working class person voting for them is off their rocker. (benbecula) — Unfortunately for us voters, it is not just fairness our political elite (snobbish or otherwise) does not understand. They have completely forgotten what we elected them for - to protect and look after our interests. That includes an effective border control agency, a strong defence force and effective law and order. As far as the first is concerned, thanks to our politicians, we have a porous border through which floods of immigrants enter at will, an overstretched and emasculated Defence force, and a thoroughly ineffective police force, which cannot cope now, yet is in danger of being reduced even further over the next few years. Our political elite have also abandoned the values, principles, morals and traditions which made this country great and gave us real standing in the world. In addition, we have been taken over by a foreign entity - the EU, and thanks to our political elite's posturing and its tendency to ignore the electorate's views/wishes, we have lost our sovereignty and all that entails. Fairness is the least of the things they find hard to understand. (elizabetha) 18 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 143 comments Praise indeed Per Per a year ago “I say no Christianity. I say no to Islam. I say no to Judaism. Because these religions believe in power concentration.” “If you accept Christinas and Muslims into your country, you will soon be overtaken by their power; soon enough they will come up with the bad idea of inviting a Jesus into the country.” View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3819 comments Ukip's Rochester win shows voters no longer trust the main parties Per Per john hickey a year ago The cross stands while the world turns. View in discussion Per Per lhhh a year ago "Kisses of Fire" by ABBA View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Here is my fourth pearl for the evening, “If something is good, and thus valuable, and is out in the open, then most people will try to get influence and power over it or its use according to values, taste and intellect, since they want to associate (personally connect) with it and emotionally feel that they are somebody with a meaningful opinion about it.” View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Here is a third pearl, “If you think victory is inevitable, then you will lose the edge, and lose.” View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Here is another pearl I have written, “Your enemy does everything to disarm you, with shackles to your hands or relatively by buying steel knuckles; whether you have dangerous arms or not, the enemy does everything to bring the attention that you have dangerous arms, since fear, especially of the unknown, brings people together against you. Common sense tells you not to sell steel knuckles in the open market, since careless can buy them, and this worsens the hurt in society, including hurt done at random to you. It is better to teach common sense (Simple Religion) and discipline to the police and military.” View in discussion Per Per john hickey a year ago “Go ahead, you can cast pearls before swine; maybe you will make a new friend; mind you though, do not cast pearls before those who only get angry and envious of your relative brilliance; the price may be high.” View in discussion Per Per john hickey a year ago Memories of Alhambra, Alhambra: "Moorish poets described it as "a pearl set in emeralds," an allusion to the colour of its buildings and the woods around them." (wikipedia) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago "Blue Moon" is a classic popular song. It was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart in 1934, and has become a standard ballad. (from wikipedia) View in discussion Per Per Three 777 a year ago No. I would not support him if that was the case. But it is his choice; 1.7 bn Muslims behind him, it could be a good move by him. 1 View in discussion Per Per john hickey a year ago "The World Spins Madly On" by The Weepies View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 38 comments Cracking the glass ceiling Per Per a year ago Here in Sweden, women have better grades at school, enter university in a higher degree; hence should happen that women get better paid than men in the future in Sweden. Veterinary jobs are very much like by women, as is nurses. Women seem to have a naturally caring attention to the hurt (patients) and less powerful (animals). Should we help animals in the wild? Yes I thinks so, to a degree. Hay to the zebra. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3819 comments Ukip's Rochester win shows voters no longer trust the main parties Per Per a year ago How would you react if Nigel Farage said he had converted to Islam? 1 View in discussion Per Per thinktheunthinkable a year ago How about "I saved the world today" by Eurythmics 1 View in discussion Per Per Three 777 a year ago A bright future, I suppose. View in discussion Per Per toby roberts a year ago That bacon sandwich again... 4 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago How about "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden View in discussion Per Per a year ago Which song should be the official song of UKIP for election 2015? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do you think there will be any scandals of Nigel Farage or any other prominent kipper unveiled by the press. Usually scandals are on hold until near election date May 7th, 2015. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Is Charles Moore a kipper nowadays, or is he like me, a conservative who believe UKIP is positive force - a force that will change the conservatives for the better. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago If UKIP can get the trust of about 35% of the people in each constituency, they will probably win. E.g not sensible, 68% means 100-68=32% not agreeing for the moment, but they only need a few more per cent and they are ready for government. 4 View in discussion Per Per chasd a year ago from wikipedia, "Right-wing politics are political positions or activities that view some forms of social hierarchy or social inequality as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1][2][3] typically justifying this position on the basis of natural law or tradition." Thus centre-right is inequality but within moderation of leftist influences of equality. Isn't this what conservatives are right now? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 117 comments When it comes to last requests, I'll do it my way Per Per a year ago "I have a dream" by ABBA 1 View in discussion Per Per Squire Western a year ago Good. What this means you shouldn't *completely* trust a "good name" group epitet. You should always have a worry in the back of your mind. However if the group epitet is a warning of bad behaviour, you could more or less trust this epitet, for safety reasons. Better safe than sorry. However group epitets are convenient. For example when you get on a bus in England, you expect within reason that you won't be stabbed by an English on the bus ride, since you know that English culture is fairly civilised, thus you feel comfortable taking a bus ride. The alternative is to be completely paranoid about riding buses, and that might not be an option. However if you are a kid and you meet an English stranger asking you to go into his cellar, you should not trust this man because he adheres to the English culture. I think you get my point. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is a good tip to avoid a premature funeral of yourself or your loved ones. DO NOT TRUST A GROUP EPITET. For example, saying "I trust all Christians, they are good." Can get you into real trouble, since there are ALWAYS bad people in a group that has a label of being "good". The bad people want to borrow some of that credibility, so bad people naturally seek to such groups. You can be hurt tremendously by trust in this way. The sadest about Africans is that some look up to white people as a group. There are many bad white people, and many black people have been hurt by this naive over simplification. Being not hurt is more important than getting a benefit. Therefore you shall never trust a group that has a "good" "successful" epitet, since bad people are drawn to those, or as in the "white" group bad people are naturally born into this group. Children want to make easy, too easy, rules. Help the children be educated in this way. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3819 comments Ukip's Rochester win shows voters no longer trust the main parties Per Per everhardus a year ago If you look up the quoran on the internet, you will see what the Muslims wishes what will happen to unbelievers. Quite explicit, actually, and I think Muslims want people to know this, since they want the quoran to spread. 22 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Any amateur psychologists here? Why do you think Miliband was so furious with Emily Thornberry? What was in that tweet that made him so upset? 4 View in discussion Per Per Paul 6127 a year ago Because Labour has a lot of core voters. Core voters basically votes with emotion primarily. Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. View in discussion Per Per tomm a year ago Good post. Here is my take, Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see the following argument. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Emily Thornberry pictured an English patriot working class "white van man". Patriotism is winning ground. Here is a relevant repost, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 10 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1 comments Corned beef hash with roast tomatoes recipe Per Per a year ago Here is another lovely recipe for speedy supper DEGERFORS MEATBALLS 4 persons ingredients 400g minced meat 2 ripe pears 1 lemon 4 table spoons of capers 1 onion salt and pepper Dice the pears and onion finely. Put the meat in a bowl. Squeeze the lemon into the bowl. Add all other ingredients. Make 20 mm diameter balls. Fry on medium heat for 15 min. Serve with boiled potatoes or pasta. Sauce can be green peppercorn sauce, brown sauce or cream sauce. Boiled vegetables can be carrots and peas. Tabasco or similar if you like it hot. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1982 comments Rochester by-election: Six things the Tories need to learn from this defeat Per Per El Presidente del Mundo a year ago As I have posted previously a few days ago in another thread, I will repeat my political stand; This I believe in very very very very strongly, "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in conservative spirit" View in discussion Per Per El Presidente del Mundo a year ago Have you heard "no smoke without fire" Well, let me tell you this quote, "The one who believe that where there is smoke there is fire have not been out camping" Changing Times View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Take care. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago I am hardy. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Actually 10.4 proof (5.2% alcohol by volume) View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago approx 70mm diameter and 170mm height (500ml). I am on my 6th right now. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Dear Carl. You would vote yes. I beg to differ. Let me repost a post just for you. When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Sarcasm at its best. Unfortunately you are guessing all astray. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Will you spend the New Year's Eve (31st of December) lonely? I will spend it with family and friends. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Ok. Carl, remember, if you can, to play "Happy New Year" by ABBA on 1st of January 2015. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1982 comments Rochester by-election: Six things the Tories need to learn from this defeat Per Per carlmarx a year ago "lost the thread of conversation"? Your name is marx, FFS. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Dementia? No. I still remember the Marx brothers. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago I thought Marx brothers were comedians... View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Is your real name Carl Marx; or why do you want us to associate with Karl Marx, the German. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago I'm a self-employed resident of Stockholm, Sweden, in the mid 40's. I make enough to buy my hamburgers (and pay the flat fee) View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago One bedroom. One lounge. Kitchen in the lounge room. One bathroom. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago No. I live in a bought two room flat in Stockholm kommun. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago No. I am in a two bedroom of my own, listening to ABBA right now. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Since it still is on wikipedia I guess it still is the place to go.é_Opera View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1982 comments Rochester by-election: Six things the Tories need to learn from this defeat Per Per carlmarx a year ago No. I live in Stockholm, Sweden. But I like to fool people. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Stockholm, Sweden 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The DT is centre-right politically. I believe, the Conservative is a centre party nowadays. Zongguo is the name for China in Standard Chinese, meaning "central state". Is the conservatives the "central state" friendly, given that Cameron wants an Asian PM? "I Have A Dream" by ABBA, wonderfully sung by Frida. 2 View in discussion Per Per princeoforange a year ago Of course the winner at the GE can indulge in "Super Trouper" by ABBA - Trouper of the borders. View in discussion Per Per princeoforange a year ago "The Winner Takes It All" by ABBA 1 View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago No. Of course. I've had 3 cans and are on my 4th. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago In any case by election doesn't matter that much more than an indication of what will happen in the GE, since the GE resets the vote anyhow. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Wait and see. Maybe this is just her first step. 5+ months to GE. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago No. Not what I've heard, she just resigned Shadow Attorney General for Labour. But the question is open to speculation. View in discussion Per Per Patrick a year ago Is there going to be another by election in Islington South and Finsbury since Emily Thornberry is MP for that for Labour? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1982 comments Rochester by-election: Six things the Tories need to learn from this defeat Per Per a year ago I bought 24 cans of beer today to celebrate. The UKIP is a fresh breath of air against the mass immigration and Germany dominated EU. Though I would probably vote Conservative with David Cameron, since he has promised an IN/OUT referendum and negotiates with EU to limit EU immigration. 3 View in discussion Per Per Doh a year ago Read about Emily's resignation here, View in discussion Per Per Doh a year ago Thanks. Further, a socialist has values. A nihilist hasn't. Being "Socialist Nihilists" is thus a contradiction. View in discussion Per Per Doh a year ago USNOB - You Snob! View in discussion Per Per a year ago 4) Don't mistake money for organisation Misprinted leaflets was mensioned in the excellent article by James Kirkup. Another issue is the ugly website that conservatives have, Take a look. Isn't it ugly? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago PS. Labour posters are the clowns. DS. PS. With some notable exceptions, of course. DS. View in discussion Per Per a year ago This thread is like a bad circus. The clowns in full swing! Only the "two horses in the race" (quote Tory candidate) are worth watching in this circus. What about the elephants in the room (circus)? 1 View in discussion Per Per russ11 a year ago What about the rich? Do the Tory hate the rich? After all, the Christian tradition and Jesus' words are strong within the Conservatives. "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (St. MATTHEW. 19:24, KJV) Why do the Tories think the rich should go to Hell? Don't they like the rich? View in discussion Per Per Ellipsis_Elided a year ago Basically, if you are alone in the nation, then you decide. If you are two people in the nation, then preferably there has to be agreement of all parties, if not then I guess it comes to power such as who is the strongest If you are three you could have unanimous agreement or vote if all have agreed to follow the vote If you are 1 million in the nation and 50% say keep and 50% say change, then there has to be negotiations. if 99% of the people say keep and 1% say change, and the 99% have 99% of the power, then I guess the 99% "decides that's how you "do it"" View in discussion Per Per a year ago Six things the Tories need to learn by heart. 1. "This is the way we do it in this nation, if you want to change the policy, move to another nation." 2. "This is the way we do it in this party, if you want to change the policy, move to another party." 3. "This is the way we do it in this constituency, if you want to change the policy, move to another constituency." 4. "This is the way we do it in this company, if you want to do it another way, we sack you." 5. "This is the way we do it in this friendship circle, if you want to do it another way, you are not our friend anymore." 6. "This is the way we to it in this family, if you want to do it another way, you are not part of this family any more." 8 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2397 comments Rochester-by election: what has Britain been saying about Ukip? Per Per CriminallyInsane a year ago I will give you some advice as to get to the millions (not lottery) * Follow the law * Get some parters in business * Get around and talk about business plans * Either copy a successful recipe or bet on a new concept * Do a marketing strategy * Find unique selling point(s) As for financing * Save money regularly and when you have enough together with your partners start in a small scale and then grow naturally IKEA started this way. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Remember that I invited you to bet on the election results. I believe the threed where I posted this post is inaccessible. Anyway from memory, I bet UKIP 43% Con 30% Lab 21% The actual results were (rounded), UKIP 42% Con 35% Lab 17% 1 View in discussion Per Per Socialgood a year ago No, they are complex; however my sister is more simple than my brother was. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Just in case you have followed my history of posts. UKIP is like my brother and sister. Conservatives is like my Mother and Father. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago From the telegraph, "The polls close at 10pm tonight and we expect the result at between 3.30 and 4am tomorrow morning." 1 View in discussion Per Per David In Rome a year ago But grandparents want their grandchildren to have a nice name. The grandparents will try to influence. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago How many children will be born today in remembrance of UKIP landslide victory? Anyone care to name their children Nigel or Mark, perhaps? If it is a girl, Nigella or Maria 11 View in discussion Per Per broadacres a year ago That nickname has only 10 posts 1 View in discussion Per Per broadacres a year ago Be aware of people that want a label as "UKIP" supporter and then making stupid, arrogant, ill-informed or upsetting posts in order to give UKIP a bad name 6 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago What was not so funny was the serious discussion of the convicted rapist who might get back to football. In short, * He was sentenced to 5 years, served two and a half *Footballers are role models to young people *He has shown no remorse *The victim had to change identity (name) *It would be awkward if he was cheered and respected and has not admitted, made apologies and remorse for the rape *You are sentenced by court only if there is proof beyond reasonable doubt 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2397 comments Rochester-by election: what has Britain been saying about Ukip? Per Per billybloggs a year ago I loved Rod Liddle's (Sun) contradiction: First, "The labour party is very popular" Then, "Labour has now become so utterly distant from the people it was set up to support" Funny. 3 View in discussion Per Per TokenGesture a year ago UKIP's song should be, "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin 1 View in discussion Per Per Aberrant_Apostrophe a year ago Do you care to do some name dropping (regarding us citizens with nicknames posting here) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Saw the following on a poster with a hot beautiful woman, "A man cannot live on beer alone" 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago UKIP and the kippers are a breath of fresh air against the pungent smell of mass immigration lobbyists and propagandists. Have you noticed the Romani beggars on the streets. Some "do-gooders" say this move by the Romani is a calculated move internationally from Romania as to show that they cry for help. What rubbish. There are many more people in this world that needs attention to their misery of life. Trafficking. Rotherham. Starvation. The Romani are not general suffering, they are just having a low standard of life in Romania. They are opportunists and want attention. Their advertising of their situation does not justify that they should get special attention. There are many forgotten suffering in this world that need more help and attention. But I guess to some, the Romani people are in fashion to talk about. The Romani are not respecting UK by begging, since they naturally know that begging on the streets look bad. It is like spitting in the face of the welfare state and the taxpayers who together want a good looking society. The beggars make this society look bad. The Romani know this, of course. Hence the Romani do not respect the UK people and its image of a good welfare state. If the Romani are not respecting UK citizens, why should we respect them? I don't give money to them. 12 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I'm going to celebrate UKIP's victory results tomorrow regarding Rochester & Strood by election. 24 cans of beers tomorrow will be bought. I enjoy beer and the occasional travel abroad. Like when I was in Copenhagen this year's spring (21-23 April) when I had a nice glass of beer at Nyhavn. I can recommend Copenhagen. The Danes are nice. 7 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 41 comments Can a sexy young woman really help flog a dinosaur? Per Per a year ago The Tyrannosaurus Rex, as you, Claire Cohen, examplified in your text, has died out. This makes me consider my own and humanities mortality. I think there will be invented an "immortality" pill (that extends life considerably) in my life time. Shouldn't the religious men be consulted if such a pill should be allowed to develop. I mean religion could be much less of an issue if an immortality solution is invented. Maybe Jesus will be mad if immortality is here on Earth. Maybe he will clone a copy of you and put in Hell... Which is why I say no to cloning. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1221 comments Our housing crisis will dominate the political agenda for decades Per Per gobama a year ago Are you one of those that don't believe in regulation? 2 View in discussion Per Per gobama a year ago Basic needs. Law and order, policing. Control borders, military, immigration officers. 11 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Your nickname image says "Get angry and smash patriarchy". How relevant is that in todays UK? I believe in the nation state. If men and women in a particular nation agree that they should have patriarchy, then I believe they should be free to have that order. Same freedom in nations that choose matriarchy. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Everything is about values and power. Everyone needs a place to stay at night. The police know this; a wanted fugitive need a place to stay - a hotel, a friends flat, a car, etc; this is how they catch them by methodology and hard work homing in on possible stays for the night, and the public is the eyes and ears of the police coming in with tips. Thus control the housing policy, and you will gain much power. Politicians know this. Another way to power is to control the media. Did you know that in the age of internet, the pages you visit can be specially tailored to you (as seen by advertising messages); even the content of this blog could theoretically be tailored to you. Have you noticed the popularity of certain TV-series. The TV-series claiming to be documentary could well be a set up show with little relevance to reality. What people want to believe they watch, and that brings in the money for the TV producers. A blatant example of this is the occult Ghost TV "documentaries". It is all fake. People want to believe in Ghosts, and therefore the TV producers tailor the "documentary" as to maximise profit. Images can be digitally manipulated these days by computers. What do you trust, now that I have put these facts in your face... 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 560 comments Women bishops: a new chapter for the Church of England Per Per a year ago The Church, I believe, as for what I have heard, claim that "women are evil". I do believe that this false belief is the ground for resistance among the Church to entitle female bishops, vicars, etc. I love women in general and I am sure that most women are good. One particular woman I love dearly is Lotta at View in discussion Per Per a year ago Women should not only be able to be bishops, they should part own the church. Ownership is an interesting world. The paying subscribers and all who purchase the paper (and all other income to the Telegraph, such as advertisers) to the telegraph (paper or internet) are in reality part owners of the Telegraph, since revenue to the Telegraph is totally dependent on those who supply the money; in other words those that respect the Telegraph enough to part some of their money to the Telegraph are part of ownership of the Telegraph. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3717 comments Ukip's rise reflects a growing willingness to complain Per Per oldgit13 a year ago It is carefully crafted. Count all visible characters, and the sum comes to 185 = 37*5 View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Since you are anti UKIP, I will post the rule book to the kippers. Very simple, only three rules. 1. Behave with power distribution as a general principle. 2. All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self. 3. Create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do you want to know my rule book? (very good, helps you win debates) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Luckily I saved this too, that I posted yesterday, A simple question. "Who do you respect?" An extremely deep complex question, with many aspects. I think all sane would agree with this statement. (very important) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago That's true. But the whole article with all the comments can't be accessed. See for yourself (click on the link) View in discussion Per Per a year ago I will do my part, trying to influence the by-election on Thursday. I will provide three links, two that I recommend dearly, and one that I don't recommend because of its abusive language ("filthy tory" by lordllucan) The two that I recommend are, The one I don't recommend is, View in discussion Per Per Longshanks a year ago If I had UK citizenship and was eligible to vote May 7th, 2015, I would probably vote Conservative, with David Cameron. Einstein did the same thing every day, and expected a different result. He breathed, then one day he died, as he expected. Here is a repost to you Longshanks, The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per — Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. (Per) View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago We have SD, which is a healthy breath of fresh air against the free immigration lobbyists. The following is a repeat post that I made before, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 3 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago I think NO. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Imagine the whole world of people made up of ethnic English. I would still be against mass immigration to England. So the issue of immigration has nothing to do with racism. 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3717 comments Ukip's rise reflects a growing willingness to complain Per Per a year ago Yvette Cooper now says immigration concerns are important. How long ago was anyone raising immigration concerns branded with a hot iron the word "RACIST"? How long ago. Can you trust change-heads? 13 View in discussion Per Per halffour a year ago Farage is French, I've heard. I would love Nigel here in Stockholm, where I live. I bought the flat when prices still were cheap. Prices of flats have increased tremendously since. I do not know why, but I suspect interest rates and the fact that Stockholm is attractive. Prices is one thing, as in stocks on the stock market. If you are into stocks, make sure you check *who* is buying a stock; that will give you a clue to as if the price is a bubble or if it is a solid valuation. Prices in Degerfors? I don't know, but I want to buy property there. I believe the nature is lovely there. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do you know if Nigel Farage, of UKIP, has been to Sweden? Stockholm? Degerfors? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Have you noticed that some apparent goals of some cultural aspects are a very much wanted goal; yet we realise if the goal becomes true, then we have lost this goal of the culture and our eagerness in reaching the goal is lost too. Hence we want to reach the goal, but at the same time really don't. For example, we promise each other marriage eternal; but do we really want this, considering its real meaning. What are the cultural goals of UKIP, in this sense? View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago Thanks. You too. View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago It is those who "enrich" us who bring this rape culture to our culture and "enrich" our culture... ;-) (my belief, I haven't seen any statistics) View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago I have heard that. (or was it the capital of Europe) View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago Yes. In Stockholm. View in discussion Per Per blobby2010 a year ago I love the British and the British culture. The telegraph blogs represent some of that Britishness I love so dearly. I am a paying subscriber to the telegraph. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3717 comments Ukip's rise reflects a growing willingness to complain Per Per Guest a year ago Nothing, as a race. Infact I am blue eyed blond Swedish male (born in Sweden with both parents born in Sweden and Swedish), male. My name "Per" is a common name in Sweden (6th most common in Sweden) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Is this the UKIP notion as for as England is concerned, "A blue blue Heaven for the white..." 1 View in discussion Per Per foxoles a year ago It is unfortunate, but I hope we can solve the issues together. View in discussion Per Per hereward a year ago I am a Swedish patriot. Non-muslim. I actually turned down a devout Muslim on his invitation to a religious meeting. I said no. I love the British and the British culture. Good Olde English, there is nothing like it. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago On nature of Britishness. In general, most British born Muslims are very British and good people. Muslims are in general good people. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Philip Johnston, "nature of Britishness. There were dozens of us on our way to work, all inwardly seething at the sudden cancellations and the absence of any explanation. Yet the only outward manifestations of our fury were a raised eyebrow" The UKIP supporters (kippers), are mostly very British. As are most Con and Lab supporters. Mankind is good. Most people are good. There are a few who are misinformed about what the right manners in society are. All can be reformed and corrected. This I believe. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 806 comments Why David Cameron's job of selling us European reform keeps getting harder Per Per a year ago I said in a post that was deleted that you could contact Lotta at . Please don't do, if you just are curious. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Please be explicit. View in discussion Per Per grumpy_old_ben a year ago quote you: "Why does any of that apply to US?" Can you please expand your point? View in discussion Per Per p60 a year ago I'll make a comment here on Cameron's article that I just read on the guardian. He made two points: * We cannot spend, borrow, and tax our way out of trouble * Big business need to pay their taxes, unveiled from secrecy and stopped from being the "cancer of corruption" Now that's good points, don't you think. 2 View in discussion Per Per flatcapchav a year ago Shouldn't we change LibLabCon to Ukp/Lab/Con by their size of the poll results. 2 View in discussion Per Per BorisPayYourTaxesFrom IRS a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per BorisPayYourTaxesFrom IRS a year ago "What you have to say", you say. You called maria21 rude. I respect maria21. You are a fake. 3 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Is your nick an alias of "TheDoctor" (both probably recent members with few posts) 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am happy being self-employed. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago To entitle to is to give the right to, but that is a privilege. (that can be taken back; hence no inherit right) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 806 comments Why David Cameron's job of selling us European reform keeps getting harder Per Per El Presidente del Mundo a year ago There are no real rights, only privileges. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Watched the news on the telly, recently? What is really happening to the UK is ignored in irrelevant details. Only some see the real issues. Why are their voices ignored by Main Stream Media (MSM)? Do questions sometimes make a point on themselves? Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Theresa May quotes the Quoran. Cameron wants an Asian PM. Those who you fear, you adapt to. What will happen in the future of UK politics? Regards, /Per 10 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I will do my part, trying to influence the by-election on Thursday. I will provide three links, two that I recommend dearly, and one that I don't recommend because of its abusive language ("filthy tory" by lordllucan) The two that I recommend are, The one I don't recommend is, 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago If you have the notion that Cameron is following the general wind direction, then he should hence adapt to UKIP policies more, since the wind is in UKIP's favour, it seems by the polls in Rochester and Strood, for example. 9 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Every mouse and rat has to consider this, "I like the smell of cheese, Is it a trap or is it not a trap?" If you are in a lager house of cheese, is it a trap? If you are in a house, and you are looking in the dustbin, is it a trap? If you are on a road, and the road carries lorries to a cheese factory, is it a trap? If you are in a shop, selling cheese, is it a trap? If you have been noticed by house owners that you are there, be very suspicious. 1 View in discussion Per Per DearOldboris a year ago If you look up the quoran on the internet, you will see what the Muslims wishes what will happen to unbelievers. Quite explicit, actually, and I think Muslims want people to know this, since they want the quoran to spread. 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A simple question. "Who do you respect?" An extremely deep complex question, with many aspects. I think all sane would agree with this statement. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2047 comments Don’t the Tories know whom they stand for? Per Per Linda Smith a year ago Here in Sweden we have Jill Johnson who has sung a fitting song, "A Woman Can Change Her Mind" Very nice song. View in discussion Per Per formerexpat a year ago Canada: "The Light shall come from the North, and a new era will begin" Prophesy (that is on the internet, even) 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago American music is great. If I were to choose from and rank Guns N' Roses, Kiss and Nirvana, I would rank as follows, 1. Nirvana 2. Guns N' Roses 3. Kiss View in discussion Per Per jonlord a year ago Right now I am listening to "Dream On" by Aerosmith. Beautiful. View in discussion Per Per Mike Thomas a year ago Mr. Cameron has more or less promised an IN/OUT referendum if Con wins May 7th, 2015. Cameron knows we can leave the EU, then negotiate a new deal and rejoin, after another election to join again, probably. View in discussion Per Per pobinr a year ago Have you considered more love in your life. I will share you a poem that I have written, regarding love. “Love” Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; Tillägnad Lotta Dedicated to Lotta View in discussion Per Per pobinr a year ago This is conversation I had lately on the subject of our "spouse", the EU, regarding UK, When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) View in discussion Per Per pobinr a year ago pobinr, you apparently have a lot of hatred in your veins. You should listen to good music. I can recommend "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago "Per" is a very nice name. Very useful. Many English words begin with "Per". Look in a dictionary. I have a rule book to follow, as "Per" instructions. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago As you can see from the post I reply to, my English can be excellent at times. Here is another English sentence, "If it is true now, it has probably been true always, if you believe in destiny." Do you comprehend? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2047 comments Don’t the Tories know whom they stand for? Per Per Barking Spider a year ago I am from Sweden. "Per" is a Swedish male name, 6th most common in Sweden, in fact. But I love UK and the British. Though I will stay in Sweden, probably. I want to purchase property in Degerfors. 1 View in discussion Per Per captain_badger a year ago I would assume if a *new* post is made after hours it is deleted automatically; thus you cannot delete posts that have passed manual moderation if you flag it after-hours. Otherwise we could see the hole thread deleted by one obnoxious flagger. View in discussion Per Per pobinr a year ago No. I am actually trying to argue by the way the Bible quote is intended, in my understanding. You are naive in believing you post would not be moderated. You post was moderated. But the quote of you remain in this post. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I was trying to reply to an anti Muslim post that had been moderated, so I'll post this post here infront, instead. quote you, "They think women are dirt including their teachers." It appears some Muslims think women are "dirt". But this happens in Christian families too. It happens in non-religious homes. I am sure it happens in Hindu and Buddhist homes too. Just by the assumption that some men dislike women. Period. As for prevalence among different faiths, I would not want to guess. This is a relevant quote from the Bible, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) Thus, if you judge other people (such as women) in a biased and unfair way, for example based on preconceptions, the quote says you should be judged the same way. If you think women are dirt, regardless of behaviour, you are in trouble, if we shall go by the Bible. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago If you look up the quoran on the internet, you will see what the Muslims wishes what will happen to unbelievers. Quite explicit, actually, and I think Muslims want people to know this, since they want the quoran to spread. 3 View in discussion Per Per jimmyriddle a year ago In honesty, and I think you agree with this, the DT is allowing a lot of UKIP posters' posts remain on these blogs. Isn't UKIP an enemy of Con and Cameron? 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do you think the two old established parties (Con, Lab) are getting nervous about UKIP's force in polls? 14 View in discussion Per Per a year ago By-election Rochester and Strood coming up 20th November, 2014. Place your bets here in this thread. Kudos to the one who comes closest to the real election result. Three parties, UKIP, Conservatives, Labour, state the respective percentages. The one with least total error wins (e.g. difference your bet and actual of UKIP 5%, Con 4%, Lab 3% => Total = 5+4+3=12 pc off.) I'll begin with my bet UKIP 43% Con 30% Lab 21% 13 View in discussion Per Per Steve Lloyd a year ago While they (the UKIP) may have written and oral policies today, the notion is NOT that far fetched. As I remember a kipper being asked on talk radio, "Why do you vote UKIP?" "err..hmm.I don't like foreigners..." 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago 9. Some social issues borrowed from the left, recently (historically speaking) 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2047 comments Don’t the Tories know whom they stand for? Per Per Polly Radical a year ago I'll release part information today, already. Degerfors D eger fors D eager force The eager force View in discussion Per Per Polly Radical a year ago That's what it says on the black box of the single malt Scotch. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Yes, but I am having a 16 year old Lagavulin for personal enjoyment. I can explain the Degerfors thing, it is religious and quite logical. I'll explain some other day, tomorrow onwards. View in discussion Per Per rockerjohn42 a year ago RockerJohn42, take it easy with your overzealous immigration concerns; it is not good for you. Have a beer. Like I did in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April). Nice beer at Nyhavn. It has been a long summer this year (in Sweden) View in discussion Per Per Grumpy a year ago I like the comparison between modern political parties and hard core profit seeking big business. It's a lot of calculations on spreadsheets these days. Regarding speeches I remember Cameron's at the Con Conference this year, where he had an 92 year old war veteran that they filmed. It was a good show, that speech at the conference. Further, let me repeat my biggest concern today, "MY HIghest WIsh IS TO COme TO Degerfors" (MYHIWI ISTOCOTO Degerfors) I can explain why, but I refrain for the moment. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Janet Daley, You speak of unpopularity of Conservatives. The latest polls show a lead over the other two big parties (according to polls, Labour and UKIP). Unpopular? As for what conservatives stand for, take a look at this, Traditional African women values include but not limited to the following * picking and choosing among characters, and reading the characters correctly * communicating values, facts, ideas * tradition bearing (that is what we always have done) * pointing out unacceptable behaviour * organize and gather (food, ideas, values, information) "MY HIghest WIsh IS TO COme TO Degerfors" (MYHIWI ISTOCOTO Degerfors) I can explain why, but I refrain for the moment. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1760 comments Are you too ashamed to say you support Ukip? Or are you just all talk? Per Per a year ago The UKIP (and con and lab) can learn a lot from reading the comment section of the telegraph. I hope they do it. Different thoughts are good for me. Conversations are good for me. I must say I have had two way email correspondence with my love Lotta. She has done "fertilization" to my "womb", and a "baby" comes out. You have seen part of my "baby" on these pages on the telegraph. The "baby" is a metaphor for ideas, poems, arguments, facts etc, in the written form on the blog here and elsewhere. One should give credit were credit is due. 2 View in discussion Per Per notatroll a year ago Are you proposing a civil war in the UK? Bad idea. View in discussion Per Per IvorSchwartzporsche a year ago That's right if it was *total* ownership of the public (original socialism). But what I am proposing is 2/3 owned by private ownership. Thus the private interest (meaning looking out for profit, in self interest) dominates. Total public ownership has the drawback of non-eager interest in future profits for the company, as history has shown. Majority ownership of the private ownership (2/3) will get the benefit of the private ownership, while 1/3 ownership looked out by the unions will mean that some consideration is taken by common interests. That is the beauty of it. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Since your name is "God the supreme being", I'll repost a post I have posted previously. This repost is just for you. The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago In my humble view, the best party for the UK is the conservatives with David Cameron. Vote Tory. View in discussion Per Per IvorSchwartzporsche a year ago quote you " I think the public already have shares of a private company if that company pays taxes" In a way that is true, in that part revenue from the private company is parted to the public. But shareholders only get money if the company is *profitable* (dividends). Taxes have to paid whether profitable or not, so it differs. Further, the public has no votes in the board if only taxes are paid, as today. As I said representatives from the public would have influence in what direction the part private ownership part public ownership takes. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago That was not very bland view, in my humble opinion. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I think the UKIP is a fresh breath of air in contrast to the mass immigration lobbyists. Kippers, I would like some comments of this, (RFC, Request For Comments) "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in conservative spirit" What does this mean? To me, it means there should be public ownership of all companies, but not total (conservative spirit, remember) ownership, if a private company if founded, then say 1/3 of shares is by law owned by public, but no more. If a company is founded by the public, then the share ownership may be larger. Who from the public votes on the board of the private company? The best public representatives are not politicians, but representatives of the relevant union(s) to the private ltd, in my current view. The relevant union representatives have natural interest that the company does not fail into bankruptcy. As for equality, "All are equal, but some are more equal" RFC? 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1249 comments At last, Europe makes a ruling that would delight Mrs Thatcher Per Per anna falactic a year ago Yeah. Funny. I wonder who is in charge of the con website. Why are the leadership of con not interested in a beautiful website? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Labour's site is more beautiful than conservative's. UKIP's site is more beautiful than conservative's, too. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The conservatives have an ugly web site. I hope that is not a sign of their future politics, since I say vote Tory. View in discussion Per Per a year ago It is my belief that the USA has now a tendency to be the worst of right and left wing influences. What I mean by this is that the worst right wing policy is Free Market Capitalism with the great inequality that this tends to cause in the long term, coupled with the worst left wing tendencies, i.e. detail regulation into this free market. An example of this detail regulation is the prohibition to inform consumers if a food is genetically modified. The reason for these detail regulations is the strong lobby culture that has developed in the last decades in the USA and government. The worst of both worlds. The best of the two worlds, right and left is in the following statement, "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in conservative spirit" The conservatives is a centre-right party. Vote conservative. Vote Tory. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago This with immigration is one of the biggest philosophical issues there are. Imagine Heaven and Hell. It turns out Heaven is on fire, after some time. Hell is now a better place. Because people in Heaven are suffering badly, should they automatically get an asylum to Hell? No. The first question wise people in Hell should ask, is "Why did Heaven turn into fire?" One can suspect the answer is because of the people, there. If it is because of the people, won't Hell turn into a fire in the long term if we import these people to Hell, so that both worlds now are on fire? You have to be very careful with immigration, otherwise bad things can happen. Better safe than sorry. Do-gooders of the world, think about this, for a moment, please. Limit UK immigration severely now. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1267 comments These pointless plots are a sign of wider discontent Per Per extorynowUKIP a year ago Er, right notion you're got. A name is only surface. The name Heaven can attract the worst of people. You really want to find out what the different worlds are before you commit, if you are allowed that. Hell might be better in real terms, who knows? In next life if you get the question, "Heaven or Hell?" Ask what this means. (If this is a choice between pestilence or cholera, can I choose "or"?) Ask many questions. Don't assume too much. Wait. Only write contracts that are time limited. Be careful. And prudent. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3008 comments Sorry, but all rapes are not the same Per Per professorbob a year ago No, but if it became common in UK the law would probably change. Imagine a Rotherham of young UK boys. Fish "what price"? View in discussion Per Per professorbob a year ago Haven't you heard of Western women in Thailand injecting by syringe a chemical in the male sex organ of young boys in order to get them to have sex with them (the women pay money, so its prostitution, buy you get my point) View in discussion Per Per rupertmja a year ago Yes. View in discussion Per Per a year ago How many here feel guilty of rape? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Last time we met was in mid 1980's View in discussion Per Per airy fairy a year ago But we had the chemistry of character working. He was a Nazi, and I am a non-racist, so we had our differences. Some characters are charismatic. He had charisma. View in discussion Per Per a year ago My friend Frank J (from Holland) asked me once, to take the car I had and rape a woman. I said no. But he still is my friend. View in discussion Per Per a year ago There is a lot of male victim rape too. 2 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago In a 100 years of lifetime, 0.5 % is the same as 50% of the population, unless the same person reports rape multiple times. (Which they probably do) Seems the Angles "Angels" are attractive. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Rape statistics, From this article, by the graphics, Sweden leads. However in the following 0.5% of the people reported rape in the UK 500/100000. Seems UK leads. Why? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3008 comments Sorry, but all rapes are not the same Per Per Per a year ago from wikipedia, regarding David Miliband, On 15 April 2013, Miliband resigned from Parliament in order to take up the posts of President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee in New York City, which triggered a by-election.[4][5] View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago from wikipedia, In April 2011, Eagle was famously put down in the House of Commons by prime minister David Cameron when he used Michael Winner's catchphrase "Calm down, dear", in a way that was widely regarded as patronising. Eagle's colleague, deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman, stated "Women in Britain in the 21st century do not expect to be told to 'calm down, dear' by their Prime Minister", with Labour officials calling for an apology, suggesting the remark was patronising and sexist. However it soon emerged that Cameron had previously used the same line in the Commons to a male MP, David Miliband.[6] Seems Angela Eagle prevails, for the moment. 4 View in discussion Per Per bill40 a year ago Revenge. View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Allison Pearson, "I’m starting to think that the break-up of the United Kingdom would have been a small price to pay, quite frankly." I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonialization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Behave. Behaviour is the ultimate and only judgement factor leading to punishment or reward. No consideration to genes (schizophrenia, autism, down syndrome etc), religion, cultural attachment, sexual preference, sex, etc. Only behaviour. You can discriminate on all other factors as much as you want. That is my belief for a stable society saying no to decadence of societal behaviour. Rape is unacceptable behaviour. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1835 comments Ukip bandwagon rolls on in the streets of Rochester Per Per a year ago UPDATE: UKIP want controlled immigration (and always had, as far as I know) Conservatives want controlled immigration Labour want now controlled immigration What about Liberal Democrats? What is their stand? "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 6 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3510 comments Ukip’s march northwards isn’t just a Labour problem Per Per a year ago Kippers! Do UKIP support the political system in the USA? It is my belief that the USA has now a tendency to be the worst of right and left wing influences. What I mean by this is that the worst right wing policy is Free Market Capitalism with the great inequality that this tends to cause in the long term, coupled with the worst left wing tendencies, i.e. detail regulation into this free market. An example of this detail regulation is the prohibition to inform consumers if a food is genetically modified. The reason for these detail regulations is the strong lobby culture that has developed in the last decades in the USA and government. The worst of both worlds. Is this what UKIP looks up to? The best of the two worlds, right and left is in the following statement, "The reliable safe political system is democratic socialism in conservative spirit" That is more like it. It is part of my "baby". View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1493 comments Ditching Ed Miliband will not change the fact that 'socialism’ has no relevance these days Per Per Per a year ago This problem with socialism is probably solved by democracy since all have a vote tend to make the power considerate together with strong spread educated values such as 1. devolution of power 2. respect those that respects 3. create, evaluate, manage and maintain quality. View in discussion Per Per Robert Jones a year ago It my belief, after some consideration, that democratic socialism is the best, we just need to agree on this. View in discussion Per Per Robert Jones a year ago It is my belief that Free Market Capitalism is faster but more dangerous, while democratic socialism is slower but safer. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I like the fact that I can make anonymous contributions. This makes me dare more. I try to be courteous, anyway. quote Boris, "There really does appear to be a plot to remove Ed Miliband. One paper has reported that there are 20 shadow ministers who are “on the verge” of asking him to step down. " Chuka seems to support Ed, even though Chuka made a freudian slip saying he wanted "Dave Ed" in no. 10. 3 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago My main conclusions about Animal Farm is as follows, Orwell's Rights, 1. All are equal but some are more equal 2. Four legs good, two legs bad (1) basically says we are equal and unequal concurrently, thus a paradoxical Right. Maybe this interpretation will interest you, “All are basically equal. Like bricks in a wall. But some (the more equal) are closer to the average (or median, according to taste).” (2) implies four legs and two legs are good since four legs is a double set of two legs; four legs include two legs, since it doesn't say "only". In the same way four legs and two legs are bad, since two legs are included in four legs. Thus there is options of personal interpretation in (2). Thus all animals in the farm are happy, including humans. This Right is agile, quite right. These are truly universal Rights, with important implications; think. I choose Orwell's Rights (OR). — I prefer Orwell's Rights. Only 2 rights. Let me explain right 2 in more detail. "2. Four feet good, two feet bad." We must all be humble and say that we grown ups are all bad (we are not evil, but bad), since this installs humbleness into us and we are more suspicious of the bad things in society that can blossom up suddenly (e.g. terrorism, riots, holocaust) Grown ups that say that they are all good, and not the slightest badness about them, I believe do not exist. None is perfect. People that are not humble and are conceived as all good get power, and power corrupts. Saints should therefore not get power, to remain saints. Since toddlers go on 4 "feet" toddlers are good. As opposed to grown ups. People that are humble and are grown up, but bend them selves down "and walk on four feet" (walking with hands and feet, thus with bent back and not straight up - thus humble metamorphic-ally) are thus good according to right 2 of OR (Orwell's Rights). View in discussion Per Per Steve Lloyd a year ago Angels live by OR (Orwell's Rights) 1. All are equal, but some are more equal. 2. Four feet good, two feet bad. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Simply, I would hate the day the Muslims could say "We killed the Jews". Which proves you are a Muslim at heart, and I am pro Israeli. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What you are saying is that UKIP is cooperating with holocaust deniers by proxy. Since this "new guy" cooperates ("associates") with holocaust deniers. How do you know millions of Jews support UKIP? View in discussion Per Per Fraser Bailey a year ago What I get nauseated about socialism is mainly the idea that the political elite shall have all power. In a market economy, the power is split between political and market operators. Imagine you want a job in a socialist country, and you are regarded as bad by some local socialist political elite. You cannot simply get a job without @rse-licking in the right places. You are frozen out if you are regarded as an enemy of the political elite. (in a socialist heaven) In a market economy, you can say f*ck them, and get a job on the free market through friends or friends friends or contacts elsewhere, or from an ad. Or you can start your own business, and try your wings on the market. Thus become self-employed like myself. The important thing in a market economy is that you can say f*ck them, something you simply can't say in socialist heaven. 7 View in discussion Per Per a year ago From another thread (with some humor) "What's missing from Joe Haines's interesting article is, "What should Labour replace Miliband with?" You cannot just say you should change, if you don't have a clear alternative option in mind. Maybe Miliband is the best bet Labour has for the moment." (Per) "Yes Per, Miliband is the very best that Labour have. There is none better. Miliband is the very pinnacle of Labour ability.. Or as his shdow cabinet like to say "simply the best, better than all the rest" Quite frightening really" (carlmarx) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1168 comments Theresa May: Fight Europe by all means, but not over this Arrest Warrant Per Per a year ago In my humble opinion, to me I am the good Angel wanting to spread love. I kind of like Theresa May, she seems to be on the right side working in British interests; though I do not like when she quotes the Quran, since the Quran is quite clear what it wishes to happen to infidels. My love is Lotta, though. 2 View in discussion Per Per DirtyHarry a year ago Chuka is a 36 year old cool mixed race dude, dude. I kind of like his attitude. Though, I am jealous. Please read the following piece I have written, and pay attention to the VIP bit. (a repost) " The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per " View in discussion Per Per lucasx a year ago That seems to be right, I googled the case and found this, My information was from the poster below, I just assumed he was right in what he was saying. That's all. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago This is what I heard. The german hooligans and English hooligans were shouting at match between England and Germany national teams. The Germans shouted "4 World Cups" or was it "3 World Cups" (probably since I heard it before the last world cup in Brazil) The English shouted "2 World Wars"... 2 View in discussion Per Per jason a year ago Amazingly, the overruling has been as per instructions. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Another poster here (look at the among first posts downwards) pointed out that a mob member charged with 100 murders from Italy got away without being extradited from UK (living in London) based on a EU human rights (article 9, right to found a family, see [1], or was it article 7 respect for private and family life) overruling by local judges. Since he cannot found a family (or no respect of family life) if he is in jail! That is outrageous! [1] 7 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Is Theresa May the next Margret Thatcher? This is a message to me and May for us to have in the future (make a note for future reference), We know what we have, and that is very valuable; don't even consider ruining everything. "Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves." Carl Sagan (source: Carl Sagan and ) The following is a repeat post, and most importantly, Since there was no possibility to comment on the right Thatcher thread, I post my comment here Chris Collins, a historian at the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, said Mrs Thatcher was likely to have seen the term "the enemy within" as part of her Methodist upbringing. Charles Wesley's Methodist Hymnal contains the words as a reference to human weakness: "But worse than all my foes I find, the enemy within." It described the “enemy within” as “the evil heart, the carnal mind,/My own insidious sin.” All these three I must avoid, Evil heart - the desire of the heart to hurt others physically, and enjoy it Carnal mind - Sexual desire can get you into real trouble My own insidious sin - insidious means "unnoticed in action but causing something very bad in the end; secretly harmful" to me this means my naive child within me. View in discussion Per Per SteveInVienna a year ago Of course he is afraid. Look what happened to Chelsea (born Bradley) Manning - it seems he (she?) had to change his (her?) name to a women's name...[edit my suspicions were probably wrong, he wrote to a gender counselor 2009 before 2010 when he contacted wikileaks] [1] Assange's lawyer expresses the worries you stated. [2] [1] [2] 1 View in discussion Per Per Sheldoncooper2014 a year ago Careful there with your language. Ed Miliband is Jewish. You might be charged with implied Hate Speech Laws. The Nazi used that out of reality term on the Jews, and see where it led (holocaust). 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago It is obvious from her article, that Theresa May works in British people's interest, while Labour doesn't. From the article in question, "The European Arrest Warrant – as it was introduced by Labour – was deeply flawed. It meant that British citizens could be extradited for trivial and minor offences." This means that if Labour wins May 7th, her laws could be undone, and returned to the old state. All of a sudden UK citizens can in the long term possibly be extradited to Burkna Faso, and the horror speculation could be a reality. The law that I speculated about might even be compatible with British hate speech laws [1]. It all depends on what you vote. Your vote is important. Vote for people who have the British interest in mind and in heart. [1] View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1168 comments Theresa May: Fight Europe by all means, but not over this Arrest Warrant Per Per Guest a year ago And, "Since July, when these new laws came into effect, dozens of Arrest Warrant applications have already been refused as a result." View in discussion Per Per polnan a year ago Have you bought a ceramic poppy in remembrance? Money of the purchase goes in part to charity. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Consider this (horror speculation), UK citizens can be extradited to Burkina Faso. In Burkina Faso they have just passed a law that anyone that offends black people are to be jailed for life. The only way you can avoid being charged is by paying a huge sum in fine. The Burkina Faso secret police monitor the internet, such as blogs as this one. Because of the law in Burkina Faso, they now charge individuals in Europe and ask for extradition. However if you pay a huge sum they can drop the charges. What a money making scheme for Burkina Faso! 3 View in discussion Per Per vandiemen a year ago Yes. However I found your comment so funny. :-) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Theresa, I congratulate you on your good work on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW). It is now better in my humble opinion. Further, quote Theresa May, "These are the reasons I believe that the politicians who argue that we are better off in the EU, whatever the terms, are wrong. But I also believe that the politicians who argue that we are better off out, whatever the terms, are also wrong." [reposting of conversations previously made on the telegraph blogs (I believe the following posts clarify what Theresa May said in the quote I provided above), repetition of good stuff is a virtue] When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) --- Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — You are mute on the drive towards a United States Of Europe, as called for by former German Chancellor,Gerhard Schroeder, by current E.U. Vice President Viviene Reding, and backed by German Merkel.In such a union all sovereignty would be transferred to the Brussels Commission,if effect a European government, German dominated.You may like this notion I suggest that a majority here would dissent. I want a referendum where my vote to leave the E.U. would count for something,until then I would like to hear Cameron say no, no ,no no to the E.U.on many projects. (ireland) --- Thank you for your interesting response. First, I am strongly, very strongly, for devolution of power. A "United States Of Europe" would therefore be a move in the wrong direction. If that happens, then I am for a referendum, and I hope UK then leaves "United States Of Europe". I hope Sweden leaves the EU too, if that would be a reality. If important nations leave, what would be left of the EU? Therefore I think they would be careful to introduce "United States Of Europe"; membership is after all voluntary. (Per) --- It is plain to see that the creation of a United States Of Europe is an end result of the single currency,fiscal,taxation, interest rate, trade, political sovereignty surrendered.The dominant loudest voice in such a union will be German with Kraut Merkel making the demands.Can you really see the Germans stopping at just the euro nations in such a union?I cannot. Is there a strong euro sceptic movement in your country, is it a strong one,would your government be able to stand up to German pressure? Your ideas of devolution of power goes against the ethos of the E.U.policy makers, central Brussels control is their aim. (ireland) --- I'll repost a post I posted above, in relation to your worries. Hope you get it. Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. (Per) --- No I cannot get it,but clearly you and I will never agree. I believe in the nation state and nationalism. Your posting has come up, I am having some computer problems. (ireland) View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Theresa May "I have seen the effects of the European Court of Human Rights and its rulings on our national security." Are the UN human rights (30 articles) contra dictionary? I prefer Orwell's Rights. only 2 rights. I have posted them previously, maybe you remember them. Let me explain right 2. "2. Four feet good, two feet bad." We must all be humble and say that we grown ups are all bad (we are not evil, but bad), since this installs humbleness into us and we are more suspicious of the bad things in society that can blossom up suddenly (e.g. terrorism, riots, holocaust) Grown ups that say that they are all good, and not the slightest badness about them, I believe do not exist. None is perfect. People that are not humble and are conceived as all good get power, and power corrupts. Saints should therefore not get power, to remain saints. Since toddlers go on 4 "feet" toddlers are good. As opposed to grown ups. People that are humble and are grown up, but bend them selves down "and walk on four feet" (walking with hands and feet, thus with bent back and not straight up - thus humble metamorphic-ally) are thus good according to right 2 of OR (Orwell's Rights). View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 779 comments Is Ed Miliband really Labour's worst ever leader? Per Per a year ago How come politicians seem to fancy immigrants more than pensioners? There are many poor pensioners. If you are an unemployed immigrant with many children, it makes sense to stay unemployed, economically since you get more money from benefits than a job. 15 View in discussion Per Per MrBishi a year ago Do you mean Cameron/Osborne negotiations with the EU about the surcharge resulted in practice to pay the full 1.7 bn amount? I.e. the 50% off they claimed they had negotiated down, was in practice all a scam? You are implying that the 50% reduction that was on the news is set off against the rebate UK would have gotten anyway, in other words the rebate has been reduced by the same amount. That is ugly, if true. "The most people want from an artist is sincerity, and if you can fake that, you'll make it." (Per - This I heard form The Archers (BBC radio 4, listened over the internet)) If they can't even fake it, then things are looking bad for credibility. But I don't know if you are telling the truth, they certainly fooled me in any case, if what you are implying is true. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Regarding Brown, "In the run-up to the 2010 general election he was caught on microphone calling Gillian Duffy, a Labour voter he had talked to, "a bigoted woman"." I have seen the video. Can't remember all she said, but she had conscience about the vulnerable. What about the vulnerable in Rotherham? As I have always said on these blogs, it is all about culture, not race. We have to be careful not to import bad cultures through mass immigration. Check this out of the behaviour of some temporary immigrants (depending on your taste the article is amusing or horrifying), 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 345 comments Britain's energy policy is a national disgrace, but Germany's is even worse Per Per Robert Jones a year ago That's right. The problem needs to be solved, For your information, if you look at the link, Germany minimum prizes €/MWH for 2013 (minimum prizes is usually where the market goes with competition) Brown coal 38 Onshore wind 45 Hard coal 63 Gas 75 Solar PV 78 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Some facts about the whole topic is appropriate, I think, take a look at the following link, There it says the cost per MWH is as follows, Advanced Gas $64.4 Wind $80.3 Coal $95.6 Nuclear $96.1 Solar $130 For Germany specifically minimum prize €/MWH (this is where the market goes, naturally) (2013) Brown coal 38 onshore wind 45 Hard coal 63 Gas 75 Solar PV 78 I.e. Wind and Solar are competitive (not many times more expensive) The problem is intermittency. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 176 comments Horrors that tell me ghosts are alive and well Per Per ohforheavensake a year ago Actually I looked in the dictionary, metaphysical 1 of or concerning METAPHYSICS ... metaphysics 1 a branch of the study of thought (PHILOSOPHY) concerned with science of being and knowing 2 any type of thinking at high level, which is hard to understand No, that's not what I thought it meant. I know what "meta-" stands for "above, higher than, or beyond" I have always thought the compound word metaphysics was "beyond the physical world" That was basically what I intended by the word metaphysical 1 View in discussion Per Per ohforheavensake a year ago First, that Ghosts are supposed to be manifestation of the dead is a publicly spread notion. Have you failed to notice this? Secondly, I did not say you cannot kill life by life. I said METAPHYSICALLY speaking, you cannot kill life by life (with life as a weapon). This is a conclusion I have reached, and it is clear and obvious to me and I can explain it, but again, I refrain. I want people to be convinced by their own thinking, that is my motivation why I refrain. Thirdly, no it is not a non sequitur, since I have not said that the statement "Metaphysically, it is my belief that you cannot kill by life." follows from any of the previous. It is a conclusion I have reached and is there as an independent statement, and I refrain from giving my assumptions and logic, since I want people to think for themselves. Do think about it for yourself, and hopefully you will reach to the same statement. Lastly, no it is not a conclusion. It is a repeated statement of the previous in different words. The original statement "he took his own life" is there for you to get on the right track to reach at the relevant statements, it is not there as a part of a formal proof. I said after all that I refrain from explaining, and yet you say I try to explain from the statement "he took his own life". I don't. I don't try to pedagogically explain the statements. The statements are there on their own in this post. I can explain, though. However, I refrain from that as I said clearly. View in discussion Per Per ohforheavensake a year ago What specifically can't you follow. View in discussion Per Per ohforheavensake a year ago The topic is ghosts, and ghosts are metaphysical. I happen to be quite philosophical in my thinking, and creative. I am sure you can follow the text if you reread. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Ghosts are supposed to be some manifestation of the dead. Speaking of death, you have probably heard this phrase: "He took his life" What does this mean? A stealing of life? I suppose most crimes can be described as stealing (life, property, peace of mind etc). Metaphysically, it is my belief that you cannot kill by life. What this means is if you use life as a weapon. I can explain it but I refrain. Viruses are a life form and can be used as a weapon. Bacteria is a life form and can be used as a weapon. Metaphysically, if you use life as a weapon, you do therefore not take his or her life. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1788 comments The Labour Party’s big beasts must act to remove Ed Miliband now Per Per a year ago Labour and Tory conflict. This per definition created the eager force. Good to have something to choose from. 1 View in discussion Per Per Disenfranchised Chap a year ago Humor :-) View in discussion Per Per a year ago What I have learned from this thread is: Judaism and Nazism is supremacist (carlmarx) nickname walterkeys is hard core racist (walterkeys) This is for you walterkeys, "Racism is pushing down certain people and raising certain people only because of their race. Thus some people get critic on not what they are as a character, no matter how well they behave, no matter what good manners they have, no matter how prudent and wise they are, no matter how well they judge proportionally and balanced, but critic because of their biological heritage, their genes as a group of people, their race. Thus a white person that is a real disaster as a character might get more respect than a black person that behaves flawlessly. Is this right? Is this not a big problem? The issue is motivation to BEHAVE well. If white people get a free ride of respect simply because of their race, what motivation do they as a population have to behave well? If black people get condemned regardless of behaviour, simply because of race, what motivation do they have to behave well? Do you see the issue? We want a good society, and in a good society you get judged by your BEHAVIOUR, since this motivates people to behave well. If you get a free ride because of race belongings, or get condemned because of not being part of the "master" race, behaviour in society deteriorates. IS THIS CLEAR?" --- To balance it off I include the following, "Culture is everything. Problem with immigration is if we import hostile, war mongering, intolerant cultures. Imagine a farm. The owner family and all employed there is happy.There is a surplus of food and people are respecting each others, and are considerate to each others in general. There is harmony. There is news of a neighbouring farm. Life there is terrible, they have a culture of hatred and war, and people are really suffering. Do-gooder's in the successful farm start to raise voices. They want this farm to let people from the war farm live on this ground, out of humanitarian grounds. This is a very considerate thing to say and spread, and since they are considerate on this farm, the word spreads and become popular. We shall let those suffering poor beings live in this prosperous farm. Out of humanity for them. They start to import these people. Problem is they bring their war culture along. Soon they are in majority, and since the influence of the majority is significant (especially in democracies, but this farm is not a democracy, but the influence is dominant, anyway). The culture on the successful farm has now changed. To a way culture of intolerance and hatred. People there are now suffering. Why are we suffering, asks one of the original people there. Why? The importation of cultures can be dangerous. Considerate, tolerant cultures are suicidal, by their own nature, since they let their own culture go in to the abyss and be replaced by intolerant war mongering hatred cultures. This is what is happening." 4 View in discussion Per Per will power a year ago No. The following page on Isil used to be inaccessible, but now things seems to have stabilised. (wikipedia) View in discussion Per Per will power a year ago I am actually amazed and mystified that wikipedia can hold all this quality information intact, considering that anyone can edit. Do you understand the mystery? View in discussion Per Per will power a year ago "Skinner has been suspended from Parliament on at least ten occasions, usually for "unparliamentary language" when attacking opponents. Infractions have included: In 1984 accusing Margaret Thatcher of bribing judges In 1992, referring to the Minister of Agriculture John Gummer as "slimy" and a "wart". In 1995, accusing the government of a "crooked deal" to sell off Britain's coal mines. On 8 December 2005, when referring to the economic record of the Conservatives in the 1980s, making the remark, "The only thing that was growing then were the lines of coke in front of boy George and the rest of the Tories", a reference to allegations originally published in the Sunday Mirror of cocaine use by the Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne (though, in the Commons, Skinner referred to the News of the World).[10] On 20 April 2006, accusing Deputy Speaker Sir Alan Haselhurst of leniency towards remarks made by opposition frontbencher Theresa May "because she's a Tory".[11][12] " (wikipedia) 1 View in discussion Per Per will power a year ago Are you being sarcastic? "In January 2009, Harman proposed a rule change to exempt MPs' expenses from the Freedom of Information Act. Her parliamentary order aimed to remove "most expenditure information held by either House of Parliament from the scope of the Freedom of Information Act". It meant that, under the law, journalists and members of the public would no longer be entitled to learn details of their MP's expenses." (wikipedia) 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago What's missing from Joe Haines's interesting article is, "What should Labour replace Miliband with?" You cannot just say you should change, if you don't have a clear alternative option in mind. Maybe Miliband is the best bet Labour has for the moment. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote from "Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, said: "All I know is that everybody in the Labour Party, from Ed Miliband down, is focused on tackling the cost-of-living crisis, building an economy which works for working people, reforming Europe but not walking away, having tough and fair controls on immigration, saving our National Health Service - that's what Labour's for." They now say immigration control? Is that not always what I have said on the telegraph blogs, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 442 comments US midterms: Barack Obama has crippled the Democrats Per Per Sam Martini a year ago I know this, though, after some common sense thought. You and your scholars that agree with you that Matthew is the originator of St. MATTHEW. 25:31-46 , and Jesus about 2000 years ago is not, you lot are trying to revise the meaning of the Bible, a historical document. I hate history revisionists. Do you want to revise the history books about the holocaust too? Or the meaning and interpretation of the history books? I suspect you do for this for possible matters of taste, or even for evil reasons. Jesus Christ, if he lived about 2000 years ago, did say the passage in St. MATTHEW. 25:31-46, the accounts of Jesus sayings in Revelation are true. That is my belief. And many true Christians agree with me. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 638 comments The painful truth about the next generation of MPs. (Warning: It's pretty hard to stomach) Per Per a year ago MSM like nowadays to point out women's concerns. What is missed is MEN'S concerns. What about the traditional male work? Industrial labour. What about men that have a poor education and are not interested in the academic type of school that school teaches? Manual labour. What about all the unemployed men who feels their traditional pride in physical labour has diminished in favour of low paid jobs in China and India? Why are these men's concerns not discussed properly by Main Stream Media (MSM)? 17 View in discussion Per Per a year ago In a way, pointing out whether a incumbent should be male or female, as if it mattered is similar to racism, in that you point out that the genes matter more than culture. Let me quote nickname maria21 "It is more about 'culture' rather than 'race' - a vitally important distinction. It is the naive belief in 'multiculturalism' which is dangerous and leads to sectarian conflict and the breakdown of social cohesion. It really doesn't matter to what “race” people belong - it is the “culture” -the attitudes, beliefs, including religion and values that they are brought up with -that determines their behaviour. And multiculturalism is a the sharing of cultural space with those who hold diametrically opposed views about life to you -fed by the intolerance of differences and the natural human cultural desire to dominate and expand one's own community at the expense of others,almost by definition always leads to sectarianism and conflict." (maria21) (16 upvotes) 6 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Which party is the most feminine when it comes to values? Which party is most associated with traditional African women values? (Traditional African women values include but not limited to the following * picking and choosing among characters, and reading the characters correctly * communicating values, facts, ideas * tradition bearing (that is what we always have done) * pointing out unacceptable behaviour * organize and gather (food, ideas, values, information) ) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago But the women have an excuse. They have menstrual periods once a month, when their temper is clearly affected. Unless their old enough for the menopause period. But the climacteric (menopause) calls for sweating at night, so they do not get a good nights sleep, which again is an excuse. View in discussion Per Per richardwrl a year ago I know the solution. The perfect compromise. We elect feminine men or maskuline women! Got any candidates for feminine men? (Is David Cameron feminine enough?) Got any candidates for maskuline women? (Is Diane Abbott maskuline enough?) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Many like to compare UKIP with the Nazi party. Remember the Nazi party was properly elected in Germany. We have to watch out. As for Adolf Hitler, I spoke to this gypsy, who claimed that Adolf Hitler was a Jewish Gypsy. There are many myths out there, trying to gain "glory" of what was a powerful man and nation, at that time. Hitler was neither Jewish or gypsy (Romani). What matters is culture, so even the speculation of what genetic heritage he possibly had does not matter. What matter is culture. And he had a Christian background. An Austrian background culture. That is fact. All else is myths. Get the important facts straight. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1980 comments Shouting about the economic benefits of migration isn't the way to persuade people Per Per DirtyHarry a year ago It looks more like twaddle now, after Telegraph staff edited away some sentences. At least they are not adding their own words and putting words in my mouth. Must be a very sensitive issue, this. 1 View in discussion Per Per DirtyHarry a year ago The diabetes you get as a child. And are basically born with. View in discussion Per Per MrJones a year ago Diabetes is mainly a genetic disfunction. Don't you see that? View in discussion Per Per MrJones a year ago They have sugar in Africa, too. Very popular in tea. Spoon loads, I've seen it with my own eyes in Africa (in the school I went to there) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago " genus Homo,[5] some of whom used fire, occupied much of Eurasia, and gave rise to [6][7] anatomically modern Homo sapiens in Africa about 200,000 years ago where they began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago and migrated out in successive waves to occupy[8] all but the smallest, driest, and coldest lands." View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago There is always MedicAid in USA. 1 View in discussion Per Per tralker a year ago Diabetes comparison between different countries. 2.5 times higher diabetes prevalence in Sweden compared to Botswana. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I have a speculation. My speculation is that the Africans are healthier genetically speaking than us in the West. This because of evolution. They live under harsher conditions, and have less access to health care, so the gene pool there stays healthier. The Africans are more healthy. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago Both first and second nature requires you not "to give up" and not bother about your life and your close. That can happen to anyone, believe me. You need constant effort to keep that eager force alive. “Sunshine all the time makes a desert” Arab proverb This proverb means you should welcome people that challenge your manners, such at this blog. To be more specific, you should be caring about what people think of you on this blog, since this challenges you and get you emotional "not sunshine every day". For the moment I like you. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago No. Manners cost effort. And you care what your dog (pictured) think of you. I am sure. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1980 comments Shouting about the economic benefits of migration isn't the way to persuade people Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago You are conservative. And you have lived in SA. You have manners. I like that. Of course the spelling is euphemism. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Intentional. Correct. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. Analyse the following sentence. "All that value this second rule are to be valued and respected generally highly inherently within them self." Note proper English calls for saying "themselves" instead of "them self", but that is intensional, calling for each individual to look to his/her "self". My interpretation of the quoted sentence reaches the conclusion we should all be non-racists. View in discussion Per Per a year ago So many nicknames to keep track of. Declare yourself in this thread. Tell were your sympathies are. I am a non-racist, anti mass immigration conservative. What are you? 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago "Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding" ("Aquarius" by Gelt MacDermot, Tom Pierson) How can we realise this? How can we be not considering us racist and still limit immigration? We need to limit immigration. But we do want to be called racists. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Speaking out exaggerated appraisal or critic, generosity or budget cuts (greed) is all about showing off with apparent action worthiness, when they know at their back of their minds that society will collapse. In this case, it’s all about a big laugh. The left's big laugh is of course the destruction of conservative values. Immigration plays a part here. Traditionally we have had little immigration. That is boring the left. The left want something new to replace the old. That is their life blood. The left is excited by chaos in the conservative quarters. The left think a particular religion is sexy. That is obvious. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 442 comments US midterms: Barack Obama has crippled the Democrats Per Per Yankabroad a year ago As seen in many movies (especially American) the good always wins in the end. The good are thus winners, and the evil sinners. The evil are thus losers. But since life is an on going struggle, the losers perseveres. View in discussion Per Per a year ago May the bald eagle continue to survive. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus, from Greek hali- = sea, aiētos = eagle, leuco- = white, cephalos = head) The bald eagle is the national bird of the US since 1782. Obama must recognize the conservative movement. The GOP has shown it is still potent, founded in 1854. Change heads and inventors in all glory, but the conservative values, keeping what's good in essence, is more important for the future. We know what we have, but we don't know what we get. Better safe than sorry. There is an eager force to keep keenly what we consider valuable. Of course the best American band is The Eagles, and the best song in the world is "Lyin' Eyes". 1 View in discussion Per Per MrCaerbannog a year ago You can only serve at the most 8 years as an American president. 2 terms no more. Obama is out in 2016, no matter what. View in discussion Per Per antipetra a year ago I know how many states there are in the US union, 50. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago OK. Take care. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago The heading for St. MATTHEW. 25:31-36 is "The Olivet discourse: (8) the Lord's return tests the Gentile nations. (Cf. Joel 3. 11-16.)" Don't you think that is a profound heading? How would St. Matthew dare say anything like that in what he believed was the Lord's name. "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." (REVELATION. 22:16) View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Yeah, but thinking what Jesus was getting at is not the same thing as making a whole lot passage up, with all the details of sheep and goats, right and left etc. The most central in the New Testament, by many Christians. By the way, as a knowledgeable person into the New Testament, why did Jesus say that he was the "morning star" (the Devil) (REVELATION. 22:16) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago My common sense tell me that St. Matthew would not dare to make up words in Jesus' name if he had respect and fear of Jesus (God some Christians say - God and son of God in the same sentence, a mystery). Surely St. Matthew was sane enough. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Why would St. Matthew make up something like that? (I mean if you are into the details of Christian religion) View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago But I believe the MAT 25:31-46 quote were from Jesus, if he existed. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 442 comments US midterms: Barack Obama has crippled the Democrats Per Per Sam Martini a year ago I am just an ex-Christian with a superficial knowledge of the Christian religion. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Sorry. Redaction is not in my dictionary (Longman dictionary of contemporary English) View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Of you have to understand that the Jesus Seminar is SOME scholars. The founder is dead. There are many Christians who I would consider scholars are in disagreement with the Jesus Seminar. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago There are scholars and there are vicars, priests, etc. And there are the public. Some of the scholars are agreeing with you. But I would say the most Christians are not, and they can be considered scholars in their own right. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago To know what the scholars are saying. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Of course, the big issue is that Barack Obama is black. Many racists despise this. The most powerful man in the most powerful nation. I have been to the USA in 1993-1994. I went to church there, in Fort Worth, Texas. I remember a black man there who wanted my acquaintance. I remember speaking to a church official about my invention of recipe aid "an electronic scale with a microprocessor and speaker that told you how to cook food or cakes, according to a recipe. When there was enough of a certain ingredient that you poured into a bowl of the scale the machine said STOP. Thus you could make cakes more easily. She said this could be used in chemistry classes too, to make chemical ingredients." Let me quote a Bible quote on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, NKJV) 1 View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago For your information "According to the seminar, Jesus was a mortal man born of two human parents, who did not perform nature miracles nor die as a substitute for sinners nor rise bodily from the dead." View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Yeah, but what most scholars consider is the word of Jesus, counts. What your personal opinion is counts less. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago But it is one of the most central passages in the Bible. I have heard it personally read up to me in church, here in Sweden. View in discussion Per Per wibbling a year ago From Nature, "An increasing number of studies suggest that biology can exert a significant influence on political beliefs and behaviours. Biological factors including genes, hormone levels and neurotransmitter systems may partly shape people's attitudes on political issues such as welfare, immigration, same-sex marriage and war." wikipedia, "A number of studies have found that biology may be linked with political orientation." BTW, I am personally convinced that I have left wing genes, but I have been brought up in a conservative home, so I am conservative, politically. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 442 comments US midterms: Barack Obama has crippled the Democrats Per Per Sam Martini a year ago No. Apparently. View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Is it not about values onto who you love the most? View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago Is it not interesting to know how she brings up her kids? If she is supposed to bring up a whole nation? View in discussion Per Per Sam Martini a year ago I dunno, but you can read about it here, or more formal, View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Thor (humanity protecting) Odin (pursues knowledge) Freyja (Goddess, the Vikings were PC at that time too...) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago NO. The Gods are Swedish... View in discussion Per Per Golden a year ago I heard her kids were in a physical fight at a party. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I seem to remember nickname "Texas Marine" claiming "There is a God, and he is American" Lots of hope and optimism there... Have not seen "Texas Marine" lately, is he up to something more important than bloging on the Telegraph? View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago Are you kidding me? The following is the supposedly words of that man, 31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (St. MATTHEW. 25:31-46, King James Version) Do you understand the spirit of what he is saying? ("Do you agree with my political agenda, or else...?") View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Appeasement on wikipedia, Appeasement might work if you have a plan of conflict in the future; e.g. buying time. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 442 comments US midterms: Barack Obama has crippled the Democrats Per Per Guest a year ago Good. I was a little worried there where you asked "Not very amusing is it when the body bags come home?" It is my belief that culture is the main thing worth fighting for. Culture is like software in computers, while the hardware is the genes. ("Apple", "PC", "IBM", ipad, smartphones are different races all able to run basically any functioning culture) The problem of course if we get a world war. Then everything might be ruined. A small war here and there (with words or weapons) fighting for a certain culture, leads to the evolution of cultures, the successful ones prevail. Just as Nature and evolution in Nature leads to beauty, my speculation is that the fighting for your culture leads to evolution of cultures and resulting beauty. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago In the previous post (beginning with "How serious...") I got the notion that you were anti-warfare, in general. Now I get the notion we should fight (but better) How do you want to have it? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago War and warfare has to be taken very seriously. Would you rather have a weak appeasing US government, and then say in 50 years time when you grandchildren got children have the government replaced by Isil supporters? If we don't take the fight now, then we might suffer even more severely in the future. Is that not plain to see after WW2? 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Who do people trust when it comes to power positions? What is the most wanted characteristic of someone in power. Let me speculate. Amusement is not to be taken lightly. People want amusing politicians to fight their boring grey days. But most important of all is not amusement. What is most important is that you yourself and your loved ones do not get hurt seriously because of the man or woman in power. For example, if the man in power hurt your dog or cat (both have very little power), that you love dearly, WRATH will result. The possible amusement weighs very lightly there when you personally are hurt, or your loved one's are hurt, or you see a substantial risk in the future of this. 1 View in discussion Per Per richardsmith a year ago The reason corporations are pouring money into Dem or Rep is NOT that money works so well in influencing the outcome. It is more a bet on horses, if you get what I mean. If your horse wins then the corporations that bet on you are friends with that horse, and those corporations can now do lobby influencing and get favours, once, the party they supported are in power. That is the real reason corporations support parties; to get political influence once the party has won. I could imagine therefore that some corporations hedge their bets, they give money both to the Dem and the Rep. Affecting and influencing political parties and thus get legislation in the country in your liking, IS VERY COST EFFECTIVE. Corporations that ignore this will have a hard time, since politics run the country, legislation can ruin ANY business. Thus you can not only fight the competing firms with influence over political legislation, you can also get your own firm more profitable with the right legislation supporting it; the money influencing legislation is well worth its cost if done right. 5 View in discussion Per Per mistertoad a year ago No. That is not respecting the choices each American is making. Sure, they are influenced by TV-commercials, and even more or less bought TV- programmes. But people can think for themselves. They chat with friends, look at cold facts in news. Plus there is a genetic component if you vote left or right. 2 View in discussion Per Per richardsmith a year ago Well all this fruitcake friend is saying is that the family has to take care of their house (the environment they live in), and the dog cannot backend produce inside the house... (And that you have to pick up this if the dog does it in the garden) No strange she (or possibly he) is popular. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Democrats are left. Republicans are right. I would like to make an analogy. The family is the country. The left is your mother. The right is your father. The children is the inhabitants of the country. The mother is obsessed by care taking of their children, social issues. All the father keeps saying to the children is "get a haircut and a job". Is this a proper analogy? Could it be developed further? 6 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 513 comments The Flynn effect: are we really getting smarter? Per Per Guest a year ago No. I am no terrorist sympathiser. I have said that ANC's terrorism was justified against a racist Apartheid regime that used terror onto the black people there. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago This one nation I mentioned allows for the armament of the public with firearms, allowed in the constitution. This is not very wise. This since careless people can buy guns. Nirvana's Kurt Cobain was killed by a gun in 1994. John F Kennedy was killed by a gun Robert Kennedy was killed by a gun. Ronald Reagan was hurt by a gun. Beatles' John Lennon was killed by a gun. All these in this country. It is better to trust the police and military with guns, if you install with them common sense and discipline. The difference is that careless people with guns are minimized since there is a selection of police officers and military men. Not all in these organisations are trusted with guns. The careless are more or less sorted out, not true if "anyone" can buy a gun. The constitution of this country leads to a gun culture. Guns are sold more easily on the black market. Since there are more guns on the market, simply. There is a solution to the "arms race". Ask Lotta at . View in discussion Per Per a year ago If you can follow the following reasoning, I would consider you intelligent enough. See it as a challenge, reread until you understand enough. Let me first quote the Bible, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) What does this mean? 1. If you judge harshly and unjust people will judge you harshly and unjust. 2. If you judge soft and forgiving, you agree with the perpetrators judgement of who he hurt; then the perpetrator will hurt you the same way he did to the victim of the previous trial; and you have agreed to this hurting of innocent victim since you judged softly previously. In UK people look onto previous judgements of trials, it resides in the collective memory and is referred to. If you judge unjust (either too harshly or too softly) this will get back to you in the future, either as a harsh unjust judgement to you by the court, or a harsh unjust judgement by the perpetrator who got a soft judgement by you in court and will get another soft judgement in next court when he faces having hurt you; thus he is motivated to continue his unjust criminality and harsh judgement you agreed to by giving a soft sentence. What is required is a balanced and just judgement; this is the only way you can pass. How does this Bible quote relate to devolution of power? If you judge too softly then you do not devolve power from the perpetrator who have stolen (property, life, peace of mind, etc). If you judge too harshly, then you do not devolve power away from the court system enough; the court system has power to sentence too harsh punishments to anyone, guilty or not; thus we have power concentration to those who control the court system. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I had to look up the word flatulence. Gas in the stomach. Here is something you can consider, a Danish proverb. "Almindelig sund fornuft er ikke så almindelig endda" Common sense is not that common, after all. There is one nation I think of specifically. The reason I speculate has to do with rich prevalence of TV-commercials. TV-commercials in general appeal to your emotions and do not want to challenge your thinking and emotions. You need to be challenged intellectually every now and then for you to build up common sense. Commons sense comes from thinking and experience. I have not always had common sense. View in discussion Per Per a year ago How smart are you? Do you comprehend the following (I have an IQ of 115, tested at MENSA test, I was not allowed into MENSA), Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context.(what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1264 comments Climate change is a problem. But our attempts to fix it could be worse than useless Per Per Soosoos a year ago Indeed. We can do something about climate change. Mainly a political problem, not a technical one. Mind you political problems can be as challenging if not more challenging than the most difficult technical problems. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Good Mike, I am not a proponent of increasing the total share of taxes in regard to GDP, rather to shift the tax wheighting of diffenent taxable enteties; in other words to tax or raise tax on harmful activities we necesserely must lower taxes of benign activities, for example income tax of work that is benign. Tax works as reverse subsidy, it motivates people to decrease the taxable entity. For example, if it is established that fossil CO2 emmisions leads in the future 100 years to a warmer harsher environment with significant raised sealevels, then that harsher environment incurs a increased cost of living for the inhabitants 100 years from now; do we have the right, with our current knowledge, to incur this cost? If you think it is questionable, or downright no, that we have a right to worsen severely the situation for future inhabitants of Earth, then read on. Economical activities in a society are relative to each other. If you tax one activity more than others, then in reality you subsidy implicitly the others. This, for example, means that if you tax harmful activities extra relative to benign, you in reality subsidy the benign so that they have a greater chance to thrive, and you quench proportional to the tax rate the harmful economical activities. Regardsing fossil CO2 emmisions, that by logic and empirical studies, will increase the percentage of CO2 in the athmosphere, by a worrying rate, then if you multiply that rate with the not to distant years ahead of us, we will reach much highter percentage of CO2 in the athmosphere, than we have today; and since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, from empirical chemistry and physics measurements, it is easy to conclude that the average temperature of the earth will rise; this temerature rise is supported in numerous empirical measurements; please refer to wikipedia (at the bottom of this text, [1]) to see the empirical graphs of temperature rise throughout time. CO2 is rising. The wikipedia article [2] shows the graphs. Those graphs also show that CO2 historically (ancient) has had even larger percentages; however humans and their constructions did not exist then, and if we assume a warmer climate then and risen seas, no coastal cities were drenched, no farmland were flooded, increased spread of malaria and dengue fever did not affect any humans. But now we see a temperature rise, and we forecast rising sea levels and with that flooding of lowland coastal land; less housing and less arable land - less food - more dieseases - in short, harsher living conditions for inhabitants 100 years from now. With warming climate, there will be almost certainly a redistribution of fertile and desert lands, this is in the nature of the stochastic (randomness) weather. What if climate change makes India and China a large desert, both nuclear armed countries; will they just lay down and die, or will they, as the human spirit in most calls for, fight for their survival by, for example, occupying fertile land in other countries? In such a scenario, migration pressure will also increase, and this will almost certainly leed to large influxes to nations with arable land, since what is politically correct do to, which most politicians have as thier policiy nowadays, is to be humane and not watch all those millions starve. The gamblers in this world gamble. Can you see the gamble here? We gamble with the wealth of our future generations, future children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces; all in the name of comfort for us, even though the sacrifise need not be that rough, if done right. Taxing of fossil CO2 will get the market-forces to work for alternatives, market-forces always looks for the cheapest price of comparable quality, if tax makes a goods or service expensive, then less taxed goods and services has an advantage in the market economy; people and companies don't like to pay taxes, so they will look for alternatives, the market demand for alternatives will increse dramatically with a hefty tax on CO2; yet the taxes will not rise for individuals, since income tax can be lowered accordingly, so you get the same amount of money as before, only now the direction and incentives to find technological innovation to be less dependent on CO2 will increase (better wind, wave, nuclear, solar cell, battery storage technonlgies). Corporations and individuals behavioural patterns will want to reduce CO2 emmisions (Better salesperson roadtrips, less time in the shower, find local producers of veggetables and meat). Social behavioiural patterns (e.g. people will find jobs closer to where they live, and since it is the same rules for everyone competitional forces work as before and will attract labour by having smaller decentralised manufacturing and service locations near the residential areas) that decrease CO2 from fossils will be encouraged; all in the comfort of the same amount of money as before. Alternative energy sources will be given a good start quickly and then market forces will make them cheaper and cheaper, and soon we have shifted our fossil dependancy to a much safer alternative without loosing too much comfort. CO2 tax will make us work closer to out homes, as said, which calls for a repeat, decentralise offices so that a local office in your neighbourhood becomes economically attractive - shorter commute to work without the traffic; we might get more comfort now with taxing CO2. Same rules for everyone, atleast for all the major economies. This means everyone competes under the same rules. Oil companies can invest in renewables and get profit. Don't you think our children and children's children deserve a better future than what is projected with current CO2 emmision levels? Fairness is about balanced positive or negative deserve in relation to the actual circumstances. Methane is a greenhouse gas more effecient than CO2. This gas is bound in the seafloor as a hydrate. A warming of the seas could release this hydrate as a methane. Further, permafrost holding methane on land could be released as temeratures increase. This could worsen the effects. There has been some recent (this year 2014) scientific discovery regarding that the sun's activity and intensity is less than before. During the years 1600's the sun's activity and intensity was less, and winters where harsh and very cold. There thus seems to be another such period in the sun's variations. This can mean that the CO2 emissions is actually positive, mitigating the lowering of temperatures due to the sun's less shining on earth. The issue is complex. [1] [2] 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 31 comments The 33 best American TV comedy shows Per Per a year ago These are great comedy shows that I have partly seen, Cheers MASH Curb your enthusiasm 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 619 comments Reach for the stars, yes – but remember those left behind Per Per orsonhinds a year ago Are you British (late at night) or are you are American (9 PM in New York)? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Boris Johnson, Born in the USA, you should know what the American people considers the greatest song of all time, "Lyin' eyes" by the Eagles, "City girls just seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a smile" "She's headed for the cheatin' side of town" "You can't hide your lying eyes and your smile is a thin disguise" View in discussion Per Per Peter William Davey a year ago From my religion, "Of course unsound selfishness can be a child at a birthday party taking half the cake for herself only to eat a small part and then throwing the rest in the trash and at the same time enjoying the power feeling that some other unfortunate children were without cake at all. Speaking of cakes, have you noticed that the left focuses on dividing the cake that one assumes automatically is there, while the right focuses on motivation for people to make the cake in the first place. Note that dividing the cake fairly can motivate people to make more cakes since there is an industrial efficiency aspect (one hour of labour can make much productive amplifying cake use) of making cakes cheaply for many rather than the one to one hour labour aspect of service to already rich (sweeping pools, for instance ­ although sweeping pools is better than going unemployed). On the other hand, if people expect a piece of cake as a given right without proper contribution (or only contribution that one feels for that is irrelevant in making cakes), this can motivate to a lazy vacation party all the time and little or no cakes are made (why should I work my ass off making cakes, while my neighbour throw cake parties all the time without giving a hand)." View in discussion Per Per a year ago "Hotel California" by the Eagles (same name of album). What is the song about? "It's basically a song about the dark underbelly of the American dream and about excess in America, which is something we knew a lot about." by their own words Boris (born in New York city), do you admire the American Dream? "We do not need another hero" by Tina Turner "Looking for something we can rely on" "Love and compassion, bad day is coming" and, "Islands in the stream" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, "And the message is clear, this could be the year for the real thing" "Sail away with me to another world" and, "Take me home, country roads" by John Denver, "To the place I belong, West Virginia, mountain mama" and, "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers, "You got to know when to holm 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away know when to run" "You never count your money when you sit at the table" "and the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep" song ends with "done" View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago You should listen to the cover song "Sunny" by Boney M. German quality. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Boris regarding you article, Perchance perceived perfidious perpetrating performance that perish, or perfect pertinent permissive perpetual personal persistence of persuasion, or perhaps pervert article with peril, or maybe just perspicacious perspicuous perking pertness. No. Just pertaining to you for the moment. View in discussion Per Per a year ago What determines what salary you get? Before we dwell into this important question, let me give you some basics. In a market economy, a product is determined by only 2 (two) things. 1. The quality of the product 2. The price The quality of the product are all the qualities associated with the product, e.g. what it looks like, how long it lasts, the "feel" of the product, how well it functions, etc. but also qualities associated with the producer, e.g. brand name establishment, social responsibility of the producer, environmental concerns etc. In all all qualities associated with the product. The price is determined by market value, in a market economy. There are basically two ways to price a product. According to "seller's market" and according to "buyer's market". In a "buyer's market" there is competition and surplus of similar products competing with what you sell. Each producer tries to undercut the price in order to attract the sale of the product. The end result is a price of the product that matches basically production price, since the lowest price one can offer is the production price. And competition in a "buyer's market" will make sure that all producers just barely makes a very small profit. In a "seller's market" there is more demand than supply. It is all producers dream to be in a "seller's market". A monopoly allows you to artificially set supply so that there is a less supply than demand. This can drive prices very high. People pay what they consider what the product is worth to them within their budget. In a "seller's market" the price is set by what people are willing to pay for the product. In a buyers market the price is set by production costs. The difference can be huge. Why is the price for food so low? The reasons is that food is in a "buyer's market". Food is more necessary than medical expenses, lawyer expenses, etc. Work is a product. You do work and get a salary. A product and a price. Why is a good lawyer usually paid more than a farm worker? The reasons is that a good lawyer is in a market of very few good lawyers. The good lawyer is basically in a "seller's market" while the farm worker are in a "buyer's market". There is a limited supply of good lawyers, and people are willing to pay to win that court case. The farmer faces competition each undercutting the price of the produce. Unions function to basically artificially make a "buyer's market" into a "seller's market" of labour. The problem historically with low wages (and what we see today in "sweatshops") is that there is a surplus of people who want to work, and each worker is willing to undercut the wage to get that job. That is why unions can make such a difference. Unions prevent outside workers to undercut the salaries by artificial means. The employers and unions negotiate for what they (the unions) consider a decent salary. Of course there is competition between unions too. Each union wants as a high salary for just their members. That is when we have strikes all over the country. A war between unions. Of course, unemployment can result if too high demands on salaries are made by the unions; there is simply not enough money to pay all. The few lucky get a high paid job, the rest are outside the unions and unemployed. It is all about negotiations and negotiating power. (to answer the question at the top) 3 View in discussion Discussion on Svensktoppen 196 comments Historisk omröstning på Svensktoppen Per Per a year ago Jag röstade för linje 3, 300 veckor. Presidenten i USA sitter max 8 år; det är rimligt att en låt inte teoretiskt kan sitta på toppen i oändlighet. Det sagt, jag vill ändå ha ett förbehåll. Om det skulle visa sig i framtiden att alla låtar är slut, och svensktoppen har inga låtar att välja bland, eller väldigt få dåliga, då skulle jag rösta för linje 2. Jag skulle vilja ha linje 4 som inkluderade detta förbehåll. Men det fanns inte detta alternativ, så för stunden väljer jag 3. Jag kan ändra min uppfattning i framtiden. Dessa linjer skulle jag vilja ha att välja bland: 1. 1 år 2. Teoretiskt obegränsad 3. Välj själv 4 Begränsad men med förbehåll 5 Begränsad men ändå obegränsad, begränsad i längd vid ett tillfälle, men en låt kan komma tillbaka efter ett uppehåll. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1732 comments 'Human rights’ have fallen into the hands of the Euro-tollahs Per Per George Dutton a year ago No. The only point (mainly) the kippers stress is anti-immigration. It is a one issue party, in essence. They get all the closet racists to vote for them. That said, I think UKIP is actually a healthy reaction to the mass-immigration lobbyists. Thus UKIP and the kippers are needed in UK 1 View in discussion Per Per George Dutton a year ago If those who have no interest in politics have a compulsory duty to vote, don't you think the quality of the vote electorate (the actual electorate, those who actually vote) will diminish? 2 View in discussion Per Per EndTimes a year ago from wikipedia, Iniquity is wickedness or a sin. Methinks some finds iniquity sexy, and mellow good unsexy. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago People called Saints usually get power, since people listen to them. In my personal taste, Saints should keep modest power, otherwise it smells bad and they are no long Saints. The reason I speak of Saints is that yesterday it was All Saints' Day. Did you personally lit a candle at a grave in remembrance? My mother and father did that for me, since they live close to the relevant graves. I have more than 500 km to the relatives graves, since I live in Stockholm. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago A further comment on (2), "Four legs good, two legs bad" This is, (1) a NON-RACIST proclamation (since 4 legged are of many races, one does not make the distinction). and, (2) has a devolution of power notion (since 2 legged humans have more power than the 4 legged animals, by saying that 4 legs are good and 2 legs are bad you are balancing the power, just like the notion that we should respect the handicapped's privileges more than a non-handicapped) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Like most people, I am a holy mixture of good and evil. But I listen to reason. The Judges of ECHR are also a holy mixture of good and evil, since they are human. The important part to remember about people in power, is that boredom drives this holy mixture towards more evil. Power corrupts the good side, hence. Therefore we need checks and balances on all people of power, including judges. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. Read Article 30 again. "engage in any activity or perform any act" includes (the act of) criticism of individuals? Article 30 is thus much broader than just preventing law/govt from removing rights? Article 30 says you cannot use the Charter to critisize itself? But since interpretations can be free to be anything, not necessarily really within reasonable bounds, you basically include any interpretation of the Charter, thus all types of criticism from anybody is against the Charter? View in discussion Per Per larrythemoggy a year ago What about Alan Turing. He was forced on a treatment that lead to his suicide, many speculate. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Please read The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, There are 30 articles. Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 30. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein. Are these not contradictory (Article 19 and Article 30)? On the one hand (19) you have the right of freedom of expression, you have the freedom to impart ideas (give ideas to) through any media. On the other hand (30) you are forbidden to criticize the rights if this aims to destruct any right. View in discussion Per Per mrsbimble a year ago The biggest issue for UKIP support I suspect is the immigration stand they have. I'll repost some posts in this regard for you. I can make a positive case for immigration. First though to get the right atmosphere I'll repeat a post. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) The most important issue in the world, in my view, is that of devolution of power. To counteract power concentrating trends and ideologies. Let me quote the Bible in this context, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”, NKJV This quote works against power concentration, since it causes, if followed by all, a consensus that the ruler shall devolve power to the weaker (in power terms). Now let me return to the issue of positive case for immigration. I am refugee friendly. This because if you are able to flee a power concentrated dictatorship, people there will be more brave to challenge the dictator apparatus. Thus there is a force in the world that makes dictators considerate not to get all too powerful, since then terrorism (ANC is an example of justified terrorism, though I am against terrorism in general, and most forms of terrorism) and violence can hurt the dictator. Thus for us in the west to be refugee friendly helps devolution of power in the world. Lasly, say no to racism. Racism is pushing down certain people and raising certain people only because of their race. Thus some people get critic on not what they are as a character, no matter how well they behave, no matter what good manners they have, no matter how prudent and wise they are, no matter how well they judge proportionally and balanced, but critic because of their biological heritage, their genes as a group of people, their race. Thus a white person that is a real disaster as a character might get more respect than a black person that behaves flawlessly. Is this right? Is this not a big problem? The issue is motivation to BEHAVE well. If white people get a free ride of respect simply because of their race, what motivation do they as a population have to behave well? If black people get condemned regardless of behaviour, simply because of race, what motivation do they have to behave well? Do you see the issue? We want a good society, and in a good society you get judged by your BEHAVIOUR, since this motivates people to behave well. If you get a free ride because of race belongings, or get condemned because of not being part of the "master" race, behaviour in society deteriorates. IS THIS CLEAR? --- The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1732 comments 'Human rights’ have fallen into the hands of the Euro-tollahs Per Per Per a year ago Are there many closet racists in the UK? View in discussion Per Per oopiop a year ago The post is an analogy (yes I understand you think it is an ANALogy ;-)) . An analogy between and relation of "house" rules and UK legal system with laws and influence over "house" rules, on the one hand, and UK laws and system and EU laws and system, on the other hand. Most people in UK accept UK laws over "house" rules. In the same way people in the UK should accept some influence of EU over UK system. That is the analogy. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago But how many reads a manifesto of a political party? Really? 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago It is 1st of November today. Approx. half a year till election day (7th May, 2015). Will UKIP manage better in this coming election than in 2010? My feeling is that they (the kippers) are more faithful this time. What do you think? 3 View in discussion Per Per mrsbimble a year ago Why do you think the kippers are gaining momentum in the UK? View in discussion Per Per a year ago UKIP supporters (kippers) continue their crusade on this blog. Here is something for the kippers. "I want no external party decide what goes on in the house. In this house we only have house rules. I do not want the UK police and legal system to tell me what to do. I want only house rules." said the kipper. "Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes or no." said the friend to the kipper. "Me and my wife decides the house rules. I am head of family, so I have the ultimate say." "Have you stopped beating your kids? Yes or no" said the friend. "VOTE HIP! House Independence Party" 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Charles Moore, "But the Convention is one thing, and its interpretation is something else." How true. A way to understand this is that a convention is not worth the paper it is written on if the interpreters have all power. Remember George Orwell's 1984. "War is peace" "Freedom is slavery" When those in power only decides, they can interpret anything from any text - they simply have the power to do that. A referee in a football match is only good if he can be lifted out from further matches should he misbehave. You need a hook on the power. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I basically likes the idea of human rights. But you have to be careful when you declare them. For example, article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." Right to life? Haven't they noticed that people die? No. I prefer perplexing rights that can't be disproved. I have concluded Orwell's Rights (OR). From George Orwell's Animal Farm. My main conclusions about Animal Farm is as follows, Orwell's Rights, 1. All are equal but some are more equal 2. Four legs good, two legs bad (1) basically says we are equal and unequal concurrently, a paradoxical Right. (2) implies four legs and two legs are good since four legs is a double set of two legs; four legs include two legs, since it doesn't say "only". In the same way four legs and two legs are bad, since two legs are included in four legs. Thus there is options of personal interpretation in (2). Thus all animals in the farm are happy, including humans. This Right is agile, quite right. These are truly universal Rights, with important implications; think. I choose Orwell's Rights (OR). I would like to share you a nice poem, when life gets tough. “Life” An Angel told me to hear; Hold your life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; Tillägnad Ola Dedicated to Ola Ola was my twin brother. He was basically a much nicer guy than many others. Further I have a hook on him, should he misbehave in the next world (90% of the world population believes in a next life). That is of course important. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2908 comments Leaving the EU wouldn’t solve our immigration problem Per Per Mr & Mrs Jones a year ago Of course the last comment was "If we allow them to drown, we'll never know if they have a legitimate reason to come here for asylum" View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago from wikipedia, became the most popular UK newspaper site in April 2008.[28] It was overtaken by in April 2009 and later by "Mail Online".[29] As of December 2010, "" is now the third most visited British newspaper website with 1.7 million daily browsers compared to 2.3 million for "" and nearly 3 million for "Mail Online" 2 View in discussion Per Per Killeenm a year ago The Telegraph is considered the major "quality" news source of UK. It had a daily circulation of 523,048 in March 2014, 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago How would you define a nation? Land? People? Laws? Culture? Religion? View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote Fraser Nelson, "How do you define a great country? Tony Blair once offered a decent test: ask if people are trying to get into it, or leave it. On this basis, David Cameron’s government has been a roaring success – people have been settling in Britain at the rate of 1,200 a day since he took office." It is true that you could value a country by the number of people wanting to enter it. Imagine a free market of trading citizenships. What would the value of a UK citizenship be worth? What would the value of a USA citizenship be worth? The worth of a citizenship we be dependent on that you control borders, AND that you have a choice of nations to chose from. The worst possible senario would therefore be one Nation only in the world. No choice. No voting with your feet. Imagine a world where the laws and actions of this one Nation are made up by popular direct democracy. Direct democracy is when you the public votes for issues, like in Switzerland (they have combined it with representative democracy too) The Swiss vote out the JAS 39 Gripen which the Brazilians seem to want to get. Imagine a vote in the world to kill all the Jews. Imagine a vote in the USA to nuke all the Muslim cities in the world. And you have to follow the decisions of the popular vote. Would that not be a horrific world? All should have a say? Or? View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Funny. :-) View in discussion Per Per a year ago How many do you think read this blog? 1000? 10000? 100000? View in discussion Per Per Bob Evans a year ago House of Commons is 650 seats of MPs. Rochester and Strood is one seat. Wait for the general election. Hold your horses. 3 View in discussion Per Per Ian Murray a year ago A freudian slip I see, "The thing is cane we as a country afford all these old Kipper leaching off the taxpayers in their retirement?" You said cane, instead of can. Do you mean to whip the old with a cane? (subconsciously) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Can you spot Fraser Nelsons freudian slip? Do you remember David Cameron's freudian slip in the con conference this year. when he said "These are the people we resent" when he should have said "These are the people we represent" speaking of vulnerable poor children. 4 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2908 comments Leaving the EU wouldn’t solve our immigration problem Per Per a year ago It's friday and the last day of October, 2014. I am self-employed so I can dispose my resources at this blog at will. I have posted a good post earlier today, I will repost it since I want to make some additional comments, and clarifications. Here it is, --- quote from the article by Fraser Nelson, "How do you define a great country? Tony Blair once offered a decent test: ask if people are trying to get into it, or leave it. On this basis, David Cameron’s government has been a roaring success – people have been settling in Britain at the rate of 1,200 a day since he took office." In the same way, Sweden is a great success. 116 500 got legally in in 2013 (Sweden has a population of 9 million) Culture is everything. Problem with immigration is if we import hostile, war mongering, intolerant cultures. Imagine a farm. The owner family and all employed there is happy.There is a surplus of food and people are respecting each others, and are considerate to each others in general. There is harmony. There is news of a neighbouring farm. Life there is terrible, they have a culture of hatred and war, and people are really suffering. Do-gooder's in the successful farm start to raise voices. They want this farm to let people from the war farm live on this ground, out of humanitarian grounds. This is a very considerate thing to say and spread, and since they are considerate on this farm, the word spreads and become popular. We shall let those suffering poor beings live in this prosperous farm. Out of humanity for them. They start to import these people. Problem is they bring their war culture along. Soon they are in majority, and since the influence of the majority is significant (especially in democracies, but this farm is not a democracy, but the influence is dominant, anyway). The culture on the successful farm has now changed. To a way culture of intolerance and hatred. People there are now suffering. Why are we suffering, asks one of the original people there. Why? The importation of cultures can be dangerous. Considerate, tolerant cultures are suicidal, by their own nature, since they let their own culture go in to the abyss and be replaced by intolerant war mongering hatred cultures. This is what is happening. --- Clarification, Culture is our safety. Adopted children show that race does not matter, it is all about culture. Not all cultures are equal. Some cultures are better than others. The English culture, traditionally is a great one. Some conservatism is healthy, to keep the good stuff we inherit as memory of our forefathers (and mothers). Culture of hostility and intolerance and war is bad. We must reject this. For our own good. Have a beer (or a glass of wine), it's friday, after all. 7 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Pim Fortuyn was a Dutch politician murdered 2002 by Volkert van der Graaf. The enemy within. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Do you remember any keywords of the title heading, the date etc, so that I can search? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago quote from you, "Only the rich and powerful benefit from large scale immigration" No. If the culture of the immigrants is harmful the "rich and powerful" will suffer too. There only so much security you can buy. Cameron was attacked the other day. He is aware of this, I am sure. You have to be considerate to violent crime. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Let me quote a Danish proverb, "Utak er verdens løn." Ingratitude is the world's salary. Something to think about. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am a conservative voter. I do not get much moderation. Happened once, when I was overzealous and emotional about an injustice to a poster who had been abused by a vicar and I said "resort to the baseball bat". I changed my post and said he should follow the law. That post was accepted. View in discussion Per Per carl-marxx a year ago Problem is he is dead. (RIP) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Who are you fooled by? UKIP? The Muslims? "The most people want from an artist is sincerity, and if you can fake that, you'll make it." (Per - This I heard today form The Archers (BBC radio 4, listened over the internet)) View in discussion Per Per Sarkastracus a year ago Rule #1. I am always right. Rule #2. If I ever were to be proven that I was at fault, then rule #1 applies. 2 View in discussion Per Per Stout Yeoman a year ago I am children caring. I am a sheep. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2908 comments Leaving the EU wouldn’t solve our immigration problem Per Per a year ago There are many many UKIP (ugly name, nothing like "conservatives" and "labour") voters here, So you think we should vote for the UKIP. Let me repost a post on this, The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Like water and oil. But then we have mayonaise, a successful well tasting mixture of oil and water, popular in Holland on French fries (from the movie "pulp fiction", by Tarantino) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago There are many flocks. Not just one correct one. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am a sheep. I have my own herd of flock (that I belong to, not leading) here on this blog, I am sure after explicit messages in this direction. There are different flocks. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Oblivious is the word. I would like to share a Danish proverb, "Almindelig sund fornuft er ikke så almindelig endda" Common sense is not that common, after all. 1 View in discussion Per Per wilfulsprite a year ago I would not say feminism is generally appeasing towards men in Western society. It is only appeasing to Islam, for some reason I do not understand. 1 View in discussion Per Per wilfulsprite a year ago Feminism is all about equal rights for women. Women don't want to be humiliated and dominated by male pigs. Why do they endorse a male chauvinist philosophy like islam. Beats me. 1 View in discussion Per Per wilfulsprite a year ago But Islam is an explicit man dominating women repressing patriarchial theology, that is obvious. Why are they endorsing something that is fundamentally against their interests. Beats me. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Why are women so pro immigraion? Why are women endorsing the term Islamophobia? I mean, what will happen when the Muslims are in majority and form "Popular Muslim Front" for general elections, and win power in the UK, and then apply "Sharia Law". Don't women think? What will happen to fashion clothing once we all women in the UK are forced to wear burka? 3 View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago He is an egg-head (looking at the avatar). An egg-head is derog. term in the US for intellectual. He has been reading to many thesis's and got himself confused. Here is a Danish relevant proverb, "De lærde ere ej altid de klogeste." The schooled are not always the sensible. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2908 comments Leaving the EU wouldn’t solve our immigration problem Per Per kazibeth a year ago No. Uk is a culture mainly on tolerance, understanding, respect, devolution of power and to perform with quality. View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote from the article by Fraser Nelson, "How do you define a great country? Tony Blair once offered a decent test: ask if people are trying to get into it, or leave it. On this basis, David Cameron’s government has been a roaring success – people have been settling in Britain at the rate of 1,200 a day since he took office." In the same way, Sweden is a great success. 116 500 got legally in in 2013 (Sweden has a population of 9 million) Culture is everything. Problem with immigration is if we import hostile, war mongering, intolerant cultures. Imagine a farm. The owner family and all employed there is happy.There is a surplus of food and people are respecting each others, and are considerate to each others in general. There is harmony. There is news of a neighbouring farm. Life there is terrible, they have a culture of hatred and war, and people are really suffering. Do-gooder's in the successful farm start to raise voices. They want this farm to let people from the war farm live on this ground, out of humanitarian grounds. This is a very considerate thing to say and spread, and since they are considerate on this farm, the word spreads and become popular. We shall let those suffering poor beings live in this prosperous farm. Out of humanity for them. They start to import these people. Problem is they bring their war culture along. Soon they are in majority, and since the influence of the majority is significant (especially in democracies, but this farm is not a democracy, but the influence is dominant, anyway). The culture on the successful farm has now changed. To a way culture of intolerance and hatred. People there are now suffering. Why are we suffering, asks one of the original people there. Why? The importation of cultures can be dangerous. Considerate, tolerant cultures are suicidal, by their own nature, since they let their own culture go in to the abyss and be replaced by intolerant war mongering hatred cultures. This is what is happening. 10 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1940 comments Banning all talk of immigration is a gift to racists Per Per a year ago This thread turned out to be race versus culture. Every mum knows that the upbringing of their children is very important. So that the child doesn't get spoiled. Upbringing is all about memes and culture. You program the child. Just as software is important to a computer, the culture you pass on to a human is important. The physical body and genes is the hardware in this analogy. The culture is the software. Which is more important? That is a silly question. If you have a computer without software, what good is the computer. If you have software without a computer, what good is the software? Race analogy to computers is the different computer "races" of "Apple" "PC" and mainframes such as "IBM". All computer "races" have their strong points. The software is universal, and source code can be compiled into any computer "race". If you are interested in the number of computer "races" that exist, check this out, Do you see the similarity. I am glad that my mother and father gave me such a good upbringing. View in discussion Per Per IMarcher a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per ryhope1 a year ago But you used the fact that Britain has lots of discussions on immigration to argue for that Janes was wrong we she "said" we have had a ban historically. She did not simply say that in the article. Read the article. qutoe Janet Dayley: "There are actually people (calling themselves "liberals") who argue that any mention of the subject should be banned from public debate." There it is. From the article. All in daylight. All she is saying and implying is that we *might* get a ban in the future, since there are "liberlal" voices (no names in the article) that raises this issue. Actual implementation of this ban she doesn't even touch in the article. You are misrepresenting me and the article by your posts. You put words in Janet's mouth she did not say, and you put words in my mouth I did not say. That is not sincere. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago OK. Good night. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Setswanian. (from Botswana) Prudent politics. Problem is HIV/AIDS. But that is not their fault. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. Tripe again from your part. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Genes is the basis for human culture. That is given. A bacteria cannot carry human culture. But all human races can carry the English culture, that is obvious from adopted children in the UK. Races are different *successful* paths of human evolution. All races can carry a successful culture. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago you said quote: "Race makes culture." No. This is from wikipedia, "A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture."[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme." Culture is memes. Something that is transmitted by memory independent of genes (within reasonable limits, you have to have genes that make you have a mind that can memorize and communicate). For example books, word of mouth between generations, this blog (if saved by the telegraph), A member of the white race can be a junkie (a drug addict). This junkie has the culture of drug addiction. His race does not save him. Thus race and culture is different, and race does not mean culture. Culture is behaviour, you need the right genes to adhere to a culture, i.e. if you have genes that make in incapable of adhering to a certatin culture you cannot live by that culture; but that is an exception of bodily defect. Races are not defined by genetic exceptions, they are the commonality of successful genes by different evolutionary paths; basically all races are successful within their domain, that is why they survive. You are a racist, I am a "culturalist". All races have their strong points. By evolution success. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You said, quote, "I asked you how wanting repatriation of racial aliens in order that my race can live was "racist" You have to come up with a reason why wanting my people to survive is "racist". " You define "my people" based on race. I define "my people" based on culture. That is the difference. You are a racist, and I am a "culturalist". View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1940 comments Banning all talk of immigration is a gift to racists Per Per Guest a year ago I'll repeat since you didn't get it. You are a racist, by smell, explicitness of repatriation of immigrants (why should immigrants be repatriated if they have naturalised to UK culture? Merely because of their racial heritage, that is obvious from your post. You base your repatriation on race, not culture.) To answer your question, you said quote " I asked you how wanting repatriation of racial aliens in order that my race can live was "racist"" "You have to come up with a reason why wanting my people to survive is "racist"." You obviously define your people by race. I define my people by culture. That is the difference. Thus you are a racist. I am a "culturealist". 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago race n 1 one of a number of divisions of human beings, each with a different type of body: the black/white/brown races 2 a breed or type of animal or plant, esp. one useful to man for producing young of the same type: breed an improved race of cattle 3 a group of people with the same history, language, customs, etc : the German race|The British are a sea-going race 4 of or between divisions of human beings with different types of body: race relations 5 a (stated) type of creature: the human race ( = man in general)|the feathered race (humor = birds) - see FOLK (USAGE) (source: LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You are a racist, that is obvious from the post beginning with, quote: "We English are being race replaced. We are being killed off. We will be a minority in our own land within two generations, on current trends. There is only one word that properly describes this: genocide. We are being deliberately genocided, as called for by the father of the EU, Richard Coudenhove-Calergi. The only policy that is moral and right, the only policy that will ensure our survival, is the forced repatriation of the racial alien colonisers that have been forced on us. A Programme for National Survival 1) All "illegal immigrants" to self deport within 7 days, or have a bounty put on their head. Any Englishman can arrest an illegal immigrant, present him for deportation, and receive a cash sum. 2) All "legal immigrants" and offspring to leave within 2 years, with passage provided and a grant equal to 2 years average income in their land of origin. This to reduce by 1 months worth of same for each month they remain. Grant payable only to those without assets exceeding that amount. Assets over twice that amount to be forfeit. 3) Any "legal immigrants" remaining after 2 years become "illegal", and see (1) above. 4) The worst of the traitors who brought this upon us to be prosecuted in a nationalist court, and if found guilty punished with the only suitable penalty for attempted genocide." 5 posts below. You are a racist, by smell, explicitness of repatriation of immigrants (why should immigrants be repatriated if they have naturalised to UK culture? Merely because of their racial heritage, that is obvious from your post. You base your repatriation on race, not culture.) You are a racist, that is obvious. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Tripe (look up the word's meaning in the dictionary, really do). View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago There is an ocean of difference between a racist like you, frank, and Nationalist. I am against racism, but for Nationalism. I am against "free immigration" and anything near it; mass immigration is the death of Nations. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What tripe you posted. 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago All this religious stuff can get to your nerves. I just like to have a beer at times; like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice beer at Nyhavn. Is there a master plan? Is there a fate? What is so special about the number 37 in religious contexts (google "otherbiblecode")? If fate has made it true today, has it been true all along? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I would like to add something regarding my religion. A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. (from wikipedia entry "religion") Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. View in discussion Per Per Moi-Meme a year ago The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. (what good is your "master race" heritage if you are junkie (drug addict); thus culture is more important than race) The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Moi-Meme a year ago There is more genetic diversity WITHIN races than the difference BETWEEN races (the genes that define a race). It is my belief that the race issue is emotional and a mostly a sexual preference based on feelings of attraction. Not to be taken lightly, in other words. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1940 comments Banning all talk of immigration is a gift to racists Per Per Guest a year ago Seems your post was promoted by the telegraph team! (Note that you wrote this an hour ago, yet posts below are more recent) Your post must be considered important by them. [edit] This was apparently only true for a while. Now things seem in order again. I do not know why this article and responses were lifted above the others at the time. View in discussion Per Per ryhope1 a year ago Have you read Janet Daley's article? You obviously missed that she is speaking of a proposed *future* ban. She was not at all saying that it has been banned historically, which your whole lengthy post seem to hint at. View in discussion Per Per concerned whiteman a year ago No. Undercutting of wages is not possible in Britain. Not while the labour is on British soil, where the unions have influence. The British unions do not have influence in Bangladeshian sweat shops. But that is besides the point. The point was immigration to British soil. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Labour that people provide depends on two main things; (1) the characteristics or qualities of what they offer and (2) the price of this. The unions of UK will make sure that 3rd world labour does not undercut the established prices for labour; your point is mute there. So what remains is the quality they provide. Do really 3rd world labour surpass English quality labour? Don't think so; British labour is of good quality traditionally with education and experience from the 1st world. Therefore the "money train" do NOT want 3rd world immigration; they want quality immigration. Why then do UK (and Sweden) allow all these asylum immigration? Answer, the leftist international solidarity with the 3rd world. 2 View in discussion Per Per Ian Murray a year ago In relation to what (the post above)? 1 View in discussion Per Per Ian Murray a year ago Haven't you read Friedrich Nietzsche? The will to power (German: der Wille zur Macht) is a prominent concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. He is on to something, as well as Maria (desire to dominate and expand one's own community) 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well said. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Ah, women want more neat debates than men? Is that your theory? Or is it simply that men rather like to express their ego, more than women do? (In general) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Why do you think males probably is the large majority of the posters on these blogs? The deterring comments that you mensioned? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago These I suspect are women, you (of course) Moi-Meme frederica Girl4PM Abigail_Hulton Ida Finklestein Michaela Curwen any more? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1940 comments Banning all talk of immigration is a gift to racists Per Per a year ago Is it just me, but are there not more women on the blog lately? If true it is a nice change. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Janet says "liberals" want to ban immigration debate. Names, I want names! 1 View in discussion Per Per Hotscot a year ago Oh, that's why Californians are called seppoes or septics in Australia! View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am blond and blue eyed, much to the dislike of racist Diane Abbott (black) 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Yes I am concerned. I like the traditional Swedish culture (and the I love the English traditional culture); I do not want "Sharia Law" in Sweden in the next 30 years or so. 3 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago "Per" is a Swedish name (6th most common in Sweden, 2% of male Swedes have this as a given name) (actually Scandinavian, Danes and Norwegians (2% of Norwegians have this name)) The English version is Peer, now died out, but I hope more English will name their children Peer; its a nice name, actually. I am from Sweden with a British education. (O-levels and A-levels with good grades) View in discussion Per Per nobodyaskedus a year ago I choose "or" 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Honestly, I am against the UKIP (ugly name, for one thing, nothing like the name beauty of "Conservatives" or "Labour"), but I honestly think UKIP is needed as a force against all those promoting mass-immigration. UKIP is a healthy reaction to "free immigration" movements or anything near these. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Britain is an ‘El Dorado’ for thousands of migrants flocking to Calais because of generous handouts, the French port’s mayor has told MPs. Blaming the UK for the crisis, Natacha Bouchart said lavish benefits and the prospect of illegal work and accommodation were magnets for immigrants determined to get across the English Channel. She said illegal migrants, many fleeing humanitarian disasters in Africa and the Middle East, were ‘prepared to die’ to reach Britain, believing it to be like the mythical lost city of gold, El Dorado. (source Daily Mail: ) 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Racism makes the immigrants get an emotion that they really do not belong in England, they get an emotion that they are not welcome. Any group of people that do not feel that they belong to society, and thus fell they are outside the community will probably more crime prone, since they do not feel that they care about being part responsible for the society in England. Same phenomena in Sweden. It is my belief that criminals have a contempt for the people in society and thus are motivated to do crime since "it is not their rules", "it is the rules of the society they do not belong to." 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1940 comments Banning all talk of immigration is a gift to racists Per Per a year ago Excellent article, Janet Daley! Here is my contribution to the debate, to fight the "liberals" phobia on proper discussion. I can make a positive case for immigration. First though to get the right atmosphere I'll repeat a post. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) The most important issue in the world, in my view, is that of devolution of power. To counteract power concentrating trends and ideologies. Let me quote the Bible in this context, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”, NKJV This quote works against power concentration, since it causes, if followed by all, a consensus that the ruler shall devolve power to the weaker (in power terms). Now let me return to the issue of positive case for immigration. I am refugee friendly. This because if you are able to flee a power concentrated dictatorship, people there will be more brave to challenge the dictator apparatus. Thus there is a force in the world that makes dictators considerate not to get all too powerful, since then terrorism (ANC is an example of justified terrorism, though I am against terrorism in general, and most forms of terrorism) and violence can hurt the dictator. Thus for us in the west to be refugee friendly helps devolution of power in the world. Lasly, say no to racism. Racism is pushing down certain people and raising certain people only because of their race. Thus some people get critic on not what they are as a character, no matter how well they behave, no matter what good manners they have, no matter how prudent and wise they are, no matter how well they judge proportionally and balanced, but critic because of their biological heritage, their genes as a group of people, their race. Thus a white person that is a real disaster as a character might get more respect than a black person that behaves flawlessly. Is this right? Is this not a big problem? The issue is motivation to BEHAVE well. If white people get a free ride of respect simply because of their race, what motivation do they as a population have to behave well? If black people get condemned regardless of behaviour, simply because of race, what motivation do they have to behave well? Do you see the issue? We want a good society, and in a good society you get judged by your BEHAVIOUR, since this motivates people to behave well. If you get a free ride because of race belongings, or get condemned because of not being part of the "master" race, behaviour in society deteriorates. IS THIS CLEAR? 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 405 comments Three glasses of milk a day can lead to early death, warn scientists Per Per Ian Booth a year ago Actually the most part of the data was already paid for, by conducting extensive food intake questionnaires in the 1980's and 1990's. What they did now was just analyse the answers and correlating with death statistics. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Being born increases the chance of death to a 100% certainty. We should forbid being born! Since it is so deadly. Unless there is a next life, of course. 14 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Of course, Margret Thatcher had a gut feeling of this! "Milk, my dear child, you want milk, no my dear, you shall have none." 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1 comments From the archives: past Man Booker Prize winners Per Per a year ago The best book in the list is 1987 Moon Tiger by Penelope Lively. Really good. The best book I have read ever is Animal Farm by George Orwell, published 1945. If the booker prize was started earlier, say 1900, I am sure Animal Farm by George Orwell would have won it. My main conclusions about Animal Farm is as follows, Orwell's Rights, 1. All are equal but some are more equal 2. Four legs good, two legs bad (1) basically says we are equal and unequal concurrently, a paradoxical Right. (2) implies four legs and two legs are good since four legs is a double set of two legs; four legs include two legs, since it doesn't say "only". In the same way four legs and two legs are bad, since two legs are included in four legs. Thus there is options of personal interpretation in (2). Thus all animals in the farm are happy, including humans. This Right is agile, quite right. These are truly universal Rights, with important implications; think. I choose Orwell's Rights (OR). 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2498 comments Ed Miliband is trying to hitch a ride to Downing Street – from Nigel Farage Per Per David a year ago For your information, Dan Hodges is not fully employed by the telegraph. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Dan Hodges, I've been following you for about a month, intermittently. I would like to share a Danish proverb, that I will translate into English, "Almindelig sund fornuft er ikke så almindelig endda" "Common sense is not that common, after all." 10 View in discussion Per Per Arnaud Sachsen a year ago This I heard today form The Archers (BBC radio 4, listened over the internet) "The most people want from an artist is sincerity, and if you can fake that, you'll make it." View in discussion Per Per tinhat a year ago England unite with the Dane and Norse. Interesting. 1 View in discussion Per Per tinhat a year ago I am a Swede. The character of Swedes is honest and sweet; Considerate and manners; hope you see it. It has been prophesized “The light shall come from the North, and a new era will begin” I do not know who prophsized this, but it is on the internet This prophecy is self fulfilling. The people of the North hearing this will be motivated to provide quality light, to make the prophecy true; while people not belonging there will not feel the same motivation. Thus the prophecy fulfils itself by mere motivation. 1 View in discussion Per Per majorfailure a year ago No. What matters to the Telegraph is money. If people read the articles, money goes into DT. People read articles if they engage them emotionally. Look at all the comments. Need I say more. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Digest in my taste of Dan Hodges article, * Enoch Powell, the con MP, made popular anti immigration speeches and criticised con in favour of Labour, 2m votes swing votes for Labour because of this. * Now Ed Miliband is doing a Powell, in favour of UKIP, this time * Reason is to fight con, therefore the strategy is that con voters take con votes and vote for UKIP, UKIP swing votes are in 2:1 relationship former con:labour voters. * This is a stupid strategy and tactic, according to Dan H. * Labour is hoping for "Vote Farage, get Miliband" * Miliband’s own shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna : “Vile, abhorrent and un-British” * UKIP. This is a party that has just done a deal with a party lead by a holocaust denier for EU cash. impressions of abused children as part of its campaign strategy in Rotherham. Whose senior candidates tell women they should bear some responsibility for date rape. Whose councillors think gay people cause floods * Rochester and Strood by election coming up (20 Nov, 2014) 1 View in discussion Per Per Mark Newman a year ago Nigel Farage has an ounce of spine, you say... The only one with an ounce. The rest of the politicians has approx 2-7 kg of spine (bones make up 15% of the body weight; and I assume that about a third of the bone weight is the spine weight) 1 View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago Know each other? No I don't think so. I know you from your comments, especially about that talk of "Dave dissing white people infront of Muslims" and your apparent disappointment. The poem is for you to think about, regarding Cameron. Think. Especially current affairs today. View in discussion Per Per bonkers704 a year ago quote from you "Dan Hodges overdosing on sour grapes again." So you say his grapes are sour. Let me tell you another Danish proverb (see below for the first one) "De er sure, sagde ræven om rønnebærene, de hang for højt." translation, They are sour, said the fox about the rowanberry, they hung too high. or (loosely translated) They are sour, said the fox about the grapes, they hung too high. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2498 comments Ed Miliband is trying to hitch a ride to Downing Street – from Nigel Farage Per Per latue a year ago Here is a Danish proverb "Af to onder må man vælge det mindste." Of two bad things, one should choose the least bad. 3 View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago He was my twin brother. View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago latue, read the following poem that I have written. “Life” An Angel told me to hear; Hold your life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; Dedicated to Ola View in discussion Per Per latue a year ago I said that. It was a message directed to you. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Latue: I have full faith in David Cameron. Think. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What matters is culture, not race. Not white among blacks or blacks among whites. Behaviour is primarily based on culture (and in some respect to genes - but genetic variation AMONG a specific race is much greater than the difference of race commonality (what defines a race) genes BETWEEN races. This is scientific data.) The safety lies in how good people BEHAVE. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago NO. I am not for repatriation (sending back the immigrants). Those that are already here can stay, in other words. What matters is culture. It matters more than race. I want the culture we have in Sweden to prevail, and I want the culture in UK to prevail. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago The South African Apartheid regime were doing terroism on the blacks opposing the justified struggle against the racist regime. They were torturing and causing terror among the blacks. Good for whites in SA they forgave. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am refugee friendly. I am absolutely against free immigration and anything near it. Thus I want some justified immigration, but there has to be LIMITS. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I'll repost the comment, since most people probably don't follow links, I can make a positive case for immigration. First though to get the right atmosphere I'll repeat a post. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) The most important issue in the world, in my view, is that of devolution of power. To counteract power concentrating trends and ideologies. Let me quote the Bible in this context, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”, NKJV This quote works against power concentration, since it causes, if followed by all, a consensus that the ruler shall devolve power to the weaker (in power terms). Now let me return to the issue of positive case for immigration. I am refugee friendly. This because if you are able to flee a power concentrated dictatorship, people there will be more brave to challenge the dictator apparatus. Thus there is a force in the world that makes dictators considerate not to get all too powerful, since then terrorism (ANC is an example of justified terrorism, though I am against terrorism in general, and most forms of terrorism) and violence can hurt the dictator. Thus for us in the west to be refugee friendly helps devolution of power in the world. Lasly, say no to racism. To read an interesting set of comments on this, read, 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2498 comments Ed Miliband is trying to hitch a ride to Downing Street – from Nigel Farage Per Per Guest a year ago Dan has written an excellent article. For an interesting view on immigration and racism, check out this I wrote a couple of days ago, (Wait a few seconds until you are taken automatically to the right post) All in my humble opinion. View in discussion Per Per El Presidente del Mundo a year ago Have you clicked on the link? There it is obvious. I am against racism. View in discussion Per Per El Presidente del Mundo a year ago Check out this discussion on racism, Check out what I wrote (Per) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Well written, Dan! Good research, whose data I assume is correct. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 204 comments The public deserves better than stealth NHS closures Per Per a year ago Here is a digest in my taste of Julia Mannings excellent article, for clarity * Changes to NHS policy proposed by staff gets high resistance by public and MPs * The problem is that we are getting older and more ills can be cured; this stresses the budget of NHS * MPs point out mistakes by NHS, wether justified or not, to win votes, giving the public a unbalanced picture * Prevention of lifestyle ills such as obesity is important * The budget of NHS is limited, therefore we need to do that hard prioritisation, meaning we deny some care because of high relative cost View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 216 comments Can a woman be happy without having kids? Per Per a year ago Wanting to have children, as a woman, is in my opinion based on two main things. 1. Genes; some genes makes us emotionally want to have many children 2. Culture; the group pressure of what is norm and appropriate; one do not want to be regarded as an odd ball; friends and family want you as a woman to have kids. Evolution and a current economy of surplus will make sure that those women with genes and/or culture that favours many children will increase. It's simple evolutionary theory. Why then aren't there only "many children" families today. Simply because historically the economy was tougher; many children had to be supported, in ancient times when evolution made us, people starved at times, and those families with prudent culture and genes regarding the number of children survived. Of course, invention of contraceptives made their part why have less children today. One might argue that the sex drive and no contraceptions resulted in many children families. But now that we have contraceptives, those with genes that naturally want many children around them, and a welfare state to support them will result in more and more families will have many children. Same with culture; certain cultures will gain more and more children. Those with no emotion for children and no cultural group pressure will be sieved out of the gene pool. Just a simple theory, in my humble opinion. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 427 comments What if, instead, Reeva Steenkamp had shot Oscar Pistorius? Per Per a year ago If you are a successful sportsman like Oscar, then you have proved to the world that you have discipline, since discipline is necessary to succeed in training and competition. If you have discipline, you have self control and follow rules that you believe are good for you. If you hold a gun in your hand, and you know that you loved one is in the house, an obvious self evident rule that comes to mind is not to shoot at random through a door. You instinctively check first. The question that is natural to ask is, "Is it possible that my highest love is behind that door?" If you have discipline you follow simple rules of safety if you have a gun. A simple rule is "If this gun is pointed to a loved one, don't pull the trigger." You do not shoot if you follow this simple rule of elementary safety. Oscar is guilty, in my humble opinion. 22 View in discussion Per Per Steve a year ago But the issue is if the personality profile of Oscar fits with this behaviour at hand. View in discussion Per Per Steve a year ago But killing? Why would you kill for a row? Is Oscar hot tempered and impulsive? View in discussion Per Per MartynK a year ago That's what it basically said in the link I provided (in Swedish) View in discussion Per Per Steve a year ago I assume you are a white South African. Correct? [edit] I read your history, you say you are a South African working in the aviation industry. I've been to Pretoria, Joburg, Midrand, Rustenburg [edit again] To be honest I have a feeling I have been to Pretoria and Joburg. I know fresh from memory I've been to Midrand (2000) and Rustenburg I remember well (1980s). I have been to Jan Smuts airport, as it was called then. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Swedish police use hollow point ammunition as standard. Hollow point ammunition is forbidden by military use by the Haag treaty of 1899. But they use it.ålspetsammunition View in discussion Per Per mediocrebadguy a year ago One voice on TV that came across to me was that people in Husby were being harassed continuously by the police. They were being personally searched for drugs, weapons etc all the time. How many times would you accept being frisked, without being irritated. 1 View in discussion Per Per mediocrebadguy a year ago All police on "outer duty" carry firearms in Sweden. They shot and killed a lunatic in Husby. This was the spark that ignited the Husby riots with car fires etc among immigrants and second generation immigrants in Husby, Sweden (Stockholm), in my humble opinion. View in discussion Per Per mediocrebadguy a year ago UK police do not carry firearms? Wow. I did not know that. In Sweden police carry firearms. View in discussion Per Per mediocrebadguy a year ago Tell that to the cops of UK. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 427 comments What if, instead, Reeva Steenkamp had shot Oscar Pistorius? Per Per mediocrebadguy a year ago "What you don't have in your natural Gun, you have to have in your bought gun." View in discussion Per Per mediocrebadguy a year ago Maybe she was looking at dirty pictures on the smartphone, and groaning, maybe this was what Oscar got mad about... 1 View in discussion Per Per Steve a year ago Plausible. View in discussion Per Per Simplisticus a year ago Maybe knowing he was asleep, but people can wake up. It is the same situation when you lock the bathroom door when you are alone in the apartment, but you imagine that your partner could come home, so you lock the door even though you are alone. People use the mobile phone to surf on while doing their business in the bathroom. 1 View in discussion Per Per Simplisticus a year ago You don't you say. I assume you live with a partner, otherwise you comment wouldn't be relevant. Would you not find it embarrassing if your partner opened the bathroom door as you used the toilet sitting down? 5 View in discussion Per Per spysparks a year ago Locking the bathroom door is routine behaviour. You do it almost as an instinct, regardless of where you are. 10 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 25 comments Dinner party betrayal will always leave a bitter taste Per Per Per a year ago To print the recipe 1 highlight all the text you are interested in (left click and drag over text until all is blue) 2 right click on the blue and choose copy 3. Open notepad, wordpad (widows), word (windows and mac) or textedit (mac) or google drive. 4. Paste text in word processor by right clicking in empty area and choose paste 5. Print Note part of the terms and conditions of telegraph You may use the Site for personal non-commercial use only. You may only download and print extracts of the Content for your own personal non-commercial use. You may not: (1) download or print any Content or extracts in a systematic or regular manner or otherwise so as to create a database in electronic or paper form comprising all or part of the Content from the Site; nor Keyword is systematic or regular. View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote: "What’s the best measure of social intimacy: the frequency with which you break bread with a person, or the fact that you know their mobile number and drop a Christmas card through their letterbox?" The obvious answer is of course, breakfast, lunch or dinner invitations as a social gathering. Dinner is a great reason to meet up, talk and learn about each other's character, emotional attitude and courteousness, among other things. Of course it could just be to have some fun, and break the monotony of regular life. Of course you do not want to be turned down, when you invide, that hurts. You need a concrete reason, if you want to meet somebody new who you have gotten interested in. You can invite to a good restaurant, and say that you will pick up the bill. That is a concrete reason. I am from Sweden, and I will therefore share with you all reading this a concrete reason to invite somebody home to you. The concrete reason is to try a well tasting Swedish dish with Russian roots. It is always exciting to taste a new dish, that is well tasting. The dish is call Biff a la Lindström. The story is that Henrik Lindström came from St. Petersburg and introduced the dish in a restaurant in Sweden, ordering the ingredients to the table, and he and his dinner guests mixed the ingredients and then sent the beefs to the kitchen to fry. I have eaten it many times, especially in Botswana, where our maid Mariam made this dish because the people who lived in the house before us (we inherited the maid) were also Swedish, and she had learnt to cook the dish very well. The dish is very easy to make. Just mix all the ingredients in a bowl, salt and pepper and then fry the eight beefs with butter or margarine for 3-4 minutes on each side. Serve with boiled potatoes with mustard, grated horseradish, and capers. Tip for children's menu: serve with brown sauce, or cream sauce. Ingredients: 400 gr minced meat (from cow) 1 regular onion (finely diced) 1.5 decilitre (0.15 liters) diced pickled beetroots (ordinary) 2 tablespoons diced pickled cucumber (ordinary that you have on sandwiches) 2 eggs 1 tablespoon capers 1 teaspoon of salt 2 ml (2/1000 liters) ground black pepper or to taste To serving boiled peeled potates french mustard capers grated horseradish With this on the menu, a measure of social intimacy is more or less guaranteed, if they eat it for the first time and you cook well according to recipe. (based on recipe from ) A note. Not all people like Biff à la Lindström. I met with this lady Tatjana, who lives in Sweden since many years and was born in Minsk, she said she did not like Biff Lindström, strangely enough. But she like beetroots. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2 comments Manchester City could extend Frank Lampard stay with New York City to undergo MLS pre-season in Manchester Per Per a year ago New York City FC is the second team in New York, the other team being Red Bulls (yes owned by that soft drink company) Los Angeles have two teams in MLS. MLS is now profitable. The average franchise value in MLS franchises is now around $100M. MLS have now greater average attendance than NBA and NHL. (Around 17,900 in 2011) The goal of the MLS is 24 teams, by 2020. From USA and Canada. Homer Simpson: Ow! Uh, America will never embrace soccer. We'll see about that quote. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2667 comments Things are bad for Labour – but they could get a lot worse Per Per tinhat a year ago "Peer Gynt" is a work by Norwegian Henrik Ibsen. 127 males in Sweden are called Peer. 2% of the population in Sweden are called Per as a given name. (6th most common) 2% of Norwegians (2nd most common) 1% of Danes Per Gessle of Roxette (he basically wrote the songs of Roxette, and vocals together with Marie Fredriksson) is probably the most famous "Per" in the world. View in discussion Per Per network6 a year ago Marxism: "Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict, that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation." Classes are a reality. Economic classes, ethnic classes, cultural classes, educational classes, etc. To ignore this is ignorant. Relations of these classes are thus important. Societal conflicts are important. Materialist interpretations of historical development is important. ("Material girl" by Madonna shows this in culture) dialectic the art or method of arguing, and of examining the ideas and activities in the mind, according to certain rules of question and answer. This is certainly important (relating to this blog's opposing posts, for example) Societal transformation is happening every year. Thus, Marxism is important. QED View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago But "bovine feces" is a traditional fertilizer which help plants to grow. So that we can have food and eat. View in discussion Per Per network6 a year ago "Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler." Albert Einstein I am considering that you have made it too simple. quote: "There is no single definitive Marxist theory; Marxist analysis has been applied to diverse subjects and has been misconceived and modified during the course of its development, resulting in numerous and sometimes contradictory theories that fall under the rubric of Marxism or Marxian analysis" View in discussion Per Per a year ago I came across an interesting set of words today, at a Swedish site. "Religion of Westmarxism" What is that? ( View in discussion Per Per a year ago I am interested in English politics and the Engish folk mind. Do Engllish people mainly concentrate on the issues of politics (e.g. what the politicians promise) or on the actual people of politics (their character, personality who supports who etc) I would say, judging from my experience of these discussions, that the people of Britain focuses on the people behind the stages of official talk. "You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?" 1 View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago Of course the price tag of alcohol is important. If they made alcohol prohibitively expensive (and curbed black market production and sales) people would not drink alcohol. Of course you have to remember the Prohibition era of USA, where they in the constitution made an amendment prohibiting alcohol, and then when they found out that illegal sales expanded the maffia movement, made another amendment to the constitution cancelling the first amendment prohibiting alcohol. Ugly amendments. View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago That's right. You have understood the notion correctly. There a bigger price tag than what it says on the bottle of the booze. Society cost in total of alcohol consumption, that is. Not to mention the cost of human tragedies of alcoholism, to the alcoholic and the family including children. 1 View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago They? You mean me? I having a beer right now. I might drink some single malt Scotch (Lagavulin) before I go to bed from this evenings exercises at the keyboard. View in discussion Per Per longwayhome a year ago Including minimum price for labour? E.g. minimum wage. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 385 comments Now can we have a peerage for someone willing to make the positive case for immigration? Per Per a year ago I can make a positive case for immigration. First though to get the right atmosphere I'll repeat a post. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) The most important issue in the world, in my view, is that of devolution of power. To counteract power concentrating trends and ideologies. Let me quote the Bible in this context, “We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”, NKJV This quote works against power concentration, since it causes, if followed by all, a consensus that the ruler shall devolve power to the weaker (in power terms). Now let me return to the issue of positive case for immigration. I am refugee friendly. This because if you are able to flee a power concentrated dictatorship, people there will be more brave to challenge the dictator apparatus. Thus there is a force in the world that makes dictators considerate not to get all too powerful, since then terrorism (ANC is an example of justified terrorism, though I am against terrorism in general, and most forms of terrorism) and violence can hurt the dictator. Thus for us in the west to be refugee friendly helps devolution of power in the world. Lasly, say no to racism. To read an interesting set of comments on this, read, 4 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 100 comments Vincent Kompany hits out at 'unacceptable' presence of CSKA Moscow fans, asking: 'who's being done for racism?' Per Per laffalot a year ago "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." Adolf Hitler "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler." Albert Einstein (source both quotes: ) Racism is a too simple solution, repeated endlessly by some. View in discussion Per Per laffalot a year ago Racism is pushing down certain people and raising certain people only because of their race. Thus some people get critic on not what they are as a character, no matter how well they behave, no matter what good manners they have, no matter how prudent and wise they are, no matter how well they judge proportionally and balanced, but critic because of their biological heritage, their genes as a group of people, their race. Thus a white person that is a real disaster as a character might get more respect than a black person that behaves flawlessly. Is this right? Is this not a big problem? The issue is motivation to BEHAVE well. If white people get a free ride of respect simply because of their race, what motivation do they as a population have to behave well? If black people get condemned regardless of behaviour, simply because of race, what motivation do they have to behave well? Do you see the issue? We want a good society, and in a good society you get judged by your BEHAVIOUR, since this motivates people to behave well. If you get a free ride because of race belongings, or get condemned because of not being part of the "master" race, behaviour in society deteriorates. IS THIS CLEAR? 1 View in discussion Per Per laffalot a year ago Cheating is dishonesty. Everyone is watching, nothing is hidden, thus the diving, theatrics etc are all in the open for judging. Thus it is not dishonest. Thus not cheating. A little bit of theatrics that you get away with from the referee is part of the game; it makes football evoke emotions, and therefore makes football all the more fun to watch. Of course the referee has to be good with watchful eyes and give a yellow card or even red card every now and then. So that things do not get out of hand. 1 View in discussion Per Per laffalot a year ago Cheat - dishonest, deceitful, true. The question is if it is dishonest if the referee allows it. Of course, there is various degrees of cheating. If you take a knife and stabs an opponent player while the referee is not looking, that is a big cheat. But that doesn't happen, does it? What I am saying is that all the crowd is watching, TV is watching, you are aware of diving, theatrics etc, thus it is not dishonest, since most sees it. It is fun and evokes emotions. Football is more fun with gambles of diving, theatrics etc. Real cheating is when you do dishonesty that none is seeing, e.g. secretly adding performance inhibiting chemicals in the water bottles of the opposing team. 1 View in discussion Per Per Mr-Ed a year ago The referee is under watchful eyes and judgement. 1 View in discussion Per Per laffalot a year ago What you exemplified (diving, theatrics etc) is part of the game, it is allowed within bounds of the referee; thus by definition it is not cheating. 1 View in discussion Per Per laffalot a year ago No. The referee will make sure that cheating is curbed. The onlookers of the match, and thus media (who want support from watchers), will motivate that the referee keeps himself/herself within bounds of the rules. If you refer to lie down matches (lose on purpose) due to gambling and bribery, you cannot lose all the time, (cheat all the time) since then you are out of the league. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Racism is a curse. Manchester City (the actual city, not the football team) has twin cities in the world of different nations to make this clear, I guess. Did you know that Los Angeles is a twin city of Manchester City. 1 View in discussion Per Per Marago a year ago Say no to racism. Have it as part of your religion. E.g. the Bible (New King James Version) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, NKJV) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1267 comments These pointless plots are a sign of wider discontent Per Per Per a year ago I actually checked what I had written, for once. What I said was nothing near extremely negative about Fox News. I asked a question "You mean like Fox News in USA?", after nickname Bell had said he "wanted the conservatives to start a propaganda conservative newspaper like the marxists have done with guardian." View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago All this religious stuff can get to your head. I just like to have a beer every now and then. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice beer at Nyhavn. My highest wish is to go to Degerfors (I want to see the giant pots made from the ice age) and have a beer there. View in discussion Per Per oopiop a year ago I can agree with that in principle. Sure, Russia want Europe to be trading partner. But Russia, and I for that matter, don't like when we in Europe interfere with Russia's business (e.g. Ukraine). I think it is best if Ukraine is left alone by both EU and Russia. What I meant with Russia want a weak EU is that Russia don't like when Ukraine wants to be part of EU. If Ukraine stays out of the EU and continues to do business with Russia, only then Russia can accept a fairly strong Europe, otherwise I think Russia want a split and weak Europe. So if EU respects Russia, then Russia doesn't want a weak Europe (considering China, USA etc). But if EU interferes and don't respect Russia, then Russia wants Europe weak. View in discussion Per Per oopiop a year ago No. I am certainly not looking forward to "Popular Muslim Front" and Sharia laws in Sweden. View in discussion Per Per Stout Yeoman a year ago This kind of blog would be absolutely unthinkable by a Swedish newspaper. I made a comment i SvD (a Swedish newspaper) where I said more articles should be allowed to be commented on in SvD and then I said I liked the telegraph and "Watch the telegraph..." That comment was deleted. View in discussion Per Per nobodyaskedus a year ago Thank you. Good to have a chat with you too. View in discussion Per Per nobodyaskedus a year ago Oops. Got me. Well basically know that UKIP is a fairly new party. And they are libertarians want to get out of EU (I am for getting out of EU should the negative aspects of the EU conditions be too large) and are for restrictions on immigration (which I am for). I am against libertarians and for conservatism, politically. That's about it. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Maybe we have had or are having a Rotherham in Sweden, that the journalists think is to sensitive to report. How do I know? View in discussion Per Per Stout Yeoman a year ago Rotherham was a nasty set of events of 20 years. Labour is to blame for the cover-up there. Still no reporting of Rotherham in Swedish media. I guess it is a sensitive issue for the Swedish journalists - one of the writers in Expressen said today "Islamophobia is a huge and serious issue" 1 View in discussion Per Per pobinr a year ago In short, the issues are 1. NHS quality 2. Immigration 3. Schooling 4 Jobs 5. EU IN/OUT 6. Crime/Law enforcement 7. Environement Cameron has in the past 4.5 years together with his speech at the Con Conference addressed all these points for the better. Labour ruins everything. Vote UKIP get labour. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1267 comments These pointless plots are a sign of wider discontent Per Per a year ago The kippers are like stubborn silly little children. They don't want to eat the meat (vote conservatives), even though it the best for them. "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?" (Another Brick in the Wall, by Pink Floyd) 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You're a Scot? Scotland has many fine single malt Scotchs. My mother and father comes to visit me on wednesday, I'll offer my father a choice of either Laphroaig 18yrs or Lagavulin 16yrs with spring water, no ice. 1 View in discussion Per Per shipponlass a year ago But you have to understand the importance of big politics. The Indians in USA fought each other and started to make deals with the white settlers. Look where that left them. Consider big politics. The Indians should have sent ships to china, russia, or elsewhere and try to make allies against the white settlers. Big politics in other words. Do you think UK can do without considering big politics? View in discussion Per Per extorynowUKIP a year ago Well, let me tell you I got the inspiration for this post from this joke on the internet, Heaven, Hell, and Bill Gates Bill Gates dies in a car accident. He finds himself in purgatory, being sized up by St. Peter. "Well, Bill, I'm really confused on this call; I'm not sure where to send you. After all, you helped society enormously by putting a computer in almost every home in America, yet you also created that ghastly Windows'95. I'm going to do something I've never done before. In your case; I'm going to let you decide whether you want to go to Heaven or Hell." Bill replied, "Well, what's the difference between the two?" St. Peter: "I'm willing to let you visit both places briefly, if it will help your decision." Bill: "Fine, but where should I go first?" St. Peter: "I'll leave that up to you." "Okay then," said Bill, "Let's try Hell first." So Bill went to Hell. It was a beautiful, clean, sandy beach with clear waters and lots of bikini-clad women running around, playing in the water, laughing, and frolicking about. The sun was shining; the temperature was perfect. Bill was very pleased. "This is great!" he told St. Peter. "If this is hell, I REALLY want to see heaven!" "Fine," said St. Peter, and off they went. Heaven was a place high in the clouds, with angels drifting about, playing harps and singing. It was nice, but not as enticing as Hell. Bill thought for a minute, and rendered his decision. "Hmmm. I think I'd prefer Hell," he told St. Peter. "Fine," retorted St. Peter, "as you desire." So Bill Gates went to Hell. Two weeks later, St. Peter decided to check on the late billionaire to see how he was doing in Hell. When he got there, he found Bill, shackled to a wall, screaming amongst hot flames in dark caves, being burned and tortured by demons. "How's everything going?" he asked Bill. Bill responded, with his voice filled with anguish and disappointment, "This is awful! This is nothing like the Hell I visited two weeks ago! I can't believe this is happening! What happened to that other place, with the beautiful beaches, the scantily-clad women playing in the water?" "That was a demo," replied St. Peter. (source: ) View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago DavEd CamerBand (the nickname on these blogs at the telegraph, he's probably Russian, my guess is that he is on assignment) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Russia want a weak split Europe. They want UK to leave the EU. USA wants a strong united Europe. They want a United States of Europe. Pestilence or cholera? 1 View in discussion Per Per polnan a year ago No. You can certainly vote as you wish for. But before you vote, you should preferably do hard work and inform yourself (or infotainment, such as this blog) Votes are important. There is so much in a name, alone. Imagine you died and woke up in a bed. You went up and washed yourself and put clothes on that were given to you. Then you were asked to be before a committee. They asked you one question. Do you want to go to Heaven or do you want to go to Hell? Right there I would only say "I want to go to Heaven.". Simply because what Heaven is supposed to be, in contrast to Hell. Others might start asking questions. What is Heaven like? What is Hell like? Who is ruling in Heaven? Who is ruling in Hell. You might be told that you can live a good life in Hell. You might be told that there are pleasures not allowed in Heaven that is allowed in Hell. Etc etc. You start to consider the options... But I would still go with Heaven, simply because of the name. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The kippers just don't get it, it seems. Some of them bolster that they have the answers, and then when asked what the answers are the response is "Don't cast pearls on swines..." (approx quote from the Bible) Well I think that is just bolstering up their case without actually having a ground to stand on. UKIP is anti EU and anti immigration, that is their solutions. Good. But problem is that the world in the UK scene is more complex than that. I don't think UKIP can deliver on hard issues, or deliver very poorly, simply because its a new party with no history of connections and hard earned experience. I'll repeat a post, since kippers don't understand that voting UKIP will get Labour into power. We've seen what Hollande has done for France. And Labour are pro EU (no referendum) pro immigration. Worst possible scenaria for kippers in other words if Labour wins, which they will do if you vote UKIP and not conservative. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. 1 View in discussion Per Per ogga1 a year ago Wait until "Popular Muslim Front" party applies for general elections... Who is the winner then? View in discussion Per Per woohoo02 a year ago Bill Oddie is a zeppo (seppo?) what they call Americans in Australia. Full of you know what. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1267 comments These pointless plots are a sign of wider discontent Per Per twizzle a year ago "Speaking out exaggerated appraisal or critic, generosity or budget cuts (greed) is all about showing off with apparent action worthiness, when they know at their back of their minds that society will collapse. In this case, it’s all about a big laugh." View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Me neither. View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago No. It's all about politics. The traditional left right arguments. Did you know that you cannot get an private insurance for a child that has been diagnosed with a genetic disease? It's simple math for the insurance companies. The vulnerable in Britain will lose if we have "free immigration". Yet the vulnerable are stupid enough to agree with this "open door" policies, out of compassion. But their own stupidity is why they are vulnerable in the first place. The rich will always manage. It is the vulnerable in the nation that are hurt by free immigration. View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago No. That would be unethical to many Britons who are vulnerable. They should enjoy the NHS as it is. It is all by practical incomes and expenses. As long as the total cost doesn't sky rocket we can afford Britons with expensive diseases. There is a much more simple way. Contain immigration. No matter what Barosso says. View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago Well EU is what it is. If you have a job, no matter how low paid, you can enter the country, as a resident. And as a resident you have the right to enjoy the NHS. Some diseases are very very costly. They cannot even be repaid by a briton, ever (in this life). View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago quote "Don't you think the British taxpayer deserves a measure of respect for his effort?" Absolutely. View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago Well, regarding your wording "mongrel", Britons, are mongrels, as a poster pointed out before. Just want to say, Absolutely not free immigration. Absolutely not racism. View in discussion Per Per islandpilot a year ago What you do is for example this. Say you have a sick child in cancer in Romania. The health care is disappointing and the child will die. What do you do. The father has connections with some Romanians in UK and get them to hire him for a low pay. Thus the family gets into the UK. Well there, the child gets the NHS benefits and is rescued. At a cost,, of course, for UK. It's hard facts, we have to be honest with hard facts. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago David Davis, pictured above, looks very similar to Julian Assange (wikileaks), don't you think? Cameron, stay steady! Focus on the two most important issues for UK, namely (1) NHS and (2) Immigration. Barosso challenges Cameron saying putting a cap on EU-immigraion is "illegal". Cameron, stay steady. Have the perseverance and bravery of Thatcher. If the EU keeps insisting on non-limited free movement of people to the UK, well then the UK has to leave. Simple as that. To be decided in an election 2017, if Cameron wins 7th May next year. And just have trade deals with the EU. The NHS and immigration is linked. If NHS proves itself in the future to be excellent, then immigration from EU might well surge simply because they want good health care for themselves (as sick people) or the their chldren (being sick) Lots of sick people will immigrate to UK if UK succeeds in a good NHS. If sick people enter the UK then the economy will be hurt in the UK and NHS will loose its funding base (tax income). Thus not staying steady with a stiff upper lip against immigration will be self defeating. Thus you need to contain immigration for a good NHS. As a last note, Churchill said voting for a party is like betting on a horse. I would rather say voting for a party is like being a supporter for a football club. If the club wins Premier League (aka general election) then all the glory to the supporters. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 160 comments Fracking: the explosive truth Per Per tomsykes a year ago Yes and no. Yes that they use secret chemicals in the USA (I saw this "Vetenskapens Värld" television documentary in Swedish TV). No that I do not know what chemicals they use in the USA (or Britain, for that matter, or anywhere else) 3 View in discussion Per Per GKahnesq a year ago You argument that you have repeated does not hold. Many get funding regardless of their conclusions about climate change. They could devour into other subjects and get as much funding. Further, it is risky for their funding to dwell into controversial subjects, since this could actually risk their funding. A large portion of the US population and big companies with their lobbying don't believe in climate change, and in democracies politicians that govern funding to scientists listen to the public and large companies. 2 View in discussion Per Per GKahnesq a year ago Are you saying that scientists (the majority of them) don't have a conscience, and simply go for the buck? Your implication of this will make many scientists really angry with you. 3 View in discussion Per Per mjmwhite a year ago Did you know that FRACKING involves chemicals THAT ARE SECRET. Who do you trust? The big fracking companies and their chemical labs? 6 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I am for "better safe than sorry". I am for hard work and evolution before cheating. It is tempting to cheat, "A quick fix", "A quick hack", but I prefer conservatism and labour. If you want to try new technology, do it in a confined area; fracking is covering such large areas; therefore I am against it. 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Fracking is all about fossil fuels. I am for taxing CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. I believe nickname French_kissed_by_god is with me on this, judging by posts made by him/her in this thread. Tax works as reverse subsidy, it motivates people to decrease the taxable entity. For example, if it is established that fossil CO2 emmisions leads in the future 100 years to a warmer harsher environment with significant raised sealevels, then that harsher environment incurs a increased cost of living for the inhabitants 100 years from now; do we have the right, with our current knowledge, to incur this cost? CO2 is rising. This wikipedia (at the bottom) shows the graphs. Those graphs also show that CO2 historically (ancient) has had even larger percentages; however humans and their constructions did not exist then, and if we assume a warmer climate then and risen seas, no coastal cities were drenched, no farmland were flooded, increased spread of malaria and dengue fever did not affect any humans. But now we see a temperature rise, and we forecast rising sea levels and with that flooding of lowland coastal land; less housing and less arable land - less food - more dieseases - in short, harsher living conditions for inhabitants 100 years from now With warming climate, there will be almost certainly a redistribution of fertile and desert lands, this is in the nature of the stochastic (randomness) weather. What if climate change makes India and China a large desert, both nuclear armed countries; will they just lay down and die, or will they, as the human spirit in most calls for, fight for their survival by, for example, occupying fertile land in other countries? In such a scenario, migration pressure will also increase, and this will almost certainly leed to large influxes to nations with arable land, since what is politically correct do to, which most politicians have as thier policiy nowadays, is to be humane and not watch all those millions starve. Can you see the gamble here? We gamble with the wealth of our future generations, future children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces; all in the name of comfort for us, even though the sacrifise need not be that rough, if done right. 2 View in discussion Per Per Richard a year ago No. I do not freeze my **** off. There are better technologies available now to maintain a good standard of living. E.g. Solar power. Solar PV and large scale nuclear power, and coal was in 2012 on the same approximate (within 50%, were are not talking many times more expensive) LCOE (Levelised Cost of Energy in EU according a study by Ecofys newly published report ”Subsidies and costs of EU energy - An interim report” ) if you don't trust the EU read this report, If you like wikipedia, read this, 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Fracking is a new technology. We have to be very cautious and careful with the introduction of new technologies. How long will our civilisation survive? If civilisation survives, what quality of life will our children, grandchildren nieces and nephews, and their children have further on? Fracking is supposed to destroy the ground water. There is an equation called Drake's equation. The interesting factor there is how long a technological civilisation lasts. As technology develops, technology becomes more and more sensitive. The power to destroy and harm others becomes more and more sensitive, as things look now. Meaning that single or a small group of persons can actually play Gods. An example of this is "Do-It-Yourself" (DIY) biochemistry kits that sell off the internet. In the future, one lunatic might have the power to destroy the entire human race. Religion might help here, since most religious followers are afraid of damnation. If you destroy God or the Gods' creation, you might be in for a really nasty surprise in life after death. 90% of the world population believes in life after death. God or the Gods probably think that their "Aquarium" is a beautiful creation, and they have waited a long time for it to be interesting and really fun to follow. How mad and full of wrath do you think God or the Gods will be if you deprive them of the joy and fun of this world, the Aquarium? As always when you are about to make an important decision, you should ask, what do I personally have to gain, and what do I personally have to lose. If you don't believe in God or Gods and life after death, you might consider that you will die one day and you can't really enjoy the fruits of your work and decisions. Life might be extended in the future, but you will surely die one day in theis world, ask the physicists. "800 grader C" by Ebba Grön, translation "800 degrees C" is a punk classic in Sweden. (from the album "Kärlek och uppror") I would love an English version of this great song. If you are interested in a solution to the above dilemma, ask Lotta at 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 206 comments Premier League's greatest ever players 100-81 Per Per a year ago It seems ManU has the best players from this list. Why are they not above City in the Premier League, currently? Why have City won the last two years of Premier League? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2667 comments Things are bad for Labour – but they could get a lot worse Per Per a year ago The constituency democracy system should really only have two parties to vote for. Like in the USA for most of the time (there was a time when Ross Perot tried). Otherwise you might get an unrepresentative government. 60% of votes for centre-right parties, yet labour with 35% of total votes wins the general election. Think about it. View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote "Minimum sales prices for alcohol are a startlingly bad idea. As with excise duties, the effects are regressive." Nigel Farage (source: (and Nigel of course)) At least he cares about the alcoholics at the pub... View in discussion Per Per swindonukipper a year ago quote "The con rebranding as New Labour..." You mean Labour rebranding as New Labour. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago If the dam bursts? When will that happen? Better to dig canals . 1 View in discussion Per Per Scradje a year ago The problem is when "Popular Muslim Front" applies for a party status for general elections. Labour might regret "opening doors". 5 View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago I am white blue-eyed and blond. Many are blond in Sweden. [edit] To be precise I am "Medium blond hair" View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago No. Per is common only in the Nordic countries. I am from Sweden. You should know that by now. 1 View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago He. Per is a given male Swedish name. 6th most common in Sweden, infact. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago You have been described as adolescent. After you repeating endlessly "filthy tory" in the following thread, You are very "adolescent American" in behaviour on this site. (follow the link in the link) View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago There are probably children reading this blog. Children don't understand irony. I am being considerate to them. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2667 comments Things are bad for Labour – but they could get a lot worse Per Per rockerjohn42 a year ago irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago Rubish. It is racism. Blacks can be racist as well. You should know that by now. View in discussion Per Per rockerjohn42 a year ago Diane Abbott, "Born in London 1953" "MP 1987 for Labour" ""blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls" were unsuitable as nurses because they had "never met a black person before"" (a racist remark by Abbott) 8 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Lord Freud gets bad publicity in the wikipedia article: View in discussion Per Per MrJones a year ago No. Voting for a party is much like being a supporter of a football club. You don't betray the club. If Con and Lab would form a coalition together, a lot, and I mean a lot, of people would be really upset. It would be like City and United formed a coalition. Ugly. What would happen (if a coalition Con Lab formed) is that in the election 2020, UKIP would gain a lot more votes. Look what happened to LibDem when they formed a coalition. People left them. View in discussion Per Per Ian Murray a year ago From Monty Python's "Life of Brian" (1979) Banned totally in Norway. View in discussion Per Per IvorSchwartzporsche a year ago You are right. View in discussion Per Per oopiop a year ago "Different thoughts are good for me" (from the song "Twist in my sobriety" by "divine" Tanita Tikaram) I like the Telegraph. I like to say "Watch the telegraph..." View in discussion Per Per a year ago What I love about the Labour, and left wing values in general is the following quote: "Many rightist personalities are not humble as to what they might have been born to. They say “I am lucky with good genes, and that is all that matters, and call people idiot, paedophile, stupid, homosexual, lower race etc etc, as to raise their self-esteem by pushing down others who simply unlucky with bad genes. It is ugly because they fool other’s to like them simply because of their lucky genes; this issue is more complex than good genes, it is about upbringing, hard work, respect, manners and common sense." View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote: " months from polling day." Have you decided how you are going to vote? What culture does Labour stand for? What culture does Conservatives stand for? What culture does UKIP stand for? What culture does LibDems stand for? Culture is important. Look up the meme definition on wikipedia. The winning culture is the winning culture. It is all about power and values. Values such as respect, manners, common sense and balance. The evolution of culture is about understanding which type of culture that is or has proven successful and which is miserable or lead to misery. Lastly, a repost, it is important to understand the election system in UK. Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see the following argument. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. (posted 15 Aug) Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. 2 View in discussion Discussion on SvD 151 comments Alliansen misslyckades berätta att Sverige har lyckats bäst med jobben Per Per Mentat57 a year ago Off-topic? Nej. Har du läst artikeln, eller? Den hela inledningen av artikeln handlade om hur man mäter "arbetslösheten" respektive "sysselsättningraden". Bakläxa. 2 View in discussion Per Per Mentat57 a year ago Nej. Det intressanta är att jämföra med hela befolkningen. Vad händer om i framtiden 80% är pensionärer? Självklart skall man ta hänsyn till hela befolkningen, dvs jämföra vilka som arbetar och bidrar mot de som är i praktiken bidragstagare eller mottagare av medel (t ex pensionärer, sjukskrivna, etc) från de som arbetar och bidrar. Anledningen till att det är intressant är att den riktiga andelen (dvs 50% som jag skrev ovan inlägg) talar om om samhället klarar att fungera. T ex om antalet arbetsföra är 2% och resten inte arbetsföra (pensionärer, sjukskrivna etc), då menar du att att en arbetslöshet enligt ditt sätt att mäta på säg 5% är acceptabel, medan denna siffra inte visar att samhället inte klarar av att försörja 98% (i detta exempel där 2% är arbetsföra) av befolkningen som inte är arbetsföra. Det blir en falsk signal. Den rätta signalen är antalet sysselsatta jämfört med hela befolkningen. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Intressant artikel. Antalet sysselsatta är 4 862 700 (Aug 2014) i Sverige. Det intressanta är att jämföra detta med totala befolknings storlek, som är 9 716 962 (31 Aug 2014) vilket blir 50.0 % View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 206 comments Premier League's greatest ever players 100-81 Per Per a year ago The right players are of course the most important priority. Priority number two is tactics and strategy rules that the players abide by. I told my nephew Erik a really super super great tactic to win in football. It was a really simple idea, and I don't think anyone has thought about it before. Interested? Want me to reveal it? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 58 comments On the 69th day of Christmas. . . Per Per tiddles a year ago February 17th? How do you know? [edit] I posted before I read all the responses. Ah humor. Good. Do you remember my religious posting that you liked? View in discussion Per Per MacTertullian a year ago Happy Christmas? I say Merry Christmas. 8 View in discussion Per Per Moi-Meme a year ago Oh, you are kind... 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago quote: "Earlier this week, the British Retail Consortium said retail spending was 0.8 per cent lower in September than a year ago" The trend is there, retail shopping is getting into tougher straits. The reason, I believe, is partly due to competition from internet shops. But I don't think retail will ever die, for the same reason that pubs won't die. A beer is 3-7 times more expensive in Sweden at pubs (even thought we have an awful pub culture here, can't compare to Uk's) yet pubs survive. The reason is of course social. You want to chat, you want to look at people, you want to feel the atmosphere of the pub. You are willing to pay for that. For the same reason, shopping malls are there for looking at people, have a small chat, fell the atmosphere. Internet shopping have a much harder way at such type of competition there, they can't offer that, yet (may change in the future) It is this the retail much focus on; the total experience, and people are willing to pay extra for that; the feeling. Small towns in Sweden have retail in the town centre that are struggling, malls are taking over. But on the positive, people want to be recognised by the shop owner in small towns, have little gossip. This the retail of small shops need to focus on, the "I am home" feeling that many long for. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 60 comments Why Manchester United could be beaten to punch by rivals City to install Pep Guardiola at Old Trafford helm Per Per jp99 a year ago Why would they have a separate page for United? They should have a separate page for City! View in discussion Per Per Jolomo36 a year ago Right. If Pellegrini keeps City scoring, why would you change a winning recipe? 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago As the article says, City has a three man team as leadership, Txiki Begiristain (director) Ferran Soriano (chief executive) Manuel Pellegrini (manager) You have to attribute management success with right credit. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Citi's manager Manuel Pellegrini has fantastic score 2014 Premier League victory and possibly could attribute 2013 victory as well (he became manager 2013) Sky blue and white colours, Jesús on the team (no. 15, MF), what could possibly go wrong! View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 785 comments If Ed Miliband is to survive, he must show less fear and more honesty Per Per BLdeQ a year ago "Born in Inverness, Scotland 1969" "Married with Ed Balls" View in discussion Per Per a year ago Do you know which people support Miliband? Which people wants him to remain leader of Labour? 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago For your information (off topic - skip if you are not interested). If you live in the UK you can read 20 articles per month for free (outside UK 10 articles/month). If you want to read for free, do not therefore read unnecessary articles. If you have reached your limit, I believe you have to wait until next month or pay 4 pounds a month. I am a paying subscriber (first month, that I am in, is free) Homepage is free unlimited number of reads. View in discussion Per Per abirdtoldme a year ago I believe in mono culture for Britain. British culture only. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago How many are "psychopathic, amoral and sadistic "? Christian values is a proven success recipe compared to Islams MENA countries. Why else are they fleeing to the west? Because their religion produces conflicts and bad livelihood. Do we want to copy that recipe? Churchill was seeing this, early. The only way that Islam could grow is by their offspring being more numerous. And then seek asylum in the West. But politicians in the West are beginning to wake up that mass immigration of people with a questionable culture to spread to our countries is a bad idea. Mass immigration will destroy countries. I am a Swedish patriot and I say no to "free immigration", since it will destroy nations abiding by that. 10 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Christinity: 2.2 billion followers Islam: 1.6 billion followers Believe me it is difficult to get proselytes from Christianity, given the bad publicity that Islam is getting from ISIL. View in discussion Per Per a year ago To all you worry heads of the take over of Islam and "the end of the world". Islam and Christianity is here to stay. Just as you have to stick with your body and you have to stick with the moon for a long foreseeable future. Relax. Have a beer. Like I did in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) at Nyhavn (in Copenhagen). I can recommend Hotel Copenhagen. Cheap and good. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago OK. I like Israel and the Jews. I prefer Israel before the Muslim MENA countries. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Well I am a strong believer of my religion. I can make sense. Beat that. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago "Be aware of the “Game player syndrome” in courts or politics especially in a media landscape." It's part of my religion. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 785 comments If Ed Miliband is to survive, he must show less fear and more honesty Per Per Guest a year ago Oh, I see, it's all a game to you. I see. Interesting reflection. I now know what you are. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago quote: ( "And the third step in promoting integration is to ensure there's something worth integrating into. 'To make men love their country,' said Edmund Burke, 'their country ought to be lovable.' Integration has to be about more than immigrant communities, 'their' responsibilities and 'their' duties. It has to be about 'us' too - the quality of life that we offer, our society and our values. Here the picture is bleak: family breakdown, drugs, crime and incivility are part of the normal experience of modern Britain. Many British Asians see a society that hardly inspires them to integrate. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear - values which we should all hold dear. Asian families and communities are incredibly strong and cohesive, and have a sense of civic responsibility which puts the rest of us to shame. Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around." Note Cameron said "Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to the values they hold dear - values which we should all hold dear." Such a value to hold dear is to quote correctly, or at least in the same spirit, not wanting to deceive people out of blatant obviously false representation . Do you want revisionist agendas in the history books too? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You said: "Dhimmi Dave: "It is not the Muslim way of life that needs to adapt the British way of life, it is the other way around"" That is a blatant misrepresentation of what he said. First he said Asians, not Muslims. Second he said "more", "integrate more", not "adapt". Hence you were making the quote up, just as my gut feeling was. I was right, after all. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Give me a link. View in discussion Per Per ancientpopeye a year ago Margret Thatcher combined the two. 8 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I'll let you have the last word. Say something more delusional. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You seem delusional. Can't trust your "quote". View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Answer the original question. Are you making up quotes of Dave? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Answer the original question. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Are you making up quotes of Dave? Regarding you quote below of "Dhimmi Dave" View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 785 comments If Ed Miliband is to survive, he must show less fear and more honesty Per Per Guest a year ago Google translate, Latin->English "Great Britain is the country for me" View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You seem confused. Do you feel well? Are you making up quotes of Dave? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago quote:"Dhimmi Dave: "It is not the Muslim way of life that needs to adapt the British way of life, it is the other way around"" [edit] (reason for edit, adding your quote since you edit your posts afterward beyond recognition) I don't think David "Dave" Cameron has ever said anything near it. View in discussion Per Per alegitbritcit a year ago Facts on A Johnson, "Born in London 1950" "Brought up by his sister, calling her a hero in a memoir" "Consider(ed) himself to be a Marxist" "Union guy, branch official" "Has been Home Secretary of Labour" "Ministerial post" 1 View in discussion Per Per billsson a year ago Intesting facts from wikipeida on F Field, "Born in London 1942" "MP since 1979" "Both parents Tory" "Seemed to get a good upbringing from the values of the parents" "Instinctal non-racist since young age" (against apartheid, enough to leave the Tories) "Long list of publications on lefty issues" View in discussion Per Per alegitbritcit a year ago In your opinion, who do you think is next Labour leader? 1 View in discussion Per Per 17patriot a year ago quote: "He should own up to the fact that Labour needs mass immigration to import fresh Labour voters" Well, if this is the case, Labour has to be careful. What happens if "Popular Muslim Front" forms and goes for general elections? Labour could shoot itself in the foot. Political Islam is a reality. A lot of Muslim's love to vote for a Muslim party, out of contempt to the British, if nothing else. 5 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. Leave UKIP today! Don't procrastinate. You really know, down deep, the best for UK, and that is the conservatives with Cameron. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Relax, implementation of politics is not something you do in a twinkling. You have to have faith in conservatives with Cameron. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago My comment of integrity and character comes from a gut feeling that I got seeing his speech at Con Conference. Standing ovations. Go to and click "Conference 2014" if you want to hear the speech and judge for yourself. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 785 comments If Ed Miliband is to survive, he must show less fear and more honesty Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago It's called integrity. Cameron has character. BTW, DavEd CamerBand, what are you going to do with your nickname when David Cameron and Ed Miliband resigns from politics? Change your nickname? Your nickname is quite established with over 23000 posts and over 125000 votes. 1 View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago I can't deal with the politicians of Sweden, I am no man of power, I am just a spectator. Regarding Assange, rape and the like is considered a serious crime in Sweden, especially by the feminists. 2 View in discussion Per Per peter63 a year ago Interesting post, but wrong conclusion. Votes for the UKIP will split the right, see this repost, Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see the following argument. Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago A B C A Bright Cameron View in discussion Per Per a year ago "If Ed Miliband is to survive, he must show less fear and more honesty" The left is always the same. Fear of sending the wrong signals, and little honesty. This can be seen in Sweden, where the leftist press and TV/radio journalists haven't said a squat about the Rotherham incident. Fear of sending the wrong signals of racism and little care about honesty. 13 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago I was referring to P. W. Botha. There were two Botha's you know. P. W. and Pik. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Bye, then. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago To make things a bit softer on you, imagine this. The whole world is made out of ethnic English. I would still hold my case with a no to "free-immigration" to the UK. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago I am a non-racist. As defined by race in the longman dictionary of contemporary English. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago In Sweden we have an old saying, "Man får ta seden dit man kommer" Which means that you have to take the customary things where you go. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Take it again for you. I am a non-racist patriot. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 2 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago No, we certainly don't define racism as what every we want it to be. Racism is connected with race. From longman dictionay of contemporary English race 1 one of a number of divisions of human beings, each with different type of body: the black/white/brown races 2 a breed or type of animal or plans, esp one useful to man for producing young of the same type: breed an improved race of cattle 3 a group of people with the same history language customs, etc: the German race|The British are a sea-going race 4 of or between divisions of human beings with different types of body: race relations 5 a (stated) type of creature: the human race (=man in general)|the feathered reach (humor=birds) - see FOLK (USAGE) View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago I actually saw Botha on TV in Botswana. He was pointing with his finger. Racism is wrong. Period. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago I had a talk with a white young female stewardess in an SAA/SAL airplane. Basically what she was saying was, the issue is complex, there are so many tribes, languages etc. etc. But the issue is really simple. Racism is wrong. It is in the Bible, even. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago I believe in South Africa's future. Once the population realises that they can vote for something else than the ANC, competition of power will arise. And therefore consideration. As long as SA is a democracy, thing will work out right, but it will take time. As a fellow South African (white) told me, I will always stay in South Africa. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago Racism values are in the Bible. Rhodesian and South Africans are Christian Bible readers, are they not? The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Don't ask me. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Oh, I misread. I thought you said "not have benefitted from". Well, I would not agree, then. Botswana is a prime example who have benefitted from end of colonialism. I have lived there, you know. In the 1980's. Got my Cambridge O-levels and A-levels there with good grades. Good school. They live off diamonds, there. The problem is AIDS/HIV. But that is not their fault. View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Seriously? Have your heard any of the reports? Hyper inflation? Torture? View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago Ian Smith was the best for Rhodesia. The racism of that time would have naturally withered away as in the rest of the world. View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago All the best for you, Gail. 1 View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago Good old Smithy in Rhodesia was the best for the indigenous people, now that we know what Zimbabwe turned out to be. 1 View in discussion Per Per Abigail_Hulton a year ago Abigail, that is a beautiful female name. Thank you for your response. 1 View in discussion Per Per jason a year ago First you have to identify a problem. Then you ask the question "Why is this not working?" Then you can find answers. Often obvious, that you can consult a stupid person to answer. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago How's this for British identity. I have heard Rule Britannia at the BBC Proms, 1 When Britain first, at Heaven's commandArose from out the azure main;This was the charter of the land,And guardian angels sang this strain: "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:"Britons never will be slaves." 2 The nations, not so blest as thee,Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;While thou shalt flourish great and free,The dread and envy of them all. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:"Britons never will be slaves." 3 Still more majestic shalt thou rise,More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;As the loud blast that tears the skies,Serves but to root thy native oak. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:"Britons never will be slaves." 4 Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:All their attempts to bend thee down,Will but arouse thy generous flame;But work their woe, and thy renown. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:"Britons never will be slaves." 5 To thee belongs the rural reign;Thy cities shall with commerce shine:All thine shall be the subject main,And every shore it circles thine. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:"Britons never will be slaves." 6 The Muses, still with freedom found,Shall to thy happy coast repair;Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crown'd,And manly hearts to guard the fair. "Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:"Britons never will be slaves." 6 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per sceptredislefan a year ago A few months in daily speech is 2-5 months. 1 View in discussion Per Per sceptredislefan a year ago quote: "- we are the country that put on the greatest ever Olympics and Paralympics just a few months ago, and won 189 medals in so doing (plenty of evidence of our identity in the crowds back then);" Olympic games just a few month ago??? London Olympic Games were in 2012. 1 View in discussion Per Per Likegrace a year ago The reason religion is so popular is because what you don't have in your intelligence, you have to have in your core beliefs. Thus you can be respected even if you are stupid and have faith. I think that is something good. I respect stupid people, if they are respectful themselves. View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago Iceland has won all of their 3 matches. Fantastic. View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago Yes. Germany-Ireland 0-0. Germany was beaten by the Polish by 2 goals to nothing. View in discussion Per Per Likegrace a year ago Yes, seriously. 6.9 billion of the world population has some sort of religion. Religion matters to most people. Religious core beliefs unite and is a cause of cooperation. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Because the loony left are bored with our culture, and want something new. Though, boredom is better than Sharia Law. 1 View in discussion Per Per floreat-d a year ago Diversification of culture is fact of life. Technology evolution (such as computers, smartphones etc) make that happen. What matters is sticking to your core beliefs. Religion comes into place here. My favourite quotes from the Bible include, The following quote I believe in strongly, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) — Whatever Christian values are, they have proven to create great nations. I am not considering religious nuts to have Christian values. To understand the sprit of things rather than being extreme is in the Bible, by many seen as one of the most central. 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.” (St. MARK. 3:28-30, NKJV) The spirit of the above passage is that with weight we will view those who try to argue without looking at the sprit of the arguments as very detrimental. 1 View in discussion Per Per Alltaxationistheft a year ago Considering the "Left-wing howling mob" being anti UKIP, they should really, tactically and strategically speaking, be pro UKIP, see my repost I posted yesterday, Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. Thus the left should hope for that UKIP splits the right wing voters, since then they will win the general election. View in discussion Per Per kazibeth a year ago "ask UKIP anything and you will get at least ten different answers" That's because UKIP is really UKKTRTEP - UK Keen To Rock The Establishment Party - those who want to rock the establishment have diverse views. UKIP describes itself as a "Democratic libertarian party" Libertarians are among others "for laissez-faire capitalism", "libertarian socialists, seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists" View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per stoffel45 a year ago The views on a internet blog like this may not be representative of the general public opinion. Robert Aschberg, well known in Sweden, made an investigation of the internet opinions and in relation to the real opinions of the Swedish puplic and found a large discrepancy of the load voices of internet and what people really thought. Interesting. 2 View in discussion Per Per alecto a year ago Do you mean F*ck Off, muppet? In that case, let me tell you, I liked the muppet show and especially Kermit, the frog. View in discussion Per Per Steve Wilds a year ago See my repost, When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. View in discussion Per Per Dunedainranger a year ago Dunedainranger, "I am a lonesome ranger, like to live and die in danger" (Heard in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, from a nice fellow there) Dunedain, "Man of the west" from J. R. R. Tolkien 1 View in discussion Per Per Anon_Wales a year ago Indeed, British mono culture. If the mono culture was Sharia Law, then of course I would prefer multi culti. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am personally against Christianity and have my own personal religion. However I respect and like Christians and their values in general. However I am against a person cult of Jesus and everything he said. He may not even have existed. Here is a repost on the subject, Regarding Jesus, here are some arguments as to why he never existed. Either Jesus is a myth or he was real. Here are some motives as to argue for the myth, 1. The religious community needed a figure (imaginary and basis for the myth) to focus on that would confirm the Old Testament. ("I have not come to abolish the law" as Jesus basically said) 2.The people longed for a messias, then a made up messias is almost as good. 3.The emotional basis for such a myth to spread quickly was there (the originators of the myth felt the vibes in the air) and then some people thought it would be fun to be the originators of such a myth and then other people joined. The most important points (that I have in memory right now) that Jesus never existed are 1. You don't write down the story of Jesus decades later if he now could make magic and thus proved he was God's son; you write down the story immediately. 2. Fairly stupid of Jesus to say that the Devil shall burn, and then say that he is the Devil himself (morningstar).God(s) seems smart considering the Laws of Physics (the Laws of Nature), how then can his son be such dumb being. (Why is this dumb? Because the spirit of the two signals (Jesus said according to the Bible 1. Devil is bad and shall burn [St. MATTHEWS. 25:41], 2. I am the Devil [REVELATION. 22:16]) he is sending is contradictory.) from, (wait a few seconds and you will be taken to the relevant point and scroll up) View in discussion Per Per fabianfailures a year ago A repost, since it seems to be needed, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 5 View in discussion Per Per fabianfailures a year ago A mixure of race and language. How lovely. Do you personally have Viking blood in your heritage? View in discussion Per Per fabianfailures a year ago English identity. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is something to help with your English self-esteem, and identity. Did you that English (the language) is called Engelska, and this means in Swedish "The language of the Angels". Engel used to be the old spelling for modern Ängel which means Angel. "...ska" is the typical ending for something of a language in Swedish, e.g. Tyska (German language) Franska (French language) Spanska (Spanish language) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per carlmarx a year ago Well you have your beliefs and I have mine. 1 View in discussion Per Per imarcher a year ago If the arguments fail always stick to: "If nothing else works, use the argument of confusion..." View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Look up in the posts, there I said quote, "do you think they would change the flag to include the red cross on white background instead of the Union Jack." Obviously I know about Union Jack's historical grounds. Including Englands flag, it's all over att FIFA world cups. You can be proud of the UK. You can be proud of ARM (a British company, sprung out of Acorn) cpu/mpu cores; allwinner (a Chinese company) announced that they are selling H8 a octal core processor with ARM A7 cores. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago The true Christian conservatives have always been non-racist. The following quote is a niece piece on racism in the Bible, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) — View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago But I am using the notion and analogy of trademarks. What people identify UK and Britain with. The trademark and logo of the Union Jack is so great both economically and diplomatically (politically internationally )that England would lose a great deal by changing the flag. If they kept the flag (Union Jack), this flag would be a reminder of failure every time people looked at the flag and said, "the flag is not true o its historical grounds." Some things you should just keep and stick too. Like the invention of the week. Even if you do not like the week and say this and that is better, believe me... View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago But the Union Jack is a world recognised trademark across the world; the Brittish Empire, all the history, everything. Do you think a boss of Coca-Cola would be long on the job if he said, "We need to change the logo of coca-cola to something else..." View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago England rests on its history. The UK history. The Union Jack is based on the flags of the 4 constituent countries in the Union. Do you want England to have another flag to represent itself other than the Union Jack. The Union Jack is defacto a trademark in the world. Look at Australia; do you think they would change the flag to include the red cross on white background instead of the Union Jack. Reilly weird, odd, strange, queer attitude. 1 View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago Why on earth would you want England to leave the UK? Weird attitude. Don't you understand England's best? View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago What Union? EU or UK? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Anyone clicking on the link ( can hear it; it is just a matter of seconds of clicking and then listen to the speech for 52 minutes. About one lesson (time wise speaking, not content) in length. They should show the speech in classrooms. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per Guest a year ago No. Cameron spelled them out in his speech at the Con Conference. see and click "conference 2014" View in discussion Per Per a year ago I'm asking out of curiosity, regarding identity crisis. Who would you identify with the most in Britain, e.g. a British citizen? A famous actor, an artist/singer/songwriter, a politician, a TV-personality, a journalist, or just a bloke on the pub? Who is Lady Love in politics and elsewhere? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is a thought for the politicians. The main priority for the politicians is tax income, since it pays for their livelihood. That's clear. If you make UK unattractive, due to immigration, stupid laws, bad NHS, etc, etc the most astute will leave the country and find a better place. What happens when the top 5% leaves? What happens to businesses being successful? What happens to unemployment? And finally what happens to tax income? Why are some countries rich and others poor? 2 View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago I did not dare click on the link. If it is a real Church (and not a hacker site to infect computers with viruses trojans etc) you should write a wikipeida entry. No entry in wikipedia. Venganza is Spanish for vengeance. That's why my suspicions. View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago The point is to unite and cooperate, in accordance with our written and unwritten rules of the religion. I am against Christianity, buy I like Christians, their values and their traditions. My mother is a Christian (non-religoius type). I have had a great upbringing in her and my father's right wing ideals. How could I not love my mother; I have to - I like Christians. Whatever Christian values are, they have proven to create great nations. I am not considering religious nuts to have Christian values. To understand the sprit of things rather than being extreme is in the Bible, by many seen as one of the most central. 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.” (St. MARK. 3:28-30, NKJV) The spirit of the above passage is that with weight we will view those who try to argue without looking at the sprit of the arguments as very detrimental. There are some pretty wise pieces in the Bible. The following quote I believe in strongly, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago It is helpful because it helps us to unite and cooperate. Cooperation is one of the main characteristics of a good society. View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago No. Religion is big because it helps people. It helps people survive. What works, works. View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago Then you are in grave minority in the world. According to wikipedia 6.9 billion of the world population (you do know the world population size, do you?) have a religion. View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago Basically, 1. Devolution of power 2. Respect those that respect. 3. Perform with excellence. Further, Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. Further on, Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago No. I have my own religion that I believe in and have faith in. Religion to me is a faith you believe in strongly and defends fiercely. I have such a religion. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2453 comments Britain lacks vision because it is suffering an identity crisis Per Per non-foods a year ago Are you a Muslim? Relevant to know what religion people have faith in we you debate. Non-rhetorical question. View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago Per is the 6th most common given name in Sweden. I am a Swede, and my first name is "Per", given by my parents. 1 View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago Why do you call yourself by the nickname "non-foods"? Do you say no to some type of foods? Like pork? 2 View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago Do you say no to alcohol, yourself? View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago alright, is that a Muslim word? Allright? 4 View in discussion Per Per rockerjohn42 a year ago What do you get if you vote "Popular Muslim Front"? 2 View in discussion Per Per larrythemoggy a year ago The EU regional code system is called NUTS (sic). I live in NUTS code SE11. What NUTS code do you have where you live? View in discussion Per Per a year ago "The question “who are we?” has been hanging over British politics since the end of the Second World War hastened the unravelling of Empire." My intuitive feeling to this question can be surmised in three rules, 1. Devolution of power 2. Respect those that respects 3. Perform with excellence. (1) Can be seen in the resentment that true British people feel towards power concentrating ideologies like Nazism and Communism. George Orwell's book 1984 is a prime example. (2) That's just the attitude of British average blokes, I've gathered. (3) The UK schooling system (including higher education) with grades is clear on this. In Sweden we have a debate whether we would have grades or not in school since it can be hurtful to get bad grades and those children can be damaged psychologically (social democrats miljöpartiet and vänstern) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3398 comments The answer to the Ukip anger is simple: vote David Cameron Per Per Ragwin a year ago He was born in New York, as I've read. 2 View in discussion Per Per Are You Sure a year ago Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or constituency), or represent the entire electorate through proportional systems, with some using a combination of the two In Sweden we have proportional system of democracy. That means that coalitions can form and the coalition is a proportional representation of the votes. E.g. if a right wing coalition of many right wing parties form and they have a majority together, proportional to the votes, they form government. In UK there is, however, a constituency democracy. The party that wins the constituency wins the MP for the House of Commons. This can have the effect that a majority of right wing voters elect, through the system, a left wing government to power, since the split of parties that are centre-right wing (e.g. Conservatives, LIbDem and UKIP) loses constituencies to the left (e.g. Labour) simply because the split votes; the sum of the three centre-right parties may have a majority in the constituency, but since they are split Labour wins the constituency. For example consider a single constituency, 30 % Con 25% UKIP 5% Lib Dem 35% Labour 5% other Labour wins the constituency and gets a MP in the house of commons even though the centre-right three parties have 60% of the votes in the constituency. Divide and conquer is working for the Labour, it seems, even though it is not intentional. View in discussion Per Per nobodyaskedus a year ago What's your comment on the Tea Party in the USA? Fair balanced and unafraid, too? View in discussion Per Per nobodyaskedus a year ago No I don't. I have just heard what they are like here in Swedish media. View in discussion Per Per Beli a year ago You mean like Fox News in USA? View in discussion Per Per a year ago This song gets me the "stand-fur" sometimes. Lady (by Lionel Richie) Listen to the text, it's beautiful, and the melody. Who's Lady Love in politics, in your opinion? "I'm so lost in your Love" "There's no other Love than our Love" "I've been waiting for you for so long" (All quotes Lionel Richie from the song Lady) View in discussion Per Per nobodyaskedus a year ago Repost quote, please. I'm interested. View in discussion Per Per a_brit_abroad a year ago You mean May in May (7th) ;-) 2 View in discussion Per Per ireland a year ago Thank you very much :-) 1 View in discussion Per Per ireland a year ago Thank you for your kindness regarding my welfare. I and my loved ones are all feeling well, thank you. Hope that you and your's are feeling well too. Regarding lies, let me quote Adolf Hitler, "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." (source: The biggest lie that I believe all parties in parliament keep repeating is "We are all of equal value" This simply is not the case. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 3398 comments The answer to the Ukip anger is simple: vote David Cameron Per Per Adrian Wainer a year ago Spelling mistake, it's Carl Gustav recoilless rifle 1 View in discussion Per Per ireland a year ago Hi ireland, I remember our conversation about "United States of Europe", which both you and I are against. Here in Sweden, some say "Politik är ett rävspel" (direct translation "Politics is a "rävspel" - a rävspel is a swedish board game where you have two foxes and 20 sheep, one player controls the foxes the other the sheep; a similar English game is "Fox and Geese") Cameron sees the threat of UKIP. If he doesn't hold his promise and deliver a referendum, he of course knows UKIP will be even larger in the next general election 2020. If the referendum says OUT of EU, and he doesn't deliver this, the same will happen UKIP will grow really big in 2020. He know this, and out of self-interest Cameron will deliver, since he seems good at playing "rävspel", considering what he said at he speech of the Con Conference. He knows that UK can join again into the EU in the future, with a better deal. It's all about leverage in negotiations between EU and the UK. If UK threatens to leave UK get more leverage in the EU negotiations. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Cameron had two main points in his speech at the Con Conference. 1. There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum 2. Immigration needs to be controlled. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago If Cameron thinks UKIP is a headache; wait 'til Popular Muslim Front becomes a party for general elections. It is just a matter of time, as things look now. Sharia law in UK? Would you want that? 14 View in discussion Per Per a year ago When will Popular Muslim Front apply for general elections? Politcal Islam is a fact in many MENA countries. They are abiding their time, when the time is ripe and they enough in numbers, a party will form like amen in Church. 9 View in discussion Per Per non-foods a year ago I read the article you linked to. Number one priority is NHS. Number two is immigration. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago If the present is bad and ugly, you may just want to quit the world. Problem is, if we don't fix the bad and ugly in the present, what makes you believe quitting the world will make things better in the future. View in discussion Per Per The Invaders are here a year ago Your first comment, I see. View in discussion Per Per a year ago A thought experiment. Imagine NASA discovered a planet with intelligent extraterrestrial life. Somehow we could see that there it was a civilized planet. But they had developed terrible weapons and were suffering severely. Because of this suffering voices were raised that we should let them travel to Earth as asylum seekers. Problem is they bring in their culture of war and weapons. What will happen to Earth then. Should we listen to the do-gooders on Earth? 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago UKIP's colours are yellow and purple. They are sometimes called the Purples considering that one of their colours is purple, I suppose. Who's longing for some purple rain? Purple Rain (by Prince & The Revolution from the album "Purple Rain") 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4974 comments It’s time to fight back against Ukip’s fear-driven agenda Per Per manufactureconcept a year ago They (the Argentinians) are really sensitive on the Falklands issue, as reported by the telegraph, regarding top gear tv show. View in discussion Per Per a year ago It's all about negotiations, isn't it. The threat of UK leaving the EU will give UK some leverage, won't it. The UK can leave the EU, should there be an election in 2017, and then rejoin at later date should the EU be more attractive to the UK. Right now I'm listening to Iron Maiden on spotify, they're great. View in discussion Per Per King alexissilly a year ago Theory is the preamble for practice. In theory we have the laws of physics (laws of Nature). It seems to work i practise, too. In theory USA could be independent, truly. As shown partially in historic times, when the Indians ruled the country. All it requires for USA to be independent truly in practice is political will. If the will is there, it will happen. That is my theory, in practice. View in discussion Per Per King alexissilly a year ago In theory a county can be truly independent. If you look in a dictionary from the 60's and one from recent times you'll find that the definition of independence hasn't changed. Consider the Earth to be one county. The Earth can be independent from the rest of the world (universe), cant't we. If USA wanted to be truly independent and cut off all air line traffic, all merchant vessels, all internet, etc, they could still be a prosperous nations as they were partially in the 19th century (eighteen hundreds). They have land enough for food, metals and wood etc. 3 View in discussion Per Per Alltaxationistheft a year ago I am speaking of the emotion of left and right for each individual. Not what happens in practice. In practice a right wing individual could be a sycophant to what he or she smells is the right (or left in this case) power and in own interest therefore reach power and support himself and his family once in power (nepotism). 1 View in discussion Per Per Alltaxationistheft a year ago "In left-right politics, left-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality" View in discussion Per Per thebluemax a year ago Left-right is in our genes formed out of evolution. Right view genes is all about egoism and looking after yourself. Left view is helping each other. They are both necessary in a society, as evolution has proved. 1 View in discussion Per Per patriot1721 a year ago Views not posts. I am speaking of experience, I got this pop up that said that I've reached the limit of 10 views (or days, can't remember) and I had to pay 4 pounds a month to continue to view the telegraph. Therefore I am a subscriber, if it was free I wouldn't pay. View in discussion Per Per DirtyHarry a year ago small government = right big government = left Left is about equality and the only way to achieve this is through a big government taxing the right. Right is individualism and egoism, e.g. you rule yourself (=small government, your own government) View in discussion Per Per patriot1721 a year ago No. Only 10 views a month on the telegraph, then you have to pay 4 pounds a month (first month free, which I am in currently). Kipper me? No. I am a live bluefin tuna (warm blooded). View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4974 comments It’s time to fight back against Ukip’s fear-driven agenda Per Per wilfulsprite a year ago Well, I myself is a mixture of left and right. I've got left wing genes, but a right wing upbringing by my parents. Where did those left wing genes come from? An american study years ago revealed a correlation (link) between certain genes and political scale of left-right. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago UKIP is a right-wing populist party with colours yellow and purple, described by themselves as a "democratic libertarian party". What is right and what is left? There is general agreement that the Left includes: progressives, communists, social-liberals, greens, social-democrats, socialists, democratic-socialists, left-libertarians, secularists, feminists, autonomists, anti-imperialists, anti-capitalists, and anarchists.[5][6][7][8] There is also general consensus that the Right includes: conservatives, reactionaries, neoconservatives, traditionalists, capitalists, neoliberals, right-libertarians, social-authoritarians, monarchists, theocrats, right-wing populist, nationalists and fascists.[9] Read this interesting article on left right on wikipedia, 1 View in discussion Per Per Alltaxationistheft a year ago Speaking of morphing, this is rather a serious issue, therefore I do a repost just for you, (discussion with nickname "ireland" You are mute on the drive towards a United States Of Europe, as called for by former German Chancellor,Gerhard Schroeder, by current E.U. Vice President Viviene Reding, and backed by German Merkel.In such a union all sovereignty would be transferred to the Brussels Commission,if effect a European government, German dominated.You may like this notion I suggest that a majority here would dissent. I want a referendum where my vote to leave the E.U. would count for something,until then I would like to hear Cameron say no, no ,no no to the E.U.on many projects. (ireland) --- Thank you for your interesting response. First, I am strongly, very strongly, for devolution of power. A "United States Of Europe" would therefore be a move in the wrong direction. If that happens, then I am for a referendum, and I hope UK then leaves "United States Of Europe". I hope Sweden leaves the EU too, if that would be a reality. If important nations leave, what would be left of the EU? Therefore I think they would be careful to introduce "United States Of Europe"; membership is after all voluntary. (Per) --- It is plain to see that the creation of a United States Of Europe is an end result of the single currency,fiscal,taxation, interest rate, trade, political sovereignty surrendered.The dominant loudest voice in such a union will be German with Kraut Merkel making the demands.Can you really see the Germans stopping at just the euro nations in such a union?I cannot. Is there a strong euro sceptic movement in your country, is it a strong one,would your government be able to stand up to German pressure? Your ideas of devolution of power goes against the ethos of the E.U.policy makers, central Brussels control is their aim. (ireland) --- I'll repost a post I posted above, in relation to your worries. Hope you get it. Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. (Per) --- No I cannot get it,but clearly you and I will never agree. I believe in the nation state and nationalism. Your posting has come up, I am having some computer problems. (ireland) --- View in discussion Per Per Alltaxationistheft a year ago In Sweden we had a referendum of IN/OUT of EU before we went in. The majority said "we want to be part of EU" View in discussion Per Per AncientBriton a year ago There is actually something called the EU parliament. You vote for it if you live in a EU country. I voted Moderaterna in Sweden, this year. (In the EU vote, I voted KD in Swedish Riksdag.) View in discussion Per Per cardinalpugwash a year ago Live fish need to eat. If live fish follow the stream, then they can't eat, since they are in the relative same place (to the water molecules) all the time. So live fish need to challenge the stream in order to survive. See Charles Darwin's theory on evolution. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I'll do a repost, since UKIP's biggest issue is independence from EU (and immigration issues) When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. 1 View in discussion Per Per TrojanHorseKilla a year ago The stream in this blog is for sure pro UKIP. "Only the dead fish follow the stream" (Louise Hoffsten) A kipper is a dead smoked fish. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Why are there so many kippers on this blog? 1 View in discussion Per Per oopiop a year ago "I no longer visit or read articles which do not allow comments- I suggest others do likewise." The reason I am a paying subscriber the Telegraph is mostly due to comments. If they close down comments, people will find other places to comment on the internet. "Different thoughts are good for me." (Tanita Tikaram) 4 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 4974 comments It’s time to fight back against Ukip’s fear-driven agenda Per Per a year ago What is the most nationalistic party? The Conservatives or UKIP? View in discussion Per Per a year ago As nickname "Bill Wilberforce" posted below, UKIP poll is at 25%. I guest that, if its destiny is true, then it has been true all along. View in discussion Per Per englandiloveyou a year ago The views on a internet blog like this may not be representative of the general public opinion. Robert Aschberg, well known in Sweden, made an investigation of the internet opinions and in relation to the real opinions of the Swedish public and found a large discrepancy of the loud voices of internet and what people really thought. Interesting. View in discussion Per Per bluefeet a year ago No, I am not comparing Farage with Hitler. Just saying that some of the techniques used by Hitler are used again; wasn't it Boris who wrote a book saying Blair used speech techniques of Hitler? View in discussion Per Per a year ago First, a good repost, Just because you are tired of your regular fish and chips, do you think it is sensible to go to the supermarket an buy a can which says "kipper" on the outside? The problem is once you open this can you'll see it is a can of worms! Second, a quote from the article, "For Farage, the public space is coterminous with the pub." This was the way that A. Hitler got popular, by hard work and participation in beer halls across Germany making emotional speeches. After his speeches, a journalist (think it was) would ask "What did Hitler actually say?" "I don't know, but I liked it..." I like to drink beer. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a beer at Nyhavn. Nice. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2136 comments The core voters have spoken – and they’re not a happy bunch Per Per a year ago It also matters only to serve you all. "The core voter is a supporter." Remember. View in discussion Per Per jmw123 a year ago Please see my interesting debate with ireland for a more balanced view of my EU attitude. I can recommend reading the entire thread, it is good and it's fun. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Regarding JC, which I understand you refer to "Jesus Christ", there is an interesting web page that calculated the numeric value of "Jesus" rendered in Greek to be 888= 24 * 37, "Christ" = 1480=40*37 and "Jesus Christ" = 888+1480=2368=37*64 37 seems to be special number when it comes to religion. The opening of the BIble comes to 2701=73*37. see, View in discussion Per Per Sean_OHare a year ago You should check the comment by fellow American "Texan Marine" "There is a God and he's American. You can bet your hat on that." View in discussion Per Per jmw123 a year ago "They aren't that impressed by Cameron - as far as they are concerned he mighty be stupid enough to actually give us a referendum" With a referendum the UKIP are superfluous. Why vote for UKIP when you can have a say of independence in a separate referendum. Political tactics from Cameron. View in discussion Per Per The EU helps fund the BBC a year ago The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies View in discussion Per Per everhardus a year ago Don't ask me. Ask Bertrude. View in discussion Per Per everhardus a year ago In simple terms, it is the possibility of a risk-free profit after transaction costs, as a result of imbalance in two or more markets. E.g. the currency market. You buy a pound in the Brazilian market, sell the pound in German market and buy the same pound in UK for the Euro. Once you can see such a path the arbitrage is risk-free after transaction costs. View in discussion Per Per everhardus a year ago Globalisation net effect on the UK depends on our regulation details, If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. View in discussion Per Per Muttley a year ago Just because you are tired of your regular fish and chips, do you think it is sensible to go to the supermarket an buy a can which says "kipper" on the outside? The problem is once you open this can you'll see it is a can of worms! View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1497 comments Clacton by-election: The Tories cannot fight for leafy areas and forget the poor Per Per a year ago Where is nickname "Texan Marine" (from USA, obviously) He basically kept saying "We got the weapons, we got the guns, we kick b*tt" For some reason he wanted the Scots to kick the British b*tt. Typical American with a megaphone. Check this out, and check his history, I can tell one story that I've heard and that I believe is true. The SR-71 "Blackbird" from the USA is a very high speed aircraft, see wikipedia. The Blackbird is so fast that no fighter aircraft can pursue it. Now what happened is that the Blackbird made a fixed route and violated Swedish airspace. They repeated the same route all over. The Americans didn't care too much that the violated Swedish airspace. The trip the B made was so regular that you could set your clock according to when it appeared on Swedish radar. So what did the Swedes do? Then sent up a JA 37 Viggen ("The Thunderbolt") according to calculated and expected path. The Viggen successfully locked on its air-to-air missile lock onto the Blackbird. Then they changed its course, after that. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The British have much more goodwill in the world than the Americans. When a British speaks out, the world actually listens and try to understand the points made. When an American speaks out with their megaphones, people in the world looks on with suspicion. Let the right man represent the British. Vote Dave. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Smoke out the kippers. The kippers are smoked. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Conservatives with Cameron is the children's party, that clear. Cameron mentioned "children" on many many occasions. "These are the people we represent." (35 minutes into the video) 2 View in discussion Per Per Timmy2much a year ago True, in a way. Some immigration (restricted - not mass immigration) I believe is just good for the country with influences and connections internationally. View in discussion Per Per oopiop a year ago The agenda, as for most businesses, is to make money. Without money they can't air their opinions of politics. Money is priority number one, then the rest is secondary. Further, the DT can pick and choose among posts according to taste to push their political agenda. View in discussion Per Per David Sanderson a year ago No. Paying for the work of the ones reading judging tasting thinking compiling the free speech to a digest. However the free speech is not free; you have to pay 4 pounds a month, for you to view the telegraph continuously. If I remember correctly it was only free 10 views/month on the telegraph. I am a paying subscriber (first month free) to the web version even though I live in Sweden. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A tip to the telegraph Why not compile all the best comments, in context, into a digest, e.g. "The Best Comments 2014" Advantages: * People can read things they have missed that are of value, for example I have missed lots of discussions this year * I think people would even pay for such a digest, provided careful care is done in picking and choosing * Such a digest could influence the political climate in the right direction * People here on these message board would know that their comments might end up in a digest, and are therefore motivated to write quality posts 2 View in discussion Per Per Musically minded a year ago Only 1.8 million new jobs in 4 years. Best in Europe. View in discussion Per Per a year ago "The Clacton by-election could have been an opportunity to remind Britain of this essential fact." Mr. "YES PRIME MINISTER" will need to work hard. The following is off topic; skip it if you're not interested in off topics. Full moon in Sweden tonight. Did you know that there is actually a correlation with full moon and busi nights for the police. People can't sleep when there is a full moon. Why? Lunacy is not call lunacy for no reason. There could be perfectly natural explanation. Read on. We are made of biologic evolutionary progress and laws of physics (laws of nature). "Survival of the fittest." There could be an evolutionary advantage to become a little cracy every once a month. To make connections and realise something you usually don't do. Schizophrenia among children of Nobel Laureates is very overrepresentated compared to normal population. Thus just like wolves howl at full moon, we could have developed through evolution to become a little cracy at full moon, since this helps ut to survive through extra creativity. There is a biological clock with us. Have you noticed that you can wake up a minute before the alarm clock rings. That is the biological clock in action. Thus even when there is no moon clouded by clouds, the clock programs us to become creative, noisy, and can't sleep etc, just as the police notices. Once the clock is synced by the moonlight once, the periods appear as usual. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1494 comments David Cameron urges Scottish nationalists to accept referendum defeat Per Per Fireychillout a year ago Oil is a contributing factor, but I think the main factor is Scots' pride and stubbornness. They do not like to be ruled by someone who thinks they are better than them, when they're clearly not! Just look a single malt Scotch, like Lagavulin -there is just no match for England in this case. Sometimes you just have to bite the sour apple, as we say in Sweden. 1 View in discussion Per Per Fireychillout a year ago No. I am a non-racist and refugee-friendly chap. The enemy is mass immigration. I can explain this in detail and very convincingly, but in short, it will destroy nations. To understand why this is consistent with non-racism, consider that the entire world was ethnic English (yes I know, boring, but just for the example), I would still be as much against mass immigration to England. It is quite clear, it is the immigrants en masse that is the enemy, and this to totally without concern of their ethnicity. No failure. View in discussion Per Per Fireychillout a year ago No. Formal error. England is not a constituency. There are many many constituencies in England, however. Did you not know, if you win a constituency, that party wins a MP and a vote in House of Commons in Westminster. View in discussion Per Per Laura Robertson a year ago Trosa, that's near Stockholm. In Stockholm some say, "Handen ligger mellan Trosa och Fittja!" It's true geographically, you can ask your Swedish friends what this implies in Swedish. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Here is a tip to the telegraph. I hope you read this and pass it on to whom it may concern. It is good that you have an article by a writer before the comments. So that you know what the topic is. My tip is that you provide a small link in the beginning of the article, that provide background information, so that everyone who is new to the topic can easily get introduced to facts that are relevant. Since the link is small, it won't cause a lot of irritation to those who already are fully aware of the background information, they simply don't click on the link. I'm recommending telegraph links of comments and articles, that I find interesting, to Swedish acquaintances; who knows maybe you will get new Swedish paying subscribers as time goes by. Good things spread. (Swedish conservatives are longing for a centre-right newspaper source; all newspapers in Sweden are left wing, including SvD, that officially declares themselves to be right wing, but if you read the paper you of course realize that the journalists there are left wing (except the leader, it can't be too obvious...). There is no point in preaching for the already converted, and there all reason to preach to those who gather to a source that is supposed to be of opposite opinion of what you want to preach) View in discussion Per Per Hannie Van Riel a year ago It is in the Scots interest to threat with leaving the union. It is all about negotiations with England. It lies in England's interest not to treat Scotland and the Scottish to harshly, since then they might leave. Therefore, I think England will be fairly benevolent and generous to the Scots, since it lies in their interest for Scotland not to leave. 1 View in discussion Per Per Fireychillout a year ago What constituency do you think the UKIP will win? Where are they strong? View in discussion Per Per floreat-d a year ago Salmond promised before the election not another election in a generation or possibly in a life tme. 3 View in discussion Per Per robynstewart a year ago Very true. But in normal reasonable Christian homes, we don't have person cult. Therefore for normal Christians one can accept the deviating political view that Jesus had without not calling yourself a Christian. It is those on the far right that practises personal cult of Jesus that have problem. The Huguenots are an example of entrepreneurial centre-right type of people, they were reasonable and Christian and had no problem with Jesus being a socialist. Might just add, as a side note, that personally, I am against Christianity, but I am for Christians and the values they have. How could I not love my mother, who has declared herself very strongly to be a Christian; my mother would not call herself religious. 1 View in discussion Per Per dropstone a year ago Oil and water do not mix. (except in mayonnaise) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1497 comments Clacton by-election: The Tories cannot fight for leafy areas and forget the poor Per Per getahead a year ago Cameron will contain immigraion. Cameron will raise minimum wage. See the speech that I've posted elsewhere. View in discussion Per Per shortsands a year ago Listen in to 20-25 minutes of the following speech by Cameron, "We've made sure in the past years, no income tax until you earn 10000 pounds a year and by next April, 10500 pounds." "We need tax cuts for hard working people" "Raise the personal tax allowance from 10500 pounds to 12500 pounds" View in discussion Per Per the_ferryman a year ago I know I am a "useful idiot" but I believe that you don't kill your "useful idiot" rather, you protect your "useful idiot" out of self interest. View in discussion Per Per garibaldi08 a year ago Well politics take time. This you should know. The important thing is the direction and the implementation soon enough. (Did he really say there will be an IN/OUT EU referendum before 2010?) View in discussion Per Per Conway a year ago He basically said in the speech, "You need the economy to work, for us to have welfare, NHS, pensions etc" The conservatives is all about having a working economy; has he not proven this judging in past record since 2010? View in discussion Per Per PitchforkRebellion a year ago Cameron said in his speech at the Con Conference that (1) There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum (2) We need to contain and reduce both EU and non-EU immigration (listen at 42 minutes into the video of the speech) 1 View in discussion Per Per nickinfrance a year ago Two years time? 2017 is the year of IN/OUT EU referendum. Is the date set yet? 1 View in discussion Per Per faircomment a year ago "Six months ago, Tory stratgists did not expect Ukip to win any seats in the general election next May. Now, they expect it to win about half a dozen. " How many seats do you think they will win 7th May next year? 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I need some background information: Why was there a by-election i Clacton? Did the incumbent resign? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The Tories is right wing. Conservatives. Labour is left. Then we have the lib dem, who I suppose are centre-left considering the merger historically. This division of left and right wing politics is all around the world, strangely. Of course you have religious parties too, but religions can be describes as a political force for right or left, or rather, the members of the particular religion fight within for their respective political agenda. Are their any Americans reading this? Is Fox news as bad as they say, here in Europe? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 12 comments Police release details of Sarah Palin family drunken brawl Per Per a year ago Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Sarah Palin considering running for President or vice Precident of the USA? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1494 comments David Cameron urges Scottish nationalists to accept referendum defeat Per Per dropstone a year ago "Orcs served Morgoth in Angband and Sauron in Mordor." View in discussion Per Per Archie Convery a year ago Despise? What fantasies out of the blue! I love the UK and the brits, and its history. 3 View in discussion Per Per Michael B a year ago Destroyed? No. Of course not. The Scots will benefit more from being in a union than being isolate. That is my point. The union will strengthen the Scots to fight the real enemies. To be isolationist new independent nation with 5m people (even less than Sweden) is a weak position, internationally. You need history to be strong, diplomatically. Scotlands history is UK's history, without it they are weak. Thus you independence preachers will destroy Scotland for real, even if you do not understand it. Where there is strong emotion, you are liable to fool yourself. Carl Sagan (RIP) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Right now on the Swedish radio I'm hearing the Russian national song (Sweden is playing Russia in football European qualifications - England is playing San Marino). It's beautiful. What can we learn from this in the Scot vs England debate? That if you have a beautiful thing you keep it, just like the union. The Russinas kept the national song form USSR (CCCP) since it was a tradition and beautiful. 1 View in discussion Per Per Graeme a year ago No. A province within Sweden. But there are voices of independence, even to become part of Denmark. They have their own flag. View in discussion Per Per Michael B a year ago For your information, I am a non-racist and refugee friendly. I absolutely do not want "free immigration" or anything near it. The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per Tank a year ago Whatever Christian values are, they have proven to create great nations. I am not considering religious nuts to have Christian values. To understand the sprit of things rather than being extreme is in the Bible, by many seen as one of the most central. 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.” (St. MARK. 3:28-30, NKJV) The spirit of the above passage is that with weight we will view those who try to argue without looking at the sprit of the arguments as very detrimental. 1 View in discussion Per Per Graeme a year ago In Sweden we have Skåne, the southern most part of Sweden. They are ruled by Stockholm. Yet somehow they find it reasonable. They influence Stockholm and we in Stockholm influence Skåne. View in discussion Per Per dropstone a year ago Where are your sympathies, please explain. Are you one with traditional Christian values? I mean the reasonable traditional values that have made Christian nations great. View in discussion Per Per dropstone a year ago That just illustrates how weak the Scotish are on their own. The foreign influence within a weak Scotland could be significant. Scotalnd needs England to fight the real enemy. UK needs EU to fight the real enemy, including the patriot infidels who do everything to betray the nation of UK, the nation of Sweden (we have the same problem here - the enemy within) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1494 comments David Cameron urges Scottish nationalists to accept referendum defeat Per Per a year ago Why do some Scots (you know who I mean) keep on fighting the English? We know who the real enemy is, don't we. Who is really invading the isles. My mum is a Christian, with Christian values. We both have Christian values and traditions. 2 View in discussion Per Per francis_albert_sinatra a year ago You call England and Wales "South of Scotland"? You know, if one is out of arguments one should definitely go for the "Argument of confusion"... View in discussion Per Per francis_albert_sinatra a year ago No, not the American War of Independence. I was referring to the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 between the Confederates and the "Union" or North. View in discussion Per Per francis_albert_sinatra a year ago The ordinary people of Scotland will gain from the no vote. Se post below that I posted. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Why couldn't Britain settle the Scotish issue with a civil war, like the USA did? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Isolationist or Unionist? It depends on your partner you will do a union with or isolate from. If the destiny of it is true, then I suppose it has been true all before. View in discussion Per Per a year ago It irritates me that the Scotish "yes" vote was so close to winning. Don't they understand their own best? Of course there are many things that irritate me, like that there is an American flag on the moon. Surely the moon is international. I can disclose that I told my 7 year old nephew, Arvid, som shocking aspects about the truth of the moon landing. Do you want me to disclose it? I guess there will always be conspiracy theories about that USA did not go to the moon. I mean if they can cover up such a story, can't they fake photographs and videos in the future, what will be proof? How many can go to the moon and witness? View in discussion Per Per Laura Robertson a year ago Interesting. It (the Scot's independence emotions) will probably not go away. We can only hope that enlightenment will help. If you are a "yes" voter (or no voter and want good arguments) read the post below that I posted, beginning with the words "Ms. Sturgeon, this is to you" View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. The Brits have their pubs and their laughter. That is a decisive weapon, believe it or not. I like beer. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice beer at Nyhavn. I can recommend Copenhagen. Stay at Hotel Copenhagen, where I sayed, cheap and good. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 23 comments Nobel Prize Literature winner 2014: Patrick Modiano Per Per max_principal a year ago You voted 24 times (as I counted, may have missed) for lordllucan in the thread I posted. Count for yourself. A conspiracy must have more than one person in it for it to be a conspiracy. Thus one person's bad behaviour cannot be a conspiracy. View in discussion Per Per max_principal a year ago Well it easy for people to check who's correct. View in discussion Per Per max_principal a year ago You've been up voting for lordllucan intensely in the thread where llordlucan kept sayin "filthy tory" all the time. I suspect you think you are cunning with your question "Who he????"; but people who have been following threads here know that you vote for lordllucan. I suspect you and lordllucan are the same person behind the nicknames; max_principal is a so called "submarine". View in discussion Per Per max_principal a year ago Why do you vote for lordllucan all the time? View in discussion Per Per gobama a year ago Actually I googled it. They said on Swedish radio that a Nigerian was tipped at lowest odds. Then I just googled this and I found he was Kenyan Ngugi wa Thiong'o 1 View in discussion Per Per gobama a year ago Have you been betting money on the Nigerian? 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Congrats Patrick, this is to you, Vive la différence; C'est notre façon de la France View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2995 comments The death of the Left in British politics cannot be ruled out Per Per Lydia Robinson a year ago Off topic but since we are talking about walking into a bar, Two termites walks into a bar. One of them says "Where is the bar-tender?" Told to me by Johannes "Joker" Brost (known actor in Sweden) View in discussion Per Per a year ago This thread has over 3000 posts. So I think there is room for a reflection on the general debate climate, in order to improvement. 1. You should look at the names. If people have the same name, you can right click and choose to open in a new window and you can see the unique identifier in the URL. 2. Trolls. This has a double meaning. Either the folk lore creatures that sit under bridges. But it can also refer to trolling (what you do when you fish) - in other words you hope that your post will upset a lot of people and you "troll in the line" and enjoy the fish... View in discussion Per Per pantherblue a year ago Well, I don't think it is so much what Americans think of the Canadian politics, its more that they have a lot of questions to them and has a lot of awkward explaining to do if they wear the flag of the USA. I remember this acquaintance (Paul S) that lived in San Fransisco, California, USA. At all bars when he was here in Sweden he explained after he said he was from San Fransisco. "Hi I am from San Fransisco. No, I am not homosexusual." View in discussion Per Per a year ago How are you going to vote? Right or left? Conservative or Labour? "Before you sit in the boat, it is good to check that it floats..." "Only the dead fish follow the stream" by Louise Hoffsten (from the album "Looking for Mr. God") View in discussion Per Per pfgpowell a year ago Adapt or bend and yield to the most violent and terrorising? 7 View in discussion Per Per pfgpowell a year ago Did you know that backpackers from the USA sometimes wears a Canadian flag on their backpacks... 2 View in discussion Per Per KeyboardBotherer a year ago "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." (United States Declaration of Independence, 1776) What if you were born with corrupt genes that don't really give you a chance in life? Equal? Life? They have the death penalty in USA in some states. Liberty? What about imprisonment in jails in the USA? Pursuit of happiness? Some are born with genes that give them incurable depression for the rest of their lives. 2 View in discussion Per Per KeyboardBotherer a year ago Did you know that "sinister" in latin means "the left"? 4 View in discussion Per Per a year ago From Mary Riddell's article, "...which explains how to cede power to the people." Power corrupts. I don't want power to rule other people. I just want power to rule my own life. When should you be content? When you have no pain. 4 View in discussion Per Per Tropical Pom a year ago This year, of course. (approx a week ago) Listen here View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 1564 comments David Cameron promises to withdraw Britain from the European Union (yes – I mean it) Per Per a year ago Mistake by Andrew Lilico; "A British citizen can move freely within the UK; a US citizen can move freely within the US; an EU citizen can move freely within the EU." You cannot compare the free movement of citizens of USA with the free movement of citizens in the EU. In USA you can permanently settle in another state. In EU you can only stay for 3 months, basically. To be fully covered by the European right of free movement, the EEA citizen needs to exercise one of the four treaty rights: working as an employee (this includes looking for work for a reasonable amount of time), working as a self-employed person, studying, being self-sufficient or retired. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 71 comments Poll: Who deserves to win the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize? Per Per a year ago My notion about the Nobel Peace price (that Norway's relevant committee elects) is that they give the price to influence the politics in the future, not based on past merits. Norway tries to use the price that Swedish Alfred Nobel initiated to influence current affairs in the world. The Swedish Nobel institutions for respective price in Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Medicine (and later Economics - not originally in Nobel's will) is more based on past merits only. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2995 comments The death of the Left in British politics cannot be ruled out Per Per monsoonmag a year ago "...MOST concerns the majority of the population of Britain, namely mass immigration." Did you listen to Camerons excellent speech on the Con Conference? Two main points 1. There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum 2. Immigration needs to be contained and reduced; both EU and non-EU immigration. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago According to the telegraph, Labour had a lead of 7pc but the most recent poll I saw, after the Con Conference, Con lead by 1pc over Labour. View in discussion Per Per Flighter a year ago I didn't follow the link, so I may be wrong in my following statements. The only alternative to representative democracy is some sort of direct democracy. Direct democracy is the people voting on issues rather than persons, such as they do in Switzerland (partially, they have representative democracy too). Switzerland held an election on the purchase of Swedish JAS 39 Gripen, and they voted no, inspite that the military and the government thought it was the best choice. JAS 39 Gripen is known for its good performance at low running costs, and low purchase cost. Should the UN start an election to vote if the world should commit genocide and kill all Jews? Should we follow the election results of such an referendum? Do you see the problem? Should the USA hold an election in the USA to nuke all major Muslim cities in the world, and follow the referendum results? Do you see the problem with direct democracy? 1 View in discussion Per Per James Frail a year ago Think about this for a moment. Imagine there is a referendum of IN/OUT of EU and that a majority vote for OUT. You say that Cameron will not respect this result. I say he will. Reason? Cameron thinks ahead for the NEXT general election. If a majority votes OUT, then this majority can very well vote fork UKIP in the NEXT general election, should Cameron not respect the result. Thus Cameron would jeopardise the Conservatives future votes really seriously, as many would then vote UKIP and not Con. This Cameron realises, of course, he is a smart man. Therefore I believe Cameron will respect the result and take UK out of EU, and then hope that UK will hold another referendum in the future about voting UK BACK to EU. View in discussion Per Per Tim a year ago "no of course the left isn't going to die" Right. An American study many years ago correlated political views of left and right with genes. Thus unless you carry out a genocide after political screening of the populus the left will not die. This genetic link is due to biological evolution. It is advantageous to a local population to have both left wing and right wing people, on a survival basis to the local population. 1 View in discussion Per Per Simon Ball a year ago Of course, the UKIP should change their name to "UKKTRTEP", "UK Keen To Rock The Establishment Party" Now that Cameron has said in his speak at the conference recently, that we will hold a referendum of IN/OUT of EU, what need is there for UKIP? They're superfluous; people can say what they think in the vote. Read Eurosceptics in the UK at wikipedia. 1 View in discussion Per Per maltow a year ago I am baptized (soon after birth) and confirmed. Christian traditions is basically good. 4 View in discussion Per Per maltow a year ago Thank you. "Per" is the 6th most common given name in Sweden. 2 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I can't help mentioning that I love the telegraph, too. I am a paying subscriber (4 pounds a month, even though the first month that I am in right now is free), even though I live in Sweden. Quality (e.g. companies) is always an emotion you want to share. Crediting people of their good work is something I believe in. 1 View in discussion Per Per maltow a year ago This is a repost, only for you, "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2995 comments The death of the Left in British politics cannot be ruled out Per Per maltow a year ago Success can be measured by a imaginary market price on citizenship. Right now, considering how many wants a UK citizenship across the world, the UK market price for citizenship is high. If we allow "free immigration" the price naturally plummets to zero. View in discussion Per Per maltow a year ago UK is a success compared to many many countries in the third world. People listen to success stories. View in discussion Per Per maltow a year ago OK. But then we better the world locally in the UK. Right. And if UK is an example of success, we better the world by the world looking at our example and copying the success recipe. View in discussion Per Per maltow a year ago Why do we give foreign aid? To better the world, of course. View in discussion Per Per Glt1947 a year ago The most beautiful theory I know of is the theory of evolution. (Charles Darwin) The "God created the world in 6 days" of course say, the theory of evolution is just a theory. But in science, calling something a theory is just to be humble about what we can know. What is the best book, stipulating some theory/theories, you have read? View in discussion Per Per Glt1947 a year ago "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo (RIP) (source: The UK can influence the EU by their ideas, is my point. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I am just reflecting over successful companies. Honestly, I have no ties to Spotify, Apple or Sonos. View in discussion Per Per stevenlaufer a year ago No. The Uk should cooperate with Brussels. I'll repost a good argument, just for you. When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago But there is a fight between left and right in Brussels too! View in discussion Per Per Gary_Baldi a year ago As Cameron said, "Go to bed with Farage on 7th May, wake up with Miliband" View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2995 comments The death of the Left in British politics cannot be ruled out Per Per a year ago Who's the cuckoo in the nest in politics? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No, but do you think it is a coincidence that he spoke on BBC, or has he been pursuing this by own will? 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. Nick Smegg. 1 View in discussion Per Per jegular a year ago Just like you are stuck with your body, we are also stuck with Islam and Christianity. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What do you think of the guy? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What is he basically saying, in short? (if you have listened to him) View in discussion Per Per a year ago "The death of the Left in British politics cannot be ruled out" What are your opinions on the material question? 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Taxation does not necessarily mean stealing, since you get something in return; police, military, enough social rest for the rich to live safe lives. I am a mixture of right and left (that's how I know these things of left and right). Genetically I am left, but I've been brought up with right wing ideals in my family. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago The left is equalisation. Equalization means inherently you help those with little resources with for example an artificial flow of tax money to to the poor View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago You spell Miliband with one l only. Otherwise you can spell it Milibandit (humour) 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2995 comments The death of the Left in British politics cannot be ruled out Per Per islandpilot a year ago Basically, left is helping, right is egoism. I don't think egoism will go away even if you want to forbid it. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Mr Clegg and the LibDem (and also Farage's UKIP) voters in general have a problem with the attitude towards freedom. You simply cannot do what you like to do. You have to learn to refrain. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 1899 comments Margaret Thatcher's struggle against the strikes, the 'enemy within', was a fight for democracy Per Per sodit a year ago Aren't we all little venture capitalists? When we buy stocks, when we bet money on horses, when we gamble to overtake another car on the road. Life is full of risks. Some are successful little venture capitalists, some are not. It's a pity people trust bad lazy venture capitalists with their money. The problem is that people who spend other people's money are not motivated to do their best with that money. However people who spend their own money are. What do you think of "The Dragon's Den"? View in discussion Per Per peterhood a year ago Thanks again. I clicked on the link, "conversation with Mrs Duffy" Hilarious. View in discussion Per Per peterhood a year ago Thanks. Interesting. Now I've been more educated, thanks to you! Of course I would be interested in tha actual remarks the woman said to Brown. (that he didn't like, obviously) View in discussion Per Per peterhood a year ago I am not as educated (apparently from what you seem to know) and experienced as you. I am also Swedish, so haven't seen or heard about the microphone incident with Gordon Brown on any media. View in discussion Per Per peterhood a year ago Oh, you're setting up traps... How sinister of you ;-) View in discussion Per Per peterhood a year ago I am too eager to respond, sorry reiver52! This is the quote of peter hood: "The argumentum ad hominem does not constitute an adequate argument in the classic Greek sense of the word, it is merely as the term says an attack on the person. To put it another way, you do not deal with the facts." You can find it some 60 posts below. Kudos to you for not editing your post. I'll remember you name. View in discussion Per Per alexswanson a year ago But George Orwell is established. We should stick ot that name. Otherwise confusion will arise ("are you a mythomaniac?", is my guess. View in discussion Per Per reiver52 a year ago I'll give you some advice. The most important thing investors look at is the persons of the company. The second thing is the rules and policies of the company. (if the persons don't follow rules, what good is policy, anyway) (the investors get an intuitive feeling of this, not outspoken is my guess) The third most important is the actual business plan. Naturally, they look at hard numbers of profit and empirical data (and property such as patents, remember bad persons can squander the property - persons is no.1 priority, if the investors get a majority vote of the company then of course they can trust themselves); but as you know, those hard data can change in the future and be overrated if the above three priorities don't fit. The valuation of the company (asking price divided by share percentage/100 of company) versus expected future return. Investors know what they are doing from experience and communication. Credit to "The Dragon's Den" TV show. That said, you need a system of persons and rules to get rid of corrupted/changed persons (with no hope of changing back to the good - I hope you get the spirit of the main point - "a system of persons and rules for the good"). You should look at the names of the posters and remember the one's you can remember. Let me end with a few Bible words, 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.” (St. MARK. 3:28-30, NKJV) 1 View in discussion Per Per reiver52 a year ago I think the behaviour of lordllucan is bad and needs to be changed. 3 View in discussion Per Per peterhood a year ago "Animal Farm" by George Orwell was the book I read. "All are equal but some are more equal" "Four feet good, two feet bad" "The chickens protested" 5 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1494 comments David Cameron urges Scottish nationalists to accept referendum defeat Per Per v2jievoi a year ago evian spring water. No ice. View in discussion Per Per v2jievoi a year ago Speaking of spirits, time for a Scotch, single malt Laphroaig, 18 years old. View in discussion Per Per v2jievoi a year ago You have to understand the spirit of it all, as the Bible says... 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.” (St. MARK. 3:28-30, NKJV) View in discussion Per Per v2jievoi a year ago Cameron's vow? It was Salmond's vow before the election, "And as Alex Salmond said before the referendum, that would settle it for a generation or he said possibly a lifetime." 3 View in discussion Per Per v2jievoi a year ago But he obviously refers to human generations. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Ms. Sturgeon, this is to you (basically a repost except a correction of spelling), I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonialization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 885 comments Does David Cameron realise how miserable a second term would be? Per Per a year ago "With the NHS and international aid protected, as well as big ticket items such as pensions, that means either asking every spending department to chop off a limb, or eliminating some entirely (Business? Education?)" If you want to spend tax money on NHS and aid, you need productive businesses to collect the money in the first place. Here is a tip to Cameron. 1. Create a public web site where people with business ideas can disclose their ideas; for disclosing their ideas they get a return, a percentage of future profit of the businesses that spawn as a result of this. 2. People that want to build a business can look into the database of this website, and make a formal business proposal; they state why just they are competent and why they like the particual business idea fetched from the database. 3. To finance this the people in (2) need support from voters; tax payers are eligible to vote for a business team in (2) (with their collected business idea), the motivation for voting is that if the business they vote for goes well, they get a proportional tax break of their future taxation. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 1899 comments Margaret Thatcher's struggle against the strikes, the 'enemy within', was a fight for democracy Per Per reiver52 a year ago I thought the phrase of the week was "filthy tory", "courtesy" of juvenile lordllucan lordllucan has read quotes from A. Hitler "If you repeat a thing enough times it becomes the truth..." Who's max_principal, BTW, that nick seems to vote for every post that lordllucan posts (you get the point...). Could it be a submarine...? 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago A lot of hot air in this thread, as it turned out. Don't get hubris over your own importance in making posts. I've estimated the amount of total readers of this thread to be about 1000 viewers (including guests) How did I arrive at this estimate? A quick estimate shows there are about 500 unique names in this thread. Then from the up votes the average is about 50/50 between guests and nicknames. 500*2 = 1000 (I may have overestimated the number of unique nicknames) 1 View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago I guess I won't be able to recommend this thread, ever... View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago True, in a way. But the eurozone can get away with a single interest rate, provided that the eurozone is a "transfer zone", meaning that the wealthy (e.g. Germany) gives money to the poor (Greece). Germany is opposed to this, but I think it is the only way. View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago Thanks, remboy. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I love the UK and the brits. I can see love in this thread. Here is my part. Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; Tillägnad Lotta Dedicated to Lotta View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago I suppose you are a half Irish gay boy... View in discussion Per Per a year ago This discussion system is such a joy to me. Here are my top 3 threads, so far. Read them entirely. Lots of fun. 1 View in discussion Per Per bob3 a year ago I love this quote (related), "We are slowly but steadily moving over to the metric system, inch by inch." 5 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The Disqus messaging system works like a charm. Credit to the project managers and programmers, (and the secretaries and everyone else involved the making of Disqus). And credit to the Telegraph for the choice. Kudos. 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 1899 comments Margaret Thatcher's struggle against the strikes, the 'enemy within', was a fight for democracy Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago Better have a beer soon then. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice beer at Nyhavn. I can recommend Hotel Copenhagen. Cheap and good. Go there before the Universe ends... 1 View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago This is a repeat partially of a previous post, The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago You are not Swedish, are you? View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago The Queen of Sweden, Silvia Renate, was born in Heidelberg, Germany. Most Swedish consider her very Swedish. View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago There is a single currency in the UK. The pound sterling. Will it fail too, within the UK? 1 View in discussion Per Per remboy a year ago Culture, my friend, not genes. 4 View in discussion Per Per geogibsonenfloride a year ago "Such concepts were anathema to her" Of curse. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I love the British. Many have a good dry tone. As can be seen in this thread. Then there are the foreigners... 3 View in discussion Per Per geogibsonenfloride a year ago Did you know that Albert Einstein had schizophrenia in the family? Google it. View in discussion Per Per GraveDave a year ago Who's "the far left feminist troll"? (in your opinion) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 1899 comments Margaret Thatcher's struggle against the strikes, the 'enemy within', was a fight for democracy Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago The rich better then bribe the Devil to make Hell comfortable... View in discussion Per Per Matthewfive a year ago Are you from the UK? How long have you been following the DT? Would you consider DT to be right wing? View in discussion Per Per Matthewfive a year ago OK. What's your favourite quote of Margret Thatcher? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The Daily Telegraph is a right wing news source, right? There has been a lot of articles on Margret Thatcher, lately. Here is my favourite quote of the "Iron Lady", "Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction." Margret Thatcher (RIP) I am very pleased with reading DT. I am a paying subscriber, even though I live in Sweden. It's fun to comment and to look at comments. I guess I will keep on to "Watch the Telegraph..." 8 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 851 comments Let’s hear it for Theresa May as she promises to silence the Islamists Per Per a year ago Repost from other threads. Repeating of good stuff is a virtue. (with acclaims and other comments) I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) — The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per — It's interesting that you say that the BBC journalists are left wing. We have exactly the same situation in Sweden, only that all major news channel's journalists are left wing, as polls of their sympathies have shown. A late friend of mine, applied for the university school of journalism here in Sweden. To apply for the school he had to do a test. A lot of questions, most of them very political. He was a smart guy, so he understood that they wanted to test his sympathies for the left; he figured out that and answered all question though he was a radical left winger. He got in. Then he realised what type of colleagues he would have, therefore he didn't go for this prestigious degree. You need not only answer the questions right (or left as we know...) but you need very good grades from school too. In Sweden it is a well established facts that the left of the 70's actively sought to apply for certain strategic jobs, e.g. telephone maintenance (to wire tap phones) etc. They even had their own courts in the woods sentencing people that were deviating from the "true" doctrine (according to them, of course). (Per) — Sweden was controlled by one party for decades so a social democrat bias became engrained in institutions (Scotsman1) — I think I like you, even if we do disagree on some things. You sounds like a proper human being you see, with a heart and ideals etc, as opposed for example to the repulsive, inhuman, unscrupulous beings that man the major political parties (Kugelschreiber) — Thank you very much for your kind words. Have a beer tonight. (Per) — When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — — The issue is motivation. In Africa, the blacks are very interested in a good education because they see they can get a better life with it. In the leftist western world, you get a good life without education; you get a free ride without dedication and hard work, thus white kids in western europe are less motivated to follow the lessons. — There are some pretty wise pieces in the Bible. The following quote I believe in strongly, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Since there was no possibility to comment on the right Thatcher thread, I post my comment here Chris Collins, a historian at the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, said Mrs Thatcher was likely to have seen the term "the enemy within" as part of her Methodist upbringing. Charles Wesley's Methodist Hymnal contains the words as a reference to human weakness: "But worse than all my foes I find, the enemy within." It described the “enemy within” as “the evil heart, the carnal mind,/My own insidious sin.” All these three I must avoid, Evil heart - the desire of the heart to hurt others physically, and enjoy it Carnal mind - Sexual desire can get you into real trouble My own insidious sin - insidious means "unnoticed in action but causing something very bad in the end; secretly harmful" to me this means my naive child within me. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Sterling you too! View in discussion Per Per a year ago I can recommend the thread "The Tories want an ethical society too" where Janet Daley writes the introducing words and then follows the comments. As somebody pointed out, Janet is a Jew. (I don't know of this is true) Why are the Jews more intelligent than the rest of us? According to studies, the Jews have 115 in IQ average across population, while the western world has 100. The Chinese and Japanense have 105. Is there a natural explanation? Yes, there is. The Jews are isolated culturally from the rest of the population, and in the Jewish culture there is great excitement and interest in those who are intelligent. The intelligent are sexy. Thus this becomes established and an upwards spiral of confirmation to intelligence in this community because they are isolated. The intelligent are preferred, sexually and get more children. Those Jews who are not sexy (less smart) have to marry someone from the outside; the "goy". Thus with time the Jews got smarter and smarter because of the culture. 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Speaking of war wisdom, here is the priorities that is important to win wars, 1. Discipline 2. Great weapons. Note the order of priority. Number one priority is discipline. Why? Since your own great weapons can be turned on yourself if you don't have discipline. The more powerful weapons, the more dangerous it is. Discipline is thus priority one, and great weapons number two. Here is another wisdom, regarding war, "Better no safety, than false safety." I came up with that in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, working as a salvager demolishing a project housing group to make way for a highway, as I remember. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I might just add, although I find May sexy, I wouldn't have sex with her, since I have made a promise to my self, long ago, not to go to bed with anyone with power. The reason is media's interest for public figure's, especially those with power and their lovers. I would absolutely loathe to be a public figure exposed in the tabloids, but that is just my taste; I do not want to be used by the press and recognised everywhere I go on the streets. The other reason not to have sex, as I recalled just now, was that you would be in a stark master/slave relationship; the one with the power can play with you like a toy, and I would not like that. (If the master with power don't get their will through, on whatever, they can use their means to power to blackmail or extort from. There is a completely different force relationship between one in power and one without.) The third reason, as I recall, is that sex is a very powerful emotion. People can go ravingly mad if they don't get their will through on this, once they have tasted the fruit. Dangerous stuff. Just don't let anyone with power taste your fruit... I guess having power has its drawbacks... View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 291 comments Doctor Who, Kill The Moon, review: 'terrifying, touching' Per Per TheBoggart a year ago The idea of getting the whole world to make a decision on whether to "kill" the Moon was as daft as they come, flawed on so many levels. Yes. Should we have a referendum in the world to kill all the Jews? Maybe they should have a referendum in the USA to nuke all major cities in the Muslim world...And follow the referendum results, of course. Or a referendum in all the countries that hold nukes? "Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler." Albert Einstein (RIP) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 861 comments Afghanistan shows Cameron how to defeat Isil Per Per Ice_Inc a year ago English? Why do you have a nickname "Ice_Inc"? Incorporations are in USA, not UK. Muslim? No. Not at all. Read my discussion on monotheism with nickname "tiddles" in the following thread, (lots of humour in that thread, read the entire thread, you won't be disappointed...) View in discussion Per Per Ice_Inc a year ago Are you American? View in discussion Per Per Ice_Inc a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per Ice_Inc a year ago No. The real politic is to act in your own and your country's interest. Long term and short term. Strategically and tactically. View in discussion Per Per Ice_Inc a year ago Yeah, but its all about "real politik". USA is seen as a greater threat in the long term than Saudis. Simply because of their size. If the Saudis pay Russia, Russia will assist them. And Russia cannot take the territory once they are there, since then Russia would lose out on the business idea I just posted above, people would not trust Russia, and therefore it would be impossible to sell the insurance, hence it is in Russia's interest, speaking money and income not to betray the nations that sign up with an insurance for Russian protection (the insurance idea is much more lucrative than selling weapons since the insurance brings a steady yearly incomes for a long time, while weapons is a one time deal). Further USA would oppose that Russia takes control of the oil fields. View in discussion Per Per Ice_Inc a year ago But Saudi Arabia are Arabs, and Arabs are adjustable, to a certain degree, they know Russia would be interested, since Russia would not want UK or the USA to have control over the largest easily extractable oil fields in the world. The Arabs are looking at their survival of their life style; surely they would turn to Russia. Of course there would be negotiations, e.g. Russia would want Saudis not to sponsor any terrorists in Russia, for the deal to be made. If you are interested in "ivan" read here, BTW, if there are any Russians on this blog, please tip your government of the following, Military protection can be seen as a business idea. What you sell is insurances to countries who do not want to have an army, instead they buy an insurance of military protection from Russia, maybe 1pc of GDP of country every year. If there was a conflict Russia would send troops and remove the problem... View in discussion Per Per Paul Greenwood a year ago If we did that Saudi Arabia would ally with Russia. And Russia has the H-bomb; infact the largest ever blown in air was from USSR. View in discussion Per Per Blighty Steve a year ago interesting. I looked it up on wikipedia, What you say about Blighty wound is apparently true. But Oxford English Dictionary speculates that the word comes from "bilayati", a regional variant of the Urdu word "vilayati", meaning "foreign", "British", "English" or "European Blight, though means a condition of disorder or ugliness. 1 View in discussion Per Per Blighty Steve a year ago I am interested in you, you write interesting stuff. Just curious, why do you (in your nickname) use the word "Blighty"? Are you ugly looking, and want to be true about this? View in discussion Per Per Anon_Wales a year ago But there were casualties? Right? Would you think it was economically viable to launch a 1000 000 pound airstrike to take out Hitler in a 100000 pound building, in WW2? 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 861 comments Afghanistan shows Cameron how to defeat Isil Per Per Anon_Wales a year ago We have to fight terrorism. It's worth the price. How much does an unemployed on benefits cost? 20000 punds/year? How many? To what use in the fight against terrorism? View in discussion Per Per Anon_Wales a year ago It makes sense, though, economically, if you relate it to GDP of Britain and GDP of ISIL; they got a harder blow than we did, purely as pc of GDP, is my guess. View in discussion Per Per Blighty Steve a year ago Have you come up with that humorous "piece". I want to quote that and I want to know the originator. View in discussion Per Per Gonnynodaethat a year ago No. Don't think so. No evidence for your "hypothesis" (no it's not even an hypothesis). View in discussion Per Per Gonnynodaethat a year ago BTW, if you use a calculator you come up with 5.7 billion sum, however in the wikipedia article the figure 6.9 is stated. I am not sure why. View in discussion Per Per Gonnynodaethat a year ago 2.2 billion are Christians 1.6 billion are Muslims 1.0 billion Hindu 0.5 billion Buddist 0.4 billion Chinese Folk Religion ------------- Total: 6.9 billion. Do you know the world population in relation to this? "Ban religion"...Dream on. View in discussion Per Per Gonnynodaethat a year ago Please learn how to spell "Religion" View in discussion Per Per Gonnynodaethat a year ago ROTFLMAO. Who are you to say "BAN RELIGIONS". Boy are you out of touch with reality... You should ask nickname "carlmarx" what he said to me in Swedish. View in discussion Per Per lateo a year ago In the desire, my friend, in the desire, secret or open... The Israelis (most, anyway by the way Israel successfully functions) know how to spell "refrain". Muslims (at least some) have a problem with this spelling. View in discussion Per Per lateo a year ago Yeah, but aren't we all possessed by the Devil... ;-) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 861 comments Afghanistan shows Cameron how to defeat Isil Per Per lateo a year ago I'm with lateo. I am just a "useful idiot goy" ;-) If I were to choose between Isreael and rest of MENA, I would choose Israel. That's were my sympathies are. The Israelis are smart. You don't kill your useful goy. That is simple to understand. The Muslims are confused by their emotions, so they are not as smart as the Jews. View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago You must be Russian. Revealed. If you were UK citizen why would you say "bankrupt UK" above... View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago So do you say that Original Christianity was split up between current Christianity and Islam? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Islam, as I understand, is basically split up between Shia and Sunni. Christianity is basically split up between Catholic and Protestant. The Protestant are further split up into numerous different churches (as can be seen in the USA) Are Islam more split up than this. Is Catholicism split up like the Protestant? View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago "Because God doesn't trust the British Government in the dark" You are funny! But the full moon could lit up Britain in the dark. "The moon lights up the darkness..." View in discussion Per Per a year ago Did you know that here in Sweden, some people call the Danes "The Nordic Arabs" Arabs are known for fooling you. It's all in the culture, not genes. I like to fool people, it's fun, especially 1 April. View in discussion Per Per Jay Igaboo a year ago Islamic and Christian texts are horrific with all this extortion of burning. I believe in neither of them The ideology of Christianity and Islam is power concentration. I do not believe in power concentration. I like to think that religion is something that you defend vigorously and fight for the values in the religion. This is really how I understand religion. Have you heard the term "religious wars" on the internet. Than is flaming each other in a debate according to your core beliefs. This is like a religion to me; this means it's all in your core. My religion is something else. It's wonderfully beautiful. And simple. My religion is basically the following, 1. Devolution of power 2. Respect those that respects 3. Perform with excellence View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Just as you are stuck with your own body, I guess we are stuck with Islam, and possibly Christianity. In a way there is more virtue to Islam than Christianity, since Christianity builds upon a sacrifice, while Muhammed was not a sacrifice. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Our commitment to challenge Islam and their values, should continue for the time being. Have you heard the phrase "Quit while you're ahead." In Swedish that is "Man ska sluta när man är på topp." I could not disagree more with this saying. I think it is wonderful for a sportsman to show he or she is human and can lose matches while he gets older. Continue for the time being, that's my phrase. In Swedish "Fortsätt tillsvidare." View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago What about my country, Sweden? Do I love Sweden, like I love the UK? No. But I am proud of Sweden. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 403 comments David Cameron’s tax pledge won’t break the bank – but his NHS one might Per Per dac a year ago I was just quoting (28 pc) from that link I provided. You can read for yourself. I would be very glad if you had any link that supported what you are saying. Not that I don't believe you, just want to be sure. View in discussion Per Per dac a year ago 28pc of total Medicare expenditure in the USA went on people's last 6 months of life. http://www.medicarenewsgroup.c... View in discussion Per Per a year ago What tax quota should we have on total GDP? Tax quota is the percentage of all tax income in a country divided by GDP. 2012 OECD figures show Denmark leading with a tax quota of 48% Sweden has 44.3 and UK 35.2; USA 24.3 Higher percentage is basically a proportional move to socialism. The question is if socialism is good for the country in the long term. Historically, peoples of the world have lived without state/country welfare socialism, and the result is us; a good quality species, generally speaking. What will happen to the human species in the future? 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 861 comments Afghanistan shows Cameron how to defeat Isil Per Per a year ago Amongst all this resentment for Muslims, and their nations such as Afganistan, I would like to balance the debate. Have you read "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini? I can recommend the book. I have read it. In that book he clearly makes a stand against sociopaths. The book has a heart. It shows that some Afgans have wisdom and heart. Khaled also makes a stand against extreme fundamentalist Muslims (the TV debate) Of course, the great wisdom he argues for is that all crime is really thievery. Murder is stealing of one life. Rape is stealing of a womans or mans integrity. Tax crime is stealing of expected revenue to the state. Battery is stealing of your peace of mind. etc Would you agree on this his wisdom? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago More praise, I like the Asian spirit, and the African humor, and the Hispanic passion. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Some more praise...this time across the Atlantic. I respect the US ARMY very much. I respect NASA. I respect many great American corporations. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Just want to tell you I respect the Russians very much. They are a smart people, with all their Grand Masters in Chess. In USSR (CCCP) the military worked great; the main thing that really worked in USSR. (and the great Ice Hockey team) Russians remember. Carl Bildt is a fool. View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago Is it nickname "carlmarx" who call you a Russian? Are you Russian? Are you foreign? You said ISIS instead of Isil. Just wondering. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I have previously posted a war poem on telegraph. Look it up. The obviously controversial value from me is in that poem is, "No world peace." Why no world peace? 1. All is about power and values. 2. World peace implies you are forbidden to fight for your values. 3. Then those without values becomes as much worth as those with values. 4. A society without values, which leads to the abyss. 5. Some fights here and there is to prefer, because then the cultural evolution leads to the most successful values prevail. 6. Which is good, since prevailing values are good in the same way that biological evolution leads to a beautiful Nature. The poem is dedicated to Engineering Physics, KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, Sweden. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 285 comments Banning online 'extremists’ isn’t the answer Per Per jimmmmmy a year ago Regarding your question, "Why don't you move there?"[to Sweden] View in discussion Per Per lhhh a year ago Thanks. This is a repost from the other thread. Extremist views are helping in clarifying the debate. They help test if the oppositions arguments hold. Of course one should be able to hold extremist views. What muddled my thinking was my emotions of ISIL and Islamic extremist. Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves. Carl Sagan (RIP) 1 View in discussion Per Per lhhh a year ago Thanks for your input. I had a similar discussion in the thread, Mike there gave me some good input. I take my position back. One should not ban extreme views. One should be able to hold an extremist view. Thanks again. 1 View in discussion Per Per jimmmmmy a year ago I am currently writing this post from Stockholm, Sweden. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I do not agree with Domenic Raab. We should ban extremists from expressing their views with rule of law. By law, in Sweden, it is already a crime to express defamation, to encourage crime by expressing yourself, and most recently "hets mot folkgrupp" it is a crime to express agitation against ethnic, sexual orientation, religious etc groups. Freedom of speech is already impaired. Let us impair the freedom of speech to extremists. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 851 comments Let’s hear it for Theresa May as she promises to silence the Islamists Per Per a year ago Suppose someone comes up with a view. The question arises, "Why should I support that view?" Well, instead of saying, "Because I/we/he/she/they says so.", one should say "Because the view has been tested, and it works." 1. Suppose you have a view that has been tested, and passed successfully; the view works in practise. 2. Your referral to this successful history requires historical data. 3. Therefore one should be very reluctant to revisionists of history (e.g. the IngSoc in the book 1984, by George Orwell), in your own interest. For example, the views 1. Follow the rules as you comprehend them. 2. Failure to communicate can be deadly. 3. Beers are on us if you do a good job. 4. Retribution of not following the rules. Have (not exactly, but the sprit of it, 1 discipline, 2 successful communication, 3 reward, punishment) been tested in in wars, and the success of the spirit of this has been documented in literature. View in discussion Per Per Mike a year ago Dear Mike, I take back by remark about paranoia. And lack of understanding of English values. You are obviously full of English values, like devolution of power in the UK, which is apparent from the function of local governments in UK. I apologize sincerely. I can recommend "Twist in my sobriety" by Tanita Tikaram (from the album "Ancient Heart") 1 View in discussion Per Per truthmatters a year ago Thanks. 2 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Extremist views are helping in clarifying the debate. They help test if the oppositions arguments hold. Of course one should be able to hold extremist views. What muddled my thinking was my emotions of ISIL and Islamic extremist. Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves. Carl Sagan (RIP) 2 View in discussion Per Per Mike a year ago Thank you very much for your input. This cleared my head. One should not ban extremist views. That is obvious to me now. I thought different hours ago. Good post. Thanks again. 3 View in discussion Per Per Mike a year ago "This is not about those actually advocating violence, it's about silencing those who have opinions someone in power doesn't agree with - measures to reinforce totalitarianism. " Paranoia, eh? You don't understand English values or culture, apparently. As long as English culture and values prevail in the UK (e.g. devolution of power) we are safe. View in discussion Per Per agneau a year ago "Excellent English by the way." I did after all do my Cambridge O-levels and A-levels with good grades. In Africa. View in discussion Per Per agneau a year ago Oh, I don't think my views on which women are attractive to me are going to be the basis for any commercials... View in discussion Per Per agneau a year ago In Sweden the specsavers commercials say at the end "Borde gått till Specsavers" which means "Should have gone to Specsavers" I am assuming, of course, that they have this phrase in UK in specsavers commercials and that you have specsavers in the UK View in discussion Per Per agneau a year ago The telly commercials in Sweden have the same phrasing in the end of the commercial (in Swedish, of course) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 851 comments Let’s hear it for Theresa May as she promises to silence the Islamists Per Per stoffel45 a year ago I wish not to have an opinion of Islam and Muslims, since some of them are violent towards towards those who are against them. 2 View in discussion Per Per Bruce Hamilton a year ago No. Logic and knowledge is to know and understand that people can flag under false flags (I think you mean your wording "definition" as "nickname"). There is this poster that posts under the nickname "carlmarx". He seems to be a right winger. View in discussion Per Per lhhh a year ago How dare you say that. Did you not listen to Cameron's excellent speech on the Conservative Conference? Did you not read Allisons interesting article above? Did you not understand that brave Theresa May is taking a stand? Democracy and the press is working. 2 View in discussion Per Per la catholic state a year ago In other words, civil liberties are the "rights" or "freedoms" which underpin democracy. This usually means the right to vote, the right to life, the prohibition on torture, security of the person, the right to personal liberty and due process of law, freedom of expression and freedom of association.[3] freedom of association: Freedom of association is primarily manifested through the right to join a trade union, free speech or debating societies, political parties, or any other club or association such as religious groups, fraternities, or sport clubs references, 2 View in discussion Per Per la catholic state a year ago "I will certainly still espouse the conversion of all immigrants to Christianity who want to come to the West!" Catholic or Protestant? 1 View in discussion Per Per burnside2 a year ago But Allison Pearson (the article writer above) is sexy looking... Theresa May is also sexy looking... The sexy looking praise the sexy looking. View in discussion Per Per Beyond Cynicism a year ago If nothing else works, use "The Argument of Confusion"... I am surprised that you trust the new kids on the block more than the established parties. They call themselves libertarian (UKIP's constitution) for crying out loud; check up what his word means, on wikipeida, for example. How can you trust a libertarian more than good old Conservatives. A little conservative values is always good. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Of course, the hope for Brian in that movie was that his lover would realise that she could save him. She knew that there was an order to rescue Brian, she knew he was still on the cross; she knew the identity of Brian, all she would have to realise was that she could go the the Roman command and tell that the order has not been fulfilled, yet, and that orders must be followed. View in discussion Per Per Beyond Cynicism a year ago It's not a question of trust to politicians. It's voting for the politician that clearly knows what is in his own interest. For example, Cameron may win next years election, and fail to hold a referendum after the victory; BUT and this is an important but, he will lose his face and be remembered as a liar, further the Conservatives may lose the election after next years election (2020) since the EU referendum is such a big issue and people will remember it as a lie if he fails to hold an election when he was voted in power. It's all about being considerate selfish. View in discussion Per Per tiddles a year ago You mean from Monty Python's movie "Life of Brian". Really funny movie. I bought the DVD. Did you know that "Life of Brian" was totally banned in Norway? View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 851 comments Let’s hear it for Theresa May as she promises to silence the Islamists Per Per Beyond Cynicism a year ago You are going to vote for UKIP. Independece Party, eh. Now that Cameron has made his intentions clear as that he want an IN/OUT referendum, what's left of the independence movement (from the EU)? Maybe UKIP should change it's name to UKKTRTEP "UK Keen To Rock The Establishment Party" But that may be awkward to say... View in discussion Per Per tiddles a year ago Regarding Jesus, here are some arguments as to why he never existed. Either Jesus is a myth or he was real. Here are some motives as to argue for the myth, 1. The religious community needed a figure (imaginary and basis for the myth) to focus on that would confirm the Old Testament. ("I have not come to abolish the law" as Jesus basically said) 2.The people longed for a messias, then a made up messias is almost as good. 3.The emotional basis for such a myth to spread quickly was there (the originators of the myth felt the vibes in the air) and then some people thought it would be fun to be the originators of such a myth and then other people joined. The most important points (that I have in memory right now) that Jesus never existed are 1. You don't write down the story of Jesus decades later if he now could make magic and thus proved he was God's son; you write down the story immediately. 2. Fairly stupid of Jesus to say that the Devil shall burn, and then say that he is the Devil himself (morningstar).God(s) seems smart considering the Laws of Physics (the Laws of Nature), how then can his son be such dumb being. (Why is this dumb? Because the spirit of the two signals (Jesus said according to the Bible 1. Devil is bad and shall burn [St. MATTHEWS. 25:41], 2. I am the Devil [REVELATION. 22:16]) he is sending is contradictory.) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago All this religious stuff can really get on your nerves. I just like to have a beer at times. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice beer at Nyhavn. Conversation heard in a British pub... There is this Swedish guy, with a really, I mean really, big mouth. We're talking Tyrranosaurus Rex kind of mouth. He's telling what other people should think. You know. He even tells us what our values are... He's into a lot of politics and religion. Heavy stuff, you know. And then, when he responds to a thread, of Osborne/Cameron, he asks the question, "Do you mean Sandra Osborne, the Scotish Labour politician?" I mean, WTF. View in discussion Per Per tiddles a year ago OK. Here is my take on challenging monotheism, Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 657 comments David Cameron has little to fear from Labour Per Per Per a year ago Poem in Swedish, Vi är ett rart folk; Med eller utan tolk; View in discussion Per Per a year ago My country, who I am most proud of, culturally, View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago The spending of NHS will just go up and up. That's for sure. As it looks now. View in discussion Per Per a year ago A poem written recently, The will to comfort; Is a drive to decadence, of sort; The gene pool decays; My sister, your ways; A law of Nature; That's for sure; View in discussion Per Per Brigantian a year ago Can't find the article in wikipedia, are you making things up, or provide a link. from wikipedia search, There were no results matching the query. The page "However extensive study has shown that this was the site of the first interstellar war between the Ger'uke and the Vertam." does not exist. View in discussion Per Per Brigantian a year ago I'm already heavy into commenting on British politics... "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) — I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) — The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Brigantian a year ago Isil. Are you foreign? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Of course it is. It must have been on the news in UK. Horrific. Torture. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Is this it? View in discussion Per Per Brigantian a year ago W. Hague was born in Rotherham. Can you inform me what this issue of Rotherham is, I've seen it mentioned several times, but I don't get it. I am Swedish, after all. "Hague said deployments of a warship, HMS Dauntless, and the Duke of Cambridge to the Falklands were "entirely routine". Hague said that Britain supported the islanders' self-determination and would seek to prevent Argentina from "raising the diplomatic temperature" on the issue." The Falklands war is of course a gold star testimonial of Margret Thatcher. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 657 comments David Cameron has little to fear from Labour Per Per a year ago Can you see the subtle humor in this imaginary military radio conversation? Are you academic? Roger. Have you written a book? Roger. Are you into religion? Roger. What about love? Lot of. 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Check this out, View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago :-) View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago Why then do UKIP call themselves a "democratic libertarian party" (in its constitution, even) View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago But you like laissez-faire capitalism ? read this interesting article on wikipedia, View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago You haven't read the Daily Telegraph, have you, read this, for example, They are called Isil in England. View in discussion Per Per Flighter a year ago Maybe UKIP should change it's name to UKKTRTEP "UK Keen To Rock The Establishment Party" But that may be awkward to say... 2 View in discussion Per Per Flighter a year ago Quote from wikipedia, "The nascent party's primary objective was withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. " Further, if you did not know what UKIP actually stands for, here it is "UK Independence Party" Independence from what? EU of course. View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago You mean Isil. That's what they are called in England. Are you foreign? View in discussion Per Per SUCKERED THEM AGAIN a year ago No. We are sick of libertarian political parties, such as the UKIP. Libertarian is a mix of "Laizzer-fair capitalism", "Socialism that want to abolish capitalism and ownership" and "anarchists" Check wikipedia if you don't believe me. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 657 comments David Cameron has little to fear from Labour Per Per Flighter a year ago Cameron did a smart thing in his speech today, watch it on "Catch Up" on your telly if you already haven't. He said UK will have a IN/OUT EU referendum. What does that mean, really? It means UKIP are superfluous if there is a referendum, since that is their main point and if there is a referendum the people of UK can say what they think on this one issue for the UKIP without having to vote in UKIP in power. View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago You seem awfully rightwing considering your nickname. View in discussion Per Per John Rennie a year ago Dear Sir, Google translate is good, but only so good. The correct interpretation implies your own nose, that even children understand, is "You have to think further than your own nose reaches." the literal interpretation is, "One has to think further than the nose reaches." Pick one of them according to taste, speaking of taste here is a famous Swedish folk saying that rhymes, "Smaken är som baken, delad" "Taste is like the butt, split." or "Taste is like the behind, split." or "The taste is like the ass, split." or Yeah, you get it... View in discussion Per Per carlmarx a year ago The problem with Adolf Hitler. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago How could the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) be so large as they were in the USA once? Considering the clear quote on racism. Slavery in the USA was racist. View in discussion Per Per a year ago There are some pretty wise pieces in the Bible. The following quote I believe in strongly, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per a year ago A repost, since it is so important. Repetition of good stuff is a virtue. The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per John Rennie a year ago In Sweden we have a saying "Man måste tänka längre än näsan räcker." Look it up on google translate. View in discussion Per Per Jim a year ago He did in his speech do a slip of the tongue; resent he said, represent he meant. "these are the people we resent" speaking of poor children. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Cameron said two important things in his speech today (I only saw a part of it, so there might be more) 1. Control migration, both EU and non-EU (implying taking back the UK power to the UK) 2. There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum. Compare that to Milibandit 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 65 comments Why ABBA won't be getting back together Per Per Chris a year ago Here is a famous Swedish rhyme folk saying, look it up on google translate, and remember the Swedish quote if you like, "Smaken är som baken, delad." View in discussion Per Per Chris a year ago The most popular, after a vote here in Sweden, is "Dancing Queen", other popular is "The winner takes it all" and the number 2 in the list i listed. The best song by Iron Maiden, IMO, is "Hallowed Be Thy Name", 2nd best "The Number Of The Beast", 3rd "Fear Of The Dark" View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2693 comments Tomorrow, David Cameron has to stamp out Ukip's bonfire – once and for all Per Per a year ago This is a repost from another thread. Repetion of good stuff is a virtue. There are some pretty wise pieces in the Bible. The following quote I believe in strongly, “2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (St. MATTHEWS. 7:2, KJV) The following quote is a niece piece on racism, “34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” (THE ACTS. 10:34-35, KJV) “34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. 35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (same NKJV) View in discussion Per Per a year ago The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per mikeyp a year ago No, he didn't promise, he just stated his intentions. View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago In the Swedish national team, not PSG... View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago You can follow me. Do you know who Zlatan is? In Sweden sometimes they write Z(l)atan View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I hope Zlatan Ibrahimovic joins City. Then they will show many matches of City in Sweden, as they do now for PSG (Paris team). View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago Will they do it again 2015? View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I like Man City View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I find it interesting. I love the UK and the British. View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I live in Stockholm. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2693 comments Tomorrow, David Cameron has to stamp out Ukip's bonfire – once and for all Per Per pickwick a year ago "it is about taking back our country from foreign powers" Cameron said two important things in his speech today (I only saw a part of it, so there might be more) 1. Control migration, both EU and non-EU (implying taking back the UK power to the UK) 2. There will be an IN/OUT EU referendum. View in discussion Per Per Tom a year ago I went to and there I clicked on conference 2014 then there I clicked on youtube playlist, but the full speech is not there. How did you manage to find the full speech. You can be proud of David Cameron, his speech was far more impressive than Swedish politicians can muster. View in discussion Per Per a year ago What a wonderful speech today (I only saw the last part of the live broadcast, does anyone know where I can see a compete version). Kudos to Cameron. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I hope that UK leaves the EU should the EU want "United States of Europe" Or if they want to make it impossible to leave the EU. (The Muslims have this in their religion) Credit to poster "ireland" 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Good that Con got rid of Reckless. You must get rid of change heads or people who in their heart or not con. Newmark situation (sex scandal) )was a bit sad, though. He looks sympathetic. The British tabloid are horrible, something like that would not happen in Sweden; the way things are now, at least. With immigration culture may change. That Swedish model (Malin S) they used for the picture was good looking, IMO. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Dear Mr Hodges, You said that Conservatives must go head on and strike them. They have not done this, yet. Why? To go head on, here is my tip to Mr Cameron. Two parts. Repulsion and attraction. The repulsion part must make voters detest and loathe UKIP. This is easiest done by doing a head on repeated education of what libertarian is, and what kind of people support it. Check wikipedia. UKIP could of course change their minds and say they are no long libertarian, but that would lose them confidence, since change heads is not something you want to vote for. "Looking for something we can rely on" (quote from "We do not need another hero", Tina Turner) The second part is attraction. The easiest and quickest way to get people to love the conservatives is to tackle immigration. Put restriction on immigration. One should be non-racist and refugee friendly, but the argument here is that "even if the whole of the world were of British ethnicity, we could not allow for open doors in to Britain. Mass immigration must be managed properly, since it destroys countries. If you do this, you have completed the attraction part. View in discussion Per Per a year ago It's 1st of October, go to bed. View in discussion Per Per serialluncher a year ago Yes, apparently. Check wikipedia. View in discussion Per Per Arnold a year ago The UKIP by their own words are libertarian. NOT CONSERVATIVE. Check wikipedia. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I had, as usual, lunch at the local restaurant "The Vietnam", and there a stranger started to talk at me. He was apparently fairly old and he said he was a gypsy. He at first didn't know who Adolf Hiltler was. Strange. Then when I mentioned the second world war he seemed to know. When I said that "mulatt" is the mixture of black and white race in Swedish , he said that that word was the same for a mixture of donkey and horse - mule, I checked it up in google translate and he was not correct. Ignorance is bliss. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2693 comments Tomorrow, David Cameron has to stamp out Ukip's bonfire – once and for all Per Per a year ago The views on a internet blog like this may not be representative of the general public opinion. Robert Aschberg, well known in Sweden, made an investigation of the internet opinions and in relation to the real opinions of the Swedish puplic and found a large discrepancy of the load voices of internet and what people really thought. Interesting. View in discussion Per Per sodit a year ago Repost from previous posts. ireland is an interesting poster. Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — You are mute on the drive towards a United States Of Europe, as called for by former German Chancellor,Gerhard Schroeder, by current E.U. Vice President Viviene Reding, and backed by German Merkel.In such a union all sovereignty would be transferred to the Brussels Commission,if effect a European government, German dominated.You may like this notion I suggest that a majority here would dissent. I want a referendum where my vote to leave the E.U. would count for something,until then I would like to hear Cameron say no, no ,no no to the E.U.on many projects. (ireland) --- Thank you for your interesting response. First, I am strongly, very strongly, for devolution of power. A "United States Of Europe" would therefore be a move in the wrong direction. If that happens, then I am for a referendum, and I hope UK then leaves "United States Of Europe". I hope Sweden leaves the EU too, if that would be a reality. If important nations leave, what would be left of the EU? Therefore I think they would be careful to introduce "United States Of Europe"; membership is after all voluntary. (Per) --- It is plain to see that the creation of a United States Of Europe is an end result of the single currency,fiscal,taxation, interest rate, trade, political sovereignty surrendered.The dominant loudest voice in such a union will be German with Kraut Merkel making the demands.Can you really see the Germans stopping at just the euro nations in such a union?I cannot. Is there a strong euro sceptic movement in your country, is it a strong one,would your government be able to stand up to German pressure? Your ideas of devolution of power goes against the ethos of the E.U.policy makers, central Brussels control is their aim. (ireland) --- I'll repost a post I posted above, in relation to your worries. Hope you get it. Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. (Per) --- No I cannot get it,but clearly you and I will never agree. I believe in the nation state and nationalism. Your posting has come up, I am having some computer problems. (ireland) --- "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) (Per) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. Since the origins of USA (the most powerful nation in the world), and the rest of the Americas, is Europe we should be proud of Europe. View in discussion Per Per Troll_Finder_General a year ago I'm have currently a Scotch, single malt, Lagavulin. No, I'll continue since I am not drunk - yet. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Music. Listen to "Kisses of Fire" by ABBA ABBA – Kisses Of Fire It's all about who you love (and what party). View in discussion Per Per English Aborigine a year ago No. He was a "stupid" man but listened to reason. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. 4 View in discussion Per Per Junker'sBagMan a year ago Swedish women Stockhomers must be attractive to the world immigrants... View in discussion Per Per JabbaTheCat a year ago General election 7th May 2015. 5 View in discussion Per Per Junker'sBagMan a year ago No. It's still beautiful. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 2693 comments Tomorrow, David Cameron has to stamp out Ukip's bonfire – once and for all Per Per a year ago "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 17 View in discussion Per Per Owdcodger a year ago Can you be more specific. What do you have in mind, specifically? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 65 comments Why ABBA won't be getting back together Per Per Guest a year ago Absolutely. A male who loves women. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I used, some summer ago, reside in Paignton, south UK. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago The Daily Telegraph is a quality newspaper and web publishing site. I love the UK and the British. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago In Halmstad? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Did you know they charge 63 crowns for a Big Mac & co in Mellbystrand, but only 59 crowned for the same in Stockholm? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Maybe we have seen each other at ICA MAXI, Mellbystrand. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago It's an English name, right? Were you born in UK? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago You could be a female lesbian, of course. I myself, find most men and most women attractive, younger than me and older than me, of all races. I am single, and will always be. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Actually, you said "my wife", it just dawned on me... However you seem awfully lot interested in feminism. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Hej LingoStu, "Swedish politics is in a bit of a pickle at the moment." That's why you knew this... I guess you are female and a feminist. Here is a famous Swedish compliment to women, "Kvinnor kör bättre än höns!" View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 61 comments Ukip's sideshow only helps Ed Miliband Per Per Guest a year ago I noticed that the links I provided in the previous post were shortened and did not work, here are the correct links and references, View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago You want a conservative party to win the general election... And you are going to vote for UKIP! Only problem is UKIP is not conservative, they are libertarian. The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies (Per) — “"irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose" Unfortunately, I think you failed on the "clearly" and "amusing" tests.” (IainRMuir) — Anarchists must be kidding... View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 65 comments Why ABBA won't be getting back together Per Per Guest a year ago Hej LingoStu, didn't know you were Swedish. In the summers I live in Mellbystrand, not far away from you and Agnetha. Otherwise in Stockholm. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The best album is "Voulez-Vous" and the best three songs from that album is 1 Kisses of Fire (The song I currently thinks is the best ever made by ABBA) 2 Chiquitita (The song I thought was the best in my teens, my sisters friend Lotta bluntly asked which ABBA song I thought was the best, so I had to decide quickly) 3 I Have a Dream (Hopeful sweetness) 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 140 comments Isil threat: Generals salute the 'all-or-nothing’ approach Per Per a year ago All or nothing is foolish. Compromise is the way to go. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per a year ago I have less up votes than posts. I need more up votes. The following is ethics to me. Thus I am on subject. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) 1 View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago You too. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Dear Janet Daley, I would like to share a poem, called "we always complain" If you are a frog in the woods; And you have the means, the goods; No matter what you do; People will always say bu; Cause Ghosts say bu and envy always; The material life coming that stays; You have two main themes "War leader" and "Saviour of the Economy" I would like to say that in Sweden, alliansen did poorly in the election, in spite that the economy is in great shape, alliansen handled the 2008 crisis great, and the school is finally getting better results (the PISA results were due to social democrats mismanagement), I have heard this from a former headmaster that has a good view of what is happening in Swedish schools. "Otack är världens lön" translation "Unthank you is the worlds salary." Best Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Now this thread has reached its pinnacle, don't you think? Complete with full Bible quotes from KJV, and everything. ;-) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I know you are lazy and won't look up the quote so I post it here, When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. King James Version View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tito, Castro have highjacked the left in those countries. The essence of left is equalisation, and equalisation inherently means helping those who have little with an artificial flow of resources, in order to equalise. Charity is voluntary. Except you are supposed to go to Hell if you don't... Charity is Christian love. In essence charity is forced helping with the punishment eternal torment (see the St. MATTHEW. quote, really do, pick up you Bible or look it up on the net). Socialism is forced helping using forced taxation with jail sentence if you don't pay tax. Which is more extreme. Punishment by eternal torture or punishment by jail? Thus charity, "Christian love", is the extreme form of socialism. I am, naturally, against Christianity. View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago You must write an angry letter to the makers of disqus messaging system, urging them to remove the edit feature. ;-) View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago Do you know of Orwell's book 1984? IncSoc: "War is Peace" "Freedom is slavery" ;-) 1 View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago Charity is helping. Helping is political left. Egoism is political right. Socialism is political left. 2 View in discussion Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago Thanks for the clarification. If you are interested in the sister, read here,örster-Nietzsche View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per BlingBlingsCollar a year ago Actually it is "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" rather than 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'. I have read the book in English, when I was in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, in the 1990's What I remember most in that book was "I give you the overman". And that he had a distaste for women. His sister adored him. She was a Nazi. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Let me summarize. I can sympathize with Eleutheria's position. It is much of what left and right (politically) is all about. Selfishness or helping others. Just a few reflections of the birthday party. What if there were no Bob or any other strong person there. Would the children have to accept Jill's baltant inconsiderate egoism? No. They could tell here that she would lose them as her friend, and they would never go to any other birthday party with her again. This right to detach is the weak's weapon. Schools must have this weapon to bad students that misbehave. Further, what if the strong inconsiderate egoist becomes angry with the detachment and rejection? There are always strong good people who react with emotion of injustice who put these in place. The police is good. Personally, I am a mix of right and left. View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago True. But you should never strive towards "absolute, unequivocal consideration for others", you should always be considerate to yourself and your interests (and others, naturally as I asserted in "Considerate Selfishness"). View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago I like Tuborg and Carlsberg beer. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago No. The tories have to be considerate, in self-interest. View in discussion Per Per lordllucan a year ago What's even more funny is that the far right in the USA believes in Jesus' teachings. Jesus was clearly a socialist. (St. MATTHEW. 25:31-46) View in discussion Per Per a year ago Sinister in latin means "the left". Funny. View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago Correct. It is in your self-interest to be considerate. Thus "Considerate Self-interest" or "Considerate Selfishness" as I asserted. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago It is in self interest to think further than our nose reaches. Paraphrase form the famous Swedish folk saying, "Det gäller att tänka längre än näsan räcker." View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago It is in self interest not to be a thievery victim. Thus in self interest we arrange for police and a good judicial system. Read Adam Smith's epic work. Really do. The laws of what is legal or not are made out of self interest not to be a thievery victim ("taking wealth"). 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2207 comments Jumping into the arms of Ukip only helps Ed Miliband Per Per JohnInCambridge a year ago "Politics, like it or not, is coalescing around new nodes." You are using words that are not in the Longman. What is "coalescing"? I think you seem like you are an interesting, knowledgeable person. View in discussion Per Per JohnInCambridge a year ago Thank you. I am impressed, having introduced the usage of this word to Daily Telegraph. Speaking of silage, do you have these big white silage bags on the fields of farmers? We have them all over in Sweden. I know the inventor of those bags. View in discussion Per Per helmsdale a year ago "Try doing something without the the help of other people admit it Cameron you are absolutely hopeless." You mean Robinson Crusoe could impossibly survive on the island? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Difficult to read Boris article. I did not comprehend it. What is "auto-defenestrators ". What does he mean by "to launch themselves headlong into the silage". Why would you throw yourself into silage? Silage is for cows and horses. The farmer would not be happy, since you could contaminate the fermenting grass. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago It is in self interest not to be a thievery victim. Thus in self interest we arrange for police and a good judicial system. Read Adam Smith's epic work. Really do. 1 View in discussion Per Per paradise 33 a year ago No. They are not mutually incompatible ideas. Imagine a birthday party for children at your house. There is a cake. The pure self interest for Jill (your kid) is to carve out a really big piece of the only cake. The self interest is to have a large piece to eat, and scorn at others who get much less. Enter considerate. Bob will hit Jill if she takes a too big piece. So she becomes considerate of this, in self interest. Considerate selfishness in action. View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago Que? The self interest is to have a job. If everyone has this self interest they apply for a job or becomes an entrepreneur (self employed). This self interest does not create unemployment, but create jobs. Thus benefiting the community. 1 View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago No. Not coincidental. The extension of your self interest of yourself and your possible family and friends, is clearly shown in the book that Adam Smith wrote, " An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776) You should read it. It's epic and wise. The main conclusion is that purely egoistic wills will benefit the society in large. 1 View in discussion Per Per EndTimes a year ago I just like to have a beer at times. Like when I was in Copenhagen this spring (21-23 April) and had a nice beer at Nyhavn. I can recommend Hotel Copenhagen, cheap and good. View in discussion Per Per Dr Strangelove a year ago Flaw? How can be responsible for your own community (such as your country - I am a patriot) be a flaw? The only way I can see it as a flaw is if you believe in power concentration, such as a Fürer or a God having all power, and thus only one entity responsible. But that is clearly not what she implies, she says extension; devolution of power which I believe is part of the English culture, necessitates that you are only responsible for YOUR PART. Like going to work and doing your job properly. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Quote from Janet's excellent article, "The desire to be responsible for yourself, for your own family and, by extension, your own community is the precise opposite of selfishness." To paraphrase Friedrich Nietzsche in the book "Also sprach Zarathustra" I give you "Considerate Selfishness". Think about it. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago People who have adopted children of another race, they know that race really doesn't matter that much for who we become. I guess race is mostly a sexual preference; so it matters emotionally. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I hope the English culture will remain in majority in the UK. The English culture is very good. Does it matter if the English race is in minority? After all, there is greater variety of characteristics within races than the commons between races. Tanita Tikaram is not of English race, but I love her strongly, anyhow. Listen to her songs. 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per Guest a year ago You mention minority. Are you speaking race or culture? View in discussion Per Per ireland a year ago "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot (55 upvotes) View in discussion Per Per ireland a year ago I'll repost a post I posted above, in relation to your worries. Hope you get it. Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Politics and affiliation to a particular party is a lot like football and affiliation to a club. People stay loyal to their club; but there is a limit. I remember an acquaintance who supported Hammarby (the "working class" football club in Stockholm) very strongly, he had scarfs and the whole lot. He talked for his club passionately. But then came a breaking point. He switched club abruptly to AIK (the "entrepreneur" football club in Stockholm), the main hate object for Hammarby. He wore all the paraphernalia for AIK after that. He spoke passionately for his new club. Funny. View in discussion Per Per ireland a year ago Thank you for your interesting response. First, I am strongly, very strongly, for devolution of power. A "United States Of Europe" would therefore be a move in the wrong direction. If that happens, then I am for a referendum, and I hope UK then leaves "United States Of Europe". I hope Sweden leaves the EU too, if that would be a reality. If important nations leave, what would be left of the EU? Therefore I think they would be careful to introduce "United States Of Europe"; membership is after all voluntary. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The UK has been a member of the EU since 1973. Tanita Tikaram is a German born Brittish citizen. A very good song by her is "Good Tradition" (from the album "Ancient Heart") "Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves." Carl Sagan (RIP) View in discussion Per Per stoffel45 a year ago Repeated post for you (posted previously in "Eurosceptics must learn serious lessons from Alex Salmond’s defeat"). Repetition of good stuff is a virtue. When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. (Per) — Per stick to Swedish politics! (david) — But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. (Per) — View in discussion Per Per PierrePendre a year ago Regarding Osborne, do you mean Sandra Osborne, the labour MP politician for Scotland? [edit] I found the name on wikipedia, you mean George Osborne of course. As you understand, I am new to Brittish politics, and have only superficial knowledge of it. As to Cameron's supposed failure, as you write, there is only so much politicians can do in a world economy. In Sweden, which is heavily dependent on exports, the world economy means more than what politicians do be it social democrats or alliansen. NOTE, politicians can always ruin the economy, such as in Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, so reckless politicians can really matter, but I think you know what I mean by politicians can only do so much. I mean as long as the politicians are prudent and reasonable, there is only so much they can do. But if they want to ruin the country, they can do this, by mass immigration, for example. You are right about that people will always complain, as part of human nature. Here is a poem I have recently written regarding this, If you are a frog in the woods; And you have the means, the goods; No matter what you do; People will always say bu; Cause Ghosts say bu and envy always; The material life coming that stays; Good post, generally. I gave it an up vote from me. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Football seems to be always on topic in the UK. There was this bloke that asked me about Man U in another thread where the on topic issue had nothing to do with football Man City leads in the standings over Man U. Will they do it again 2015? View in discussion Per Per a year ago In a game of football, you cannot attack the referee. Why? Since then the matches will not be fun to watch. The enjoyment of the matches in football is dependent on that the football teams follows the rules, otherwise it is not football you are watching, it is something else, but not football. Now that it is clear the competing teams have to follow the rules of football, that leaves us with the referee. The referee enforces the rules. If you attack the referee, then the referee might in the future consider that he or she will be attacked when judging the game. Thus you corrupt the mind of the referee if the referee has to consider being attacked. Thus an unfair judgement will arise (in favour of the most vicious attacker, rather than following the rules fairly and competently) The referee has to consider being switched off from further matches if he or she judges incompetently in relation to the rules. This is the only needed enforcement that the referees are motivated to follow the rules of football. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per bugalugs2 a year ago Dear bugalugs2, The Right? question is short for "Do you think this conclusion is right?" The conclusion on the table is the English voted for Conservatives mostly since both the Scots and Welsh mostly in majority voted for Labour. Since the Conservatives won the general election in 2010, the total number of districts that they won was in majority, and since the Scots and Welsh voted Labour to balance this off to a total majority, the English must have voted Conservatives in general majority, otherwise the total would not be a victory for Conservatives. (I am assuming that the Scots and Welsh were represented by a majority of district of Labour over Conservatives, since by the wikipedia article you can see that in Scotland and Wales the Labour had majority over Conservatives) If you have a bucket of blue marbles that are in majority over red marbles in total, and then you take red marbles from this bucket and make them majority in another two smaller buckets, you can see that in these smaller buckets the majority is red marbles, however since you have sorted out more red marbles than blue ones from the larger bucket, there has to be even more of a majority of blue marbles remaining the large original bucket. View in discussion Per Per Paul Greenwood a year ago You can never be charged for just following rules. However, joining the Army with vicious rules could get you charged. Accepting the rules could get you charged. The rule that could get you really charged is (if accepted) "I will automatically accept all revisions and new rules made out to me. I will never quit" Because of its dangerous nature - blank cheque. Your punishment might be mitigated if you show you have broken such a dangerous rule. In other words, you can never be charged for following rules, but accepting them you can be charged; the winning power will of course not charge you if you break the enemies non-common rules, rather reimburse you. If you break important and dangerous rules that the enemies have, the more reimbursement in the form of mitigation to punishment and/or rewards in the form of money, music and muses... Acceptance of rules may not come immediately, buy the nature of them may dawn on you as you go along; if you accept them then when you have understood them, and do not break them then, then you will be charged. You cannot charge a computer for following vicious rules, since the computer does not understand the significance of accepting the rules. Similarily, if you have really stupid soldiers that do not understand the significance of accepting the rules, they get less punishment. Those who understand the significance of the acceptance of the rules get harsher punishment. What it boils down to is the nature of the rules, not the cruelly of what happens in wars. For example, the laws of Nature are beautiful and good. You cannot charge the Gods for Laws of Nature. View in discussion Per Per Paul Greenwood a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per a year ago I need some more up votes on my account... "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot 9 View in discussion Per Per a year ago "I love argument, I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that's not their job." Margret Thatcher (RIP) (source: 4 View in discussion Per Per Peter Gardner a year ago No. 1 View in discussion Per Per Peter Gardner a year ago "Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler." Albert Einstein (RIP) Things are more complex than your assertion. View in discussion Per Per Candidlee a year ago Not all terrorism is unethical. For example, the ANC terrorism was justified since it fought a racist regime with a racist agenda. I disagree with late Margret Thatcher on this issue. 1 View in discussion Per Per Radio Real Free Europe a year ago Dear "Radio Real Free Europe", Freedom is a false illusion. At least you have to comply with the laws of Nature. You can't do whatever pops up in your mind. View in discussion Per Per a year ago "Whole world is out there just trying to score, I've seen enough aint gonna see any more" Bruce Springsteen "Cover Me" (from the album "Born in the USA") 2 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1658 comments Eurosceptics must learn serious lessons from Alex Salmond’s defeat Per Per HappyNewYear a year ago On the Scotland vote (repeat), I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the coloniazation. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) Further, speaking of big guns, here is a poem with acclaims, Military might is all that counts in the end; The unreasonable listens to it and it tend; You can argue for ages and ages; "I don't understand" is all from the cages; "Do you understand this gun?" All do and take to the run. Obviously one shall not come with peace to them; This only makes them stronger, thier military stem; No make sure that they fight within; All else is really a sin; Of course peace efforts is reserved for your own country; Since a civil war weakens the land of bounty; People that strive for universal peace do stick; Stick to and make me sick. Further war is fun to watch from a safe seat; See them strike, see them beat; If the potential enemies fight; They will pose a less threat, right? Among all these hard facts of war; There has to be love in store; “Poet Laureate material.” (guydawnay) “That is a lovely poem Per. It belongs to a very special genre of poetry in the English canon of verse, which is called doggerel. It is a fine example of it. Please don't put down your pen. You have a gift which may one day place you in the company of the great Scottish poet William McGonagall, who contends with Robbie Burns for the honour of being Scotland's poet laureate, and of whose work yours is so reminiscent. …” (Greg Moylan) 1 View in discussion Per Per HappyNewYear a year ago I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per — Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. (Per) Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) --- Speaking of big guns... Military might is all that counts in the end; The unreasonable listens to it and it tend; You can argue for ages and ages; "I don't understand" is all from the cages; "Do you understand this gun?" All do and take to the run. Obviously one shall not come with peace to them; This only makes them stronger, thier military stem; No make sure that they fight within; All else is really a sin; Of course peace efforts is reserved for your own country; Since a civil war weakens the land of bounty; People that strive for universal peace do stick; Stick to and make me sick. Further war is fun to watch from a safe seat; See them strike, see them beat; If the potential enemies fight; They will pose a less threat, right? Among all these hard facts of war; There has to be love in store; “Poet Laureate material.” (guydawnay) “That is a lovely poem Per. It belongs to a very special genre of poetry in the English canon of verse, which is called doggerel. It is a fine example of it. Please don't put down your pen. You have a gift which may one day place you in the company of the great Scottish poet William McGonagall, who contends with Robbie Burns for the honour of being Scotland's poet laureate, and of whose work yours is so reminiscent. …” (Greg Moylan) View in discussion Per Per david a year ago But I love the UK and wishes it goes well for the UK. View in discussion Per Per a year ago When should you be an isolationist and when should you be a unionist? Well it depends. It depends on what you isolate from and what you make a union with. In short, if you gain from having a union and fail to gain from being isolationist, you should be in a union. Therefore, after this statement, you have to evaluate the quality of who you marry. Basically the quality of who you marry is mostly dependent on the culture they live by. If the culture is good and enriches us, then we should marry, otherwise not. Remember, if UK decides to be isolationist, you have to live with political influences of UK alone. If you think the political scene in the UK is less stable and less beneficiary without political influence from the French, the Germans, the Italians, Sweden (my country is in the EU) and the rest of the EU, then UK should remain in the EU. To be concrete, if you are a Labour voter, and you think that Conservatives with win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Conservatives influence in the UK. If you are a Conservative voter, and you think that Labour will win future elections in the UK, you should consider that the EU might mitigate the Labour political influence in the UK. It is my opinion that the UK should stay in the EU, since i love the UK and it is my honest opinion that the UK influence on the EU is positive, and the EU influence on the UK is positive. However, the UK should stick to the Pound as long as possible, and the currency should be “floating” according to currency markets. This is my current opinion of how the political state of affairs in currently in the EU and UK, however should they change dramatically to the worse my opinion may change. If you like, I would wish to express some opinions on trade. Should we have completely free trade without tariffs and regulation? No. The reason is that UK will be a poorer country in the future if we import consumer goods and trade this with strategic and tactic UK property net, so that the perishable consumer goods that we traded to us leaves us with foreign ownership of said property (such as land, real estate, natural resources) and in the long term we have nothing left (perishable consumer goods, e.g. form China and India) and a resulting foreign (e.g. China and India) ownership of said property and thus a real disadvantageous power shift protected by our own ownership laws. The song that is telling if we want to marry or not is “Kisses of Fire” (from the album “Voulez-Vous”) by ABBA. The best song by ABBA in my opinion. Listen to the song for free on Spotify here PS. I am very content with Spotify. Good sound quality and fast access. Spotify has enriched my quality of life. Buy good quality computer speakers or buy a cable to your HIFI, or use Sonos or AirPlay for wireless computer, tablet or smartphone access with a WIFI router. DS. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per a year ago Army ethics (should be applied in politics and elsewhere too) 1. Follow the rules as you comprehend them. 2. Failure to communicate can be deadly. 3. Beers are on us if you do a good job. 3 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Ethics in politics: "In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time someting like that happened in politics or religion." Carl Sagan (RIP) (source: 5 View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago Emotions went astray. Arithmetic is logic, emotions is emotions. "Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves." Carl Sagan (RIP) 1 View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago Thanks. Corrected, see above post. View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago "Uncontrolled immigration, a million immigrants a year." In Sweden last year 116 500 got permanent immigrant residence. Swedens population is 9.7 M. That means you would have 750k/year immigrants, proportionally speaking. I guess UK is more attractive than Sweden to immigrants. 1 View in discussion Per Per cargill55 a year ago "Uncontrolled immigration, a million immigrants a year." In Sweden 116 500 got permanent immigrant residence. Swedens population is 9.7 M. That means you would have 6M+/year immigrants, proportionally speaking. I guess Sweden is more attractive to immigrants than the UK. View in discussion Per Per Bob Evans a year ago Brooks should take the surname Reckless. View in discussion Per Per steve1h a year ago Do you like Reckless behaviour? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The most represented view on a blog like this may not be the most represented in public opinion. The election will show. I guess some are more liable to want to air their view than others, and those people may not be representative of the general opinion. Those psychological traits (air your view on a blog like this) have been shown in Sweden to be misrepresented of what people really want. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Interesting read, I want UK to remain in the EU. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 732 comments The Tories want an ethical society too Per Per Dunedainranger a year ago Isil children? 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Oh, you mean David Cameron. View in discussion Per Per Bob Evans a year ago Dave? Don't you mean Brooks Newmark? View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago How can you have a surname "Reckless"? Funny. View in discussion Per Per reindeer a year ago UKIP View in discussion Per Per reindeer a year ago Posted previously, repeated with response here, The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies (Per) — “"irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose" Unfortunately, I think you failed on the "clearly" and "amusing" tests.” (IainRMuir) View in discussion Per Per bugalugs2 a year ago From wikipedia I've learned that Scots are Labour before Conservative, the Welsh are Labour before Conservative, that leaves the English Conservative in the 2010 election. Right? View in discussion Per Per a year ago The general election is in May 2015 on a thursday. Is the date set? 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 2048 comments Does the human eye prove that God exists? Per Per a year ago Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish (I am Swedish and the Swedish version sounds just as powerful - test it with google translate), “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 580 comments It’s true, we Germans think you British are wunderbar Per Per oldman a year ago "they have also brought about the end of western civilisation" Don't let the Gods' Wrath bestow upon you or your future world. Do you know the Swedish language? Here is a translation to Swedish, “Låt inte Gudarnas Vrede bli given till dig eller din framtida värld.” Why do I think there are many Gods? As I told a my Muslim acquaintance Mikael here in Sweden (he lives in the house next door, and he tried to get me to become a Muslim, but I said no), by the following argument. Imagine if in the beginning there was only one God, what would God do first? Get God friends. He would create another God, and another God and so on. First after this the Gods would create this Universe, were we live. As an aquarium to watch and be amused at. I think it is credible. The Gods work in mysterious ways. There are in the literature today that exists many credible arguments as to that Jesus never existed. Josefus’ Testimonium Flavianum was a forgery, that is obvious. View in discussion Per Per uklegislation a year ago Hi uklegislation! "I have heard that the Scandinavian countries are thinking of forming there own union and military pact?" Where have you heard that (military pact)? The problem is that Denmark and Norway are part of NATO, but Sweden isn't. Iceland is also a NATO country (Nordic but not Scandinavian). Scandinavia is only Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Scandinavians have long been able to travel relatively freely within Scandinavia (Nordic Passport Union), even before the European Schengen treaty. View in discussion Per Per uklegislation a year ago We Swedish want UK in the EU. We want your influence there. You are our sensible ally. We need UK to talk sense to all those "free immigration" neo liberal nonsense guys. Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot 1 View in discussion Per Per Scotsman1 a year ago True. Interestingly, the right, the "alliansen" has won 2006 and 2010 and we yet to see what happens with this years election 2014 (election is over, but the political game has begun; it may well be that SD votes a minority alliansen into power, this has yet to be seen) The main party behind "alliansen" is Moderaterna. They have changed more to the left (although some say its just the surface) but been historically always to the right, calling themselves the new labour party! View in discussion Per Per a year ago What is a more powerful concept, Britain or Germany? Britain has influenced the world, with English culture and language. Very powerful. Germany will always be remembered for Hitler. Very powerful. Britain has successful Rolls-Royce jet engines. Germany has good selling cars. Germany may have a stronger economy, but that is made up by the British influence that Britain has on the political world. If you haven't figured it out yet, Britain has nuclear arms, Germany doesn't. View in discussion Per Per Intercontinental a year ago Politics is interesting. Please read what I wrote at, "What is a Rockefeller without oil?" Of course, you have to understand the motivation of Kim Philby as to why he betrayed. Politics. View in discussion Per Per Intercontinental a year ago It's interesting that you say that the BBC journalists are left wing. We have exactly the same situation in Sweden, only that all major news channel's journalists are left wing, as polls of their sympathies have shown. A late friend of mine, applied for the university school of journalism here in Sweden. To apply for the school he had to do a test. A lot of questions, most of them very political. He was a smart guy, so he understood that they wanted to test his sympathies for the left; he figured out that and answered all question though he was a radical left winger. He got in. Then he realised what type of colleagues he would have, therefore he didn't go for this prestigious degree. You need not only answer the questions right (or left as we know...) but you need very good grades from school too. In Sweden it is a well established facts that the left of the 70's actively sought to apply for certain strategic jobs, e.g. telephone maintenance (to wire tap phones) etc. They even had their own courts in the woods sentencing people that were deviating from the "true" doctrine (according to them, of course). 4 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago What do you mean by "competantly". The word is not in my dictionary. Generally, I regard the spread of English values and language as something positive for the world, even through colonialism. English values to me are the following main ones, 1. Devolution of powers 2. Respect those that respects 3. Perform with excellence. 2 View in discussion Per Per iaindowns a year ago Everyone's dupe? You think I am easily fooled. Please read what I have posted here on telegraph previously. Repetition is a virtue. "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 2 View in discussion Per Per mourningcloak a year ago The Swedish population are slowly but steadily acknowledging that mass immigration is bad for the country. SD got almost 13% this years election (election every 4 years). SD is opposed to mass immigration. I think SD is a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration that is occurring. I voted KD in the riksdagsval though. KD stands for Christian Democrats. I am against Christianity, but I like the party and the leader Göran Hägglund. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 30 comments What is a Rockefeller without oil? Per Per a year ago You have probably heard of peak oil. But have you heard of peak coal. Or peak phosphorus (important fertilizer)? 1 View in discussion Per Per robsandiego a year ago Researchers in Saarland have developed a desalination technique that is 95% efficient. We are then talking of a run margin price of water of less than €0.05 per 1000 litres of desalinated water, given a price of electricity at €0.05/kWh. With this price you could start to grow wheat in Sahara. 1kg of wheat requires 1000-2000 litres of water. The market price for wheat is about €0.2/kg. The article is in Swedish, buy you could try google translate. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Politics can commandeer the rich's assets. Politics can throw the rich in jail. Politics is the Art of Power. But the rich can corrupt the politics with their money. 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1086 comments Is it really time for Britain to 'move on' from the Second World War? Per Per Lost in Space a year ago Here are my views and values. Any comments? The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Lost in Space a year ago I suppose your sentiment is due to that I side with Allan Massie. However, I agree with you that Scotland did the right thing and voted no. I too think Salmond smells fishy. I'll share some material I have posted earlier, in case you've missed it. I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) Wanna puke again? It's nice to puke sometimes, here is one more poem I would like to share, An Angel told me to hear; Hold you life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Lost in Space a year ago Wanna puke? View in discussion Per Per IainRMuir a year ago ;-) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 145 comments Teach children a lesson in good character Per Per johngault3 a year ago No. Over and out. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 580 comments It’s true, we Germans think you British are wunderbar Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago No, not necessarily. But we should put the blame game of German shame into perspective, don't you think? 1 View in discussion Per Per Ziggy Starburst a year ago Sweden. Yes I know about the Vikings. Sweden should be ashamed of their history too. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The USA should be ashamed of their history too. The "red skin" indian genocide. Millions upon millions died. 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The British must be ashamed of their colonial history too. Not only Germany should be ashamed of their history. Great Famine of 1876–78 in India. 5.5 million Indians died under British rule. They exported the grain to England! In part, the Great Famine may have been caused by an intense drought resulting in crop failure in the Deccan Plateau.[2] However, the commodification of grain, and the cultivation of alternate cash crops also may have played a role,[3] as could have the export of grain by the colonial government; during the famine the viceroy, Lord Lytton, oversaw the export to England of a record 6.4 million hundredweight of wheat.[4] 3 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1086 comments Is it really time for Britain to 'move on' from the Second World War? Per Per Overlap a year ago I side with Allan Massie View in discussion Per Per thejollyroger a year ago No. At Yule (Christmas) I give presents to my loved one's. At birthdays too. I can share too. Here I'll share a poem with you that I have written, Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; View in discussion Per Per thejollyroger a year ago I know they hate Manchester City. Manchester City is the rich's club while M. United are with the working class. That's all about what I know. City has strong working class roots, and a lot of working class support City. But I am under the impression that city is the wealthy's club. At least that was the message on Swedish television about United and City, as I remember it. We have the same situation here in Sweden, with football clubs being for the working class or upper middle class. View in discussion Per Per IainRMuir a year ago The UKIP is described by themselves as a "democratic, libertarian party" Libertarian is a mixture of " laissez-faire capitalism", " libertarian socialists,[4] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership" and "anarchists". Nice mixture! IRONY. references, from "Longman dictionary of contemporary English", irony 1 use of words which are clearly opposite to one's meaning, usu. with an amusing purpose (as by saying "This is beautiful weather" when the weather is bad) 2 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result form what is expected, usu. a bad result: life's little ironies View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago I don't like the Romani beggars here in Sweden. They are everywhere. Push them out of Sweden and send them home. They do not respect Sweden, since they of course know that it looks bad to have beggars on the streets; it's like spitting in the face of Swedish taxpayer's welfare state. If they don't respect us, why would we respect them? Send them home. Naturally, I do not give money to them. View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Speaking of war (football is a war in many ways, but with rules enforced by a referee), According to what I heard, a bunch of German hooligans were shouting "4 World Cups", "4 World Cups", "4 World Cups" Brittish hooligans responded "2 World Wars", "2 World Wars", "2 World Wars" View in discussion Per Per a year ago The EU is mainly a peace project. This is nice. We must not have WWIII. WWII and WWI was enough. UKIP (UK Independence Party) advocates leaving the European Union. Therefore I am against the UKIP. View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago Have you been to Sweden on holiday? Have you been to Denmark? I was in Copenhagen, on a mini holiday, this spring (21-23 April) and had nice beers there. A very nice stay. I like Carlsberg beer. View in discussion Per Per whitewolfe a year ago Rubbish. I know of a nice guy here in Sweden that is mentally ill, he eats medicines and is very nice. He holds a Swedish citizenship, and was born in Sweden and has Swedish parents. I consider him to be Swedish, as most here in Sweden would do. Draw your parallels to German citizenship. 1 View in discussion Per Per whitewolfe a year ago If you don't talk about "Stiff upper lip", how come you just did that and just revealed one of its more sacred rules... If you do talk about "Stiff upper lip", which I think you can, since I've accustomed with the phrase here in Sweden, and know what it means, hence one talks about it. Have it either way, you lose in both ways. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 145 comments Teach children a lesson in good character Per Per johngault3 a year ago You are right about the rules. The important part is to follow unwritten social rules. I am strongly against racism. And I am refugee friendly. As to "certain races have more or less of those good genes", I've heard that Jews have better genes as to intelligence. I have also heard that blacks in Africa have better genes against disease as a group. However, I was not making a case for racism. If you read the post again you'll see that it is obvious that I am talking of good or bad genes on an individual level. And talking of genes on an individual level doctors do all the time. This is in compliance with the rules. View in discussion Per Per disgusted_of_tunbridge_wells a year ago You should not break the law. But I believe strongly in revenge; for example the bombing of Dresden was right in WW2 As I posted before, revenge should be done. The keywords are, police, friends, cunning ingenuity, planning. As you said "Discipline is NOT about hitting people." Therefore you have work out a way to revenge WITHOUT hitting people. I have very strong emotion for injustice. I was touched by your story. Therefore, in this emotional state, I wrote before about "Or you could simply go for a baseball bat and face mask ;-)". I wrote, of course, on intimidation and do his pants. Really, the only idea I want to convey is that you should revenge on the vicar, but NOT with violence. There has to be a way. I'll give you some wise words. "When should you be content?" "You should be content when you have no pain." Observe, this does not mean zero pain. Implied in "no pain" is of course, some pain. Because some pain is good for you since it protects your body. Evolution has provided us with this function because pain protects our body and help us survive. You should understand when you hurt your body, is the message. Interestingly, you cannot translate the second phrase to Swedish, since this translation implies zero pain. I am glad that my second language is English. I have decided today that Swedish and English are my only primary languages. I want to focus on those languages and excel at them, introducing more languages to myself will just blur things up. The vicar and his teachings are not right. View in discussion Per Per a year ago "Teach children a lesson in good character" How much of the character is in the genes? How much is there already, and how much can be taught? Startling revelation: "Healthy and functional genes are more worth than sick and defunct genes" Shocking truth! "All genes are not of equal worth" Shocking naughty naughty truth! View in discussion Per Per burtblurt a year ago I must tell you I liked him. He was a friend of mine. I remember him well. One particular incident that was funny was at a party in this African state, where a bloke asked him bluntly "Do you have a fag?". He responded "What!" (for all you non-English, fag is a double meaning word; mean gay or cigarette) View in discussion Per Per Bobuk a year ago I would rather say that getting an Anti-Social-Behaviour-Order would be an embarrassment for most, not pride. View in discussion Per Per jgd a year ago Banning has two main purposes. 1. Physically removing the culprit, thus solving the problem. 2. Deterrent by humiliation as a failure and rejection of the group. You don't think that being labeled as a failure and reject is a motivating issue? View in discussion Per Per simon_coulter a year ago Conflate, no. I am not conflating. I am comparing. The difference. The difference in attitudes of "that violence is okay as a general measure to meet one's ends" A lot of people recent criminal violence. Some love it. Before WW1 the general attitude was that war and violence was something noble. We do not have that violence attitude today. I am comparing not conflating different eras, with each era associated with different general attitudes. View in discussion Per Per S Lawler a year ago The issue is motivation. In Africa, the blacks are very interested in a good education because they see they can get a better life with it. In the leftist western world, you get a good life without education; you get a free ride without dedication and hard work, thus white kids in western europe are less motivated to follow the lessons. 15 View in discussion Per Per burtblurt a year ago No. 1 View in discussion Per Per simon_coulter a year ago No. As i said elsewhere WW1 and WW2 were more violence before, thus less now. We need more love in society, not less. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1086 comments Is it really time for Britain to 'move on' from the Second World War? Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per a year ago The English culture is know for its perseverance. "Stiff upper lip". View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago Poetic 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago The great German and Japanese culture manifests thoroughness. I hope they keep the good work up and don't change on that. 1 View in discussion Per Per grumpyofyork a year ago Yup. Great culture. (no irony on my part) Cruelty does not mean bad. Nature is cruel to some. Nature is great. The important part is to summon the debt. Revenge is great. View in discussion Per Per BrownTrousers a year ago I like Japan and the Japanese. Very nice manners. (no irony - war is war, but culture is culture) 1 View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago I prefer English Breakfast Tea and Earl Grey Tea. View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago Prost. Bier heute Abend? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Dear MeisterVonWurststein, I like Germany and Germans. 2 View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago Nej. (No in Swedish) 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 1086 comments Is it really time for Britain to 'move on' from the Second World War? Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago No. It's also about war in a general context. 1 View in discussion Per Per Guest a year ago Can you please expand your thoughts? Let me take a guess. Many view Hitler as an atheist ( Therefore you are arguing that because of this single man's view on Christianity it's all the atheists fault. Is this really your argument? View in discussion Per Per a year ago Speaking of Germans, I'm thinking of MeisterVonWurststein here who is proud German as he basically declares in the posts he have posted here. Schadenfreude is an interesting English word. Based from the German language. Why did they use that word from the German language. You do know what it means, don't you? 2 View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago But you are ashamed of your history, right? 2 View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago Off topic? The issue in this thread is war. War is due to conflicting interests. It is in all our interest to have values that are sound and logical. This helps prevent war due to fallacies of what we really want. I try to describe in the post what we really want, learnt from history and logic. View in discussion Per Per land-julian a year ago The past world was more violent than it is today. WW1 and WW2 and all previous wars. Maybe it's because our attitudes have changed. Corporal punishment from schools have vanished, for example. A change in attitudes. 1 View in discussion Per Per MeisterVonWurststein a year ago In what way does the post annoy you? "The awful truth" (Michael Moore) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Repetition of good stuff is a virtue; these are my important values posted a few days ago in another thread, The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Since repetition of good stuff is a virtue, I'll repeat some material I've posted previously, An Angel told me to hear; Hold your life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; I just thought of something funny related to this poem. What if Adolf Hitler had had an Angel telling him this poem? Then he would conclude he would not commit suicide, instead he should have planned an escape. To Sweden, for example. He would organise a tight team that would be loyal to him, and enjoy the scorn to the world that Hitler is living and in good health in Sweden. A farm for example with border patrols. Hitler cannot of course show himself in public, but he can stroll on the domains get the food he needs and enjoy an occasional lover. The team are loyal, because when Hitler dies of old age, they would tell the world of their feat. Interesting. (The poem, that is) ;-) 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I voted "Yes. If Germany can move past the horrors of the Second World War, so can we" Here is a relevant poem I have written in the war context, Military might is all that counts in the end; The unreasonable listens to it and it tend; You can argue for ages and ages; "I don't understand" is all from the cages; "Do you understand this gun?" All do and take to the run. Obviously one shall not come with peace to them; This only makes them stronger, thier military stem; No make sure that they fight within; All else is really a sin; Of course peace efforts is reserved for your own country; Since a civil war weakens the land of bounty; People that strive for universal peace do stick; Stick to and make me sick. Further war is fun to watch from a safe seat; See them strike, see them beat; If the potential enemies fight; They will pose a less threat, right? Among all these hard facts of war; There has to be love in store; Regards, /Per Poet Laureate material. (guydawnay) View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 102 comments Scotch whisky exports fall by fastest rate since 1998 Per Per jgreaves a year ago Thank you very much. The Laphroaig tasted excellent. I bought one bottle of 18 year old Laphroaig and one bottle of 16 year old Lagavulin. I drank the Laphroaig with evian spring water. Excellent. No ice. I have also yesterday (22 Sep) ordered "Michael Jackson's Complete Guide to Single Malt Scotch". View in discussion Per Per jgreaves a year ago I'll try to order Laphroaig and Lagavullin from systembolaget soon. View in discussion Per Per jgreaves a year ago Those that are sold at "systembolaget" (the spirit, beer and wine state monopoly here in Sweden) of those that you recommend are, Laphroaig Lagavulin Cragganmore Talisker Glenkinchie Glen Grant Glenlivet Glenmorangie Jura (Dalwhiine and Arbelour not sold here) I'll try those that are sold here. Thanks. View in discussion Per Per a year ago What Scotch brand would you recommend? Recommend a brand that is international, so I can buy it here in Sweden. I am considering Bell's or Grant's. View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 145 comments Teach children a lesson in good character Per Per CryEngland a year ago Rights. There are no real rights, only privileges. Equality. Left wing propaganda. Diversity. Is good. 4 View in discussion Per Per JBR a year ago Good. Refraining is a virtue. View in discussion Per Per a year ago In my school in Africa, where most were blacks, we had excellent discipline. The only discipline problem I remember was a Dutch hooligan and Nazi, who kicked the headmaster's son on the balls. He was of course banned. Then order returned. He was in trouble with law in that African state. 1 View in discussion Per Per JBR a year ago Should we not concentrate on the issue at hand? My school in Africa, where I got good grades in O-levels and A-levels, had excellent discipline. No corporal punishment needed. All that was needed was that you could ban students from remaining in the school. 2 View in discussion Per Per JBR a year ago Would not surprise me if islamic terrorists got corporal punishment when they were young. Just because we have no corporal punishment in this part of the world does not mean that other parts of the world don't; third world and islamic world comes to mind. 1 View in discussion Per Per JBR a year ago No. But certainly could be a contributing factor. It's all about attitudes how societies evolve. View in discussion Per Per JBR a year ago No, of course not. England should have fought, which they did, this was right. But the attitude of Hitler and the Nazi party and armed forces could have been different, if the "quick fix" of violence was not seen as an obvious solution to meet his dreams. If there had been a general notion that violence is wrong, Hitler would not have been so successful in reaching power. And if he did, he would have had people influencing him that violence is wrong. Or don't you think they had corporal punishment in Germany when that generation grew up? History is important if we want to learn. Just as important as a back mirror in a car. Do you know Leopold II of Belgium and his atrocities? Same attitude there. View in discussion Per Per JBR a year ago If you were at school 50 years ago, you were probably born in 1950's. WW2 was still in fresh memory then. WW2 is the most blatant example of crime and terrorism. The attitudes toward such a war, where violence is the solution, were probably fuelled by corporal punishment. Don't you think? Don't forget WW1. Don't forget all the earlier wars, either. We live in more peace now then ever before. Mostly because the attitudes of seeking a simple solution of violence has changed. More patience now and finding solutions by agreeing with each other. View in discussion Per Per Tropical Pom a year ago Funny. You get one up vote. View in discussion Per Per simon_coulter a year ago If you harm children physically all in the name of discipline, you do send at the same time a signal that bodily harm is a way forward to achieve one's ends. In other words we would get more criminals and terrorists intimidating and maiming people to achieve their goals and dreams. Since they have learned this by heart from school as a successful technique; this is what comes up first in their mind as a solution to any problem they encounter. Don't you see a problem with this? 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 145 comments Teach children a lesson in good character Per Per a year ago Excellent article by Anthony Seldon 7 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 622 comments English votes only for English laws Per Per David In Rome a year ago Checking your history of posts, I must say I don't like you. 2 View in discussion Per Per rouge_baron a year ago True. But redundancy is good. See RAID hard disk system. ( 1 View in discussion Per Per Englander10 a year ago He was forced to commit suicide. If you are forced to commit suicide, that is not suicide, but murder of the forcer, per definition. View in discussion Per Per Englander10 a year ago "If you think victory is inevitable, you will lose the edge, and lose" quote from Per, Sweden View in discussion Per Per Englander10 a year ago The ball is round, "anything can happen" (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) View in discussion Per Per David In Rome a year ago I'll repeat a post I made 2 days ago, " "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot " That post got my record number of up votes 53. I must be on to something, don't you think. 1 View in discussion Per Per Kugelschreiber a year ago Thank you very much for your kind words. Have a beer tonight. View in discussion Per Per Kugelschreiber a year ago Poetic Justice ( I like red squirrels. 1 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I must say I am very pleased how this Disqus post system works. Excellent speed. Excellent features. Kudos to the programmers of the system ( I think I'll have a beer now to celebrate their achievement. If you read this, one of you programmers, have beer too, you deserve it. View in discussion Per Per Kugelschreiber a year ago I took a look at your history of posts and found this, "I think it's a good idea to mention on leaflets that we will be becoming an ethnic minority in our own country in a few decades time, indeed in the next generation in some parts of the country." Do you think it matters if we are an ethnic minority? Is that not a racist argument? The important part is that the true good English culture survives, be white, black, yellow or brown skins that carry this good culture. The safety lies in a good culture. Not what particular color of the skin citizens have. Do you understand? 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 622 comments English votes only for English laws Per Per Kugelschreiber a year ago Wikipedia has a nice article on her, The "Iron Lady" had the nice character traits of stamina and perseverance. I think you agree on that. She narrowly escaped a death plot by the IRA. She would not give in to the IRA terrorism. Brave. She risked her life by being stubborn on this issue, as the history of the plot showed. On the negative side (in my opinion), she was against the ANC. I am for the ANC, since they fought blatant racism by a blatant racist regime. What the ANC did, even terrorist attacks, was right, since their cause was noble. In general, though, I am against terrorism. View in discussion Per Per rachel11 a year ago No. View in discussion Per Per orraquine a year ago I understand you do not like nationalism. I am a patriotic nationalist, non-racist and refugee friendly. That which destroys nations is my enemy. Mass immigration destroys nations. 9 View in discussion Per Per orraquine a year ago I understand you are from North-East Scotland. And you voted no, I suppose (secret ballots, can't tell). View in discussion Per Per Kugelschreiber a year ago I liked Margret Thatcher, RIP. (13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013) 5 View in discussion Per Per a year ago Lets be clear about the problem. First, the axiom: "Devolution is the solution." The problem: For proportional devolution according to population size, all others than England can be outmanoeuvred by the sheer size. Democracy is the dictatorship of the majority. 1 View in discussion Per Per bunnydear a year ago bunnydear, I've been reading your history, and you hoped for a yes to independence. Why? View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Missed again. Here is the final version. An Angel told me to hear; Hold your life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago I just thought of something funny related to this poem. What if Adolf Hitler had had an Angel telling him this poem? Then he would conclude he would not commit suicide, instead he should have planned an escape. To Sweden, for example. He would organise a tight team that would be loyal to him, and enjoy the scorn to the world that Hitler is living and in good health in Sweden. A farm for example with border patrols. Hitler cannot of course show himself in public, but he can stroll on the domains get the food he needs and enjoy an occasional lover. The team are loyal, because when Hitler dies of old age, they would tell the world of their feat. Interesting. (The poem, that is) ;-) Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per a year ago Devolution of power is my kind of thing. In the right proportions and in self interest (make sure inflow of power is there if you have outflow) Regards, /Per View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 622 comments English votes only for English laws Per Per Per a year ago For all with foreign culture, and you do not know what Tintin is, read the following, Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per bunnydear a year ago Captain Haddock from TinTin says hello! Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per bunnydear a year ago Funny! Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Might add, "There are the true English and the infidels." Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Paul Greenwood a year ago Do you also think the following is gibberish? I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. Indeed ... (SextusEmpiricus) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago In case you have missed my earlier poems posted here, see below, Here is a relevant poem I have written in the war context, Military might is all that counts in the end; The unreasonable listens to it and it tend; You can argue for ages and ages; "I don't understand" is all from the cages; "Do you understand this gun?" All do and take to the run. Obviously one shall not come with peace to them; This only makes them stronger, thier military stem; No make sure that they fight within; All else is really a sin; Of course peace efforts is reserved for your own country; Since a civil war weakens the land of bounty; People that strive for universal peace do stick; Stick to and make me sick. Further war is fun to watch from a safe seat; See them strike, see them beat; If the potential enemies fight; They will pose a less threat, right? Among all these hard facts of war; There has to be love in store; Regards, /Per Poet Laureate material. (guydawnay) Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; "You warmed my heart" (can't remember who wrote that) View in discussion Per Per Per a year ago Typo, the correct one is, An Angel told me to hear; Hold you life dear; To risk your life for vanity - fear; View in discussion Per Per Paul Greenwood a year ago Some people here seem at least to like my poems. Here is another one written by me, An Angel told me to hear; Hold you life dear; To risk you life for vanity - fear; Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per Paul Greenwood a year ago Please expand you view. Different thoughts are good for me. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per a year ago The heading here is "English votes only for English laws" Laws in England are important. To have the right values when one writes laws is important. I hope to influence the law writers with this post. Here are some of my general values and thoughts right now. You probable have heard the phrase “All are of equal worth” repeated endlessly. This phrase’s popularity probably stems from as a consequence of the Nazi atrocities. What the Nazi’s did to the Jews and Romani people was absolutely horrific. But do we really in our hearts act and think as if this phrase was true? Would you for example marry any bloke just to prove to yourself that this phrase is true, and want to live up to it? You would not differentiate the value of different people. In some of the states of the USA they have the death penalty. Imagine whispering in the ear of a death row inmate; “You are just as much worth as everyone else, we’re just going to kill you.” The equal worth concept just lost its meaning in this specific example. The same for prison inmates. “You are as much worth as everyone else, however we’re going to lock you up.” On the other hand, if VIPs get blatant benefits that everyone else doesn’t it hurts. Envy and disgust can reach you. This envy and disgust fuels the erroneous phrase to become more true, and if we all lived up to it, we couldn’t punish criminals and you would have to marry just any bloke. If we can’t punish criminals, we have anarchy. And that we do not want. So we do not want to fuel this trueness of the phrase too much. Hence we should not give VIPs too much benefits that stings in the eyes of common people. However, we should all believe we are somebody special, since this helps with our self-esteem. If you have high self-esteem, you should of course use this to respect those that respects and love those that deserve your love. However, some people with too much self-esteem need to put in place. What about what the Nazis did? We should just stick to the conclusion that racism is wrong. And we should be refugee friendly. However, there has to be a balance to the refugee immigration. Proportions and reasonability is important. The anti immigration parties are a healthy and sound counter reaction to the mass immigration lobbyists. However, that said, I am for a reasonable immigration of refugees. Are all cultures of equal worth? No. The illegal drug culture is not of the same worth as a clean one in this context. The Nazi culture is not worth as much as a democratic culture. Please look up the meme definition in wikipedia. Thus we all have to make up our own personal culture. We all have value and weigh different cultural aspects. We have to accept or reject aspects of our common culture. We have to endorse and we have to fight. Who said life was easy? I myself have a value that is upsetting to many. I say no to God. Although religion is interesting, I like to think the definition of religion is values and statements that you hold dearly and defends fiercely. I do have values and statements that I defend fiercely; thus I have a religion. Part of my religion right now is, Absolutely not a God. Absolutely not free immigration. However I may change my views in the future. Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph 428 comments Scottish referendum: Now England must rediscover its patriotism Per Per a year ago To be caring for the weak (which most of the left do, and many right wing people too) and not being a patriot according my definition below is corrupt. View in discussion Per Per a year ago "Now England must rediscover its patriotism" Whoever spreads the following message is a patriot in my view: "There are patriots and there are infidels. Whoever defends and is for "free immigration" is an infidel." Because free immigration will destroy the country. Its clear and obvious to me and I can explain it but I refrain. Regards, /Per Swedish Patriot 55 View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 866 comments Scotland votes No: what happens now? Per Per guydawnay a year ago Thank you. Don't miss my love poem. Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; View in discussion Per Per a year ago The election has been described as a war, even Blietzkrieg by the yes side. Here is a relevant poem I have written in the war context, Military might is all that counts in the end; The unreasonable listens to it and it tend; You can argue for ages and ages; "I don't understand" is all from the cages; "Do you understand this gun?" All do and take to the run. Obviously one shall not come with peace to them; This only makes them stronger, thier military stem; No make sure that they fight within; All else is really a sin; Of course peace efforts is reserved for your own country; Since a civil war weakens the land of bounty; People that strive for universal peace do stick; Stick to and make me sick. Further war is fun to watch from a safe seat; See them strike, see them beat; If the potential enemies fight; They will pose a less threat, right? Among all these hard facts of war; There has to be love in store; Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per imarcher a year ago Maybe not redesign the flag, but everyone in the world would know that the flag is not true on its historical grounds. Many people know why the flag of Great Britain looks like it looks. It would be a reminder of failure every time they look at the flag. View in discussion Per Per telegraphist a year ago Further, there are the true English and the infidels. The true English don't want to redesign their flag, for obvious reasons. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per telegraphist a year ago Do you have data for your statement: "but a large number of English men and women would have supported the Yes campaign" Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per a year ago I now know how the election turned out. A no. But it would have been a mistake for the Scottish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scottish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scottish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Union Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonialization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scottish can still enjoy since they voted no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per manufactureconcept a year ago "white English culture" is good, but nowadays that culture includes being non-racist. And refugee friendly. Mind you though, moderation and proportions and reasonability when it comes to immigration is vital. Free immigration and anything near it is a disaster. And disasters we want to avoid. Remember, all cultures are not of equal value. Some cultures are more worth than others. For example, the illegal drug cultures are bad. Nazi culture is less worth than democratic cultures. It's up to everyone to pick and value their own personal culture. Please check the meme definition in wikipedia. It's interesting relating to culture. Regards, /Per View in discussion Per Per captainjustice a year ago You call yourself captain justice? With such values? Bro, are you going to be punched in the face someday? The Union Jack stands intact. Thank God. (Even though I vote no to God) Regards, /Per View in discussion Discussion on Telegraph Blogs 884 comments I'm calling it: it's over. No has won the referendum Per Per Guest a year ago Bro, are you going to be punched someday? It's elementary common values I am talking about. View in discussion Per Per a year ago Whatever the result of the election, here is a poem I've written that is relevant, Soaring in the sky, high above; You find beauty, you find love; A pure cure, warm and tender; This I see, this I render; Come join me in my quest; Hurry, later you can rest; Be brave, take the role; To let others love your soul; And you, you must return; The same, this you must learn; Walking in the woods, roaming; Love arrow to my heart is homing; Of course, my love is Lotta 2 View in discussion Per Per a year ago I do not know how the election will turn out. But it would be a mistake for the Scotish to vote yes for independence. Obviously the English would have a great disadvantage for Scotish independence, and the English no is of no real debate, its obvious to vote no if you were English. For the Scotish, a no is too to prefer. Why? Because the brand name of Great Britain is so well established, consider for example the Australia has the Unioun Jack in its flag. The whole WW1 and WW2 victories. The successful spread of English values in the world in the colonialization. The USA. The English language though out the world. In short the Union Jack and Great Britain is an immense brand in the world. This brand establishment the Scotish can still enjoy if they vote no. I have no idea why anyone would vote yes to independence. It seems its all about a big laugh. Best Regards, /Per 1 View in discussion That's the end. Find more interesting discussions »